Talented Martial Hero

Chapter 194 The Secret Of The Talent Roll

Chapter 194 The Secret Of The Talent Roll

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Darren released his strong aura. He was like a sharp sword, floating in the air.

Scott was surprised with his power. He had never seen a cultivator who was at the top stage of the

Mysterious Realm emitting an aura that could only belong to someone at the top level of the primary

stage of the Wonder Realm.

"Darren, you are good enough to improve your position on the Talent Roll. You have obtained all the

requirements. But sadly, you are still too young. Also, you haven't reached the Wonder Realm yet. This

is your biggest obstacle," Scott said, as he also floated in the air. The aura around him slowly faded. He

was ready to show Darren the strength of a cultivator at the middle stage of the Wonder Realm.

"All the requirements? What do you mean by that?" Darren felt like he was ready. But hearing Scott's

words, he couldn't help but be curious.

"The Talent Roll values challenging martial artists who are in realms that are higher than yours. Your

talent and age are also important. As far as I know, the person who is currently ranked at one hundred

on the Talent Roll had enough power to kill someone at the top level of the middle stage of the Wonder

Realm, even when he only got into the primary stage of the Wonder Realm. Plus, he's only twenty-two

right now," he explained.

This surprised Darren, but he opted to stop asking any more questions. He thought of the first time he

saw the Talent Roll. He used a rune to kill a person who was in the Wonder Realm. The Talent Roll

appeared and showed that he ranked eighteenth at the time.

Silently thinking, Darren finally understood the reason behind it. He was still in the Spirit Realm during

that time and he killed someone who was in the Wonder Realm whose level was much higher than his!

It was indeed like what Scott said. The thing that the Talent Roll valued the most was challenging

someone who was way stronger than you.

"So, according to what you said, if I, who's still in the Mysterious Realm, beat someone who's at the

middle stage of the Wonder Realm, then my ranking will be below one hundred, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. If you can do that at your current age, you might even be in the top 50. But if you do

that when you get into the Wonder Realm, your ranking won't be that high anymore. As you age the

realms you can beat also becomes less," Scott answered.

"I see. Then let's start, Scott." After saying these words, Darren immediately called eight avatars out.

He also used the bronze mask and the battle armor in his Space Ring.

Seeing Darren's battle armor, something flashed in Scott's eyes but it quickly disappeared. He then let

his aura out. A huge dragon shadow appeared behind him, floating in the air.

"We will fight only once, Darren!"


answered Darren. He immediately used his sword core and supernatural blade skill at the same time.

Both sword and blade intents were brandished at the same time. They were so strong, it seemed as if

they could destroy anything in their way. Like a terrifying beast, both charged at Scott.

Darren used the simple Wind Rule to shoot Scott blades of wind as he ran towards him with immense

acceleration. For a moment, Scott was completely covered by the shadows of Darren's sword and


Darren used all his power except for his demonic transformation skill. He didn't plan to defeat Scott

completely, after all. He only wanted a tie to prove that he was capable of going against someone at

the middle stage of the Wonder Realm.

Scott, however, seemed undaunted by Darren's show of power. He stayed relaxed, calmly levitating a

few feet above the ground. With a wave of his hand, the dragon shadow behind him went for Darren.

Crash! The sky and the earth seemed to shake because of their immense power.

The dragon silhouette met Darren's blade intent and sword intent. To Darren's astonishment, his blade

and sword intents did not seem so powerful compared to Scott's dragon. It occurred to him that he

might not be able to beat Scott after all.

"This is impossible!"

Darren was in denial. With a stroke of defiance, he attacked with his blade and sword intents again.

After another loud clash, the dragon silhouette finally disappeared, and Darren's blade and sword

intents dispersed as well.

"Darren, you mastered the high level of the supernatural martial skill. It is the strongest skill the Dragon

Blood Clan possesses."

"Scott, if you can use the high level of the supernatural martial skill, then you must be above the middle

stage of the Wonder Realm, right?" Darren asked.

Scott shook his head. "No, Darren. You can try and sense my realm if you don't believe me," he replied


Hearing his words, Darren immediately used his spiritual sense. He was surprised to find that Scott

was just at the primary stage of the Wonder Realm. Scott had suppressed his true strength and

lowered his stage when they fought.

What surprised him the most was the realization that even at that stage, he still managed to beat him.

He was stronger than Darren by a wide margin.

"Darren, I only managed to use half of the power of the high-level supernatural martial skill. I can't beat

someone who's at the middle stage of the Wonder Realm with that, let alone someone who's at the top

level of the middle stage of the Wonder Realm. Now, use all your protection and try to take this!"

With these words, Scott reached his hand out as if he were clawing something in the air. With this

gesture, a deafening dragon howl rang through Darren's ears.

"Dragon's Claw!"

Darren saw a handful of green dragon scales shooting towards him menacingly.

Immediately, he used his dragon blood aura while also reflexively flaring his blade and sword intents.

The earth shook once again. A figure shot out like a comet and broke a few huge mountains.

Moments later, one of the men fell. Tired and ravaged, blood dripped from the corners of his mouth.

"Darren, you are good at protecting yourself. I used 80 percent of the supernatural martial skill which

was enough to beat someone who just got in the middle stage of the Wonder Realm. Of course, this

was under the condition that he didn't use an Omnipotent Talent Skill," Scott said calmly.

Darren could hardly believe it. The power that attacked him seemed way too strong. It was totally

different from Scott's first attack at the primary stage of the Wonder Realm.

"Once you get into the Wonder Realm, every upgrade equates to incalculable and exponential growth

in strength and power.

Do not be disheartened. You will surely be able to fight someone at the top level of the middle stage of

the Wonder Realm when you get to the realm yourself," Scott explained.

Hearing his words, Darren shook his head bitterly. It seemed that the strength of the middle stage of

the Wonder Realm was not as simple as he thought.

"I have been so naive. If it were a real fight to the death, I would have already been dead. I lost," he


"You are still young. I am certain you will reach the Wonder Realm before you turn twenty. You can fight

for the Talent Roll by then," Scott said.

A wry smile crept across Darren's face. "You know I'll only get to the Wonder Realm if I go to the Raksa

Sea. Else, the blade and sword intents in my body will rip me apart," he replied.

"Oh?" Scott furrowed his eyebrows in thought. He was also aware of the dangers of cultivating both the

blade and the sword skill.

Darren gave Scott some quick explanation of his situation. Of course, he didn't tell Scott the full story.

Darren didn't blurt out something he should keep secret.

"It seems that you need more Primitive Stones. That's something you can only find in the secret Raksa

Sea," was all Scott managed to say. Scott let out a helpless sigh. If Darren wanted anything else, he

could have helped him get it. Unfortunately, even Scott didn't have access to anything from the Raksa

Sea. Apart from that, what Darren needed was also extremely precious.

"Darren, only the top 100 superior talents of the Talent Roll can go to the Raksa Sea. Do you know

why?" Scott also wanted to rank top 100 on the Talent Roll when he was young so he had a lot of

information about it.

"No, I don't," Darren answered.

"One earns his right to go to the Raksa Sea. This is given by a certain group of people. Only those who

are as powerful as they will be able to open its sacred passage," Scott explained.

"What? Who? Why would they do that?" Darren asked, confused.

"They are the powerful martial artists of the Grand Realm and they live a hidden life. As soon as

someone new gets to the top 100 of the Talent Roll, a martial artist of the Grand Realm goes to talk to

him and asks him to go to the Raksa Sea along with a generous and enticing offer."

"The Grand Realm? " Darren felt surprised. He didn't understand the reason behind it.

"I know you're surprised, Darren. The martial artists from the Grand Realm fight for good and young

cultivators who get to the Talent Roll because they also need the Primitive Stone. Everyone in the

Grand Realm does. As for the reason behind it, I am just as lost as you. I guess that is something I will

only find out when I get there.

So now, you have two choices. One, you can wait until I reach the Grand Realm. I will have the right to

send you to the Raksa Sea by then. Two, you can enter the top 100 of the Talent Roll and wait for a

martial artist from the Grand Realm to come and talk to you."

Darren couldn't help but get a bit excited. He asked, "Scott, how far are you into reaching the Grand


"You can say that I am very close. It's only one step away. But it will possibly take me hundreds of

years to get in. I might never get into the Grand Realm at all," he replied.

Of course, Darren could not wait for hundreds of years. He was already at the top stage of the

Mysterious Realm. Even if he didn't upgrade, he would never live hundreds of years.

Seeing Darren's disappointment, Scott said again, "I think you should fight to be in the top 100 of the

Talent Roll. Although it can be difficult for you to beat someone who is at the middle stage of the

Wonder Realm, there is another way."

Darren's eyes widened. "What is it?" he asked hopefully.

Scott hesitated before he finally replied, "Refining your body."

This confused Darren even more. He only wanted to be strong enough to fight someone who was at

the middle stage of the Wonder Realm. What was the use of refining his body?

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