The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 118 A Strange Coincidence

Our dear Vampire Hunter has so boldly walked into the Council House amongst over fifty Vampires, which if it was anybody else, they would have had his head. Now he too claims that he too has no recollection of the day before. Do I see this as a way for Damien to get out of the predicament that he seems to find him in? Now of course I do. But do I also see this as something that I should consider as worthwhile to note? Well, indeed I do.

“Now my dear friend Jacob, please explain to me how you believe that you had the same reaction as Damien.”

“Well, there is the rather questionable sexual act.”

“Mmm, I am intrigued. Please explain.”

“Now I might appear to you as your regular Casanova.”

“Really? I never thought I would say, but please do carry on.”

“I apparently, or I should say finding them in my bed is not guessing. But I indeed had an encounter with three ladies last night.”

“Well, damn you. How on earth did you have the stamina for three ladies in a row.”

I watch as my beloved gives me one look that sends me close to murder, yet it shall not refrain me, after all this does count as part of the hearing.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I am afraid they were at the same time.”

“Then I do take it back, you are quite the Casanova. But I fail to understand what does have to do with your amnesia?”

“Oh, that happened before. See I, and our dear Cassidy knows how I value my pub.” Cassidy, now holding the man’s hand as it seems to be too difficult for him to say, she nods her head and shows for him to carry on.

“I completely trashed it. It has been ripped apart by a crazed animal. By me.”

Then I turn to Damien, “Did you have an encounter with three women as well?”

“God, if I did, I am sure I would have told you but I cannot recall.”

“Who is the woman you gentleman are referring to that you engage over a round of several drinks?”

Our dear Vampire Hunter clears his throat rather loudly, and I do believe what is about to come might shock me even more, “It was three in fact.”

“My friend please don’t tell me?”

“Yes, indeed.”

“Well, I do not know if I should applaud you or merely slap you for such foolishness.”

But there is something rather odd here, their story, well the small, let me rephrase, the rather big encounter that they had does raise some questions. Therefore I will accept that something has happened that cannot be explained at present.

So herewith my decision, and I rather relieved face Damien, “I shall hold off sentencing until this matter has been further investigated.”

With that, there is a rather loud cheer outside amongst the crowd. And so Damien shall be taken back to his room that is still at the Lecarde House where he shall be further questioned and from where we shall establish what indeed has happened to both him and the Vampire Hunter.

So as we find ourselves driving in different cars back home, he is the first to get there and I am just a few seconds behind him. He sees me and immediately excuses himself to return to his room, but I stop him before he can do so.

“Wait, let me walk with you.”

“You sure about that Master.”

“Yes, I wish to have a word with you regarding the things that you said.”

“But I cannot remember what I said.”

“All the more reason, for now, you shall not lie to me for I do believe that I know the truth.”

He looks at me hesitantly, yet he has no option but to agree with my request for he truly cannot refuse. And of course, I can read his mind, which if I now think of it, and not really noticed before, is rather fuzzy and unclear.

Yes, the man has been through a great ordeal, but some things can simply no go unsaid. I shall not invade the spaces of his mind but yet we shall have the conversation that men require.

So as I sit from him across the corner of his bed, there is that part of me that pushes me to be cautious around him. But this man is my friend, he is my brother, but most of all he is a part of me, I shall not show him any disrespect or make him feel uncomfortable in any way. Yes, he did try to kill me and so did I, but we both find ourselves here with the opportunity to make things right.

“My dear Damien,” I see there is a sparkle that returns to his eyes as he hears me speak of him in such a loving term. “There was only one thing that you repeated over and over that caused you a great amount of pain. Do you still have no recollection?”

“No, I have dug deep into my mind, and yet there is nothing to be found.”

“Fair, let me then tell you and I do ask that you shall be completely honest with me.”

He but only nods his head, not knowing what to expect. But the thing is there is only but one way to ask this, “Damien, you in so many words said, and please don’t ask me to exactly recall for having your claws in my face did kind of block any intake of memory.” I start to move rather uncomfortably around, I do not know how he is going to take me mentioning what he truly felt, but yet there is no sugar-coating. So with a rather uncontrollable fear, I speak once again, “You mentioned that Cassidy has been nothing but trouble since she entered the Lecarde House.”

“Lucas, my I be very frank?”

“Indeed do, just do not attack me this time.”

“We all know that she is trouble, she lives for it, she attracts it. And yes, I do sometimes think that she is bad for you, but you complete each other,” he pauses for a few moments as to find the right words to say. “I think in a way I feel left out. It always used to be me and you, and now it is Cassidy and you. I do not see much of you unless if we have to go kill some ungodly creature.”

“My dear Damien, I so wish that you did not try to kill me for this, you should have come the minute that you felt this way.”

“Well, you know what they say about hindsight.”

“Yes, indeed it bites you in the hind.”

We both burst out in a burst of laughter that we have not shared for quite some time. So with that, I give him a rather awkward hug, for what even perhaps seems too long.

“Well I guess I need to get to Cassidy”

So I make my way to our room where my beloved is indeed waiting for me, yet she needs to hold on to that thought for but one second for I need to make an important call.

So while waiting patiently for the slowest man in the world to answer his phone, my beloved feels the need to at the present time, to start tangling those delicate fingers around the buckle of my belt.

“My beloved, you cannot do that now, I am on a call.”

“You are not on it yet,” she only continues to wrap her fingers all over it as she pulls it gently from my pants and drops it to the floor.

Next, she brings those skillful fingers to work the buttons that are covering a rather growing erection in my pants. I growl in the back of my throat as I grind hard down onto my teeth.

“My beloved you are driving me insane, I am on the phone.”

As she unclips those buttons one by one, she slides her fingers deliciously slow into my pants, scrunching them in the seams of my underwear.

“Oh, my god.”

“Well,” Daniel says on the other side of the line, “I have never been called god before.”

“Ah, hush you, silly man. I have a problem.”

“Well sir, there is nothing I can do with that. That you have to blame genetics for.”

I hear him burst out from his belly in laughter, as per usual it is only a joke that he finds amusing. But put the man’s poor sense of humor aside, he does seem to sound rather out of breath.

“What are you doing, Daniel?”

“Chasing a woman.”

“Rather odd, but anyway. I have an odd problem, the non-body part related.”

“Then phone Dr. Phil, I am in the middle of bashing someone with a bat.”

“But I thought you were chasing a woman?”

“Yes, never mind, what can I do for you”

“Well, both Damien and Jacob had an encounter with three women after which they seemed to have turned very violent.”

“Violent how?”

“Damien tried to kill me.”

I hear as he stops chasing his woman and goes quietly out of breath, “Not another one. You say very violent? Did they touch?”

“Ha! They did more than touch.”

“You know that you attract any type of shit to you. I will send someone to come to help you, Samuel and I are on a hunt.”

“So do you know what it is?”

“Yes, but let me go bash this thing first, I will talk to you later.”

With that, he rather annoyingly just drops the call leaving me irritated. I have no better idea what is going on around here than what I was before.

So as per always all we can do is wait, and as I look at my beloved that has now spread herself over the bed completely inviting, it seems like it has been far too long that I have had those soft lips against mine. Looking at her, she not only takes my breath away; but renders my body out of control. I can smell the scent of her sweet perfume as I lean in closer to her body. She presses her bosom tightly against my sculpted chest. Then she slowly slips her hands underneath my shirt and touched the exposed skin of my abs. My hands move to find their way through her hair and I tangle my fingers in them as I pull my way through. My entire body is burning to get completely lost in her.

As I move my hand slowly to her cheek, I can feel them tremble. I cannot fight against the thoughts that are going through my mind. She is flooding my senses in every possible way. I take my thumb to her bottom lip and gently run it from one corner to the other. Her lips are soft and smooth as I slide my thumb over them with ease. I hear her voice hitch as I move over them between the seams and slightly begin to part them.

The heat between our bodies is now unmistakable. She softly wishers my name, but her trembling lips only cause her words to whimper. She is drowning in the power that I have over her body.

Then I move my lips breath by breath, wink by agonizing wink closer to hers. We are so close that we are almost breathing the same breath. I look down at her lips and back to meet her eyes. She closes her eyes in anticipation as I move forward to close the final inches between our bodies. And as I claim those lips the first thing that touches my senses is how much she tastes like cotton candy. This woman that has so much power over me will is like jelly in my hands.

But next thing there is a knock on the door, “Lucas, we have a problem.”

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