The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Chapter 73


The following month flew by. I hadn’t been able to go home at all during that month. Rowen, Jax, and Colby hadn’t been able to come to spend a weekend either. Rowen, and Jax had been too busy with alliance talks with Rogue Leader Dean to be able to take a weekend away. Molly, Melissa, and Gina were able to spend one weekend with us though. That had been a lot of fun.

School was going well, and I was doing better than I thought I would. I was really proud of myself for how well I was doing. I was also really enjoying my drawing class. We had finally moved into drawing shapes, and starting to learn techniques for blending shapes into larger pictures. I could also feel myself getting stronger physically from self defense class. I did notice that my movements, and the way I carried myself was changing with more focus on my core than trying to keep myself as unnoticeable as possible.

My appointments with Dee-Dee were going well too. I still had hard days, and she was right there to work through them with me. She was working hard with me on changing my thought process on how I viewed those of higher rank than myself. I could see it was working just by how much more comfortable I became during my meetings with Luna Clair. As often as she could Luna Clair would come to my room for our lessons. She loved being around Lilac, and watching her antics.

Lilac was doing fantastic, and had grown a bit. She definitely wouldn’t be a big cat, but she was still adorable. She also finally found comfort in being on her leash, and harness. She still preferred to ride on my shoulder instead of walking any where, but she would walk when I shifted into Leila, and we took her outside to play. I had gotten a longer leash for those times so they could play together. Lilac’s favorite. thing about Leila seemed to be her tail. She loved to chase, and pounce on it. Leila’s favorite thing about Lilac was that she was cute, and cuddly. Once their play was done, they would cuddle, and

sunbath for a bit. Leila did seem a bit more sad than usual lately though. Lilac picked up on that, and was always trying to cheer Leila up, or snuggle and clean her. Leila wasn’t telling me what was wrong though.

I was packing up Friday after class, to go home for the weekend. It was the weekend of Melissa, and Ross’s ceremony. Marcus was driving. Norm, Lexi, and I, as Melissa, and Ross had invited Marcus and Norm. Of course Norm was excited about it. Not only would he get to see my pack, but he would also get to see his sister for the first time since his ceremony. I noticed Leila was perking up as well.

“You seem awfully happy today.” I said to Leila.

“Of course I am. I’m going to see mate soon.” Leila responded happily.

“You mean we are going to see Rowen?”

“Right of course.”

“Will you tell me why you’ve been so sad lately?”

“I miss mate. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to feel guilty for keeping us away.”

“That’s why you didn’t say anything?”

“Yes. I know us being here is right for you, and it’s helping you, but it’s hard some times.”

“I’m sorry Leila. I didn’t realize how hard this would be for you.”

“No. No. Chastity, don’t feel guilty. You’re doing the right thing. The best thing for you. I want you to be happy, healthy, and whole. This is doing what it was supposed to do, and I’m glad for that. I just wish we could figure out a way to see mate more is all.”

“Rowen, and I were talking about that. Now that the alliance with the rogues is set, he should have more

free time to come visit. He’s going to try to get here more often.”

“Can we go to him sometimes? I miss brothers, and dad too.”

“We can try, but it’s hard because I don’t drive.”

“Well second brother will be here soon for school. Maybe he can drive us.”

“I’m sure we can talk to him about it.”


“Ok. I will.”

I cut the conversation when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to see Marcus, and Norm standing there, each with a suitcase. I laughed at the size of Norm’s. It looked like he had packed for a month away instead of two days.

“I told him he didn’t need that much, but you know how he is.” Marcus chuckled.

“I want to be prepared for any situation. Plus I have our gift for Melissa, and Ross in my bag.” Norm sniffed, and I giggled.

“Ready to go?” Marcus asked.

“Yup. I just need to grab my phone charger, and we’re all set.” I responded as I picked up the small duffle bag Rowen leant me for my trip back after my week home.

“You’re not bringing Lilac?” Norm asked.

“I hadn’t planned on it. I’ll only be gone for two days.” I responded, looking at my kitten stretched out on

her window seat.

I had debated taking her home with me, but decided not to. She would be fine for two days without me. She had plenty of food, water, and toys. She was used to being alone all day because of me being in class.

“I wouldn’t leave her Chastity. You never know when you might need her.” Norm said quietly.

“True, but I’ll have Rowen if needed.” I admitted, looking at Lilac.

“I know, but maybe she’ll need you. Maybe she doesn’t want to be left alone for two days.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

“Who will be fine? What are we talking about?” Lexi ask as she came to my door, small suitcase being pulled behind her.

“Chastity was going to leave Lilac here for the weekend.” Norm answered.

“Nope. You can’t leave the baby here by herself all weekend. I don’t think you realize this Chastity, but she’s gotten used to your schedule. When you’re not back at a certain time she sticks her little paws out from under the door, trying to find you. If I’m near your door I can hear her squeaking for you.” Lexi explained, and I pinched my brows.

I hadn’t known that. Now I felt bad. There had been a few times when I went to the library to find a book after dinner instead of coming back here. I didn’t realize Lilac reacted badly to my leaving her alone longer than usual.

“Baby needs to come home with us.” Leila said to me.

“I’m sure she’ll be ok for two days.” I responded.

“No. Baby comes home with us. She is ours to take care of, and we’re hers too. She comes with us.”

“Ok. Ok.”

I quickly collected up her bowls, food, and some toys for her in a small travel bag. Once that was stuffed in my duffle back, I picked up Lilac from her window seat, put on her harness, and we left. We were going to be getting in kind of late so I didn’t expect a big welcome party when we got there. Ross, Rowen, Colby, Jax, Molly, and Melissa were waiting for us when we arrived. It was after 9:00 so most everyone else was getting ready for bed.

Once Marcus, and Norm were set up in a guest room on the second floor, the rest of us made our way to Jax’s apartment. Lexi moved to the guest room in their apartment, while Rowen, and I headed to mine. Rowen got Lilac all set up while I went to put on my pajamas, and got ready for bed.

Once I was done, Rowen went to do that same. I was leaning against my pillow when Rowen came out in red plaid pajama pants, and no shirt. I blushed, and smiled shyly as I looked over his chest, and abs.

“Baby, when you look at me like that it makes me want to pounce on you.” Rowen playfully growled at me. “Oh….I…I’m sorry.” I sputtered blushing more.

“It’s ok. I like when you check me out.”

I giggled at him as he climbed into bed. He stretched out on his side, facing me, and propping his head up on his hand. He searched my eyes then smiled.

“I’ve missed you sweet girl.” Rowen said quietly.

“I’ve missed you too.” I admitted blushing again.

“This last month of not seeing you has been hard.”

“Yeah. It has.”

“I think we need to come up with a schedule for visits before you leave this weekend. I don’t want to go another month without seeing you at least once.”

“I…ok. I think that’s a good idea.” Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

“Good. We’ll do that on Sunday before you go back.”


“Good. Now come here.” Rowen growled at me.

I looked at him in confusion. I was right here. I squealed when he put his arm around my waist, and pulled me close and partially under him. He chuckled quietly as he buried his nose into the crock of my neck, and breathed me in.

“I love your scent.” Rowen growled into my neck, and I giggled.

My marking spot tingled, and sent warm feelings through my body when he kissed it. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and tilted my head back to give him better access. He kissed, and lightly sucked the spot. I felt my panties start to get wet, and I squirmed a bit at the feeling. Rowen growled again then kissed up my neck, along my jaw then to my lips. I opened to him immediately, and we explored each others mouths with our tongues. He pressed his chest to mine as we continued to kiss, my beaded nipples became sensitive, and tingled behind my top at the feel of him pressed against me. I was shocked when he soundly pulled away, and groaned.

“Damn.” Rowen growled, and I got worried.

“Is…did….what’s wrong?” I whispered.

“Not a thing Chastity. Not one thing. Everything, you are perfect. It makes me want to touch you, and kiss

you all over. It makes me want to claim you. It’s just a struggle some times, is all.”

“Oh. I….I’m sorry.”

“Baby, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. You have done nothing wrong. I made you a promise, and I am going to keep it. You tell me when you’re ready. I won’t do anything until then.”

“I know, and that means a lot to me. To be honest I don’t even understand the things I am feeling when I’m with you, and when you kiss me.”

“I would explain them to you, but I think that would make the struggle I’m having right now even worse.”

“What struggle?”

Rowen looked at me for a second with a raised brow than moved the sheet off his lap. I looked down at the tent in his pants, blinked, then looked away blushing

“Is… that because of me.”



“You should NEVER be sorry for turning me on. I’m just sorry I can’t control it better.”

“Umm…..does….does that hurt?”

“Hurt? No. Not yet at least.”

“I…..I don’t understand.”

“Oh baby, you are so innocent. I’m not going to explain it to you only because I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I do need to go take a shower though. That should help.”


Rowen kissed my cheek then hopped out of bed. I watched as he practically ran to the bathroom, and slammed the door causing me to jump. I snuggled down onto my side of the bed, and Lilac curled up at my head, and put her chin on it. I heard the shower turn on, and the shower door close. After a minute or two I heard Rowen groan, and my eyes widened wondering what he was doing in there, hoping he was ok. He was right though. I really was innocent, and I did need to learn about the reactions in my own body, as

well as his.

I decided to ask Molly, and Melissa about it while we were getting ready tomorrow. I hoped I could bring. myself to ask though. The thought made me blush. That was going to take courage I wasn’t sure I had. I was just drifting off to sleep when Rowen came out of the bathroom back in his pajama pants, and his hair wet. He climbed into bed behind me, and curled himself around me.

“Are….do you feel better now?” I whispered.

“Yes.” He chuckled against my shoulder, pulling me tight against his chest.

“….I’m glad.”

“Good night sweet girl.”

“Good night Rowen.”

He kissed my shoulder a few times before we both fell asleep.

I woke up early the next morning to get a start on breakfast. Melissa, Ross, Marcus, and Norm were meeting us in Jax’s apartment. Once we all ate, Melissa, Molly, Lexi, and I were going to Ross’s apartment to get ready. Melissa decided not to have us standing with her, and Ross for her ceremony, but she had

still picked outfits for each of us to wear to be a part of the ceremony in some way. After we all ate, the four of us girls left, and headed over to Ross’s.

We all showered, and wrapped ourselves in robes. Molly, Melissa, and I put on the ones Molly got us for her ceremony. Melissa got one for Lexi this time. It was a soft pink, and I could tell Lexi loved it by the smile on her face. Melissa, like Molly arranged for us to have a spa day with the same ladies who came for Molly’s. I was laying on the table, getting my massage, thinking about what had happened with Rowen the night before. It took a bit, but I finally worked up the courage to speak.

“Um….can…..can I ask you girls something?” I whispered.

“Of course. You can ask us anything Chastity.” Molly responded.

“Um….this is kind of embarrassing, but….um……” I stuttered over my words. I didn’t know how to ask these questions.

“It’s ok Chas. We’re here to help in any way we can.” Melissa stated.

“Um….I never learned or was told much about what….um…..about sex, or how our bodies react to others.” I admitted quietly.

“Huh? Wha…..oooooh.” Molly said then giggled a bit.

“Did something happen between you and Rowen?” Melissa asked.

“No. Not really, but I….I don’t understand the way my body feels when he kisses me, and I don’t understand why his body does the things it does either.” I admitted quietly.

“How does your body feel when he kisses you?” Molly questioned.

“I get warm, and tingly. I feel pressure down there, and it gets wet. It’s kind of weird. Is there something wrong with me?” I questioned, and the girls giggled, worrying me.

“No Chastity. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. That’s your body’s way of saying it wants to be touched. That it enjoys his kisses, and wants more of it. The wetness is your body preparing for him to touch you down there. It’s also preparing your to have sex with him.” Molly answered.

“Oh….I….um…….so I’m supposed to feel those things? What if my mind isn’t ready? Why would my body react that way when my mind is saying not yet?” I asked confused.

“Only one part of your mind isn’t ready. The part that is still healing from what happened to you. The part that controls your body’s responses to stimulation will always react that way to his touch.” Melissa explained.

“Oh….um…..what….what about him?” I replied.

“What do you mean?” Melissa asked.

“Welll….um……he was kissing me last night, and when he pulled away his pants had poked out, a lot I guess.” I whispered, and the girls all giggled again.

“He had a hard on.” Molly said with a giggle.

“A what? What does that mean? Why? Why would that happen?” I was so confused, and the girls


“Wow! You are innocent.” Melissa said with a smile.

“S..sorry.” I stuttered.

“Don’t be sorry. There is nothing wrong with that.” Molly said gently, and I nodded.

“For men, their bodies get ready for sex a little. Ok a lot differently than ours do.” Melissa stated.

“How?” I asked.

“Their dick gets hard. The muscles in it firm up. It also grows when it’s hard. It needs to be. They can’t enter a girl if they’re all floppy, and soft.” Molly explained.

“…um…….that sounds like it hurts.” I admitted.

“Only if they don’t get off.” Melissa stated.


“So you know that it takes sperm for a female to get pregnant right?” Molly questioned.

“Yes I know that.” I responded.

“Ok. When a man gets hard sperm, and the fluid sperm is in, called semen collects in his dick. If he doesn’t release it, it can be painful because when he’s turned on not only does his dick get hard, but his testicles tense up to release the semen. He needs the release or he gets what is called blue balls. For a man that can be very painful.” Molly explained.

“So if he doesn’t have sex he is in pain?” I asked, that sounded terrible.

“He doesn’t have to have sex to release. There are other options.” Melissa answered.

“Like what?” I asked.

“He can rub himself until he releases, or orgasms as it’s called. The female his is with can rub it for him until he orgasms. The other option is that the female puts his dick in her mouth, and kisses and sucks it. until he orgasms.” Molly replied.

“Ewww. That sounds gross.” I muttered.

“To some it is, and to some it isn’t. It all depends on the person, or people.” Melissa stated.

“You said that I get wet down there to prepare for sex, and to be touched. How….how would I be touched down there?” I questioned, blushing at myself.

“Oh honey. There is so much for you to learn.” Molly said with a giggle…

“Molly, don’t tease her.” Melissa grumbled.

“I’m not. Ok. Men like to rub a women down there, and he may even stick his fingers inside you, if you want him to.” Molly said simply.

“That sounds painful.” I stated.

“It’s not. It feels very good. The wetness helps make it easier. It’s your bodies natural lubricant. You body will produce a lot more when he touches, kisses or licks you down there, when he enters you, and when you orgasm.” Molly explained.

“Again with the mouth in those areas. That sounds really gross.” I grumbled.

“It sounds it, but it feels amazing.” Molly said with a giggle.

“I doubt that. It all sounds really uncomfortable.” I admitted quietly.

“It’s not. Have you ever explored yourself down there?” Melissa questioned.

“Of course not. Why would I? I gasped, and I heard Lexi giggle.

She had been very quiet this whole conversation. I wondered what she was thinking.

“Lexi, you’re very quiet.” I admitted.

“I know. I know about all of this already. I haven’t experienced it with a man, but I do know about it. My mom, and I had the talk when I turned fifteen.” Lexi said.

“Oh.” I said quietly.

“Yeah. I’m going to make a suggestion. At some point, when you’re comfortable with it, explore yourself. Explore your body.” Lexi said.

“She’s right. I know it sounds weird, but learn about yourself, and where you like to be touched. Focus on your breasts, especially your nipples, as well as your clit, lower lips, and vagina. It’s important that you learn for yourself what feels good so when the time comes you can tell or show Rowen where to touch you to get the most pleasure.” Molly explained.

“My….my breasts?” I gasped.

“Yes. Your breasts, especially your nipples are very sensitive to touch, and feel amazing when they are rubbed, pinched, licked, sucked, or kissed.” Melissa stated.

“This all sounds very messy.” I admitted.

“It is, but oh so worth it.” Molly giggled.

“Does….does Jax touch you like that?” I questioned, even though I didn’t really want to know.

“Because he is your brother, and I don’t think you really want to know, I will only say yes.” Molly stated.

“What about Ross?” I asked Melissa.

“We haven’t had sex yet because we wanted to wait until tonight, but we do other stuff that feels really good.” Melissa responded.

“What about you Lexi? Did you and Anthony?” I questioned.

“Thankfully no. Not to say he didn’t try, but I really wanted to wait to make sure he was my mate. We did some petting outside of our clothes, but never anything more than that.” Lexi admitted.

“Petting?” I asked confused.

“Yes. Rubbing each other in places that felt good, over our clothes. He was never really any good at it though. It was always more uncomfortable than turn on.” She said.

“That’s because he sucks.” Molly growled.

“Yes he does. I’m glad things never went further than that.” Lexi said.

“Well ladies, as entertaining as all of this has been, your massages are all finished. Everyone go rinse off in the shower then come back here for your mani, pedi, and facials.” One of the ladies stated.

I went into one of the guests bathroom, took of my robe, and my panties. I looked at myself in the mirror as I thought about what the girls had said. It all seemed pretty weird, and kind of gross to me. I considered doing what they suggested, and touching myself, but not right now. I didn’t have time. I got in the shower, and quickly rinsed as well as rewet my hair.

I met everyone back in the living room so we could get our hair, nails, toes, and faces done. Melissa decided we all needed to get french manicures. I had never had one before, but I found that I loved the results. It was so pretty. Hair was pretty simple. Melissa wanted us all to leave our hair down, except for a simple hair band to hold it back from out faces. The hair bands were strips of lace about half an inch wide the colors of our dresses, with a piece of elastic stitched to the ends to hold it in place.

Finally we put on our dresses. Mine was knee length in dark purple. It was a flowy material that was light, and soft to the touch. It gathered slightly just below my breast, and hung from there. There were no

sleeves, only straps to hold it up, but she gave us each a small sheer top that covered our backs, and shoulders. It had small sleeves, and opened in the bust with no closers. It was also the same color as our dresses. Molly had dark blue, and Lexi had a dark green. We all looked pretty in our dresses, but Melissa’s was breath taking.

It was white, as was tradition for all females at their ceremony, and had spaghetti straps. It flowed down her from the top of her breast. Not quite hiding her curves, but not displaying them too much either Two panels separated as they flowed down from the top, and off to the sides. There was a few layers of fabric. that went down straight from the top as well. She looked beautiful. She smiled at all of us before we made our way to the courtyard out back.

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