Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


This was working perfectly and now to speed up her complete surrender to me as her one master, the only one who will tell her the truth. “Inside the hut you can see a set of stairs leading down it’s barely lit and you can just make out how many stairs there are and that there is a landing at the bottom. Count them Pet, are there twelve or thirteen stairs?”This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“There are twelve stairs, My Lord and Master.”

“That’s right, there are twelve stairs. You’ve done so well I’m going to give you a reward, my good girl. Because you are doing so well, you don’t have to call me Lord and Master anymore you can just call my Lord.”

“Oh, thank you, my Lord.”

“You are welcome pet you earned it by being such a good girl. Now Pet at the bottom of those stairs is where the real you lives, the unconscious part of you that knows the truth. That knows they have brainwashed you and that you’ve been lied too, and she knows what’s true too. We are going to walk down the stairs to meet with her. We’re going to count them together from twelve to one as we go down and with each step, we will leave the awake part of you behind and going into the secret subconscious part of you that knows the truth. With each step we will leave the lies, the brainwashing, the things they have taught you that are wrong. We will leave them all behind and when we get to the bottom, you will be ready to meet the real you and learn all the truths you know. Let’s start down and don’t forget to count with me. Ready?”

“Yes. My Lord.”

“Twelve, Eleven, Ten, we’re leaving the awake part of you behind. Nine, eight seven, stepping closer to the real you away from the you that was lied to brain washed taught things that weren’t true. Six five four. We are almost completely free of all those unreal parts and pieces My pet almost to the real you. Three Two One and now we are on the landing and we can’t even see the conscious part of you that was tricked and taught wrong and brainwashed. All we can see in the dim light is a door in front of you what color is that Pet is it Pink or Purple?”

“It’s such a pretty pink, My Lord.”

“Why your right Pet it is the most pretty pink why do you think that is? Is it because your favorite color is pink or because pink is the color of the truth?”

I think it’s because the real me knows pink is my favorite color. My Lord, ”

“I think your right, but you know what else I think? I think the real you knows it’s the color of the truth too. Okay my Pet, I want you to open the door and you and I will go inside that room. Only the truth and those that tell the truth can go in that room to meet the real you so open the door and step inside. Let me know when you are inside.”

“I’m inside. My Lord.”

“So am I my Pet, shut the door and lock it so only the truth and those that know it are in here.”

“Now look around you should see a big chair like the most beautiful comfy throne fit for a princess do you see it?”

“Yes. It’s so pretty.”

“That’s the chair of truth. When you sit in that chair, Rachelle, you can see the real secret you. You and the secret you can only speak the truth, nothing you say in that chair can be a lie. Not even a question. If you can speak it in that chair, it’s the truth. Go sit in the chair my Pet.”

I waited a minute. “Is it comfy as it looks?”

“Yes, it’s very comfortable, My Lord.”

“Do you see the screen in front of you, like a big Tv?”

“Yes. My Lord.”

“I’m going to turn it on, and you will see the secret part of you, the subconscious part that knows the truth. She’s setting in the truth chair just like you in the room of truth; but she is completely naked and unashamed why is that My Pet?”

“Because I was created to be naked and unashamed. My Lord.”

That’s right, and it’s the truth because you can only speak the truth in that chair. You were created to be naked and unashamed with me weren’t you?”

“Yes, my Lord I was created to be naked and unashamed with you.”

“Well, you and the secret you say it together, so we know it’s the truth spoken from the truth chair.”

“I was created to be naked and unashamed with you, My Lord.”

“Hey my pet, were you created to have my babies? Can you ask the secret you and find out if that’s the truth?”

“Yes, I can ask if I was created to have your babies. My Lord,”

“Well, you asked it while sitting in the truth chair, what does that tell us?”

“That it is the truth that I was created to have your babies My Lord.”

“So the truth is your purpose what you were created for is to have my babies isn’t it.”

“Yes, the truth is that my purpose I was created for is to have your babies, My Lord.”

“Who am I, my pet?”

“You are my Lord and Master, My Lord.”

“Yes, but who am I. This is where the secret you lives, the one who knows the truth, and I know you know my name. So tell me my name, Rachelle.”

“Your name, my Lord is…”

I saw when the subliminal message registered in her consciousness. “Zach.”

I smiled, now it would be so much easier. “That’s right, I’m Zach and who am I again?”

“Zach, you are my Lord and Master.”

So that means your purpose is to have Zach’s babies?”

“Yes, I’m supposed to have my Lord and Master Zach’s babies.”

“That’s the truth because you said it in your truth chair. Rachelle: If Zach is your lord and master and I’m in the truth room with you where only the truth can come. That means that you can believe everything I tell you because I will only tell you the truth, right?”

“That’s right.” She said nodding her head. “I can believe what you tell me because you will only tell me the truth. My Lord.”

“Since we are here in the secret room of truth, you can just call me Zach here my pet. Do you love me, My Pet?”

“Yes, I love you, Zach.”

“Do you love me with all your heart and soul?”

“Yes, Zach, I love you with all my heart and soul.”

“Do you belong to me?”

“Yes, Zach, I belong to you. You are my Lord and Master.”

“Does your body belong to me?”

She thought for a minute and then said. “Everything I am belongs to you Zach I’m your servant and you are my Lord and Master.”

“Yes, that right because you just said all that from your truth chair, so it’s the truth. It’s time to leave now, my pet. Walk over to the door and unlock it so we can step back out onto the landing.”

“Of course.”

“Alright now lock the pink door behind us, my Pet.”

“It’s locked, my Lord.”

“My pet, we must protect this place. From now on, no one can help you relax like the video did today. No one can lead you to rest or sleep with their voice or a light or any object. There will be times we need to come back here, but only together you and me. To get here I will say ‘Take us to the pink door my pet.’ When I say that and only when I say it in person to you will you suddenly find yourself this relaxed standing right here outside the pink door of truth. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand my Lord.”

“Good girl. Now it is time for you to wake up. We are going to climb the stairs, counting up from one to twelve, becoming more awake and aware with each step up. When we reach the top, you will be fully awake and refreshed and excited to be trained by your Lord and Master. You will also be hungry because dinner is ready for us. Let’s climb and count with me. One, two, three, waking up. Four five, six, becoming more aware of our surrounding. Seven, eight, nine, almost fully awake aware and excited to train. Ten Eleven Twelve awake, aware and hungry.”

Rachelle looked and saw me standing in front of her. “Zach, I knew you were my Lord and Master. I just knew it.”

I smiled at her she was so easy to train. After dinner I’d take one of her firsts and then go and show her mother that her daughter was succumbing just like I said she would. With the help of the Relyfe hypnosis and the subliminal messaging, she just may beg me to take her virginity and knock her up tomorrow instead of the three days I thought it would take. “You are as smart as you are beautiful, my Pet. Now come sit and and let us eat while we talk about the next part of your training.”

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