Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


Becky held out her hand for the phone. “Hold on, my Lawyer wishes to speak to you.”

He hit the speakerphone function on his phone, and Becky leaned closer. “Ms. Gatki, my name is Becky Long we met at Gio’s yesterday.”

“I remember Mrs. Long you were upset about Gio’s um… lifestyle choices.”

“Not upset, really, just surprised. However, the advice you gave Gio was spot on and obviously you were even conservative in your estimations. Would you feel more comfortable if Gio’s company hired you as CFO with a one-year contract at the salary he offered? Adding a clause, that either party, could end in the first ninety days if things weren’t working out? Then you could try the position and help us get things set up. If you still feel overwhelmed, that will give Gio time to find a replacement. You could renegotiate for a longer period, after the first year. I really need a CFO to put on this paperwork, and Gio wants you. We don’t have anyone else we know who would be a good fit, at this time.”

They could hear Mia breathing heavily on the other end. “What about our other thing, Gio?”

“You mean our date and discussion about my lifestyle, and if you are interested?”


“That would be an entirely separate thing. I’ll be honest in front of my family and you. I want you as part of my ladies. But even if you say no, I still want you working for me as my Chief Financial Officer. Like I said, I trust you to help me with the money side of the business. I trust you because you could have just given me the worthless valuation your boss expected you to give me and been fine. But you didn’t because you knew the app was worth more and you knew how to show me it was worth more.”

“Okay, I need to file this valuation and give notice then if I’m coming to work for your company. What’s the company name again?”

“G. L. Creations.”

“Then if Mrs. Long would write up an employment contract like she talked about, I’ll come to work for you in two weeks.”

“How about you come to work for me tomorrow but physically start in two weeks after your notice is worked out there. I need help now, Mia. If you could help me some of an evening, just figuring out how to set up the financial side, I’d appreciate it. Like offshore banking and anything else I should know right away.”

“I’ll swing by after work today and we can talk, but officially I can’t start until after I’m done here. Thankfully, I won’t actually be doing the same thing as I did here, so my non-compete clause won’t cause us issues.”

“Thanks a lot, Mia. You’re a lifesaver. We’ll see you after work. Oh, and just so you know, my entire family will be here. So you can get a preview of what being part of my lifestyle would be like too.”

“Umm… Okay, thanks for letting me know, so I won’t be shocked. Will everyone be okay with me coming by?”

“Yeah, they all knew I was going to ask you to be CFO, so they’re okay with it. We can talk about the rest at dinner this weekend.”

“Umm okay. Send me that email right away, okay?”

“Yeah, sending it now.”

“Okay, bye.”

She hung up, and Gio looked at Becky and his mom. “Okay, Mom, call Greg and let him know you’ll be late so we can go by the school and request my transfer. Becky, you need to send email to Mr. Chadwick about your quitting. Make the transfer request for Abi at school and get started on that paperwork.”

Both women nodded. Becky grabbed a pen and notebook. “So the company name is G. L. Creations. You will be CEO and COO, with Mia being the CFO?”

Gio shook his head. “No, make me the CEO. Mom, would you be willing to be the COO? I need someone with some marketing knowledge as that is the first money making product we are using in this situation.”

“Gio, honey, are you sure you want me? I like my Job at Anderson. Not only that, but I know nothing about the computer side of the business. I mean, I’m willing to help any way I can, but I’m not sure I should be you COO.”

“I know that mom, you wouldn’t have to leave Anderson, at least not right now. But I’d feel better if we had someone different for each of the main company officers right now. It might all be just on paper anyway if we sell the app.”

Becky spoke up. “Are you still thinking about selling Gio? I mean with everything your doing you might make more money by just hiring some workers and running the business yourself.”

“I don’t know if I’m going to sell. You are right, Becky, there is a part of me that wants to hold off and see how much I can make without selling. I know I won’t sell at the offers they made to me so far. Someone would have to offer me a lot more than what they have for me to consider it. I mean, just using what we made so far as a baseline, I’d say we will clear more than they offered this year alone. More if we keep developing the marketing side of Click-Talk and even more if we add some advertising to my other apps and develop new apps. I have a couple of ideas for a few more apps I want to explore.”

“So even if you sell Click-talk, you plan to keep running G. L. Creations?”

Gio nodded his head. “Yeah, I do. I have other ideas that I’m working on and a couple of game apps already up and running.”

Gio looked over at his mom again. “That’s why I want you to take COO, mom. I need someone with marketing knowledge to help me put together a Marketing team for each of my apps. I can do the coding and programing for now. We’ll start advertising for some graphic artist and support staff once we have the paperwork in order. Starting with someone to run our HR department and I’m going to hire Becky to run our legal department. Honestly, I plan to put the entire family on the payroll somehow.”

Cecilia sighed. “Fine, I’ll take the COO position for now, but I’m not leaving Anderson to work full time until I absolutely have too.”

Just then there came a clearing of a throat behind them. Everyone turned to see Greg Anderson standing in the doorway. “I appreciate that Cecilia, but if your family needs you more, then let me get Tara and Mrs. Jackson squared away and I can start finding a replacement for you too.”

Cecilia started shaking her head. “That isn’t what I meant, Greg.”

The older man smiled at her. “I know that Cecilia, but honestly, I wouldn’t blame you if you left me to help Gio run the marketing side of his company. Besides, if what Tara and Tiffany told me is true you’re going to be a mother again soon for an infant and working from home for you son might be a better solution for you. I hate to lose you because besides being a damn fine employee, I feel like we’ve become friends as well. However, we can remain friends and sort of an extended family without you having to work for me.”

Gio smiled and nodded. “Family and friends for sure, Mister Anderson. Speaking of work, I don’t think I should take that intern position at Anderson Advertising.”

“No, I agree. You can pay me back the advances I forced on you when you can. Now introduce me to the two new members of your family.”

Gio introduces Becky and Abi to Greg and they all agree to get together Sunday to discuss the new family dynamics, Gio’s options for Clik-Talk and the Long all of their continued issues with the Chadwicks and the football program at the local high school.

While everyone is talking Gio sets up the transfer to his personal account, the funds in his Money Friends account, and switches that account to a business account under his business name to not encounter any more problems with the pay site. He knew he’d have to go back in after getting the bank account situation fixed, but it would work for now. Now it was time to take care of school, getting Abi a ring, picking up a collar for Becky and an extra in case Mia joined them after their date.

Once those things were done if he had time before Mia got off work he’d swing by the Harley Dealer and see about just selling the wrecked bike and buying the 2018 Fatboy he’d been loaned while they tried to find replacement parts for his damaged forks and tank. That his bike was an older vintage model made finding the parts harder, but it also meant that he might be able to sell the wreck to the dealer to use as a parts bike.

Gio and Abi took off on his bike, with Tiffany following in her Mini. She planned to go by her dad’s house and bring more of her belongs to Gio’s place. Becky and Cecilia rode together in Cecilia’s car, and Greg and Tara in Greg’s Jaguar. Once they arrived at the school it didn’t take long for Gio, Abi, Tiffany and Tara to be surrounded by Cheerleaders all wanting to thank them for bringing the unwritten policy to light. It had upset several of the girls that Gio was going to not be on campus anymore; they hoped he would be their protectors as well.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Most of them were willing to offer him favors in return, and Gio knew if he’d stayed on campus he’d have an endless supply of willing women at his disposal. But he had to agree with Abi with the five he had now and possibly Mia, he was going to be too busy to need to work through the school’s cheer squad. Still, for the former lowest life form on campus, it was a bit of an ego rush.

Once in the office, Gio asks for a few minutes alone with Ms. Hill before the parents and girls enter her office. He entered and found her waiting for him just as he told her to. The disappointing thing was, she was alone. “I know you told me to have the other two here, Gio, but we weren’t sure if you were coming in today. I can get them here with two phonecalls.”

She removed her clothes as she moved toward him. “Don’t, Anneliese, that’s not why I’m here this morning. Some things have changed and we need to talk.”

She stopped undressing and frowned. “What things have changed?”

Gio told her what he had found out about her ex and son and what they were doing to the Long’s. Ms. Hill nodded. “I told you that there was something, Gio. I warned you that Clarence and Dean are both nasty pieces of work. I suspected it was something like that for Abigail, but I didn’t know about Rebecca. However, that makes sense. I know this isn’t the first woman Clarence has coerced into being his mistress. The woman before Rebecca he actually threatened her husband, and the man put pressure on his wife to service Clarence.”

“Why doesn’t anyone turn him in to the police?”

“They have reported him several times, but the city attorney refuses to prosecute him.”

“So he probably won’t get any punishment for his part in the football/cheerleader policy scam either?”

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