Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


“What’s the meaning of this Frederick? Release my hand joor” I said struggling slightly to free myself from his hold.

He turned around to face me and smirked, as if he wasn’t angry few minutes ago. Was he bipolar or something?

He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly and said “Says the girl that grabbed my hand first” I turned red embarrassed as he was accurately spot on. I was infact the one that grabbed his hand first.

“It was on impulse” I mumbled. This only made him to chuckle.

“Whatever makes you sleep well at night Amanda” Winking at me he finally turned back all the while still dragging me to God knows where.

After give or take three minutes we finally reached out supposedly destination. I stared with a dull look at the entrance door.

“Are you serious? You dragged me all the way to the library?” I turned to look at him.

“Of course na, where else were you thinking I was taking you” He said with a careless shrug. Sometimes I really want to hit this boy.

I didn’t respond to what he said instead I asked a question of my own. “Why bring me here” I was very curious for his actions.

“You looked like you didn’t sleep well so I wanted you to catch up on some sleep in the library. Don’t worry the librarian won’t mind, trust me” Oh I did trust him, afterall his mother did own the school, it was surely a given. And also, although his actions were sweet and all, I knew I just couldn’t skip classes again like I did yesterday.

“Thank you Frederick, but I really do have to go to class. Remember I didn’t go for all my classes yesterday?” I said to him.

He frowned “Why do you need to go to class. You need to rest Amanda. You look horrible” “No offense though” He quickly added.

“Gee thanks, what a way to make a girl feel special” I muttered.

“I said no offense na” He laughed.

Sighing I spoke “And also like I said before, I need to go to class because I didn’t go yesterday”

“No you’re not getting me, I mean why do you need to go to class. You could probably not go for classes for the rest of the term and I’m sure you’d still come out among the top five in our whole set” He said this all with a raised brow.

Bragging aside he was actually right. Since I could remember I’ve always been among the top students academically in our entire set. Having a lot of free time, I read a lot. But it turns out my parents didn’t really care about how good I was in school, or anything concerning me for that matter. But the bottom line is that I was sort of a school freak, and although I had a massive headache presently, I was still itching to go for classes.

I was about to argue with Frederick again but as he saw this he spoke yet again no beating me to it “Please I won’t ask you again, just today Amanda. Stay in the library and rest. Frankly you won’t be able to understand a thing the teacher says if you do go for classes, cause you clearly look exhausted” Well he did have a point, my stubbornness was just blinding me from seeing his facts.

It was actually incredibly sweet that Frederick was begging me to rest. I mean who begs another person to rest? No one that’s who. I didn’t think it was possible to like a person even more, but Frederick just proves me wrong every step of the way.

I sighed “Fine. Let’s go in” Though I was behaving like I would rather be anywhere but in there, I knew I really needed to rest and maybe even get a little wink of sleep if I could.

“So is it going to be only us that will be here?” I turned to Frederick and asked. He were both inside the library sitting on our usual spot.

After I agreed to his suggestion and came into the library to rest a for a while, I was confused when Frederick sat down also, I thought he was just going to leave me there. So when I asked him all he said was “Did you really expect me to leave you here all by yourself?” He said this all with a smirk of course.

“Who else were you expecting?” he asked.

“I was just thinking Chimdi and the others will come here also, just like yesterday” I told him.

“No they aren’t coming today” He paused, and with a teasing tone he continued “Which means you have me all to yourself” After he finished talking he began to lean a lot closer to me. I automatically stopped breathing as he came closer and closer to me, I kid you not I really did cease my breathing.

It felt like time stopped moving as quickly. Still holding my breath I immediately clenched my eyes tightly shut. I could feel his soft breath on my cheeks but I still did dare to open my eyes.

“Open your eyes Amanda, I’m not going to bite you I promise” I heard him say with a chuckle. This was not in anyway a laughing matter, the way my heart was beating so loudly that Its possible that he even could hear it ‘wasn’t’ in anyway a laughing matter.

I didn’t still open my eyes so he tried again “Please open your eyes” The softness in his tone was what made me do just as he had asked.

When I opened your eyes I didn’t I was surprised to see Frederick perfectly back in his previous sitting position.

“Something was on your hair, I was just removing it” He rose his hand showing me a tiny object that looked somewhat like a piece of paper.

God I’ve never felt so embarrassed in my life. And see my mind wondering to other places.

I saw a familiar expression gracing his face. With a smirk he told me “Oh Amanda, Amanda. Where was your mind going to? And here I thought you were too innocent to think such” he more he teasingly spoke the more I blushed. He could have just told me there was something on my hair na, instead of coming so close to me. If you really think about it, he was the one that made me think something else.Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

“Go away jare” was my weak response.

At my words he released a full belly laugh. I’m sure the librarian was already tired of us at it is, but Frederick just didn’t seem to care.

He completely ignored my words and continued speaking “But again it’s not your fault that you find me attractive” I thought he had forgotten about what I said to his mother while we were at the hospital yesterday. To think he would use my words against me, him wiggling his brows wasn’t helping matters either.

“It was on impulse I said that” I tried to save myself.

“Maybe it was on impulse, but you still meant every word, I’m sure of that” He confidently said still spotting him with a smirk.

“No I didn’t” Lying wasn’t really my strong suit I know.

“Tsk tsk” shaking his head slightly still with a smirk he spoke “Remember Amanda Liars go into the fiery pit” I finally gave up and the next thing I began to laugh. Frederick gave him a cautious look, probably because I seemed crazy.

“Fine you thought I was lying” I said with a low chuckle “But did you really expect me to just admit it out loud to you that I liked you or something. How do you expect someone to do that?” It didn’t even register immediately in my mind that I had just said ‘liked’ and not ‘find you attractive’. What was happening to me today? I guess it’s the lack of sleep, definitely has to be that.

I don’t know what I was expecting from Frederick but I was definitely not expecting him to smile so wide.

Responding to what I said he spoke “Easy, just like this” he paused “I like you too my dear fiancee, and I find you just as attractive, that is if not even more than you fine me” I was completely still as I took in what he had just told me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not that dumb. I knew from the way Frederick acted around me I knew he had to have some sort of feelings for me, I didn’t doubt that for a second. I mean it was common sense after all.

But it’s just that hearing him admit it out loud just hits differently. I guess when people say that they feel butterflies in their stomach it wasn’t all crap. I really do stand corrected yet again.

“God it felt so good saying that out finally. Keeping something like that for soo long isn’t healthy I tell you” He spoke so casually like what he said few seconds ago didn’t happen. Or was I just overreacting?

I didn’t really know what to say as I was literally short of words, but luckily I didn’t have to say anything else as Frederick spoke yet again, a dazzling smile gracing his face reminding me of one of the many things I found attractive about him.

“Get some rest Amanda, I’ll be right here when you wake up. And don’t worry I will wake you up when it’s time for lunch break” I only nodded my head while also giving him a grateful smile.

And boy was I stupid to trust his words. He didn’t wake me up when it was lunch break oh no, when I woke up school had already ended and Frederick was nowhere in sight. The only thing I saw was a well written note saying he was sorry and that something urgent had come up.

Frederick didn’t come back as he had said he would in the note. Mr Ola was the one who came to take me home. I’ll have to say me sleeping until school was over wasn’t what I was expecting. No not at all. But who am I to complain, that was practically one of the best sleep I have had in years so to say. Insomnia is a really bad thing I tell you.

Still I was in a really good mood at the moment. What Frederick told me this morning was very much still lingering in my mind. A small smile adorned my face as I recalled exactly what he said, word for word. Knowing that the person you like equally shares the same feeling as you do was truly bliss I tell you.

When I finally reached home I was surprised to see that my parents were back. That immediately dampened my mood a little. I honestly wasn’t expecting them to be back so soon. I don’t know what I was expecting but just as they didn’t tell me when they were traveling they also didn’t see the need to tell me when they were coming back. Very typical of them.

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