The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)

Ninety - Four: Heritage

Ninety - Four: Heritage

Ninety-Four: Heritage


Persephone stopped by yesterday and dropped a bomb on all of us. Even Mykenzie and Kylani were

blinded sided by this. Chris was left speechless. Persephone had found out about Araya's heritage,

and it was a shock. Needless to say, none of us slept very well last night. I know I didn’t, with

everything running through my mind. I knew Araya was not human, but this was far from what I was

expecting. Our entire group is currently sitting in the rec room. It is early, and most of us are drinking

coffee and eating breakfast. The older kids are at school. That is the best right now. I have no idea how

I am going to explain this to a ten-year-old. We hear a knock at the door, and I look up to see Dimitri

and Persephone standing there. I am guessing she has more information. I don’t like the look on

Dimitri’s face. I had a feeling whatever was about to be said was going to be bad. They both take a

seat. The room is still dead silent.

“Ok, what new information have you found?” Jailynn asks.

“By the look on dad’s face, it can’t be good.” Daniylla comments.

I love these girls. None of them is afraid to break the silence. I hear either Kylani or Mykenzie snort. I

know they were shocked about the news, but at the same time, I have a feeling they kind of already

had a feeling about Araya.

Well, let’s hear the news.” I say.

“Araya is what we call a Nephilim. She is the daughter of an angel and a demon.” Persephone


“We believe that the same warlock who placed Einyn on Draydon’s doorstep. I believe that the demon

deals in the black market. He captures, holds, then sells rare immortal and supernatural beings.” Dimitri


“The warlock took Araya as a very small infant and placed her with your aunt and uncle. From what I

was able to find. Your aunt was pregnant, but she actually delivered a stillborn. The warlock cast a spell

so everyone would believe Araya was their child. We are unsure what actually happened to the

stillborn. I believe the warlock probably took the child and buried it somewhere.” Persephone explains.

I feel someone touch my face. I look to see Dustin wiping tears from my cheeks. I hadn’t even realized

that I was crying. I am sad for my uncle. He lost his child, and I am sure it was due to my aunt and her

fucking drug abuse and lifestyle. While I am not happy that someone had their child kidnapped, at least

Araya was placed with my uncle, and I know he loved her. She was definitely a daddy’s girl. I lay my

head on Dustin’s shoulder to absorb this new information. I had a feeling that something like this was

what we were going to be told, but not that she was kidnapped. I can’t even imagine having my child

stolen from me and placed with a new family. We sat there for a bit longer, talking. I am still not sure

how to explain this to Araya. She is so young. I doubt that she will understand any of this.

“There is one last thing.” Persephone mentions.

I look at her. What could she possibly have to say now?

“Araya is actually older than what we think. She is actually 14 years old. The blood and DNA sample

you provided also told us that she also has a human in here. That is why she grew so slow. For some

reason, it stunted her angel and demon blood until now. That is why she seemed to have such a large

growth spurt. Angels tend to develop at about the same rate as a human. Demons tend to develop

faster. It seems like the demon part is now taking over as far as height goes.” Persephone says.

“This explains why the school had us have her skip two grades. She was supposed to start 6th grade,

but at the end of last year, the teachers and the principal had us come in for a talk. They explained that

Araya was far ahead of the other kids in her year. They asked if they could test her to see where she is

academically wise. She tested two years above where she was.” I tell them.

This explains so much about Araya. She always seemed so much smarter than kids her age. The

school even had me bump Bree up one year. Apparently, my girls are smart. While the circumstances

of Araya are sad, I am happy to know that we have found out most of the truth.

“Can we trace her parentage to see who her real parents are?” Kylani asks.

“Normally, yes, but since the human DNA was added, it makes it almost impossible,” Dimitri says.

I hear both of them grumble about this. I have no doubt that they would have taken a visit home and

tried to find this angel and demon. I hear Chris tell them that even if they could figure out who the

parents are, her mother is a fallen angel and no longer where angels usually live. I hear more

grumbles. I know those two are looking for any excuse to get out of the house.

“Since you two are so bored just thought I would let you know that there is a family meeting tomorrow,”

Chris announces.

I see him smile as I hear their grumbles change to complaints, then whining. I think the family meetings

are interesting. I have no idea what they are talking about half the time, but if it gets us out of the

house, then I am up for it.


I knew that Mykayla and Persephone had been talking. I had no idea what the conversations were

about. You can guess how surprised I was when I walked into my office one day and found Persephone

sitting there waiting for me. To say I was surprised to see her would be an understatement. I love

Persephone, but she usually didn’t come to our realm very much. Let’s just say that the underworld and

the realm of the fae are polar opposite environments. I gave her a hug and then took a seat in my chair.

“What do I owe this unexpected visit?” I ask. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I need to run some information from you and see what you think.” She says.

She then proceeded to tell me why she and Mykayla had been meeting. I always had a feeling that

Araya was not a full human. I could definitely sense humans in her, but there was something else that I

could sense. I had talked to Imyra about it, and she had the same feeling, but she could not sense what

else Araya might be. When she told me what she had found, I was literally speechless. A Nephilim,

well, that was not what I was expecting.

“Can we trace her DNA to her biological parents?” I asked.

“Unfortunately, no, with the human DNA added to the mix, we can trace her to a specific family but not

the actual parents. I tried to track down the families, but both family lines ended 500 years ago. There

isn’t a direct living descendant alive. The few blood relatives alive have no idea about that part of their

family.” She explains.

Well, damn, that is a dead end. That is the only problem with any immortal or supernatural having any

human in their family lines. It makes DNA typing almost impossible. The only other thing to make that

impossible is if something like my situation happens. She shows me what she has found, and I make

copies of the paper trail. I told her I would look into this. I give her a hug, and she leaves to go back to

the underworld. Probably to bake more desserts for the girls. Kylani and Mykenzie asked for sweets,

and Persephone had no problem baking for them.

“So the witch in my mother’s coven will see if she can tell what kind of magic or spells are being used

to hide the bears and everyone else,” Nymyra says.

Fucking hell, when did she get here? She scared the hell out of me, for fuck sake. I forget she can

shimmer herself between realms being part vampire. She didn’t know that she could until the girls

taught her.

“Damn it Nymyra, you scared the shit out of me, but I am glad to hear that she will help us. Please, next

time, warn me when you are going to pop up.” I tell her.

“Sorry, I did knock on the door frame though. I thought you heard it.” She admits.

OK, I couldn’t be that mad at her if she knocked, and I was so lost in thought that I didn’t hear it. She

apologizes again and says she needs to go. She and Chris are meeting. They have a date. I am

positive that this date includes a very large stone set in platinum. I don’t tell her this. Chris was here a

couple of months ago talking with Peter. He is our best jewellery designer. I saw the stone that Chris

chose for the centre stone. I know Nymyra will love it. It is a 3-carat teardrop-shaped tanzanite stone. It

is the perfect shade of blue/purple. I tell her to have a good time and give her a hug. I honestly never

expected Chris to find his mate. He didn’t believe in what Dominick and I did, splitting the souls in half. I

think he finally did after Kylani found Kaleb. From what Dustin tells me, the moment Nymyra walked

into his office that night, it was obvious that they were mates. I am happy that all three of them have

found their soul bonds. I treat them like they are my nieces and nephew, and in some ways, they are. I

guess Dominick and I did something right.

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