The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Chapter 139 TIMOTHY POV

Timothy had grown weary of the constant summons to dinners with Stella. It seemed that she had made it her mission to integrate herself into his life, and it was a mission he had no choice but to begrudgingly accept. So, when yet another dinner invitation arrived, he couldn’t summon the enthusiasm to decline.

As Timothy arrived at his family’s imposing home, he had expected a quiet evening with Stella, Kamran, and Andy. However, the scene that greeted him was far from what he had anticipated. Most of his relatives had gathered in the grand dining room, their animated conversations filling the air.

Timothy's brow furrowed as he took in the sight. A family gathering was at the bottom of the list of things he could handle now. He had no desire to engage in the social niceties that family gatherings often entailed.

As he entered the dining room, Timothy’s eyes landed on Andy amongst the sea of

atives. He couldn't help but notice the way his family members fawned over Andy. They spoke on his aspirations and big business deals, and Andy took it all in with a cheesy grin.

His Aunt Margot leaned in to whisper something to Andy, her laughter filling the room. His uncle patted Andy on the back, offering words of praise.

Alarge hand clapped down on his shoulder and Timothy whirled around. He was met with the stern his father, who greeted him in the most underwhelming way possible.

“You made it. Finally,” Kamran grumbled, downing the rest of his drink. “Wish you could show up on time, like your brother.”

Timothy's irritation simmered beneath the surface as he watched Andy revel in the attention. It wasn’t that he begrudged his brother’s success or charm, but rather the blatant favoritism that grated on his nerves. He had always felt like the black sheep of the family, the one who never quite measured up to their expectations.

Stella, sitting beside him, seemed unfazed by the family’s adoration of Andy. She carried herself with a grace and poise that had undoubtedly been honed through years of social maneuvering. Her smile was polite, her words carefully chosen.



Chapter 139

She was made for this world. Timothy couldn’t comprehend it.

“Timothy, darling,” she whispered, her voice laced with a hint of sweetness, “isn’t it wonderful to see your family all in one place?”

Timothy couldn’t muster the same enthusiasm. There were some non-family individuals lingering about. It also wasn’t often that his family came around at all, but they weren’t going to turn down a nice evening in a luxurious mansion.

“It’s something,” he replied, his tone curt.

Timothy's eyes narrowed as he watched Andy, resplendent in a tailored suit, basking in the attention of their relatives. It was a role Andy had grown. accustomed to

the golden boy, the successful businessman, the one who had made all the right choices.

Timothy forced a smile onto his face as he approached the table, trying to muster all the charm he could summon. “Hey, everyone,” he greeted.

His Uncle Charles glanced at him briefly before her attention returned to Andy. “Oh, haven't seen him in ages,” he said.

Andy, ever the opportunist, seized the moment. “Timothy, we were just discussing my recent deal with that new tech place,” he said.

Timothy knew it was futile to try and compete with Andy in conversation, but he couldn’t help himself. “That's impressive, Andy, but you know, the playoffs are coming up, and we’re working really hard to make it to the finals this year.”

Charles raised an eyebrow. “You're still doing hockey, Timothy? Isn’t it time you. considered a more stable career?”

The words were like a dagger to Timothy’s ego. He had dedicated his life to his sport, which his mother understood. But in the rest of his family’s eyes, it was nothing more than a frivolous pastime.

Stella patted him on the shoulder, her smile widening. “It’s just entertaining him for the time being.”

As the evening progressed, Timothy’s irritation grew. Andy continued to bask in the spotlight, regaling the family with stories of his latest achievements and adventures. It was as if he were the center of the universe, and Timothy felt like a mere spectator in his own life.

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His frustration reached its peak when his Aunt Margot turned to him with a forced smile. “Timothy, dear,” she said, her voice dripping with false cheerfulness, “why don’t you tell us what you've been up to lately?”

Timothy clenched his jaw, his anger simmering beneath the surface. It was a question he had grown accustomed to, a reminder of his perceived shortcomings in the eyes of his family.

“I've been busy with work,” he replied tersely, his gaze fixed on his plate.

Andy, sensing an opportunity to further assert his dominance, chimed in. “Ah, Timothy’s work is truly remarkable. He’s made quite a name for himself in the hockey world.”

Timothy's patience wore thin, and he shot a scathing look in Andy’s direction. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t speak for me, Andy. Like you’ve been doing the whole night.”Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

The tension in the room was palpable, and a heavy silence settled over the dining table. Timothy's outburst had disrupted the carefully orchestrated harmony of the evening, and he could feel the disapproving gazes of his family members.

Stella, suddenly so diplomatic, tried to diffuse the situation. “Let’s not ruin this lovely evening with arguments,” she said, her voice calm and composed. “We're here to celebrate family, after all.”

But Timothy couldn't let it go. The anger and frustration that had been building within him for so long finally spilled over. “Family?” he scoffed. “Don’t kid yourselves. This isn’t about family, especially when their forcing this charade on

me.” “Charade?” Andy barked out a laugh. “Little brother, you tickle me!”

Timothy could feel his anger simmering just beneath the surface as he locked eyes with Andy.

“Everything is a joke to you,” Timothy said, his voice hoarse with raw emotion. “Everyone in this family adores you. Why do you insist on kicking me down?”

Andy's expression hardened as he responded, “Maybe they adore me because | actually contribute something to this family, unlike you.”

The words hung in the air like a challenge, and Timothy felt a surge of anger. It 3/5

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Chapter 139

was true that he had often felt like an outsider in the Hayes family, a mere afterthought compared to the attention lavished on Andy.

“Years ago, none of us had anything to contribute,” Timothy retorted, his voice a low growl. “They love you now, but what would happen if your bank account was just a few zeroes short?”

Andy's laughter was mirthless. “I would still be better than you. Maybe you should just accept the little bit of attention that Kamran is offering you, because it’s more than you deserve.”

Before Timothy could respond, Andy’s words took a darker turn. “And speaking of Kamran, | can’t wait for the day he finally drops that sick mother of yours for good.”

The words hit Timothy like a punch to the gut. His mother’s illness had been a constant source of pain and worry for him, and the idea that his own brother would wish her, the very women who treated him like a son, harm was too much to bear.

He clenched his fists, his anger reaching its breaking point. “I should beat you down right here.”

Just as Timothy was prepared to lunge at his brother, Kamran’s voice rang out, cutting through the tension in the room like a knife.

“Enough!” Kamran’s commanding tone silenced the room, and all eyes turned to him.

Timothy and Andy locked gazes one last time, their anger simmering beneath the surface, before they both stepped back, unwilling to defy their father any further.

Kamran, the patriarch of the Hayes family, had a way of demanding attention and respect. He was a commanding presence, with a sharp intellect and an imposing demeanor. His mere presence was enough to quell any conflict.

Kamran surveyed the room, his eyes taking in the tense atmosphere. He had always been a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak for him. Tonight, however, he seemed to have something important to say.

He raised his glass, the crystal goblet catching the light as he spoke. “Ladies and gentlemen, if | may have your attention.”


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Chapter 139

The room fell silent as everyone turned their focus to Kamran. Timothy's heart pounded in his chest, uncertain of what his father was about to announce.

“Tonight,” Kamran began, his voice carrying a weight of authority, “I have an important announcement to make.”

Timothy's mind raced with possibilities. What could be so important that his father had gathered the family together for an announcement?

As Kamran continued to speak, Timothy's jaw dropped in disbelief at the words that left his father’s lips. “I have decided to host an engagement ceremony for my son, Timothy, and Stella.”

The room erupted into murmurs and surprised gasps. Timothy’s head spun as he tried to process the announcement. An engagement ceremony? He hadn't even considered proposing to Stella, and the idea of being engaged to her left him. feeling trapped.

But what shocked Timothy even more was the sight that greeted him as the room buzzed with conversation. Standing on the periphery of the gathering, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief, was Evie. She stood beside Scarlett, Stella's estranged sister.

Timothy's heart sank as he locked eyes with Evie. She looked as though she had been caught completely off guard by the announcement, and he couldn't help but wonder what she was doing there in the first place..

Before he could react, his father’s booming voice interrupted his thoughts. “Let us raise our glasses to Timothy and Stella, and to a future filled with happiness and prosperity.”

The room erupted into cheers as everyone raised their glasses in a toast, but Timothy’s mind was elsewhere. He couldn’t shake the feeling that his world had just been turned upside down, and the presence of Evie only added to the

confusion that swirled within him. laa] SEND GIFT


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