The Alpha’s Moon Child by Nocturnes Moon

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Are You Ready? Xavier’s POV “They are on their way now.” I informed the room. Ren had mind linked me that he had found Saphira, and they were thankfully heading our way. “Father, please notify the Elders that I believe Saphira is not only a Moon CHild but THE Moon Child that went missing all those years ago.” “”WHAT! How can you be so confident?” Ren then relayed his conversation with Saphira, and I agreed. Now to address the elders. and inform them of the news. “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have made a discovery. We now not only believe that My son’s Mate is a Moon Child but the very one that went missing on her 6th birthday 12 years ago.” The room became deathly silent. “How can you be sure?” One of the Elders asked? “The time frame matches. Her age matches. The story of how her father died in a car wreck while taking her to a surprise on top of a Mountain fits.” The elders sitting around the table all shook their heads in agreement. “Regardless if it turns out she is not a Moon Child, let us all remember she never claimed to be one and will face no repercussions if she isn’t. She had no idea what a Moon Child was before yesterday, and truly other than hearing the actual word, I am not completely convinced she knows what one is still.” All of the Elders nodded in agreeing. “May I suggest that Elora be the one to carry out the test? Saphira, I believe, will be more at ease with a female rather than a male.” “I would be happy to,” Elora said. I shall go and prepare myself. Let us perform this Outside rather than in this building. It holds too much negativity for her. With that, she stood and exited the room. Saphira’s POV. We hadn’t walked far when he looked down at me. I must have had a Are You Ready? 282 Nouches troubled look on my face because he asked, “What are you thinking about so intensely, my Luna?” His question brought me out of my deep thoughts.” Hmm, o umm, what is going to happen when we get back to- the office? How will the Elders know if I am a Moon Child?” Ren stopped and smiled down at me. “First, they will want to see the markings on your back. If they all agree to moveThis belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

forward, then the next step is to test your blood.” “WHAT” I half squeaked, half yelled. “Easy sweetheart, it isn’t as bad as it sounds. I promise they only need a few drops of your blood from a small finger p r i c k no more. I promise it will be almost entirely painless. I wish we could wait, but being that the full moon is only days away, we must know now. There will be much to prepare for in a very short time if so.” “I am sorry,” I whispered; he looked down at me. “Whatever for baby?” “I am sorry I am so much trouble.” He threw his head back and laughed. “You do not worry about that; you are not the one that has caused this mess. The ones responsible for The wreck all those many years ago and the ones that kept you a prisoner here are the ones responsible, not you.” “What happens to me if I am not a Moon Child? Won’t I get in trouble? The Elders have traveled from far away won’t they be angry that I have wasted their time?” “First, if you are not, Which I am positive you are, you never claimed to be one. We called them, not you, and they have been made aware of this, my father made. sure to tell them. Second, even if you are not, you are still my Mate and Luna to my pack and Elders or not. I will protect you no matter what. Now brace yourself, we are about to enter the training field beside the office. We turned it into a temporary holding area for the pack members that surrendered or survived the attack. “I quickly turned my head in the direction of the field and gasped at the sight. There were hundreds of Men and Women and children in varying areas of the field. “What will happen to them?” “Everyone will have an audience with Me, My Beta, or My Father. They will be given the choice of joining one of the Packs that are Allies with us and present here, Leaving to make their own way, Or staying here under Are You Ready? 288 Vouchers. the New Alphas Rule.” “New Alpha? But I thought my Uncle was still alive? There can’t be a new Alpha yet, can there?” “You are correct; however, this pack was never a proper pack. He claimed himself as the Alpha of a band of Rogues and Outcast from other packs. They swore allegiance to him in turn, becoming what we call a Rogue Pack. He came here and took over this pack when the Alpha died, and he claimed to be his long-lost son. We now know he used the witch’s magic to

make them believe what he said was true.” “There are a lot of people here that didn’t want to be. They chose to swear allegiance to my Uncle over death to protect their mates and children.” “I know my Luna, and many of the warriors surrendered when the battle started and asked for protection. Everyone will be given a fair chance, except..” “Except for who?” I asked.. “Expect your Uncle and anyone who has hurt you.” As he said those last words, he pulled me a little tighter into his arms. “We are here, Saphira, are you ready?”

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