Royalty Gone Bad

Chapter 93: 93. Birthday & Engagement

Chapter 93: 93. Birthday & Engagement

(This chapter is not edited)


Writer’s POV:

By Six, the guests were arriving in numbers. Even more than those who’d been present for the dowry.

The main hall was full already, the dining parlours as well. The main hall was occupied by the nobles,

close family friends, friends and other important personalities. The royals and future family in-law would

also be celebrating and dining in the big hall. The dining parlors and beautifully lighted gardens, were

occupied by the sultanate’s people that had been lucky enough to be chosen to attend, as well as

curious tourists who wanted to know more and admire the Zagrehan culture. There were also local

news reporters, former classmates, former teachers and other relations.


By seven, everyone was settled and awaiting the Prince, as well as his future bride.

Asahd’s POV:

“I look goooood. Damn.” I mused, flexing in front of my mirror.

My father laughed.

“You sure do, son.” he mused and I chuckled.

I admired the sherwani I had on and smiled to myself. Saida and I would be wearing matching outfits

throughout the process, as from the engagement ceremony.

“I can’t wait to sit with her. I bet she’ll be gorgeous. As always.”

That night was the only night I would be able to sit close to Saïda and even speak to her, before we

would get married the next week.

I fixed myself and then there was a knock at the door. My mother walked in.

“Wow. You look great, sweetheart.” she smiled and came over to hug me. “The stylists are doing a

great job.”

“Thank you mom.” I smiled back and hugged her.

“I’m from Saïda’s room and she’s just as gorgeous in her attire, as you are. This color chosen is


“I agree.”

She kissed my forehead and went to grab my father’s arm.

“You two look amazing, too.” I smiled at them.

“Thank you, dear.” they replied.

“It’s time for us to go downstairs and welcome the guests. We’ll let you know when it’s time for Saïda

and you to come downstairs.”


I watched them leave and then turned to the mirror again.

Sometime later, the guys joined me and we chatted while waiting for a servant to come tell us it was



Saïda’s POV:

“You look great, Saïda. Oh my gosh. All that golden embroidery.” Yasmin told me.

“Thank you.” I smiled at my reflection.

′Soon you’ll be my fiancé, Asahd. How cool is that?′

I giggled a little at the thought.

“Yup, she’s definitely thinking of him.” Aisha mused.

Just then, there was a knock and Salma joined us.

“Oh my, Saïda. You’re so beautiful! Makeup and everything else is perfect.”

“Thanks, Sal.” I chuckled, “Where were you?”

“I went to check on the guests. Believe it or not, six of the Prince’s exes are here. Sitting in the main


“Seriously?” I asked, surprised.

“They’re here to see you win.” Yasmin mused and they laughed.

“They’re already gossiping. Funny enough, they’re sitting at the same table.”

“Are you kidding me??” I asked in amusement and more surprise. “None of those girls could stand

each other.”

“Guess their failure made them unite.” Aisha scoffed and we all gasped in amusement, turning to her.

“Omg Aisha, don’t say that.” I mused. “It isn’t some competition.”

“Girl, for them it is. It’s a challenge. Whether you like it or not. They’re literally challenging Asahd. They

want to see if he’ll be capable of doing so, with them around.”

“How dumb. I thought after dating him, they must have gotten to know him perfectly well.” I said, staring

at my reflection. “Asahd will take the challenge and shut their mouths. I don’t know why they’re so

bitter. If it didn’t work out between each of them and him, they should try and be happy that he’s found

someone suitable. I would be happy for my ex if he found someone that truly makes him happy.” I


“Oh, Noure’s here.”

“Yeah, I know. He wanted to come.” I replied.

“Not everyone’s like you, Saïda. Unfortunately.” Yasmin said, referring to what I’d said earlier.

“Those girls are probably showing themselves and attending, just to stress you out. Don’t let them get

to you.” Salma said.

“Oh but they don’t affect me.” I mused, admiring myself in the glass. “Not a tad bit. I’m happy. I’m

getting engaged and then married. There’s no way I’m letting them get in my way. They’re just sore


“Ha! Facts!”

There was another knock and my father walked in. I immediately smiled and turned to him. The girls

left so we could speak.

“My darling.” he said with a bright smile and I went to hug him tight.


“You look even more beautiful.” he kissed my forehead. I was glad to see him this happy.

“Thank you, father.”

“I came to see you one last time. I have to go welcome the guests, alongside the sultan and queen.”

“Okay, father. Have you seen Asahd?” I asked.

“Mmhmm. And he’s just as good looking as you are. You’ll see each other soon, given that you’ll be

making your appearance at his side.”

“I’m nervous already...” I giggled, rubbing my forehead.

“Normal. Everything will be fine.”

We hugged one last time and he left. My friends joined me again.


Writer’s POV:

“My prince, it’s time for you to come downstairs.” the servant sent, told Asahd and his men.

“Alright. Go get my sweetheart.” Asahd replied, fixing himself one last time in front of the mirror.

“Yes, your Majesty.” the servant excused himself and left.

“Y’all ready?” Asahd asked, turning to his friends.


“You guys look great.” he smiled at them.

“You too, bro. Prince material.”


They laughed and left the room.


Two guards led the way ahead, Asahd and his men following down the huge stairway. Two others

followed behind them.

They got to the very large and closed door that led straight into the huge and main hall. It was to

prepare his entrance.

Asahd stood in front of it, and waited for Saïda and her maids to arrive. He and his men didn’t wait for


They turned and saw the girls come down the stairway. Asahd’s breath hitched but so did Saïda’s,

when she spotted him.


They both thought same on seeing each other.

As she approached him, her cheeks red, she admired how charismatic and elegant he looked in his

blue, expensive sherwani.

It fit him perfectly and he looked so damn good. It wasn’t exaggeratedly decorated, embroidered or

designed. It was simple, yet sophisticated.

The material was chic, the design was chic, everything about his attire, looked absolutely worthy of a


Asahd watched her slowly make her way towards him. She was gorgeous as expected. Her attire was

perfect and unexpected. He’d thought she would be wearing a gown, but she wasn’t.

The blue color on her was gorgeous and beautiful. The golden embroidery matched her golden jewelry

perfectly well. Her hair, her makeup, her shoes. Everything was on point.

Asahd’s throat was dry by the time she got to his front.

“Good evening, angel.” he murmured lowly, to her hearing and only hers. Saïda smiled and her cheeks

reddened more.

He grabbed her hand and raised it, kissing the top. Saïda bit her lip a little, wishing he’d kissed her on

the lips. He definitely wished same. But with their maids and men watching, they couldn’t. They were

there to make sure that the future wedded wouldn’t try to do anything fishy in the meantime.

“Happy birthday, my love...” Saïda murmured in reply.

“Thank you, my love.” he smiled at her. Their stares said it all. They wanted to be all up on each other.

“You look stunning. I sure am lucky.”

“I’m lucky myself. You look great.”

They stared at each other’s lips in silence, fighting the urge to kiss.

“I believe you have exchanged enough words.” Amir mused, stepping forward after seeing that things

were getting steamy.

“Right.” Salma laughed and held Saïda’s hand, pulling her a little away from Asahd.

They all laughed.

“This is even harder than I thought.” Asahd said, running a hand over his face and causing his pals to


“A little more patience.” Kanaan mused, patting his shoulder. They laughed again and Asahd winked at

Saïda who reddened immediately.

Just then, a guard from the inside came.

“It’s time, your Highness.” he said.


Asahd stood straight and turned, facing the door. Two guards stood in front of him. Saïda stood at a

slightly far distance behind him, the maids and men behind her and finally, two more guards at the end.


Asahd turned a little and kissed Saïda in the air. She giggled shyly and kissed him back.

“I already miss you.” he mimed and she read his lips perfectly well because she mimed back.

“I miss you even more.”

He smirked at her before facing front again. His heart already racy, just because she was close.


They adjusted when they heard the trumpets on the other side of the door.

"People of Zagreh! Your Prince, Asahd Usaïd!” they heard the chief guard announce and the fidgeting


"And with him, his future fiancée and wife, Saïda Khalid!”

Saïda took a deep breath.

′I’m soooo nervous. I’m not used to this.

-Girl you are. He’s made several entrances with you at his side.

As Royal adviser. I’ve never been announced as his future fiancée or wife. It’s completely different


She took a deep breath.

A few seconds after, the huge doors were opened from the inside. The doors were completely parted

and all eyes on the inside, turned to it.

’Let’s do this.′

Asahd thought and started walking down the red carpet that trailed across the middle path of the huge

room. Saïda and the others followed.

Immediately they stepped in, everyone stood and bowed their heads.

Saïda could not even look up and so she kept her head low too. She tried looking up once and saw

smiles. So many warm smiles from people she knew that actually made her feel quite relieved.

Everyone admired their unique and beautiful outfits.

Asahd made his way to the front and up to the stage-like platform where the royal sofas and tables

were. Saïda followed behind. Their men and maids remained down and went to their individual tables

at the front row.

The sultan who was seated, stepped forward and stood at the front of the stage. Asahd stood by him.

Saïda on the other hand went and touched her father’s feet, then the queen’s. She was then made to

sit on the little sofa at the center that was meant for she and Asahd only.

“My dear guests!” the sultan started, a hand on his son’s shoulder. “On behalf of my family and I, I

welcome you to my son’s twenty third birthday and engagement party!”

There was a huge round of applause, whistling and loud cheers. Asahd smiled at the crowd and bowed

a little, causing louder cheers.

“I believe he has a few words.” the sultan went on and turned to Asahd. The Prince stepped ahead and

looked down at the huge crowd, all eyes on him. Even those in the other dining parlors and in the

gardens watched him from their broadcasting screens.

“Good evening wonderful guests.” he started and they replied happily. Well, most people did. Asahd’s

exes weren’t flattered at all. He hadn’t even seen them yet.

“I want to thank each and everyone of you for coming to celebrate with me. Not only am I happy to see

one more year, I’m even happier to be a future husband. If someone had told me that I would get

engaged today, a few months ago, I would’ve cussed them out.” he mused and everyone laughed


Who didn’t know what the Asahd of a few months ago was capable of? He was a case. Although he

still was one, he was less complicated and annoying.

“I’m quite happy to have learnt important lessons. I already see how much they’ve helped me, and I’m


More applause.

“The night is going to be a long and merry one. We’ve got time. For now, we eat and drink first. Get full

to the brim.” he mused and there were loud cheers.

When they returned to their seats, everyone finally sat down too. Soon, the waiters came rushing with

fancy and spicy gastronomic dishes; as well as the finest wine bottles.


There were three sofas and little tables at the VIP platform. On the left were Djafar and his sister, on

the right were the sultan and Queen; Asahd and Saïda sat in the middle.


They smiled at each other. They sat real close and could finally converse a little.

Their meals were brought.

“I can’t take my eyes off you.” Asahd leaned and whispered close to her ear. Saïda smiled shyly.

“Same here. You’re so handsome.”

“And you, beautiful.” he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek real quick, before their parents could

notice. “That ought to keep me a little satisfied.”

Saïda’s lips twisted a little in amusement, her beautiful brown eyes seeming to twinkle.

“You’re not eating?” the sultan mused, interrupting their moment.

“We are, father.” Asahd chuckled and reach out for Saïda’s plate. He looked at her, “What would you

have, darling?”

he asked.

When she made a choice, he served her like the sweet gentleman he was.


There were happy chats and laughs while people ate to their satisfaction and drank merrily. It’d been Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

more than forty five minutes already and some were already very full.

Saïda and Asahd were still whispering away sweet words to each other.

At a point, while Asahd whispered something in her ear that made her giggle, she noticed something.

Well, some people.

Asahd’s exes were somewhere close to the front and were definitely gossiping. They spoke amongst

themselves and would turn to give Saïda the ugliest and most disgusted stares. Their jealousy was so

evident and it amused her.

“Your exes are killing me with ugly stares...” she whispered to Asahd who raised his head.


“Right side. Somewhere towards the front.” she replied.

Asahd looked around and spotted them. Saïda stared at him in amusement to see his reaction.

The girls gave him his own share of ugly stairs. In return, Asahd smirked and kissed them in the air,

causing some to redden. That was total provocation. Saïda’s lips twitched in amusement. Asahd was

such a tease.

As if that wasn’t enough, he leaned close to Saïda when their parents weren’t watching and kissed the

side of her neck softly.

Most of them rolled their eyes angrily and looked away. Samantha, one of them, raised her middle

finger at him. Asahd chuckled, unaffected. She and the rest all turned away.

“That’ll keep their eyes off us.” he mused.

“I doubt.” Saïda giggled, “You’re such a tease, Asahd. Gosh...”

“I can’t help it. Look for my trouble, I react.” he chuckled.


When most people had finished eating, the chief baker stood at the center of the room and got

everyone’s attention.

“My beloved Royal family and guests!” he started “I present to you, the Prince’s birthday cake!”

Just then, the huge door was opened and the servants came in carrying a four layer and huge cake! It

was beautiful! A work of art. It was beautifully decorated and each layer seemed to be of a different

flavor so people would chose.

“Wow!” Asahd exclaimed happily and stood, a bright smile drawing itself on his face. He looked so

happy that his family and the guests found it hard not to smile.

“Happy birthday, my Prince!” the baker said with a smile.

“Thank you so much, Chef Ravi! Please applaud him and his beautiful art!”

Everyone applauded and cheered, including Asahd. The chef bowed with a smile.

“If this is my birthday cake, then I don’t even want to imagine what my wedding cake will look like!”

Asahd exclaimed and they laughed.

“You’ll see. That’s another surprise you’ll discover on that day.” Ravi replied.

“Thank you so much! God bless you. Applaud him one more time, please.”

More cheers and applause in honor of the chef who eventually excused himself and left.

The cake was then shared amongst the hundreds of guests. The most delicious desert! Everyone

enjoyed every single bit of it.


While people were still enjoying the cake, Asahd stood and went to the front. He got everyone’s


Saïda and the guests wondered what he had to say next. His parents and Saïda’s were the only ones

aware of what would be said and they were already smiling about it.

“Now that I have your attention.” Asahd smiled “Let me remind you all that this is also my engagement


There were some whistles and woos.

“I’m getting engaged to the prettiest woman alive. The love of my life. And I am so damn impatient to

get married to her. For real. I got a real problem with this tradition of staying away from each other until

the wedding. I hate it.” he confessed and the crowd laughed out, most people agreeing with him.

“It’s so frustrating!” he laughed “But it is working. Never had I desired another woman so much.”

There were loud coos and the Prince laughed. Some clapped. Saïda was all shy and blushing.

“I want to tell you that I’ll engage her in my own way. Simple and unforgettable.” he then turned to

Saïda and stretched a hand out to her.

Shy and very nervous, she stood slowly and went to him. She held his hand and they stood face to


More coos and whistles.

She wondered on what he planned to do.

“I didn’t do this because everything happened so fast.” he started “But I believe a woman like you

deserves any man to put a knee down for her. Even a Prince.”

Saïda froze with wide eyes. Gasps could be heard in the crowd and many already had their phones


Under everyone’s watchful eye, Landry approached the stage and gave Asahd a little box. Saïda had

stopped breathing.

Asahd smirked at her and then, to her sweet shock, he slowly got on a knee.

Screams! The women in the crowd cheered and screamed.

“Saïda Khalid.” Asahd looked up at her, opening the box to expose a beautiful ring with a precious

diamond on it. And it definitely wasn’t a tiny one.

If his exes weren’t jealous before.

“Will you please marry me?” he asked softly and the crowd almost lost it.

Saïda was smiling like never before.

“Yes, yes, yes, Asahd!” she said happily and people stood to cheer, even their parents.

Asahd smiled and got on his feet. He held her face and brought his lips real close to her. Everyone


Just then, he remembered fricken tradition.

“Dammit.” he whispered in amusement and raised his lips to kiss her forehead instead. She giggled

and everyone else laughed.

He’d done it only because Djafar was present.

The guests cheered and applauded happily. That sure was sweet to watch.


After that, there was dancing all night till the latest hours, and more eating for those who wanted to.

During that period, many presented their birthday and engagement presents to the Prince and his now

official fiancée. Asahd’s exes where nowhere to be found anymore. Jealousy had driven them away

after he asked her hand in marriage. Good riddance.

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