Seize His Little Wife

Chapter 621 – Virus Leaked

Christine White was serving him soup and was still a little surprised to hear him say that, “You know Po?”

She hadn’t mentioned little baby to him in the past few days.

“I know, in fact, I knew about little baby a long time ago.” Hugh Dong smiled pale.

Christine White opened her mouth, “Very early?”

“Well, during the time you just returned to China, right, didn’t you visit me in the hospital and tell me a lot? In fact, since that time, I’ve been conscious, just not too clearly, barely heard what you said, so I know about Little Treasure.” Hugh Dong explained.

Christine White gave a sunny smile, “So that’s how it is, so wait a minute, I’ll go get Bo.”

With that, she set the soup down, lifted her feet and walked out of the room.

After a while, she came back with Bo in her arms.

Little Treasure was obediently held in her arms, holding a Rubik’s Cube in her two little hands, and was playing with it earnestly.

Hugh Dong sighed inwardly as he looked at little baby’s little face that resembled Baird Lane’s, and a glimmer of gloom flashed under his eyes.

He knew that his love was really over.

“Baby, this is Uncle.” Christine White didn’t notice Hugh Dong’s scowl and lowered Bao down onto Hugh Dong’s bed.

When Bao heard her words, he stopped playing with the Rubik’s Cube and looked up towards Hugh Dong.

Hugh Dong also happened to be looking at him, and there was something so funny about the picture of the big and small just looking at each other.

“Baby, call Uncle, okay?” Christine White leaned down and gently spoke to little baby.

Little Treasure still only calls out for mom and dad, not talking, much less anything else, so she doesn’t really have that confidence that she can get Little Treasure to actually call out for Uncle Hugh Dong.

Sure enough, Bao didn’t shout and wasn’t looking at Hugh Dong, pulling his gaze back and returning it to the Rubik’s Cube.

Christine White rubbed his little head and said to Hugh Dong with some embarrassment, “I am sorry ah, little baby he …”

“I know, I’ve heard you say that little baby he has autism, but it’s not the right thing to know, so why don’t you re-tell me the specifics of little baby’s situation, as well as your life in the past few years abroad, I didn’t listen to much of what you said to me before.” Hugh Dong also raised his hand and touched little baby’s head and said.

But he touched it and put his hand down.

He actually wanted to touch it more, it was her baby after all.

But he just didn’t have the strength, and it took a lot out of him to lift it for a few seconds.

“Good.” Christine White agreed to Hugh Dong with alacrity, and then sat down and re-told him everything about the past six years.

Now that he’s awake and she’s let go of her hatred for Baird Lane, all that’s left to avenge is her hatred for Molly Bort, so there’s nothing she can’t say.

Hugh Dong smiled bitterly after hearing this, “Speaking of which, I am also at fault, back then when Molly Bort and Leo Bort’s father and daughter were still under Owen Dong’s hands, I should have resolved them, or else all those things wouldn’t have happened back there, but fortunately, you are still alive.”

“Yes, and I’m glad I survived and gave birth to Bao, but all of this, it wasn’t your fault, you didn’t know your true identity at the time.” Christine White touched Po’s head and smiled.

Hugh Dong lowered his eyes, “Owen Dong, where is the burial?”

He asked.

When he became a vegetable, Owen Dong was still alive.

So it’s not clear what’s going on behind the scenes.

Knowing that Owen Dong is dead, it’s also still when she was in the hospital, she told him about it.

“It seems to be over at the cemetery, I’m not sure exactly, I’ll ask Baird Lane when he gets back later.” Christine White replied.

Hugh Dong nodded slightly in agreement.

And then it was time for another break.

Christine White went out with Bo in her arms and met Baird Lane at the corner of the hallway.

Baird Lane naturally stepped forward and took Bo from her arms, “Hugh Dong resting?”

“Uh-huh.” Christine White, also used to his behavior whenever he took Bo from her arms, didn’t say anything and simply answered.

“How is he?” Baird Lane asked.

In the past two days, he was a bit busy and didn’t visit Hugh Dong much.

“Recovering pretty well, heard from the rehabber that from tomorrow you can, you can start with simple rehab movements, would like to start with pinching and gripping of the arms.” Christine White replied.

Hugh Dong can only blink and talk, lift his hands and turn his neck, but he can’t do any other movements, and he can’t hold his hands up to hold anything, so he still needs specialized training.

“That’s good.” Baird Lane nodded and stopped talking.

Christine White suddenly realized something was wrong with him, his brow furrowed as if something was bothering him.

After thinking about it, she finally couldn’t resist the urge to ask, “Did you run into something?”

“I didn’t think you’d ask.” He laughed a little.

Christine White looked at him with a blank stare, “Cut the nagging, if you want to talk about it, talk about it, if you don’t want to talk about it forget it.”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well, there’s nothing bad to say, just now Gates got the news that the leader of that organization, who was conducting human experiments, injected some people with that vial of virus, and at the moment, there are already people in that organization who have been infected.” Baird Lane collected his expression and said with a solemn look.

Christine White’s pupils shrunk to the size of pinpricks, “What, already?”

“Yeah.” Baird Lane cradled the baby in one arm and rubbed his temples.

Christine White asked again, “That organization, how many people are infected now?”

“I don’t know exactly, I asked Ives Norton about it and he said that the virus is very fast and highly contagious, there is no serum available yet, so I’m sure someone in their organization would have been infected by now.” Baird Lane said.

Christine White shivered, “Then in that case, won’t that organization spread soon, and then start from that area, spread towards the whole C city, and then spread to the whole country?”

“It’s not that dramatic at the moment, but it will be that way for sure if nothing is done, right now the military has sent people to surround the area where that organization is located, and some of the regular people are being evacuated to stop the spread of the virus for now, in order to buy time for Ives Norton to work on the vaccine serum sooner.” Baird Lane replied.

“But that’s not treating the symptoms, that chief is just trying to get back at the community, even if the military quarantined that area, he could surely find a way to spread the virus.” Christine White said in a deep voice.

Baird Lane gave her an appreciative look, “You’re right, but that’s all that can be done at the moment, and right now the military is making arrangements with the various exits of C-City to be ready to seal off the city at any time, and try to keep the virus from spreading outside of the city until the vaccine has been researched.”

“Yeah, but do you know what the signs of being infected with the virus are at first?” Christine White asked.

It’s good to know the signs of infection so you can take precautions.

“That’s exactly what I was going to tell you now that I’m back here, that when infected, the first thing a patient does is get dizzy and feverish, then cough and have an elevated temperature.” Baird Lane spelled out the onset of the disease that Gates had poked around.

Christine White listens and raises an eyebrow, “That seems like a normal fever.”

“It sounds like a fever, but it’s much more serious than that, and once you catch it, you won’t be able to get up for more than two days at the shortest, then you’ll develop shortness of breath, and then in half a month, if you don’t have the vaccine serum, you’ll be dead for sure.” Baird Lane told her with a grave expression.

Christine White let out a long breath, “It seems like a good idea to try to go out as little as possible for a while these days, maybe someone infected with the virus has escaped from that organization and is out there spreading it around.”

“That’s right, just stay home with Bo these days.” Baird Lane said as he scratched Bo’s nose.

Po frowned uncomfortably.

Christine White smiled while inquiring, “By the way, has Gates heard from Molly Bort?”

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