The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren)

29. I love you

29. I love you

I wake up feeling like I’ve been run over by a truck. I was exhausted and felt like my limbs were

noodles. Immediately I feel the cold bed and know that Darren isn’t next to me.

Slowly opening my eyes, I take my time to recount everything that happened yesterday. I sigh when I

remember Raya clawing Darren. Getting out of bed I leave for the bathroom to do my morning routine.

Part of me was afraid that Darren would look at me differently now that it was day. That he will think I’m

too much trouble than it is worth. I’m afraid that he will want nothing to do with me. If that happens, I’m

not sure how I will survive the rejection.

I brush my teeth and then shower. After, I dress, again in sweatpants. I wasn’t in the mood to put an

effort in how I look. I just wanted to be comfortable so I opt out of doing my makeup. I then check on

my mental blocks and reinforce them with another layer just in case.

Dragging my feet, I head downstairs. It was still morning and I was already feeling tired and drained. I

wanted nothing more than to crawl back to bed but I knew I needed to face Darren first.

I get downstairs and my feet are drawn to the little giggles I hear coming from the kitchen. I stand at the

doorway and watch Krystal and Iris. They’re baking cookies. Well I’m assuming that’s what they plan to

bake. Darren wasn’t anywhere to be seen so I assumed he was at the pack house.

“I don’t know how to make them, Nanny never allowed me even though I wanted to” Iris says as she

carefully breaks an egg over a bowl.

“Don’t worry about it little sis, I’ve got you…I’ll teach you” Krystal tells her sweetly.

Iris looks at her in confusion. Her brows are furrowed as she tries to figure something out.

“You called me little sis…I don’t understand, your dad is with Mayra who is my mommy but then Colton

told me that you’re his sister but his parents are Mrs. Lauren and Sir Sebastian. I’m so confused”

I see Krystal wince a little and it makes me almost laugh. Krystal has a complicated family so I’m dying

to see how she explains everything to Iris. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well it’s all very complicated…My mom is Lauren and my dad is Darren. Sebastian is my step dad. He

married my mom and had Colton and now Rhett and Tessa. I also have another brother called Jax, I

think you’ve met him” she pauses and Iris nods.

“So my dad is sort of married to your mom so that makes you my little sister” she finishes.

Iris looks intrigued. “So you have two moms and two dads?”

“Bingo, four parents and now three brothers and two sisters”

“You have a lot of family…I was always alone, but now I have a mommy and Sir Darren said I could

him dad. That means you’re my sister, I’ve always wanted a sister” Iris says with tears in her eyes.

I feel for her honestly. I can’t imagine having no one else in the world except that bitch of a nanny. I

hope her soul burns in hell for what she put Iris through.

“You’ll never be alone Iris, you’re now family. You have a mom and dad. A sister and a whole bunch of

uncles and aunties. Not to mention grandparents…we’re all here for you”

Krystal notices the tears in Iris' eyes and stops what she’s doing. “Come here baby sis”

She engulfs her in a warm hug and they just hold onto each other for a while. Darren and Ren did one

hell of a job raising Krystal. She was to be the next Oracle yet she was so humble and caring. It made

my heart swell.

Leaving my hiding place I go to them and sweep both of them in a hug. I feel so content. I kiss both of

them before letting them go.

“Morning Krystal, morning Iris”

“Morning” they replied in unison, both with smiles on their faces.

“So what are you guys making this fine morning?” I ask.

“We’re baking cookies. Krystal is teaching me how to!”

I laugh at the excitement in Iris’s voice and face. This is one of the things I love about her. The fact that

she takes pleasure in small things. Things that most people would take for granted.

“Okay, then I’ll let you guys get to it while I take my breakfast”

They nod but it’s distracted. They're both focused on what they’re doing and their conversation. It was

like I wasn’t even there at all. I love that Krystal was already acting like a big sister. That she was able

to put Iris to ease.

Seeing her like this, you wouldn’t believe that she was going to be the most powerful wolf. It’s given.

She literally has powers. Gifted to her by the Goddess. In a few years she’ll be working closely with her


“So you and my dad, huh?” her voice pulls me back to reality.

I notice that Iris is busy cutting the dough with a cookie cutter. I look at Krystal. She is a mix of both

Darren and Ren. Her obsidian eyes remind me of her father. When she was younger she had brown

hair but as she got older it changed. Now it was more copper than brown. Just like her mother, she was

drop dead gorgeous even though she was only thirteen.

Darren is lucky she’s in training and being an Oracle, she isn’t allowed to be with a man. She’s

supposed to remain a virgin. Otherwise, he would have a hard time keeping boys from sniffing around

her. It also doesn’t help that she already has curves to die for.

“Are you okay with that, I’m sure it must be a bit of surprise”

She stares at me before she burst out laughing. “Are you kidding me Aunt Mayra? I saw you two

happening before you were in each other’s radar. It was cute seeing you two trying to hide your


I let out a nervous chuckle. “I sometimes forget about your gift”

“I’m very much okay with you two being together. After dad’s dumb actions made him lose mom to dad

Sebastian, I was afraid he would remain alone forever. I’m glad you came to our lives. Both of you

needed each other. You were each other’s anchor and you kept each other from drowning”

“Anyone ever tell you that you’re too mature for your age?”

She smirks. “It’s part of being an Oracle. Don’t get me wrong, I did some dumb shit when I was

younger but I managed to fix that. You and dad belong with each. Let him in and I promise you, you

won’t regret it. You will face…”

She stops speaking and starts worrying her natural red lips.

“Krys?” I push.

“You will face a huge loss but don’t push dad away. Let him be there for you. Lean on him. I promise

everything that’s supposed to happen will happen and in the end you’ll find your happily ever after”

I sit shocked and a bit scared. Now I was worried, trying to figure out who I would lose. I didn’t want to

lose anyone.

She grabs my hand and squeezes it. “Trust in the goddess. She has your best interest at heart”

I nod though I was a bit doubtful. “Thanks Krystal”

We are interrupted by the sharp sound of metal hitting the floor. We turn to find Iris covered with cookie

pieces. I guess she tipped the tray.

“Let me go back to help before we have more accidents”

“Okay, and I’ll go get a nap”

With that I leave them and go upstairs. I get to our bedroom and the moment my head hits the pillow

I’m out like lights.

I wake up with a gasp. I felt eyes on me and given the notes and pictures I was afraid there was

someone unwanted in the room

“You scared me” I tell Darren, who was still looking at me intensely.

“Who is your fated, Mayra?” he asked.

He’s never asked me this so I wondered why he all of a sudden brought it up now.

“Why are you asking?”

“Just answer the question”

I don’t want to but I had a feeling that he already knew or had his suspicions.

I sigh. There wasn’t any need not to tell him. “It was Sebastian”

He lets out a breath.

“I had my doubts since yesterday. It's weird honestly. He was mated to my fated and now I’m the one

mated to his fated”

“You mean Ren? She was your fated? I never knew that” I say slowly.

It was weird.

“No. Ren was my chosen. My fated was Miranda. We met when we were eighteen. She rejected me

because she wanted a more powerful Alpha. At that time I didn’t know that she had played Sebastian

too. Lied to him that her fated was dead. I was so bitter with both of them. A year later, I met Ren. She

pulled me from the darkness I was drowning in. We started dating after my recovery and got mated and

had Krystal”

I listen and watch his face. It’s drowned in guilt and regret. He takes a deep breath and I know the next

part will be a bit hard to digest.

“Ten years after being together, Miranda and Sebastian separated. She came back crawling and fed

me lies. I fell for them and did really despicable things to Ren”

He stops and my heart starts to pick up.

“What did you do?” I whisper, part of me afraid of hearing his response.

“I cheated on her with Miranda and then filed for a separation. She wanted to hold on and refused to

give up on me. I dragged her name through the mud. With the media and investors. Everyone in the

city was trolling her.

She almost lost her business because of me. Krystal was and is a daddy’s girl so she followed my lead.

She too didn’t want anything to do with Ren.

The last straw was when we humiliated her during Krystal’s birthday. She signed the papers and left for

a year. She had to come back because Mase was sick and that’s how they got together with Sebastian”

I look at him, unable to believe that the man he described was the same as the one sitting in front of

me. The things he did were horrible. No wonder Ren assured me that there wasn’t a chance of her and

Darren ever getting back together.

“I was pissed and jealous when I learned that she was getting married to a man I considered my

enemy. After they got married and mated, the truth about Miranda came out. She had cheated on

Sebastian when they were together and had also cheated on me.

To make things worse she got pregnant. The baby wasn’t mine. It was during that time that I realized

how foolish I had been. That the woman I had loved was Ren but I was too late. She was already with

Bash and no matter what I tried to do to separate them, they said together.

Eventually I stopped and let her go. She was happy and part of loving someone is allowing them to be

happy even if it’s without you”

I slump against the bed. This information knocks the air right out of my chest. The things he put Ren

through were imaginable. How Ren was able to forgive him, I will never know.

“What happened to Miranda?” I ask, curiously.

“Sebastian killed her after she ran Lauren over with a car”

I remember that day clearly. I had been out for the first time and Sebastian and Lauren had been on a


Gosh. This was so much. I didn’t know what to think or feel. Could I trust a man that had cheated on his

chosen before?

“What about now, do you still love Lauren?” Part of me didn’t want to hear the answer but I was also


“I do love her but I’m not in love with her anymore. The woman that my heart now solely beats for is

you. I love you Mayra, I don’t know when or how it happened but I do. I want to spend the rest of my life

with you but I also understand if my past is a deal breaker”

When I don’t say anything, his face falls. Hope quickly fleeing his eyes. I was shocked that he

confessed he loved me.

I wanted to say something but I just couldn't get the words from my mouth. I didn’t know whether I

could trust him not to do to me what he did to Lauren.

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