The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)

One - Hundred Thirty - Six: Finding Trent

One - Hundred Thirty - Six: Finding Trent

One-Hundred Thirty-Six: Finding Trent


I knew someone was there. I could smell the wolf. I had no idea why a wolf would be here. I came

across very few of them over the years. Honestly, I came across very few supernatural beings over the

years. Ever since I found Weston’s body where we were supposed to meet, he was to give me my

daughter. I have no idea how he snuck her out of Asmoday’s facility, but he did. Unfortunately, she was

not there when I found his body. I had no idea where he had hidden her. I just had hoped he had gotten

her to the girls before whoever had killed him found her. At least if she were with Mykenzie and Kylani

she would be safe. If they couldn’t keep her, they would place her somewhere out of reach of Asmoday.

I have been here in Ireland since. I was still trying to figure out where his main location was. I think I

have narrowed it down, but I am still not 100% sure. That’s why I was surprised when I heard the

voices outside my little hideout. I was even more surprised by the wolf. I knew there was a pack not too

far away, but I also knew I was not on their land. This land was neutral land, and anything was able to

live there. Plus, I used my magic to keep myself hidden.

“Trent we know you are there. We have your daughter.” I heard a man say.

I know that voice. It has been years since I last heard it. There is no way he could be here.

“I don’t think he is here.” Another guy said.

Yup that is definitely Tyrell. I know that voice anywhere. He has that thick Scottish accent that is harder

than hell to understand. I slowly walk through the bushes trying not to make noise. The fact that the

other one said they had my daughter had my curiosity in overdrive. MY dumb ass stepped on a twig

and alerted them I was there. So I went ahead and stepped out into the open. To my relief, I saw Tyrell

and Tarlek standing there. Damn, they are a sight for sore eyes. I then looked at the wolf. I know most

of the closest pack, and he does not look familiar. Then out of nowhere, a second wolf appeared.

“What in the hell are you doing here?” Tarlek asks.

“Do you realize if you get lost somewhere traveling like this we are dead men?” Tyrell asked.

“Don’t worry. I have figured this shit out.” The second wolf said.

“Why are you here dad?” He asked.

“Tyrell and Tarlek needed my tracking skills.” The guy said.

I stood there in shock. Standing in front of me is someone that I was sure died a long time ago. I really

have no idea what to say. I swear I am seeing ghosts now.

“I know what you are thinking. It’s not Dominick. This Kaleb and this is his dad Liam. Kaleb is the beta

of a pack in the pacific northwest. He is also Kylani’s mate. Your damn fiance better not come looking

for you. I don’t feel like dying today.” Tarlek explains.

They explain why Kaleb looks exactly like Dominick. That makes sense. Kaleb tells the guys not to

worry. Apparently, Kylani and Mykenzie and the rest of the girls are at the spa. That should keep them

entertained for a while. Tyrell explains about my daughter, whose name is Einyn. They also explain

who she ended up with. While not my first choice, I am glad she ended up where she did. I knew they

had hidden the werecats and dragons from the world. So my daughter was protected after all. I grab a

couple of things from where I was living, and off we go back to the pack. Finally, I got to see my



Have you ever seen a pissed-off goddess? You don’t want to. I am not sure what she was more pissed

about. The fact that Tyrell and Tarlek went off and found Trent on their own without her or Mykenzie

knowing or that they lost Kaleb and Trent on the way back. My guess is going to be the fact that Kaleb

and Trent got lost somewhere along the way. The whole room was starting to turn red, and I knew shit

was going to get bad soon. Mykenzie was not far behind Kylani in turning red. I have a bad feeling

someone is going to die, and I have no idea who it is. At this point, Ashton, Brighton, Seth, Josh, Peter,

Colin, Zak, Zane, and Marcus had run the fuck away. Not that I blame them. Chris, Rye, Blain (who had

been visiting), Reecie, and Brandon had gone in search of the two. Dustin had offered to go, but we

were afraid he would also disappear. We sure as hell didn’t need Mykayla pissed as well.

“Why didn’t each one of you bring one of them back?” I asked.

“Kaleb said he had this way figured out. Obviously, he still needs some practice.” Tyrell says.

I stand there and roll my eyes. This may be the end of the world, and they listened to Kaleb. Dumb

shits, both of them. I feel a vibration in my pocket and realize my phone is going off. I quickly pull it out

and look at who is calling. Thank fucking god. I step out of the room.

“Where in the fuck are you? Kylani is about to fucking explode.” I tell Kaleb.

“We are on an island. I just don’t know where.” He tells me.

“Describe the island,” I say to him.

He describes it as both he and Trent walking around. Nothing is ringing a bell. Blain pops back up, and

I motion him to come over. I told Kaleb to describe it to Blain. He travels a lot more than I do. Maybe

something will stand out to Blain. I hand my phone to Blain, telling him what is going on. He lets out a

laugh and takes my phone. All of a sudden, he and my phone are gone. The bastard could have left my

phone. I walk back into the room, and Chris, Rye and Reecie are back. I decide to stand in the

doorway. All of a sudden Kylani is wrapped in Kaleb’s arms, crying. Thank god, I can see the red

decreasing. I look over to see Blain and give him a look. He walks over to me and hands me my phone


“Sorry about taking your phone, but I knew exactly where he was and I figured you being without your

phone was less important than Kylani blowing something up,” Bain tells me.

“Where did they end up?” Chris asked.

“They were on our island. I have no idea how they ended up there but they were there.” Blain answers.

I honestly don’t care where they were as long as Kaleb is here now and Kylani is happy. Trent looks

happy to be here as well. Everyone is staring at him. Oh yeah forgot to do introductions. Too concerned

with calming the pissed-off goddess down. Tyrell makes the introductions. Trent explains what

happened all those years ago. I am just glad that we found him. I really think Asmoday has been trying

to find him. I caught part of a conversation a few days ago when I was out, and they were talking about

looking for something in Ireland to help them find the younger one. I am pretty sure Mykayla was also

mentioned. All I heard was them talking about a very powerful hybrid. Of course, Mykenzie and Kylani

were also mentioned, but that idea was quickly dumped.

“It’s ok gorgeous I am fine. I obviously need some more practice. Kaleb tells her.

She has at least stopped crying. Now Jordyn is crying. When did those three get here? I pick her up NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

and tell her it’s fine. I tell her that mommy is just glad daddy is home. That stops her from crying. These

women and kids are going to be the death of me. I have Jordyn in one arm and Dominick in the other.

They are a set.


Yeah, I admit I ran the fuck away. That was the scariest shit I have ever seen. When Tyrell, Tarlek, and

Liam popped up and told us what they had done and who they had found. Everyone was glad. That

was until Kaleb and Trent didn’t pop up right behind the others. Ok, we were worried, but we were

going to give them a few. Then a few turned into an hour. Then the girls got home, and we had no

choice but to tell them what had happened. That’s when everything went to shit.


“We all left at the same time. He must have gotten lost.” Tyrell admitted.

She went from zero to pissed in 0.01 seconds. She instantly started glowing red and growling. That

was my cue to get out. Thank god for Blake. Kaleb called him and said that they were on an island

somewhere. Blain, who had apparently just come back from the search, got on the phone with Kaleb,

recognized what he was describing, and brought them back. Kylani is still pissed at Tyrell and Tarlek.

Liam is fine. I have no idea how he got off. Now I am currently watching Einyn cry her eyes out while

Trent is hugging her. I half want to do something to make her stop crying. Like the rest of the guys, I

hate to see any of these women cry. Even though I know, these are happy tears.

“This is heartbreaking,” Brandon says.

“Yeah I know, but they’re happy tears,” I tell him.

We waited till this morning to introduce Einyn to Trent. Mainly because they got back so late last night,

then the issue with Kaleb and everyone thought today would be better. Kylani even went to work with

Kaleb today. She was afraid that he would disappear again. He tried to tell her it was fine but nope. She

went anyway. I secretly think Kaleb liked it. I have a feeling Kaleb is not going to get much work done


“He sure looks happy,” I say to Brandon.

“Yeah, I am glad Trent was found. He is a good guy.” He tells me.

That’s when I remember that they have known each other for years—the whole immortal thing. I see

Trent walking over to us with Einyn.

“I can’t believe my little girl is old enough to have a mate. I also don’t think anyone is good enough for

her, but the fact that you are her mate makes me feel better.” Trent tells Brandon.

I am just glad things are back to normal. Well normal for here. I am sure if anyone else saw some of

the shit that goes on here, they would think this place is an insane asylum.

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