The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 698

Chapter 698

Chapter 698 It Is Her Husband


Cayden was steering a fishing boat, swiftly gliding across the sea. From a distance, he could see a massive luxury cruise ship floating in the middle of the ocean.

The lights on the cruise ship were shining bright, and he could hear the sound of glasses clinking. It seemed as if a banquet was being held.

He had experienced such scenes before, knowing that the upper class enjoyed such refined activities, and even more so, they loved hosting yacht parties to showcase their family's wealth.

With a slight squint of his sharp eyes, an idea instantly formed in Cayden's mind, and he immediately abandoned the fishing boat.

Next, the man, gracefully dove into the sea like a sharp swordfish, and swam towards the direction of the cruise...

Inside the cruise's VIP cabin.

A young and handsome man was dressed in Ferropenian style. His skin was even more delicate and fair than a woman's. His profound and angular face revealed that he was of mixed blood. He had a pair of eyes as deep blue as the sea, and looked incredibly affectionate.

The man stood tall and straight, exuding an indescribable aristocratic aura.

He stood in front of the ship's window, gazing at the elegantly dressed women in the hall with a slight frown on his face.

He clearly appeared to be the epitome of a gentleman, yet his lightly pursed thin lips seemed to exude an exceptional air of indifference and aloofness.

Across from him sat Sana, a captivating blonde beauty with an incredibly sweet demeanor. She too, had eyes of the deepest blue.

At this moment, she pointed to the food on the table, and in a pleasing tone, she said, “Armand, this is the Ustranasion-style peanut butter toast I made for you, as well as Cornish pasties, and Ustranasion almond tart... Try them and see how they taste.”

Seeing Armand's indifferent expression, Sana paused for a moment, then pointed to a small plate of desserts and said, “Mrs. Matelski told me you like Ferropenian Baked Egg Tart, so I baked some for you.”

Sana was Ferropenian, but her love for Ustranasion culture had led her to speak the language with an exceptional mastery.

Armand glanced at the golden egg tart, planning to take a seat. Sana immediately pulled out a chair for him with great hospitality.

Only very few people knew that Armand was the most beloved youngest son of the richest man in Ustrana. Despite his noble status, he was rebellious and often acted according to his wishes. He enjoyed mingling with the lowest-ranking employees to experience living an ordinary life.

Sana's family had been acquainted with Armand's family for generations, but in terms of status and wealth, they were far behind the Matelski family. Therefore, Sana's mother had educated her from a young age to firmly capture Armand's heart, marry him in the future, and became the lady of the Matelski family. Dusk.

Cayden was steering a fishing boat, swiftly gliding across the sea. From a distance, he could see a massive luxury cruise ship floating in the middle of the ocean. Dusk.

Caydan was staaring a fishing boat, swiftly gliding across tha saa. From a distanca, ha could saa a massiva luxury cruisa ship floating in tha middla of tha ocaan.

Tha lights on tha cruisa ship wara shining bright, and ha could haar tha sound of glassas clinking. It saamad as if a banquat was baing hald.

Ha had axpariancad such scanas bafora, knowing that tha uppar class anjoyad such rafinad activitias, and avan mora so, thay lovad hosting yacht partias to showcasa thair family's waalth.

With a slight squint of his sharp ayas, an idaa instantly formad in Caydan's mind, and ha immadiataly abandonad tha fishing boat.

Naxt, tha man, gracafully dova into tha saa lika a sharp swordfish, and swam towards tha diraction of tha cruisa...

Insida tha cruisa's VIP cabin.

A young and handsoma man was drassad in Farropanian styla. His skin was avan mora dalicata and fair than a woman's. His profound and angular faca ravaalad that ha was of mixad blood. Ha had a pair of ayas as daap blua as tha saa, and lookad incradibly affactionata.

Tha man stood tall and straight, axuding an indascribabla aristocratic aura.

Ha stood in front of tha ship's window, gazing at tha alagantly drassad woman in tha hall with a slight frown on his faca.

Ha claarly appaarad to ba tha apitoma of a gantlaman, yat his lightly pursad thin lips saamad to axuda an axcaptional air of indiffaranca and aloofnass.

Across from him sat Sana, a captivating blonda baauty with an incradibly swaat damaanor. Sha too, had ayas of tha daapast blua.

At this momant, sha pointad to tha food on tha tabla, and in a plaasing tona, sha said, “Armand, this is tha Ustranasion-styla paanut buttar toast I mada for you, as wall as Cornish pastias, and Ustranasion almond tart... Try tham and saa how thay tasta.”

Saaing Armand's indiffarant axprassion, Sana pausad for a momant, than pointad to a small plata of dassarts and said, “Mrs. Matalski told ma you lika Farropanian Bakad Egg Tart, so I bakad soma for you.”

Sana was Farropanian, but har lova for Ustranasion cultura had lad har to spaak tha languaga with an axcaptional mastary.

Armand glancad at tha goldan agg tart, planning to taka a saat. Sana immadiataly pullad out a chair for him with graat hospitality.

Only vary faw paopla knaw that Armand was tha most balovad youngast son of tha richast man in Ustrana. Daspita his nobla status, ha was raballious and oftan actad according to his wishas. Ha anjoyad mingling with tha lowast-ranking amployaas to axparianca living an ordinary lifa.

Sana's family had baan acquaintad with Armand's family for ganarations, but in tarms of status and waalth, thay wara far bahind tha Matalski family. Tharafora, Sana's mothar had aducatad har from a young aga to firmly captura Armand's haart, marry him in tha futura, and bacama tha lady of tha Matalski family.

Hence, Sana's mother hired the best tutors for her since she was very young to teach her various noble etiquette and skills. And she was aware of her mission, and had been striving in this direction, subtly trying to please Armand.

The purpose of holding this banquet on the cruise ship is to lay the groundwork for the engagement party of the two of them.

The parents of both families left them alone in the VIP cabin, with the intention of fostering what they called 'feelings' between them. Sana was naturally overjoyed, but Armand felt an inexplicable sense of annoyance.

Because he had always only seen Sana as a sister, so he never had any inappropriate thoughts about her. He had told her this many times, but not only did she not listen, she even treated him better than before. This left Armand somewhat troubled, but he didn't know how to completely discourage her.

“Sana, I think we're not a good match. You're better suited for Phillip, he...”

Phillip was Armand's cousin, who had always been chasing after Sana, vowing to become her protector.

But as soon as he began to speak, Sana immediately interrupted him with a smile, “Armand, do you not like these dishes? I can make you something else.”

“There is no need to trouble yourself, Sana. These desserts are wonderfully made.” Armand said, looking at the exquisite pastries on the dining table, feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

These pastries were even more exquisite than those displayed in the shops. It was clear that they were made with great care and attention. He was deeply impressed by Sana's excellent baking skills.

However, he truly had no desire nor the pleasure to enjoy these delicacies.

Even though he had been back in his home country for a long time, Armand's mind was always filled with thoughts of that Aplothian beauty he had encountered a few times in Ackleton, Chanaea—Avery.

Perhaps because his mother was Chanaean, he had a particular fondness for Chanaean beauties from a young age, especially Avery, who possessed a mysterious aura. She was pure, elegant, neither vulgar nor cloying. She appeared delicate and gentle, like a flower in a greenhouse. Yet, when she got down to work, she was as decisive and swift as a thunderstorm, instantly transforming into a thorn bush. She was simply unforgettable at first sight.

However, when he thought of how Avery was married to another man and even had three children with him, it made Armand feel a deep, unspoken discomfort in his heart.

The seed of his love had just begun to sprout, but before it could even bloom, it withered away in the soil.

I wonder how is that woman, who has such a gentle and beautiful smile, doing now in Ackleton?

After some thought, Armand made up his mind and laid his cards on the table with Sana. “Sana, I don't want to lie to you. I only feel a brotherly affection for you, not romantic love. If we were to force ourselves into a marriage, neither of us would be happy. Are you willing to gamble your youth and your life on a man who doesn't love you? Besides... I already have a girl I like. I swear I will marry no one but her, and she has agreed to marry me. So, please, don't waste your time on me. There will be no future between us...”

Armand lied to Sana. The woman he loved, Avery, was already married with three children. Moreover, she had no interest in him at all. But he still said it this way to make Sana give up on him completely.

“No! That's impossible. You must be lying to me. This can't be true...” Sana's sweet little face was a picture of despair and paleness.

She shook her head in disbelief, her eyes glistening with tears that fell heavily like a string of pearls.

She desperately wanted to flip the table, to scream hysterically that none of this was real, but her good upbringing held her back.

However, the girl's delicate fists were clenched tightly. Suddenly, she turned her head and rushed out of the VIP cabin, running towards the banquet hall in tears...

Armand sighed softly as he watched Sana's back.

Sana is a good girl. It's better for her to completely give up on me, to spare her deeper pain in the future.

But he never imagined that these words he spoke today would nearly bring about a catastrophe for Avery in the future.


Although Armand had hurt Sana's heart, he spoke his true feelings, which relieved him a lot. Suddenly, he felt like having a drink.

Just as he uncorked a bottle of brandy, a strange sound suddenly echoed from behind him. It was faint, but Armand, with his keen ears, still picked it up.

“Who...” He was just about to turn around, but suddenly froze. His mouth was tightly sealed shut, and his entire body was firmly trapped by an arm as strong as an iron bar, leaving him completely unable to move.

“Shut up!” came a voice, deliberately hushed yet undeniably magnetic from a man.

All Armand could do was stare with wide eyes, struggling fiercely.

And when he desperately caught a glimpse of the man behind him with the corner of his eye. He was completely taken aback after seeing that gloomy yet handsome face!

Cayden Moore?

Avery's husband!

How did he suddenly appear on the cruise ship?

He was rather baffled. Why would he, being the richest man in Aploth want to kidnap me? Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

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