Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 137

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 137

Chapter 137: Assassinating Ethan

**Ethan’s POV

After several days of running with very little sleep, we decided we needed to make a camp for the night. I knew that my fighting forces could stand up against any other soldiers in the world, but even the strongest warriors would need time to restore their stamina.

‘I think this looks like a good place to bunk down and get a few hours of sleep,‘ Talon said as we reached a thicker part of the forest, several hours into our fifth day of travel. It was dark, and the stars were beginning to descend as the sun would be coming up soon enough. We‘d better take advantage of the darkness before heading into another long day tomorrow.

I surveyed the area. We could take shelter against a rocky slope that would protect us from one side. We’d have to watch the other three to make sure that we weren‘t attacked from any other direction.

‘I agree,’ I said, after I finished examining the place Talon had selected.

We‘d already tracked down some small game in our wolf forms earlier and eaten, so there would be no fire. The smoke would signal to others where they could find us.

‘Vicky, I suggest you stay in your wolf form,’ Talon told her. ‘But it‘s up to you.”

She nodded and looked around. Vicky wasn‘t used to being outside in the elements like the guys. She wasn‘t one to complain, and I knew she wouldn‘t say a word about the ground being too hard, about being cold or hungry. However, she wasn’t like the guys who had been out in the forest fighting and knew how to make do with what they had either.

‘We need to establish a watch,’I said. ‘At least three per shift.‘

I‘ll go first,’ Richard said immediately, and he appointed Matthew and Arther to go with him.

The rest of us found spots on the ground to sleep in. Almost everyone stayed close together. It was safer that way. Vicky was right next to her brother.

I thought I should probably lie down on her other side, to make her more comfortable, but I wanted to walk around the perimeter first.

An unsettled feeling permeated my gut, and I wasn‘t going to be able to rest until I determined its source; it seemed to be

something more than just the events of the day, though those were weighing heavily on my mind.

As soon as the others were sleeping, and the first watch was in their spots, I got up and went for a walk around the outskirts of the camp. I wanted to make sure that there were

no unwelcome wolves anywhere near us.

I walked along the edge of the woods, nodding to Richard as he patrolled his part of the perimeter. He nodded in return, and I continued on my way, cutting between the thick trees as I made my way through Matthew’s section. His eyes cut through the darkness, but he didn‘t move as he sniffed his Alpha’s scent and knew not to be concerned.

When I came to Arthur‘s area of the perimeter, I stopped. I didn‘t see the third wolf anywhere, which was alarming.

Was it possible some of the enemy forces had gotten close

enough to pick him off? That‘s how rogues preferred to operate, after all. They liked to find one wolf out on their own and pull them out into the woods, killing them, and then strike again.

Slowly, I crept forward into the trees, listening. I could smell Arthur, so I knew he had been there, but I wasn‘t sure how old the scent was. Something was different, though. I wasn‘t smelling his wolf anymore.

I was smelling… a different wolf.

I turned around just in time to see another wolf coming through the trees, sprinting at me at full speed.

I could tell this was one of James‘s royal guards. The scent of the capital was all over him. He had obviously been sent from James to assassinate me.

I got into a defensive position. As soon as the wolf came barreling through the trees, I leaped in front of him, knocking him out of the air

He hit the ground hard, but he struggled and got up again

quickly and bit me on my forearm. In a split second, I had to release him, and he jumped up again.

B*sdard, where the f*ck was Arther?! Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

The invader was ready for his second attack and was charging towards me at high speed.

I was fully ready, however, the anticipated crash didn‘t land on me, and the wolf leaped past me and he knocked down something behind me instead.

I turned around to figure out what had just happened.

I moved closer and saw that Arthur hit his head on a large rock. Blood spurted everywhere, and his eyes rolled back into his head. He was dead.

Thowled to warn the pack and squinted my eyes at the murderer. How dare he!

I leaped forward again and landed on the wolf. This time, he couldn‘t get away from me. However, he shifted back to his human form.

I shifted back as well so that I could speak. “You‘re from the capital. How did you find me?!”

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He was panting and wiped away the blood on his face, “1

found you because of Vicky.”

Vicky?! Did she leak my whereabouts to James?! No… it couldn‘t be!

grabbed his neck and warned him, “Watch every word you say… you killed my man, and now you‘re lying about Vicky?!”

‘Alpha! Vicky‘s voice filled my head. “Alpha, please, stop!

Within a few seconds, I saw Vicky run towards me along with Talon. She had switched back to her human form and was dressed. She charged straight towards me- or the man whose neck was being grabbed by me.

“Paul! What are you doing here?!”

I was confused. What the h*ck was going on?!

I looked over at her, and didn‘t let go of my prisoner. “You know this b*stard?” I asked her.

Her eyes were wide with fear, and she nodded. “Alpha, he‘s my mate! Please!”

I released him, giving Paul a chance to speak.

Paul was finally able to breathe. “Alpha Ethan! Please, I meant no harm!”

| scolded, “You killed my man!”

The rest of the group gasped, and they all looked at Paul with hatred, except for Vicky.

Paul shook his head, “No, Alpha Ethan. If I didn‘t kill him just now, he would’ve hurt you!”

I narrowed my eyes. Talon threw a cape to me and Vicky did the same for Paul.

I got up to examine Arther. Next to Arther‘s body was a large butcher knife. He was only a step behind me, and he would‘ve stabbed me in the neck because I was focused on the battle and couldn‘t smell him in his human form.

A shiver sent down my spine, Arthur was the one who tried to kill me, and Paul indeed saved me.

“They sent me after you because they knew I‘d be able to find Vicky,” Paul explained. “In case Arthur‘s assassination failed, they wanted me to tell you that King Kal has retreated, thanks to you injuring him. King James wanted me to let you know that he wants you back at the capital. He wanted me to tell you that he regrets what has happened.”

I stared into his dark eyes for a moment, waiting.

“But that‘s not true,” Paul continued, and I began to feel that perhaps I could trust him after all. “The truth is, I‘m supposed to trick you into coming back with me so that they can kill you. The king and the queen want you dead, Alpha. I‘m sorry.”

For a moment, all I could do was look at him, my mind running over all of the words he‘d just told me.

My own cousin wants me dead and would stop at nothing to accomplish that.

I helped Paul up, and Vicky dove into his hug. “Thank you for coming….” I heard her sobbing.

Taking a few steps away from the couple, I thought about how I‘d almost killed the wolf coming to warn me. I was glad that hadn‘t happened.

But what about James? My own cousin? The man I would‘ve given anything for? The man I had been willing to give up my life to protect? And the queen…I‘d always seen her as a gentle older sister

However, they had ordered this. They had told this messenger to come and lie to me to lure me back to the capital? Locking me up or trading me to the enemy was one thing, now they wanted me dead?

I couldn‘t believe what had happened.

My shock and disbelief quickly turned to rage as I turned to look at the others. They were all standing in the clearing, the whites of their eyes reflecting in the moonlight as they stared at me, trying to comprehend what they had just witnessed.

“Is there anyone here who agrees with my cousin?” I asked.

“Are any of you here to do King James‘s bidding? Do any of you wish to see me dead?”

No one moved. They only stared at me, none of them able to comprehend what they had witnessed, just as I was unable to.

My cousin and his wife were fearful I’d come after the throne, that I‘d hold a grudge against the king for asking me to go with Kal. It was their only option. Kill me or face the possibility | might come for them.

I shook my head. What they should have realized was that, until that moment, it never would‘ve crossed my mind. I would‘ ve been content to leave that place, to find Rosalie and my baby and start over. Even if I was to live the rest of my life with nothing, at least I‘d have them. I would rather be a poor man with love than a rich man without my family.

But now… they had made my heart burn with anger, and I couldn‘t promise that I wouldn‘t come back and seek revenge for what they‘d tried to do this night.

James turning his back against me was one thing.

Throwing me out of the capital I‘d fought to defend, that was an act of cowardice.

Now, they‘d taken it a step forward and sought to have me eliminated.

“Alpha Ethan, please allow me to join your pack and follow

your lead! I vow to protect Vicky with my life, and I will be loyal to the person she‘s loyal to!” Paul bowed to me.

I looked at him, but I shook my head.

“Paul, I appreciate it. However, I‘m no longer an Alpha. You are welcome to stay, but you are also welcome to leave. You have my gratitude either way.”

Vicky sighed. “You should get some rest, Alpha.” I looked over and saw her step up to stand beside Paul. “I know you‘ll say you‘re not tired, not now, but you should rest. We have a long journey ahead of us. We‘ll make sure that nothing happens.”

She turned to Paul, “And so should you, Paul.”

I wanted to argue with her, but the adrenaline rush from before was starting to wear off, and I was growing weary. My body did need to rest. I was glad to see she wasn‘t holding it against me that I‘d almost killed her mate.

If I was to accomplish everything that was on my mind, I was going to need to rest.

Either fleeing or revenge took a lot of energy.

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