Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 124

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 124

Chapter 124 Georgia And Talon

**Georgia’s POV

The frozen dim light of day caused small puffs of white clouds to escape my lips as I ran. There was no stopping now. The tracks I had made through the forest towards the small village ahead were for a purpose.

Cuts and scrapes from the branches and fallen trees lined my skin, but it was worth it to lead the roques right where I wanted them.

Their fiery hunger echoed through the forest in a mixture of growls and snarls that caused my stomach to twist in anticipation

“Sh*t.” The word escaped me as I stumbled over a dip in the ground, running my shoulder into a nearby tree.

*That’s going to hurt later,” I muttered, however, stopping at this moment wasn’t an option.

I had to get there-I had to reach the hideout.

Breaking the tree line, my feet moved faster towards a nearby village with smoke filled air. I couldn’t wait to lure the rogues into it. They did not know what was awaiting them.

Scrambling towards a nearby building, I turned a corner, leaning my back against the wall to take a moment to catch my breath.

The adrenaline coursing through my veins caused my heart to race.

Somewhere within this village was the safety outlet I was seeking. The only problem was making sure that I could get to it before the rogues got to me.

Bait. That’s what I was, and that’s what I had to be for this mission.

“Come out, come out wherever you are,” a taunting voice called from near the edge of the village. A smirk formed across my face as I listened.

Stepping around the corner of the building, I faced the deep red eyes of a tall, slender brunette, her gaze upon me murderous and full of hate.

“Oh, you finally caught up,” I replied with a grin as I watched six more rogues appear in their wolf forms at her side.

“You’re brave for a wolf that’s about to meet her end,” she snapped, her brows furrowed in anger.

“Yeah, yeah. So you said before,” I grinned, my breath still coming out in shallow pants. “But as I told you before,

You lost yourself when you became a rogue, and now your soul is rotten to the


A growl rippled from the woman’s throat as the rogues at her side snapped and growled in the air. “You will die for what you did.”

I knew exactly what she meant. She was pissed I had killed her mate, and that wasn’t entirely my fault. He shouldn’t have tried to kill me.

“You know it’s not my fault your mate wanted me. Perhaps you should have kept a better leash on him.” I shrugged as I watched the anger grow within her.

*F*ck you!” she screamed as a roar escaped her again, and she shifted once more into her beast.

*F*ck… time to go.” 1 piped up, spinning on my heels, and taking off once more.

Running. Always running, I was really going to have to get in better shape.

As I slid around the corner of another building, a hand reached out from an open doorway, snatching me mid-step and pulling me in. A scream tried to leave my throat, but as another hand came down upon my mouth, I looked up to see Jace staring down at me,

His crystal blue eyes beamed with amusement because of what he had done.

“You scared the sh*t out of me,” i whispered when he removed his hand from my mouth.

“It was funny,” he replied, trying to keep a straight face. “Wait till this is over and I tell Blake,”

“Oh, shut up. Get your sh*t together. There are murderous rogues trying to kill me.” I rolled my eyes as I turned to peer through the broken boards of the hut.

“Let them come.” He shrugged, “We are ready for them.”

There was no doubt they were ready. I had seen the warriors that James and my brother trained, but it was nothing compared to what laid within the north.

The thunder of paws against the cold earth sounded to my right.

Grabbing my blade from its sheath, I prepared for what was about to happen.

The wolves moved past the door of my hiding place, and a voice yelled out in the distance, “Attack!”

Jace and I pushed forth from our hiding place, and the battle began. We were numbered in the hundreds, and even when more rogues moved from the tree line to help their quickly fallen brethren, it

was useless.

Our numbers were great, and they had all fallen into my trap.

One by one, they fell to the earth, their blood soaking the ground beneath them just as the blood of their victims had once done.

The rogue leader was going to quickly learn that no matter how hard he tried, the north would always prevail. We refused to fall at his feet and admit defeat.

“Georgia!” Blake called from behind me, causing me to turn with a small smile.


“Oh, thank god you’re alright,” I replied, panting, as I threw my arms around him, giving him a brotherly hug. “So, did you kick some *ss then?”

“Hill yeah, I did,” he chuckled, causing me to shake my head before turning back to an approaching Jace.

“They are all dead,” he replied flatly. “One did escape, but the general said to allow him to go. He can tell the other rogue leaders what happened here today.”

I had hoped none would escape, but the leaders of the north would decide what they wanted to do.

“Very well. Time for phase two.” :

I pulled out the letter I had tucked away in my jacket and handed it to Blake. He shoved it into the inside of his own jacket, nodded to Jace and I, and took off in a sprint.

“We should head back,” Jace patted my shoulder and said, “He will be fine.”

“I know he will. I just wonder when Talon and Vicky will get it.”


**Talon’s POV

“This is ridiculous!” a voice shouted from across the table.

Once again, I was privy to watching the chaos unfold in the war room. Everyone was at their wits’ end with the situations befalling the kingdom. This seemed to happen whenever Ethan was not around.

Rogues to the north. Kal to the west.

Our soldiers were spread thin, and James was growing more irritated by the second.

“With us having cut off the supply route in the west, Kal had been losing. We should take advantage to get Kal out of our land, forever!” one Alpha cried out, causing a few others to join in the agreement.

“But our people are suffering day and night in the north!” a grey-haired leader replied with a snort. “With Alpha Ethan at the frontline, everything has been under control. So right now is the perfect time for us to gather some troops and kill off the rogues in the north!”

The first Alpha immediately disagreed. “If we move our masses from the west, Kal will push in on us again, then all of the effort we made would be wasted!”

“So you’re just going to watch our people die every day in the northern tier?!”

“Quiet!” Walter, King James’s advisor, pressed down the arguments in the room and turned to the king for a decision. “What would you like us to do, Your Majesty? Our men are spread thin as it is.”

“I’m aware,” King James replied flatly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

The chaos was overwhelming, and I knew the king was growing impatient with the way each of these other small leaders tried to express their opinion.

“How much time would Ethan need in the frontline? Did he say anything before he left?” James looked toward me. I knew he was hoping Ethan would be here. “We need to do something for the civilians up north.”

“Your Majesty, unfortunately, Alpha Ethan didn’t give me any specific instruction before he headed to the frontline….”

“Report!!” A scout I had sent to the north rushed into the war room and drew everyone’s attention. He was panting. Obviously, he had just arrived from his long journey from the northern tier.

My heart sank. We couldn’t afford any other losses in the north. I knew how important it was to get Kal kicked out from our land and win the war with the West Kingdom, but if the situation in the north worsened, the king might have to pull our troops back from the coast to send reinforcement to the north.

Soren must have known that as well. That’s why the rogue attacks had been more fierce lately. He was applying pressure to Ethan….

However, the scout caught up with his breath and burst out, “Great news, Your Majesty!!”

King James shot up from his chair and rushed to the scout to pull him up from his kneeling position. He urged, “What is it?”

“Your Majesty! We regained three villages up north, and one of the rogue leaders was killed!”

“Is that real?!” James’s voice was filled with relief. “How did that happen?”

“Your Majesty! The villagers seemed to work together and set up traps using secret pathways to lure the rogues in! | don’t know the details, but whatever they are doing has been working!”

“Thank the Moon Goddess!” James let out a long exhale and smiled. This was the first smile I had seen from him for days.

However, I was curious… how could those villagers all of a sudden be able to chase the rogues out of their land? If that was the case, why didn’t they do that in the first place?

Something… someone was helping us, and I just couldn’t think of who that would be. Anyway, this was indeed great news!

“Gentlemen, perhaps we should break for the afternoon and reconvene this evening?” Walter finally announced.


With the good news, the tension in the room eased, and everyone also felt this break had been long needed.

Looking at James, I awaited his approval, which came quickly with a sigh of agreement. “I think that is a wonderful idea. Thank you, Walter.”

I didn’t waste another moment before heading toward my office. I was hoping I could touch base with that scout to get additional information,

While this was good news, there were too many doubts needed to be cleared for me to feel comfortable that this was truly a pleasant surprise, not some sort of trap from our enemy.

*Talon!” Vicky’s voice called from the hallway ahead of me, a smile upon her face, but her tone told me that she had something urgent for me. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

I gave her a questionable look as I approached her. She whispered, “Follow me.”

I knew Vicky wouldn’t bother me unless it was something important. We left the main castle, and we came to one of the shelters for the displaced civilians. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“There is something important waiting for you inside,” she replied in a low whisper as she looked around at the warriors standing by. “Come.”

I glanced at her with a raised brow as I followed her into the room and found a dark hooded figure standing in front of the window.

The figure reached up and pulled the hood from his head, revealing a young face. “Blake?” I asked, as he stood standing firm in front of us.

But where was Georgia? My heart was pounding. My wolf was disappointed that our mate hadn’t returned yet. I wanted my mate back. Every moment without her near was agonizing.

“Where is Georgia?” I asked. “Is she safe?”

He smiled and nodded. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of parchment, offering it to me. “Miss Georgia remains north, Beta Talon. She has been leading the counterattack against the rogues.”

I breathed out in relief. As much as I had hoped that Georgia was back within the capital, knowing she was safe was more than enough for me at the moment.

I grazed over the letter.

“What did she have to say?” Vicky asked curiously.

“The north has help.” I looked up from the letter and smiled at Vicky. “Which is exactly what we needed!”

“See, I told you! You should have faith in her!” Vicky beamed. “Was that all it said?”

“No-” I replied, and Vicky had already snatched the letter.

“She said she found information leading to the truth about who Rosalie really is. The secret behind her bloodline.” Vicky looked up at me. Her eyes were lit with excitement.

I nodded. I knew Georgia had been looking into Rosalie’s origin, but I didn’t expect that there was really a secret behind her bloodline.

She had tried once before to tell me what she had found, and instead of listening to her, I pushed her away. I wished she was here right now so that I could apologize for not paying attention to what she had to say.

*Talon, sounds like Georgia didn’t want others to know she has help?” Vicky asked. “What should we do now?”

i stared at her. “Do not tell anyone. We need to inform Ethan first.

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