The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)

One - Hundred Fifty - Seven: Safety

One - Hundred Fifty - Seven: Safety

One-Hundred Fifty-Seven: Safety


I had Einyn and Trent go back to where Reecie’s parents live. With all these new pack members, I

thought it would be for the best. Most of them have adjusted fine, but there are a few that I am still not

sure of. Some of the guys have noticed them watching the girls. This has me very nervous. I have no

doubt that the girls can protect themselves, but with the intensity with which some of the new members

had been watching the girls, I worry. I am not the only one that has noticed this either.

“You think they will do anything?” Josh asks.

“No, with the ass-kicking that they gave those guys the other day I am more than confident that they

are safe,” Blake says.

That was a great day. Those assholes had no idea what was going to happen. They thought that the

girls would be an easy target. Oh boy, were they surprised, and they had their asses royally handed to

them. That made my heart happy. Many egos were destroyed that day.

“Where is everyone?” Nate asks.

“Chris, Draydon, Tye, and Rye are at the location for the new packhouse. They start building today.” I


“Are Mykenzie and Kylani with them?” He asks.

“Yes, since they are in charge of the building and renovation projects,” I answer.

“I think Brighton went with just to see what everything was going to look like,” I tell him.

He nods at me. We have been sitting there for a couple of hours when Mitchell comes walking in. He

looks out of breath. This can’t be good.

“You might want to head over the new packhouse spot.” He says.

“Why, what happened?” I ask.

Please don’t tell me that someone started anything with the girls. At this point, I will just let them deal

with the problem. I am tired of saving people from them.

“The girls didn’t do anything, but Phantom and his followers showed up and everyone freaked out,”

Mitchell replies.

I smile at this. I totally want to see the look on all those overconfident warriors and guards. I stand up,

and Nate, Mitchell, and I start heading there. I am not worried. Let them try to start something with one

of those great beasts in their wolf form. They will only try one time. This sight that greets me is comical.

The animals are lying there close to where Mykenzie and Kylani are. They are completely ignoring

everyone. They act as if they don’t have a care in the world. Phantom walks over to Kylani and rubs

against her leg like a fucking house cat. Everyone just stares as she rubs between his ears. I can see

many warriors and guards. None of them knew what to do. Their eyes are huge as they stare at the

animals. Phantom takes off running towards something.

“Get off me you overgrown house cat,” Kaleb yells at Phantom.

He put his front paws up on Kaleb’s shoulders. Kaleb is strong, but Phantom is heavy. Phantom just

lays down across him. Kaleb looks very irritated. The rest of us break out into laughter. I can see the

warrior storm between rescuing their beta and not wanting to fight with Phantom. I hear a snap of

fingers, and Phantom gets off Kaleb and walks back over to Kylani. I explain to the new members that

these beasts are Mykenzie and Kylani’s pets and that they have free roam of the land. I let them know

that they would be seeing them a lot.

“Well I think that thoroughly scared the hell out of them,” Draydon says.

“Good, I need them to realize that these girls are well protected even if we aren’t around,” I say.

“You mean besides the fact that my sisters can make the world blow up,” Chris adds.

“Point taken, but they don’t know that,” I reply.

They don’t know that, and they don’t need to. I think between us, the animals, and the fact that the girls

can fight, any one of these new members that think they are easy targets will think twice before trying



I am starting to get suspicious of a few of the new guys. Some of them seem very fixated on a few of

the girls. I have not seen them try anything, but they watch them in a way that makes me very

uncomfortable. I have decided to mention something to Haze, Josh, and Seth. They seem to ignore

Seth and the guys because they are human. It was made very clear that these guys are welcome here

and to show them the same respect that they show everyone else. I know they still aren’t overly fond of

all the non-wolf shifters, but they haven’t caused any issues yet.

“I think you are right,” Josh says.

“Yeah, I have been observing them and they do watch the girls,” Seth says.

“But I have noticed that they only really watch certain girls,” Seth adds.

Well, this is a new development. I have a bad feeling I know which girls they are watching.

“They have mainly been watching Mykenzie, Kylani, and Mykayla. They watch the others but not as

intently as those three.” Seth explains.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I was afraid of that. The flip side is that those are the three most dangerous women we have to try to do

anything to. I scrub my hand down my face. I should go to Dustin and tell him what we have noticed,

but all they do is watch. They haven’t tried anything. One, because I know they witnessed the girls fight

the other day, so they know they are not an easy target.

“What should we do?” Josh asks.

“Nothing, they have not done a thing but watch them. There are lots of men that watch them.” I explain.

“This sucks,” Seth admits.

Yes, it does, but until they try something, there is nothing anyone can do. We can’t throw them in the

cells for watching, or we would have to throw a large majority of the pack in the cells. All these girls are

gorgeous, so men are going to stare and watch them.

“We need to figure out if it’s the same guys.” Haze tells us.

That is a good start. At least if we can figure out if it is the same guys, then we can tell the other guys

something. We can keep an eye on those specific guys.

“So when is the next poker game?” Josh asks.

“Talk to Blain. He will know.” Haze tells him.

I just laugh at this. I think they should hold off on the poker games for a while. I am certain if they buy

any more weird shit, Dustin is going to lose his shit. I had to laugh when he told me we were keeping

the horses and the llama. Who the fuck buys a llama? I can understand the horses, but the llama. That

made me laugh. I know those horses had to cost a fair amount since they are draft horses. Haze and I

have ridden them a few times. We are going to start teaching the trio of trouble how to ride. Jordyn is

infatuated with the horses. I wonder what they will buy next.


Some of these new members give me the creeps. I also have a weird feeling that we are being spied

on. The fact that we are watched is nothing new. We are new to them. I constantly feel like eyes are

following me when I walk around. I know Mykayla has had the same feeling. The two of us talked about

it the other day. I think Mykenzie and Kylani feel it too, but they just don’t give a fuck. I don’t either, and

I hope they don’t try anything. They would be stupid to try anything with any of us. It really makes me

wonder what they are up to. I have a sinking suspicion that some of them are working for Darrius. I

know that a few of the members have to be loyal to Darrius. I have no proof at that time. Besides the

fact, they haven’t tried anything. I am glad that Dustin sent Trent and Einyn back to Reecie’s realm. At

least they can’t get their hands on them there. I have decided to watch them more carefully.

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