Royalty Gone Bad

Chapter 88: 88. Shock & Cheers

Chapter 88: 88. Shock & Cheers


Asahd's POV:

I stirred in bed, feeling soft palms on my chest. Slowly, I opened my eyes, my vision adjusting gradually

to the environment. I heard her soft voice that seemed to be only a dream. But then, it got clearer and

clearer in my head, and then I realised it wasn't a dream.

"Asahd? Asahd? Wake up please," Saïda whispered aloud, worry evident in her voice.

I blinked several time and looked at her, sitting by me.

"I woke up late. It's six," she panicked.

"Six?" I asked sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

"Yes, it's morning. Almost seven," she whispered and my eyes opened completely. It was already clear


"Oh crap," I sat up immediately. "Let's leave, darling."

We got off the bed and I searched about for my sweatpants and boxers. She did same, grabbing her

nightie and robe. We could hear the employees already go about their activities, like they did every

early morn.

"Have you seen my daughter? She isn't in her room."

Saïda and I froze when we heard Djafar's voice as he seemed to ask a servant at the far end of the

corridor outside.

"No, Sir," we heard the servant reply.

Saïda and I stared at each other, listening carefully.

"Have you checked her room?" we heard the servant ask.

Saïda looked very worried and I immediately approached her, hugging her.

"Don't panic," I whispered and kissed her head. She nodded.

"Hopefully he doesn't come here," she whispered.

"He can't. The door's locked from inside."

"Oh, I forgot."

I looked at her face and smiled warmly at her. She smiled back shyly, her cheeks reddening. I kissed

her forehead.

"Yesterday was just as amazing," I told her and she smiled again, hugging me tight and putting her

head against my chest.

"Yes, it was. I love you so much."

"I love you even more, Saïda."

"I have. She's not in," we heard Djafar explain. "Let me go check the other part of the palace."

"Alright, Sir."

We silently waited for them to leave. Which they did and soon there was silence again.

"Okay," I looked at her. "You'll use the passage way through the library. If you come across your father

or my parents, say you couldn't find sleep and so you went to the library and to read something but

then you slept off."

"Alright," she kissed my chin. "And you?"

"I'll find a way. You go first."

"Okay," I kissed her forehead again.

We dressed up quickly and opened the door. Saïda poked her head out first.

"No one," she whispered and turned to me. "See you later."

"Alright, love."

She then rushed out and away. I decided to wait for some minutes before leaving too.

Saïda's POV:

My heart a little racy, I rushed down the corridor and into another. I made my way to the door that led

into the library from behind a shelf.

I opened it and entered the library.


I rushed through the huge library, adjusting my robe. I finally got to the door and stepped out.

Immediately I did, I came across my father and almost jumped.

"Saïda, dear??" he called confused, rushing to me. "I've been looking for you."

He noticed how I was dressed.

"Why are you still in a night robe??" he asked confused.

Just then, my heart skipped a beat when I spotted Asahd at a distance from over his shoulder. His eyes

widened and he froze. I decided to distract my father and make sure he didn't turn.

"I wasn't feeling well yesterday, papa." I started

"Really?" he asked worried, touching my forehead to know if I had a fever.

"Yes, after dinner. But then I drank an aspirin and–"

With the corner of my eye, I watched Asahd sneak up to the huge stairway. As he did so, he put a

finger against his lips and stared at the guards, present. Indirectly asking them to to pretend they had

not seen him. Of course they couldn't go against his wishes. They didn't understand what going on and

didn't care to. Plus, there was no way they could link his sneakiness to me, or having something to do

with the both of us. Plus, he'd left his room the previous night, without anyone seeing him.


I watched him rush up the long stairway, three steps at a time and as fast and quietly as possible till he

got to the top. I glanced quickly and on time to see him wink at me and disappear.

'Phew. Breathe.'

"I then went to the kitchen to get some milk," I said. "Unable to still find sleep, I went to read a little in

the library. I guess I slept off." I ended.

'Oh gosh, I just lied to my father.

-Had no choice.'

"Okay my dear. Are you better now?"

"Yes, I am father," I cleared my throat. "Please if you'll excuse me, I have to go freshen up."

"Alright my dear. You do just that."

I excused myself and rushed away immediately.

'That was a close one.'


Asahd's POV:

I buttoned my black shirt in front of the mirror, later that morning. My tummy started to rumble.

'I'm starving.

-Normal. You need some energy after the exercise of yesterday.'

I smiled at my reflection and sprayed some perfume at the back of each ear, then on my shirt.

'She literally drained me yesterday.

Coming that hard should be dangerous. I could hardly sit up or think straight.'

I mused at my thoughts.

There was a sudden knock at my door.

"Yes? Come in."

I turned to see who it was. The door opened and my father walked it.

"Father," I went to him and bent over to touch his feet. "Good morning."

"Bless you, my dear. Everything will be well with you."

"Inshallah. Thank you," I stood straight and smiled at him. He smiled back.

"How are you this morning?" he asked.

"I'm fine. Just very excited to finally settle with Saïda," I admitted and he chuckled.

"It's so evident. And it still makes me very happy," he laughed happily and hugged me. I hugged him


"I'll make sure your wedding is a memorable one for both of you as well as the people of Zagreh. The

biggest of all time. Worthy of a wealthy Prince's and future sultan."

"Thank you very much, father," I said happily, hugging him again.

"You earned it dear," he smiled. "Are you done getting ready?"

"Yes, I am."

"Okay. Go meet your mother and Djafar downstairs. I'm going out and so I won't be present to

announce it to the palace employees. I have to plan things for your engagement and wedding with the

nobles. But I'll be back soon."

"Alright, father."

I hugged him one last time and we left my room.


We went downstairs and my father left. I then headed for the second living room where I met my

mother, Saïda and Djafar.

I greeted them each and then went to Saïda, hugging her in a considerable, yet affectionate manner,

and kissing her cheek like a perfect gentleman.

"Good morning, dear," I smirked at her and she reddened.

"Good morning, my Prince. Hope you had a wonderful night," she replied innocently.

"It was perfect," I smiled knowingly and I saw amusement linger in her beautiful eyes.

"We're still here," my mother mused and we finally turned to them, amused.

"Are you ready? We should do it before breakfast."

"Really? I'm starving," I mused, rubbing my tummy. "I've been exercising a lot lately and I need some


I gave Saïda a quick glance and she reddened.

"But I guess it can wait," I continued. "The announcement is more important."

"Alright. Let's go then."

We eventually left the living room and went to the main hall.


Writer's POV:

The Queen, her son and Djafar stood at the top of the main, huge stairway in the hall. They'd

summoned the 90+ servants, maids, guards and other important employees such as the royal

messengers, drivers, gardeners and stylists.

They'd all gathered downstairs and stared up at the Queen who stepped ahead to speak. Saïda stood

at the front row of the crowd with her friends and other maids. Her heart was racy and she was a little

amused as well as nervous, imagining how her friends and others would react when they would

discover the truth.


"Dear and faithful employees of this palace," the Queen started with a smile. "I have wonderful news for


Saïda rubbed her arms, even more nervous when everyone started fidgeting.

"My son!" she continued. "Your Prince, is going to get married!" she exclaimed happily. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

The crowd fidgeted even more.


"That's wonderful!"


"That's great!"


Happy gasps and laughs could be heard in the crowd, surprised statements and some even clapped.

But most especially, there was wonder.

"Oh my gawd!" Salma gasped and turned to Saïda. "Do you know who he is marrying??"

Goosebumps covered Saïda's skin and she froze a little. Her lips parted but nothing came out.

"Must be Hammar," Aisha that also stood there answered.

"What?? I hope not," Rayi stated with a frown.

"I know right. She's impossible," Yasmin added.

"It can't be her," Salma said. "I heard he rejected her."

"But we aren't sure of that," Aisha said.

"Saïda do you have an idea?" Yasmin asked.

Before nervous Saïda could attempt to say a single word, Rayi spoke.

"She has no idea too. If she knew, she would've told us a long time ago."

Saïda swallowed.

'Oh boy...'

It amused her but also made her very anxious and a little scared.

"True. Someone should ask who it is," Salma stated.

"Shhhh. Silence please," the Queen's voice caused the fidgeting to stop.

Saïda's heart skipped a beat when when Aisha raised her hand.

"Pardon me, your Highness?" she said aloud.

"Yes dear?" the Queen replied.

"Is it Hammar that the Prince is marrying??" she asked and there was fidgeting as everyone else

wondered the same thing.

'Breathe Saïda.'

The Queen smiled and turned to her son.

"I'll let Asahd, answer," she said.

The charismatic Prince stepped ahead with a smirk that gave most goosebumps, including his future

fiancée and wife.

"No, it's not Hammar I am marrying," he replied casually.

More fidgeting and wonder.

"No need to wonder," the Prince said and there was silence.

'Oh gosh. I hope I don't collapse or something.'

"I actually have her here. As well as," he turned to Djafar and smiled, then turned and faced the crowd

again. "My future father in-law."

Every single person froze in confusion.

Suddenly, the Prince stretched a hand out towards the crowd.

"Come join me, my love."

Shock. Surprise. Confusion. But mostly shock, took over as everyone noticed he was staring at a single

person in the crowd. Saïda!

Her friends and everyone else around, turned and stared at her with wide eyes and opened mouths or

parted lips.

Saïda bit her lip, nervous and avoiding their stares.

"Come on," Asahd smirked down at her.

Saïda's heart was pounding. She swallowed and looking straight ahead, she slowly made her way up

the stairs till she grabbed Asahd's hand and he helped her up to the top with them. She stood by his

side, hand in hand with him. She stared at her feet, shy, nervous and a little amused as well as scared.

"Yalah!" could be heard from a majority of mouths.

The fidgeting increased. Saïda's friends were flabbergasted. No one could believe their own eyes.

"What is going in?!" Salma gasped to her other friends that remained speechless with their mouths still


It was so confusing and shocking that a guard raised his hand.

"Yes?" Asahd asked with a smile.

"Um, my Prince," he started, as shaken as the others. "Is it an arranged wedding? Were you asked to

marry her??"

Different opinions could be heard from the crowd. Asahd raised a hand and there was silence again.

He finally answered.

"No, it isn't an arranged marriage," he looked at Saïda and raised her chin so the shy girl would look

him the eyes. The act caused more fidgeting and gasps from the crowd.

"I decided to wed her on my own. Because I'm deeply in love with this young woman."

He raised her hands and kissed their top. She reddened. Mouths dropped again.

"I love her very much. And she loves me too," he smiled warmly at her. "You love me too, don't you?"

he asked.

'Oh gosh, Asahd.'

She but her lip nervously.

"I do love you too," she gathered the courage to reply, her heart threatening to burst out of her chest.

Shock and fidgeting again!

-How?? When??-

Most wondered in their minds!

Asahd turned to the crowd again.

"Now you know."

Immediately, the loudest round of applause! Every single person cheered happily, even her friends who

literally jumped. Everyone was still so surprised, shocked and in wonder on how it suddenly came

about! How and when this sudden, once impossible love, came about.

They clapped and cheered so hard that the royals laughed. Saïda smiled shyly, partly standing behind

her tall Asahd, while still holding his hand.

Every single person was overjoyed with the news. Who didn't like Saïda in that palace? No one! And

the only person who had once disliked her, was now deeply in love with her!


After they'd finally quieted down, the Queen took over again.

"They'll be engaged in a week and married in two. Messengers, spread the news. The Royal ceremony

organisers, meet me. We have to start preparing the invitations as well as the list of those invited. As

for the maids and servants, the chief butlers will pass down the various instructions the Prince, sultan,

Djafar and I would give them. We start preparing now. To celebrate the good news, wonderful meals

should be prepared for everyone throughout today. You all get big bags of rice each, for yourselves."

More cheers! Joy, joy and joy.

"You can return to your duties right away," the Queen ended with a smile.

The happy employees started to disperse. The Queen and Djafar immediately went to meet the chief

butlers and organisers.

"Saïda!" Aisha called over the noise and an amused Saïda looked down at her friends.

"Girl, we need to talk!" Salma laughed.

"We'll be waiting!" Yasmin added.

Saïda laughed, her cheeks burning.


Her friends laughed and rushed away.

"Oh my gosh," Saïda giggled and Asahd laughed, turning and hugging her. "They're gonna kill me with

questions," she mused.

"You're not the only one. Wait for the news to reach my exes ears," he chuckled. "As well as friends of


"Hahaha. Oh my gosh. Everyone's shocked."

"Normal," he chuckled and hugged her again.


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