The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)

Ninety - Seven: Training Grounds

Ninety - Seven: Training Grounds

Ninety-Seven: Training Grounds


Brighton and I are at the training grounds. We are here training, but also to find out who is taking the

pictures. Josh and Peter are also here watching their mates train. Our head trainer asked the four of

them if they would like to start training with us. They said yes. Obviously, he will have to modify training

since they are human. They have worked out with us in the gym, and I have to admit they are strong.

Seth and Josh used to participate in street and underground fighting. I have just finished sparring, and I

am sitting by Peter. We are sitting there talking when he gives me a look.

“Those are the two guys,” Peter whispers.

I look around at the training grounds. I am trying to act like I am not looking at them. I have seen them

around, but I don’t know them personally. I think they have been in the pack for a while. I quickly mind-

linked Brighton to let him know that they are here. He is over-talking to our head trainer. I watch to see

where they are going. I snap a few pictures of them and send them to both Marcus and Jason. That

way, they can search through the pack's member list and find out who they are. They walk to the

opposite side of the training grounds and sit to watch a few of the other guys spar. I text Chris the

pictures and ask if he could have one of the animals follow these guys. A few minutes later, he shows


“I am going to have Brandon follow them. I don’t want the animals going to my sisters and telling them

about these two until we know why they are taking the pictures and for who.” Chris tells me.

“Yeah, that makes sense. We don’t need the girls going off and interrogating them. I don’t need Kaleb

kicking my ass if Kylani gets stressed out over this.” I tell him.

Chris laughs at that comment. It’s true. Kaleb is so overprotective of Kylani. I have no idea how she

deals with him. I mean, I do understand why. If Jailynn were pregnant with twins, I wouldn’t let her out

of the house. I am so glad that Liam gave us the idea to let the girls paint and decorate the newly

renovated cottages. This has at least kept them busy. Although I thought the whole playing with their

powers was hilarious. I see Brighton jump in the ring, and one of the guys spars with him. Good, this

gives us an idea of how good of a fighter they are. Chris laughs at the scene. Both of the guys are

decent fighters, but Brighton easily kicks their asses. They won’t be a problem to handle if they try to

start shit. I got a text back from Marcus letting me know he got my text, and they are digging for

information on the two right now. Good, the sooner we can bring these two in and have a chat, the

sooner we can find out who is paying them to take the pictures.


Marcus and I are looking through the pack members' profiles. We just recently implemented a facial

recognition program for security purposes. We also have hidden cameras along the borders of the

territory. If someone who is not on our list tries to cross the border, a silent alarm sounds and gives the

location of the breach. I had just uploaded the pictures into our database when Alexis walked in and

plopped down on my lap. I give her a kiss on her temple.

“To what do I owe this visit baby?” I ask.

“Just wanted to see what you two were up to. Also, we are waiting for some stuff to get delivered for

the cottages.” She answers.

“Good, so project cottage is going well then?” I ask.

“Yes, we are also working with one of the architects to build an entertainment business possibly. You

know, the pack could do things like bowling, an arcade, laser tag, paintball, and other fun activities.”

She says.

“That’s a great idea,” Marcus adds.

I am impressed that they came up with this idea on their own. It is an excellent idea, and I am sure the

pack will love it. I wonder what other ideas these ladies have come up with. I am glad they found

something better to occupy their time than scaring the pack by playing with their powers. That was

funny, but I do see Dustin’s point. I know that they are not going to start anything on fire. Alexis hangs

out for about twenty more minutes until Kylani lets her know that their stuff has arrived, and she leaves.

Of course, not before tripping over nothing and almost falling on her face. Luckily, Marcus could catch

her and keep her from smacking her head on the door. God, I love her, but she is so klutzy. I always

thought goddesses were supposed to be grateful. Not my Alexis; she is terribly uncoordinated.

According to Hades, she has been like this since she started walking. I am actually worried about our

baby when she is pregnant. I know pregnancy can throw a woman’s balance off, and since her balance

is already bad, I can only imagine what would happen.

“I have no idea how she doesn’t have more broken bones and concussions than she does.” Marcus


“Your guess is as good as mine,” I tell him.

We are both staring at the computer screen, waiting for those two guys to pop up, so we know who

they are. This could take a while since there are now over 800 members currently in this pack. I texted

Dustin to let him know what is happening. I let him know that as soon as we have the names of the two NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

guys, he will know.


I am sitting in a cafe drinking coffee. Chris showed me a picture of the two guys and asked me to follow

them. I, of course, said yes. I sure don’t want the animals following them. They would just go straight to

Kylani and Mykenzie and let them know what is going on. We still have not told them about the box of

pictures. I somehow have a feeling that they probably already know but are letting us deal with it. Some

of those pictures look almost planned unless they constantly follow the girls. Which I know is

impossible unless they let you. This means either those two have extremely good luck, or Kylani and

Mykenzie knew they were being followed and let them take the pictures. I will be running my idea by

Chris later today. I think he suspects the same thing. I swear those two always have a plan.

I have been following these two guys for two days, and they are so fucking predictable. They have not

done anything even remotely shady. They go to training and then to where they work. They did follow

the girls yesterday and took some pictures, but besides that, nothing. They are incredibly boring. They

have not met with anyone to give them the pictures or anything. They are also not the brightest guys I

have ever seen. Whoever has them doing this is definitely the brains of the project. I know that Marcus

and Jason found out who they are. They are digging into their backgrounds and hacking into their

computers to get digital copies of the girls. I did sneak into each of their cottages to see if they had

anything incriminating. I found nothing, and I mean nothing. Besides their computers, tablets, and

phones, they own no other electronic devices. They both seem to be into gaming. They have an

amazing setup for gaming. I am going to be talking to Tyrell about this because he is a big-time gamer.

I wrote down a few of the games they play regularly, and maybe Tyrell can befriend them online while

playing games. I’ll let him figure that out. I know nothing about all of that shit. Tarlek also games but is

not as serious about it as Tyrell. That boy is obsessed. I am heading back to Marcus’s and Jason’s

when I get the shit scared out of me.

“You do know that we knew they were taking pictures of us.” Mykenzie states.

“We don’t know who has them doing it, though,” Kylani adds.

Fucking hell, I may have just had a heart attack. Damn, these two! I stand there for a few minutes to

calm my heart and get my breathing under control. I look over, and they are sitting there on a rock,

eating what appears to be a huge bowl of various fruit. I guess that is better than all the sweets they

have been eating. I give them my best glare which they just roll their eyes at. I walk over to them and

steal a huge strawberry out of the bowl. Damn, that is a good strawberry. This reminds me I need to

pick up food for my date tonight with Einyn. I am cooking for her. Yes, I am one of the few guys that can


“Yes, I figured that you two knew about it,” I tell them.

I had already run my thought by Chris, and he told me he had a suspicion that these two knew. They

have now confirmed our suspicion. They give me a smile, and poof, they are gone. I really hate when

they do that. I am used to it, but they could have given me a sign that they were there. I continue my

journey to Marcus’s and Jason’s. I text Chris to meet me there. Guess I should tell them that they know.


I would love to say I was surprised that my sisters didn’t know anything about the pictures, but that is

not the case. I should have known they figured those two guys out and purposely gave them

opportunities to take pictures. I guess at least this way; there was someone who had control of who

and what was captured in the pictures. We are sitting in the surveillance room at Marcus’s place.

Brandon has just given us an update on the two guys and lets us know that my sisters already knew.

Poor Brandon, my sisters really did scare the shit out of him. I think I am the only one they have not

scared, but then again, the fact that we are triplets means I can feel when they are around, so they are

basically unable to scare me.

“Have we gathered enough information on those two yet, so that Dustin can have them brought in for a

few questions?” I ask.

“Yes, I believe we have. Have him wait until tomorrow, then let’s bring them in.” Marcus answers.

Perfect, because my sisters and the rest of the girls will be busy with the cottages, and we can do this

without them being around. I am sure they will hear about it. I am sure I will get an ear full from them. I

don’t care. I really want to keep them out of as much of this shit as we can. As soon as they find out

what is going on, they are going to lose their shit. The only saving grace right now is that they can’t

become one because of Kylani being pregnant. However, they can still rain hell down on whoever is

responsible. I would rather prevent this until we have no choice but to let them get involved. I am

hoping that is after both Kylani and Mykayla give birth. As much as I want to catch these assholes, I will

not put any of those babies in danger. If I can prevent a shit storm, I will.

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