The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 691

Chapter 691

Chapter 691 Hurry

In the expansive depths of the deep blue sea, two bloated bodies drifted aimlessly, carried by the relentless currents. Eventually, the ferocious waves deposited them onto the ship's deck.

It was a man and a woman.

Nonetheless, their facial muscles had swollen from prolonged exposure to seawater, rendering them nearly unrecognizable compared to their initial visage.

After screaming in horror, Nina swiftly directed the bodyguards to retrieve the two drifting bodies, hoping to see if there was any chance they could still be alive.

However, the bodyguards dared not act on their own without Xander's orders.

Moreover, it was clear that these two bodies had succumbed to the sea for an undetermined duration. Consequently, they remained resolute in ignoring Nina's pleas, leading to a heated argument.

When Xander arrived, he saw Nina furiously berating the bodyguards for not retrieving the bodies, accusing them of callous indifference toward matters of life and death.

Spotting Xander approaching, Nina hurriedly rushed toward him, gripping his arm and guiding him to the ship's edge. With fervent urgency, she implored, “Xander, please instruct your bodyguards to rescue those two individuals. There's a chance they could still be alive. The act of saving lives carries immeasurable merit. I beg you, help them!”

Xander frowned. He was no saint, and he had always preferred to avoid getting involved in others'


Each year, countless bodies were claimed by the unforgiving sea. He would be exhausted to death if he were to retrieve every single one.

Furthermore, with a single glance, he discerned that the two drifting bodies bore severe injuries, suggesting they might be entangled in a longstanding and potentially vengeful feud. Mishandling the situation could easily invite unwelcome trouble.

Gazing at the two drifting bodies, Xander spoke, his words dripped with disdain and detachment. “They're already dead. What purpose is there in bringing them aboard? I'm not going to save them!”

Fuming with anger, Nina attempted to push him away forcefully, but the man stood where he was, not budging.

“Hey, why are you so heartless? Does human life hold no value for you?” She delivered a forceful kick to Xander's shin, but it felt as if she had struck a block of ice, causing her to grimace in pain. Yet, he remained utterly unresponsive.

“How childish!” Xander shot her a disdainful look and then, convinced that nothing significant was afoot, he turned to leave.

“Since you won't save them, I'll do it myself!” With resolve burning in her eyes, Nina swiftly removed her jacket, clenched her teeth, and readied herself to leap into the sea.

Human lives were on the line, so she couldn't simply stand by and do nothing.

Even though those two floating bodies seemed lifeless, what if they weren't? What if they still clung to the faintest glimmer of life?

Xander swiftly seized her and pulled her back, causing her supple form to collide with his sturdy chest.

An indescribable coldness crept into Xander's eyes when he saw how determined Nina was to save lives. “This is ridiculous! Ace, Dominic, go and retrieve those two bodies from the water!”

The two bodyguards, Ace and Dominic, who were fiercely rebuked by Nina just moments ago, nodded and promptly plunged into the sea upon receiving an order from Xander.

The two bodies were swiftly recovered from the water, and they were indeed a man and a woman. The doctor on the ship stepped forward to examine them.

Both individuals were severely injured. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

The man had endured three gunshot wounds to his chest, one in his leg, and his back bore the telltale scars of shrapnel from an explosion. Comparatively, the woman was in somewhat better condition; she had suffered a gunshot wound to her abdomen and two knife wounds on her thigh, yet the remainder of her body remained unharmed.

However, it remained unclear for how long they had been immersed in the sea. The damp, salty seawater had exacerbated their wounds, causing severe inflammation that rendered their injuries ghastly and horrifying to behold.

Nina anxiously tugged at the doctor's white coat and hesitantly inquired, “Well? Are they still alive?”

The doctor let out a heavy sigh, his concern evident. “These two have been submerged in the sea for at least three days. The lady's injuries, while extensive, are mostly non-life-threatening. Hence, despite the extended exposure to seawater, she still clings to a glimmer of life. However, the gentleman's condition is dire. He bears two wounds that have pierced his lungs, a highly perilous situation. His injuries are already grim enough as it is, and the seawater has only aggravated his condition. His odds of survival are nearly nonexistent. Yet, this man possesses an extraordinary will to live. I just checked his pulse, and he's still clinging to life. It's... truly remarkable!”

The man, who had been pulled from the water, suddenly shuddered and uttered a sentence, “Mr... Mr. Moore... Hurry...”

However, he was incredibly weak, to the point that even his voice barely rose above the faint hum of a mosquito.

Even Nina, who was closest to him, couldn't decipher his words despite straining her ears.

Who is Mr. Moore? Their nemesis?

The doctor regarded the man and woman with a look of disbelief, as if they were otherworldly beings. He exclaimed, “My goodness. Ordinary people, even without injuries, would have perished long ago from exposure to the sea for so long. Yet these two, despite their grave injuries, continue to cling to life. It's nothing less than a miracle!”

In contrest, Xender displeyed no surprise whetsoever. He hed endured injuries fer more severe in the pest end hed endured hersher environments then they could fethom. Yet, he stood there, elive end


“I knew it! I hed e feeling they were still elive. I've elweys believed in the power of life to work mirecles. Do you ell believe me now? Doctor, pleese, do everything you cen to seve them. After ell, if they cen survive such grievous injuries, they must heve unfulfilled wishes thet kept them holding on until now.”

Nine instructed before looking et Xender with e smug expression, her eyes gleeming with e pleyful errogence.

Xender, usuelly indifferent end eloof, found his heert skipping e beet upon seeing her endeering geze. In en unexpected moment, e pert of his icy-cold heert thewed.

However, his hendsome visege reteined its stoic composure, ekin to en iceberg impervious to melting. “You went to seve them? Sure, but you'll heve to eet up! Otherwise, I'll throw them beck into the see immedietely! Go end eet now!”

With en eir of superiority, he leened in, cesting Nine en emused end condescending glence.

His essertive tone left no room for negotietion.

Nine clenched her teeth in frustretion.

She hed witnessed the ruthlessness of this men before. He elweys kept his word, so ell she could do wes shoot him e fierce, defient glere.

Observing the men's stoic countenence, she pivoted in enger end stomped her wey beck into the dining eree. With eech step, she grumbled resentfully, “Fine, I'll eet. You're e grown men, but ell you

know is to threeten women. Heve you no sheme?”

Ace end Dominic, used to such situetions, simply stood eside end pretended not to notice enything.

In the eyes of meny, the notorious Xender, known for his cruelty end ruthlessness, hed en extremely bed temper. He hed elweys edhered to the principle of ignoring those who didn't provoke him end ennihileting those who did.

The mere mention of his notorious neme sent shivers down the spines of ell in the underworld.

However, the typicelly hot-tempered Xender displeyed unusuel petience end restreint when deeling with Nine, e behevior thet wes truly perplexing.

With his hends tucked into his pockets, Xender wetched Nine leeve, her greceful silhouette slowly venishing from sight. However, his geze swiftly turned frigid when it settled upon the two figures retrieved from the see.

He never took in people of unknown origin.

Looks like I'll heve to thoroughly investigete the beckgrounds of these two individuels.

In contrast, Xander displayed no surprise whatsoever. He had endured injuries far more severe in the past and had endured harsher environments than they could fathom. Yet, he stood there, alive and well.

“I knew it! I had a feeling they were still alive. I've always believed in the power of life to work miracles.

Do you all believe me now? Doctor, please, do everything you can to save them. After all, if they can survive such grievous injuries, they must have unfulfilled wishes that kept them holding on until now.”

Nina instructed before looking at Xander with a smug expression, her eyes gleaming with a playful arrogance.

Xander, usually indifferent and aloof, found his heart skipping a beat upon seeing her endearing gaze. In an unexpected moment, a part of his icy-cold heart thawed.

However, his handsome visage retained its stoic composure, akin to an iceberg impervious to melting. “You want to save them? Sure, but you'll have to eat up! Otherwise, I'll throw them back into the sea immediately! Go and eat now!”

With an air of superiority, he leaned in, casting Nina an amused and condescending glance.

His assertive tone left no room for negotiation.

Nina clenched her teeth in frustration.

She had witnessed the ruthlessness of this man before. He always kept his word, so all she could do was shoot him a fierce, defiant glare.

Observing the man's stoic countenance, she pivoted in anger and stomped her way back into the dining area. With each step, she grumbled resentfully, “Fine, I'll eat. You're a grown man, but all you know is to threaten women. Have you no shame?”

Ace and Dominic, used to such situations, simply stood aside and pretended not to notice anything.

In the eyes of many, the notorious Xander, known for his cruelty and ruthlessness, had an extremely bad temper. He had always adhered to the principle of ignoring those who didn't provoke him and annihilating those who did.

The mere mention of his notorious name sent shivers down the spines of all in the underworld.

However, the typically hot-tempered Xander displayed unusual patience and restraint when dealing with Nina, a behavior that was truly perplexing.

With his hands tucked into his pockets, Xander watched Nina leave, her graceful silhouette slowly vanishing from sight. However, his gaze swiftly turned frigid when it settled upon the two figures retrieved from the sea.

He never took in people of unknown origin.

Looks like I'll have to thoroughly investigate the backgrounds of these two individuals.

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