Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 95

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 95

Chapter 95 Ready To Move In With Ethan

Whispered voices in the distance caught my attention. The fog was thick within my mind, but as the black abyss slowly lifted, light began once again to fill my vision.

The last thing I remembered was being in the garden… and then there was nothing.

Glancing around, I allowed my.eyes to absorb my surroundings.

The sun glowed through the open window, revealing dust particles dancing in the filtered light. A deep sense of emptiness filled my mind as my brows knitted together, trying to remember what had happened.

I moved my body slowly with my hand on my head, groaning in protest. As I did, I heard scurrying feet moving quickly towards my bed.

“No, miss,” I heard Seraphine say. “Please, you must lie down. Let me go get the doctor.”

I nodded my head, and a soft cry left my lips at the pain that radiated through me.

‘What happened?” I mumbled softly.

“You had a fainting spell.” She replied, “I will be right back. The doctor is just in the hallway.”

As quickly as the words left her lips, she exited my room and disappeared from sight.

Fainting? I couldn‘t recall the last time I had fainted.

On goddess, was the baby okay?

My hands quickly went to the protruding belly that lay beneath my sundress.

I rubbed circles, wrinkling my brow and biting my bottom lip. “It‘s okay, little one. We‘re okay.”

The soft words that left my lips were met with the sounds of approaching footsteps and the sudden ope ning of my bedroom door.

“Oh, good, you‘re awake.” The doctor said with a smile as he entered my room. “How are you feeling?”

It was the same doctor I had met once before– and if he was here, it meant there was a significant cause for concern.

“I‘m okay. My mind is fuzzy at the moment.” I replied, trying to recall what had happened.

He smiled, shaking his head. “Don‘t worry, Ro. You simply had a fainting spell outside. The new flowers that they‘re planting around the grounds are probably not good for you.”

Frowning, I moved to sit up and found Seraphine quickly at my side, helping me into a more comfortabl e position

“So, an allergic reaction? Is the baby okay?”

“Yes, the baby is okay,” he replied, moving toward me to take my vitals,

“I don‘t understand how I could have had such a strong reaction.”

“It seems,” the doctor continued, “that during this final stage of your pregnancy, you have developed an acute sensitivity to some pollens. I would guess it‘s the new flowers outside, under the circumstances,

although the variety of flowers you have in your home probably don‘t help.”

My eyes shot to Seraphine‘s, “so I can‘t go outside?”

Slowly, she shook her head, giving me a weak smile. She knew how much I loved the garden and spen ding my free time outdoors.

This news caused my chest to tighten.

“Don‘t worry,” the doctor said with a smile. “It should disappear eventually, and then you will be able to enjoy your time outside once again.”

The doctor‘s words caused my ears to perk up. “So you‘re saying this is just from the pregnancy? That once I have the baby, things should get better?”

“Yes. I am sure that, once your little one is here, you‘ll be fine.” He chuckled.

“Oh, thank goodness.” I replied, giving a shaky laugh. “Then I just have to stay indoors until then.”

The room became quiet as the doctor and Seraphine both glanced at each other and then at me. I wasn‘t sure what the matter was, but something in their gaze told me there were more issues than they were saying.

“Ro, unfortunately, with your allergies, it just isn‘t wise to risk even that. Plus, the allergy medication isn‘t safe for the baby…

“So I have to leave my home?” | asked, panic making my voice rise in pitch. I had not meant to cut the doctor off, but the waves of worry washing over me were unbearable.

“I‘m sorry, Ro.” Seraphine quickly replied, taking my hand gently. “I know how much having the baby he re meant to you.”

I tried to process the new information. “It‘s okay. I‘ll make it work.”

“Yes, and Mr. Soren will be there,” she replied. “I let him know the details of what happened. I‘m sure he is on his way here now.”

It wasn‘t Soren that I was worried about.

Leaving meant that I wouldn‘t be able to see Ethan as I had been.

Giving a hesitant nod, I let my eyes slowly move toward the open window as my thoughts wandered to Ethan once more.

And then, as if the Goddess heard my desires, his face appeared in the tree line, his dark and brooding eyes staring right back at me.


My breath almost stopped upon seeing him.

‘I want to come in.’ He mouthed slowly, making sure I could understand.

His request made my heart lurch with anticipation.

Sun was about to set, but it was still bright outside. What if he got caught?

Biting my bottom lip, I glanced back toward the doctor and Seraphine, who were quietly discussing arrangements for transporting me. I gave myself a moment to think, and then smiled.

“Why do I feel so tired?” | asked softly as a yawn escaped my lips.

The doctor and Seraphine turned toward me,

“It‘s to be expected, Miss Ro,” the doctor said. “The allergy medication I gave you will make you drowsy . Why don‘t you get some rest?”

I smiled and nodded. “Yes, perhaps I should close my eyes. When Soren gets here, will you let him kno w I‘m sleeping? I would hate for him to worry.”

“Of course, Ro.” Seraphine replied happily, “Sleep well. I will check on you later this evening.”

As soon as the door closed, I got up and locked it behind me. I turned toward Ethan and nodded. He disappeared from the treeline in a blink of an eye, b ut I knew he was waiting for the safe opportunity to come to me..

A few moments later, he reappeared from nowhere, crossed the yard with unprecedented speed and entered through the open window.

“Rosalie…” Hearing my name leave his lips sent warmth through my soul.

Ethan cleared the space between us and wrapped his arms around me.

“Are you both okay?”

‘Yes,” I replied breathlessly, “we‘re okay. I just had an allergic reaction to the pollen and fainted.”

“I know.” He remarked with irritation. “I saw you collapse outside… and was beside myself. I wanted to run to you, but the guards were already moving. I‘m so sorry I wasn‘t there.”

Ethan gave a long sigh, his eyes still gazing down at me with a look that told me regret and guilt was sw

“It‘s okay.” I replied, giving him a reassuring smile. I found it sweet that Ethan had wanted to go to me w otherwise, they would have caught you.”

There was a moment of silence between us. Then, he asked, “What do they plan to do now?”

“They said I can‘t stay here. That I have to be moved until I have the baby.”

“They‘re right, Rosalie.” Ethan replied, his eyes looking down at me with concern. “You can‘t stay here. I with the additional detail you have on you right now.”

I knew what Ethan said to be true. Soren had made sure to put extra guards around the home for my safety, and with so many forces working around the clock to protect me, Ethan and I could no longer meet as we wanted.

I sighed. “There isn‘t much I can do. Soren was kind enough to allow me to stay in this place.” I looked a

My eyes cast down toward the blanket across my lap. I wanted more than anything to be somewhere wh

A grin spread across Ethan‘s lips as he said, “Not necessarily.”

“What do you mean?”

“My men have a few secluded houses on the island. I‘ll put them on the market. I‘m sure he… your friend would ask for your opinion.”

My eyes lit up,

Thad saved enough money to pay for my own rent. It might not be as beautiful as here, but it would be a space that really belonged to me. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

I smiled at him. “I think that would work!”

Ethan smiled. “It has secret tunnels below. We could use them to see each other. None of the guards would ever know.”

His fingers brushed over my chin as he raised my eyes to meet his once more. “Don’t you worry yourself about anything. I will make sure tha get it– If that is what you want, of course.”

Ethan really had changed for the better since finding me, and I wanted to believe him.

“Okay. Let‘s do it.” If this was the way for me to see Ethan again without worrying, then I would take it.

Soren‘s voice sounded from down the hall. “Ethan, you need to leave now!” I urged him.

“I don‘t want to leave you, though,” he whispered, looking into my eyes.

His words melted my heart. But as much as I didn‘t want him to leave either, he had to.

‘You‘ll find a way to see me again. I‘m sure of it.” I whispered back. “Now, please… you must go.” Ethan tightened his fists. His eyes turned back to me once more, but he smiled and said, “Of course, I will always find you.”

Then he turned, jumped back out of the window, and disappeared into the treeline.

I wasn‘t sure how everything was going to work out fully yet, but something in his words made me feel sa

Thad no doubt he would find me, no matter how far I traveled.

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