Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 77: Daring Distance

Chapter 77: Daring Distance 


By 9 PM, I gave up.

I never felt so humiliated in my life. Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

I asked for the check and paid for the four glasses of mocktail I had and left a nice tip for my waiter.

The hostess smiled a sad smile as she saw me walking out of the restaurant alone.

I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

I went back to the apartment because I didn't know where else to go.

I saw my reflection in the mirror when I walked in and I looked so pathetic.

I did my hair and make up, I put on a dress and everything, only to be stood up by him at my birthday.

I was angry, embarrassed, and frustrated.

But mostly I was sad.

I thought tonight would be special, but no.

It was just any other day for Ian.

He had other things that were more important and I just had to take the back seat.

Feeling stupid, I took off the dress and put on an oversized sweater instead.

Tears were running down my face and it totally ruined my make up, but who cares? It wasn’t like it was important anyway.

I scrubbed my make up off angrily and pulled my hair into a messy ponytail.

I looked around the empty apartment and I debated on what to do.

I could stay here and wait until he gets home and hear about how sorry he was that he missed my birthday dinner, and tomorrow he'll go to work and ignore me again completely.

Or… I could pack my bags and leave.

There was a train running between Philly and New York City every day and if I leave now, I could make it before the last train leaves.

I didn’t think too much about it, I knew what I had to do.

I couldn't believe what I'm saying, but I needed some space away from him.

It would be better for us both.

My heart was hurting too much and I couldn't take it anymore.

So, I quickly packed my bags and I wrote him a note.

Dear Ian, You don’t have to apologize.

I know you're busy and I'm not a priority at the moment, and that’s okay, I understand.

But I think it’s best I leave so you can focus on your work.

No hard feelings.


It sounded petty, but whatever.

I was too upset to be nice.

My uber was now waiting for me downstairs and I took a moment for one last glimpse of the apartment.

Leaving the spare key on the kitchen counter, I turned off the lights and closed the door shut.

I turned off my phone for the rest of the night.

I didn’t wanna hear any more ‘I'm sorry’ or ‘I'll make it up to you’.

I had enough of his empty promises.

I was tired of all that.

I put up with it all summer long and I needed an out.

At least when we were far away and he was busy with work, I didn’t have to feel this hurt because I could blame the distance.

There was no distance between us and there was nothing else to blame.

The simple truth was that I didn’t matter enough.

He loves me, sure he does.

But at the moment, I couldn't see it and I couldn't feel it.

And all I wanted now was to get away.

Maybe I was being petty, but I wanted him to realize that what he was doing to me was hurting me.

I wanted him to miss me, just as much as I was missing him.I got back to Philly late that night.I took a cab to my new apartment and hauled my big fat suitcase up three flights of stairs.

That was how I spent my birthday night.

Lovely.When I opened the apartment door, I was expecting to find the room dark and empty.

Instead, the lights were on and I heard the sound of the TV.

I walked inside and saw Tristan sitting on the couch.

"Tristan?"I gaped.

"Emma?"he looked shocked to see me.

We were both shocked to see each other there.

"What are you doing here? I thought you and Sophie are coming back next week?"I asked.

"Me? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the city with your boyfriend?"he asked back.

"It's a long story, I don't wanna talk about it,"I sighed dramatically and joined him on the couch.

I trashed my head back and groaned in exhaustion.It had been a long night.

"Well, I came early because the apartment's empty and I like the silence.Helps me get my work done,"

Tristan said, gesturing to the laptop on the coffee table.

He was doing a lot of writing because he worked in the school newspaper.


I mouthed and I got up to my feet.

"Don’t worry about me, I’m not gonna bother you.I’m just gonna get some sleep,"

"Emma, wait,"he said and he pulled on my hand, motioning for me to sit back down.

"What's going on? You wanna talk about it?"Tristan knew something was up.

I couldn't hold it anymore.The next thing I knew, I burst out crying into his shoulder, snorting like a sad ugly pig.

"He never showed up..."I sobbed.

"I waited for him...he didn’t even call...and it's supposed to be my birthday..."

Tristan linked his arms around me and cooed me gently as he said, "That really sucks.I'm so sorry, Emma,"

"All summer long, Tristan.I've been in the back seat all summer long, but that’s okay, because he’s working towards his dreams and I didn’t wanna get in the way of that,"

I paused to catch my breath in between sobs, "But why would he even bring me out to New York City if he didn’t even have the time to spend with me.Why bother making a reservation for something he won't even show up for?"

I was a snorting and crying mess.Tristan grabbed the box of tissues on the table and handed it to me.

"You know what I think? I think he doesn’t love me anymore.I think he got bored with me or something.His priority is the gallery and this girl called Ally,"

I continued my rant after blowing my nose so gracefully into the tissue paper.

"Who's Ally?"he asked.

"Supposedly one of his best friends, but they used to have a thing together back in high school,"I replied, and I rolled my eyes for added dramatic effect.

"What are you saying? You think he’s cheating on you with her?"

"l...I don’t know...I don't think so...God, I hope not!" images of Ian and Ally filled my head and I shook my head violently, hoping it would go away.

"So, that's what happened? He never showed up for the dinner and he didn’t call you, so you got upset and you came back?"

I bit my lip and nodded my head slowly.

"It's not just about the dinner.It’s about every day and night before that too.We barely have any time together, and even we're together, he’d always be on the phone with Ally talking about work,"

"And you never said anything to him all summer long?"he asked.

"No.I kept quiet because I didn’t wanna get in the way ..but...I can’t do it anymore.I thought by now things will get better, but it never does.Even though I was with him every day, I still feel so lonely,"

Tristan let out a sad smile and said,

"That really sucks.Sorry you had a shitty birthday and a shitty summer.You deserve so much better than that,"

"He used to be the best boyfriend ever.Last year for my birthday, he drove for hours and took me on a road trip.I don’t know what happened to us now and why we're so distant from each other,"I sighed.

My birthday was always a special thing for us.My sixteenth birthday was the first time I met him at that bar in Emory.

On my seventeenth birthday, we took a road trip to Princeton and he inspired me to apply to Ivy League schools.

We got engaged on my graduation day and for my eighteenth birthday, he drove us to Philly and helped me move in to the dorm.

So here I was, on my nineteenth birthday, I had a lot of expectations and they were all crushed in just one night.

"I'm sorry, Emma, I don’t know what else to say,"Tristan sighed too.

"It's not your fault.I’m sorry I came barging in here and you had to hear all my sob story.I shouldn't be disturbing you, you’re working," I said as I straightened myself up.

"No, you’re not disturbing me at all.I've been looking at that word document for the past hour, not doing anything.I need a break," he said quickly.

"Are you sure?"


Tristan turned his head to see the clock, and the time showed that it was 11:45 PM.

"And since it’s still technically your birthday, wanna celebrate?"


I stifled a laugh.

A smirk crept up his face as he got up and headed to the fridge.

Seconds later, he came back with a six pack of beer.He lifted them up in the air and smiled victoriously.

"You got beer?"I questioned.

"They helped me write better,"he shrugged.

"Want some?"All I had all night were those stupid mocktails and sparkling water.

I could use some booze, especially to help me forget all about this stupid night.

So I nodded my head vigorously at him and said, "Yes please,"

Tristan and I ended up drinking throughout the night.

We watched a re-run of Law and Order on TV and we used our matching onesie pajamas because they were so comfortable and fluffy.

It was about 1.30 AM in the morning and I had fallen asleep on the couch and Tristan fell asleep next to me, when a sudden loud knocking woke us up.

I groaned groggily as the pounding on the door got louder and louder.

"Who is that?"I croaked.

"I don't know,"Tristan replied.

To my relief, he got up from the couch and staggered towards the door.

I was so tired, I didn’t wanna move an inch.

Tristan took a peek from the peephole and quickly turned to me, saying, "Emma, I think your boyfriend's here,"


I jolted up from the couch instantly."It's him,"

Tristan said again.

The pounding on the door was still loud and persistent.

And then I heard his voice, calling out from behind the door, "Emma? Emma, are you there?"

It was Ian’s voice! I gasped instantly and my eyes shot open.

"Do you wanna see him?"

Tristan whispered lowly.

"Or should I get rid of him?’


I thought about it for a while.

On one hand, I would love to see him, but on the other hand, I was still mad at him.


I heard his voice again and it was laced with worry and sadness.

My heart gave out.

I couldn't do that to him.

As much as I was angry at him, I didn’t want him to suffer because of me.

"Let him in," I said to Tristan.

Tristan nodded and opened the door, revealing Ian standing on the other side.

He was still wearing the suit he put on this morning.

His face was full of worry, but as soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up and he barged right in.

He didn’t even say a word and he came right at me, wrapping my entire body with his arMs.7 I struggled against his chest and said, "Ian, what are you doing here?"

"I'm so glad I found you,"he whispered back.

I was squirming to get away, but his grip was strong and final.He wasn’t gonna let me go.

"Let me go, Ian,"I tried to push and shove, but it was no use.

"No,"he stated simply.

"Hey, she told you to let go,"Tristan stepped in suddenly.

Tristan was used to these kinds of things.

Whenever a random drunk guy at the bar would hit on Sophie or me, he would step in and saved our asses.

This was different though.

This wasn’t a random drunk guy at a bar.

This was my fiancée and Ian was seething mad.

Tristan had put a hand on Ian’s shoulder and Ian shot daggers at him.

"What if I don't want to?" Ian said challengingly.

The tension in the air went from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds.

Ian stared at Tristan and then he stared at me.

He noticed we were wearing our matching onesie pajamas and he looked somewhat...jealous.

"Tristan, it's okay," I said quickly, trying to ease the tension.

"We're just talking," Ian’s eyes darted to the coffee table and he noticed the rows of empty beer bottles there.

That did not make him any calmer.

"Let's talk in my room," I tugged on his arm to get his attention.

His eyes softened as they met mine and he breathed


Slowly, he let go of his grip around me and I let out the breath I was holding.

I motioned for him to come follow me and I led him towards my bedroom.

Tristan was still looking right at us from the living room and I gave him a small reassuring smile before I closed the door shut.

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