Royalty Gone Bad

Chapter 79: 79. Shorts Fired

Chapter 79: 79. Shorts Fired


Asahd’s POV:

I was in a great mood for the rest of that day that had started off in the wrong manner. Djafar, my

parents and some employees had asked me about my wrapped hand and blood stained knuckles and I Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

had to come up with some believable story to tell them. They believed.

I couldn’t help it but be in a great mood. I’d never worried about anything and even more now that

Saïda had confessed to me. What made me even more happy was what I’d heard her say to Noure,

about me. It’d boosted my ago and confidence times 10, when that fool had succeeded in making me


′In your face, moron. I’d told you I would get her. And I did. It’s not over yet. I will marry her.′

I thought in amusement. There was no way I could’ve let Saïda go. I loved her way too much. If it’d

been a case where she didn’t love me back or so, I don’t know in what state I would be. I would

probably lose my cool or so, in the worst way ever.

My love for her was actually some sort of sweet obsession. In such little time, a lot had changed

between us. I would’ve never believed that I could fall deeply in love with Saïda, to the point of being

ready to risk it all just to be with her. If someone had predicted our present situation and had told me

back before I was sent to New York, I would’ve called them crazy and maybe even gotten angry at how

absurd it sounded. Because trust me, Saïda and I disliked each other very much. I couldn’t stand her at

all and had withheld myself from slapping her or so several times.

′And now I’m dying and shedding tears for her.′

Life sure was teaching me a funny lesson. And Saïda definitely thought same too. I remembered an

instance about a year ago when I was walking through the palace gardens and heard Saïda gossiping

about me to the others, close by behind the bushes.

She’d been condemning my attitude like she always did back then, acting like “Miss Perfect” who had

the right to judge others.

She’d called me a Billy goat or so and it had pissed the hell out of me. I appeared where they were and

she shut up immediately. Though she’d curtsied, she gave me the most provocative stir ever. I almost

lost it. Well, I did.

Having an empty water bottle in my hand, I didn’t even think twice and aimed it hard at her. She tried to

dodge but it hit her head hard, to the amusement of the maids with her. She gasped and immediately


“What type of Prince acts like you?!” she’d exclaimed and I frowned, eyes wide.

“What did you say?! Repeat it!” I retorted, more than ready to catch her and pull on her hair.

“Nothing, your Highness. Pardon my manners,” she apologised in the most fake and insincere manner


“Yeah you better. Stupid,” I’d replied and left, though I heard her grumble and mumble something to the

maids that made them laugh a little.


The thoughts of such instances made me chuckle as I went up to my room. Saïda had always been

quite stubborn and whenever I angered or did something to her, she would gather the courage to talk

back sometimes or retort. But then, she would apologise immediately or cover up, still in the most

insincere or provocative manner. She’d always had that bit of courage because unlike the others, she

wasn’t a maid I could treat or boss around disrespectfully.

Not only was she preparing to be my Royal adviser back then, she was also Djafar’s daughter. She

knew I couldn’t fire or treat her any type of way because I really considered and cherished her father.

And that used to frustrate me so bad and I could only teach her a lesson by giving her so much work to

do that she would be more than exhausted at the end of it all. At least that satisfied me a little.


I laughed again at the thoughts and entered my room. We used to fight and argue like kids or

troublesome siblings would and this tired my parents and Djafar most of the time. While my parents

scolded me for my “not royal, irresponsible and childish” behavior towards Saïda, Djafar on his side did

same. But it never ended. I just couldn’t stand her and we were never together for up to twenty minutes

without verbally attacking or provoking each other.

There were times when Saïda would simply shut up and hold her tongue, her eyes threatening to kill

me and doing all the talking. And that was just because I was a Prince and she worked for me.

′I would’ve never believed that our tumultuous relationship would turn into this.′

I thought with a smile on my lips. I looked at myself in the glass of my bathroom.

′It’s just amazing. She’s the woman of my dreams now.′


The next afternoon, Saïda and I were chatting and laughing in the library. We were in great moods

because for some reason, Noure had called off the engagement that was supposed to have taken

place that afternoon.

What surprised us was the fact Djafar or my mother that had been busy with the preparations, hadn’t

complained or gotten angry about the sudden stop.

However, I didn’t really care to find out and waited for Djafar to explain things to us and why Noure had

called it off. Saïda had asked him why but he’d ignored her question said he would soon tell her why.


I was still chatting with Saïda when her father walked in and bowed a little to me. I’d asked Djafar to

stop that but the man was so into the rules and customs and so I let him. He looked so happy that

Saïda and I had to ask the same question:

“Why are you so happy?” we mused.

“Because I have good news for you my daughter,” he replied with a smile.

“Which is, father?”

“I’ll let your future husband tell you.”

Just then, Noure walked in with a smile. I remained glued to my chair and tried not to lose it in front of


Saïda frowned a little and stared at Noure but then changed her expression because her father was


I stared at Noure and he looked at me, still smiling and the provocation and competition very clear in

his eyes.

“My Prince,” he seemed to muse as he bowed a little.

“Mm,” was my only reply and fucks given.

“Hello, my Darling,” he turned and stretched a hand out to Saïda who gave me a side glance, doubting.

I looked at her in way that meant that she should play along because her father was there. She slowly

grabbed his hand and he made her stand, hugging her and kissing her cheek.

′Self-control, Asahd.′

“Aren’t you happy to see him my dear?” Djafar asked with a smile.

“Of course I am, father. I’m just surprised. He called the engagement off after all.”

“Yes, and he’s here to personally explain why,” Djafar replied happily, patting Noure’s shoulder.

We all stared at Noure.

“Sweetheart,” he started and I rolled my eyes. Luckily Djafar hadn’t noticed.

When he rubbed her cheek, I wanted to ask him to back off so bad.

“Yes?” Saïda cleared her throat uncomfortably.

“I called it off because it’s useless now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Why engage you when I can just marry you? I’ve decided, with your father’s permission as well as that

of my family, to get married to you after tomorrow instead of next week.”

I froze, my heart sinking. My eyes widened and so did Saïda’s.

“W– what??” she muttered.

“See how surprised she is!” Djafar laughed and clapped happily. “I’m so happy my Darling!”

I stared at him, not knowing what to do. I was seconds away from breaking the silence to Djafar about

my love for Saïda, when I saw how happy he was. And at the same time, I realised he would not let me

marry her because of how respectful he was of the ‘rules’. I realised I was maybe going to break him by

announcing such and even shock him.

What if he thought same as Noure? That I had seduced his daughter and wanted to destroy her

reputation? He would think I betrayed his trust. He would probably think that I’d gotten so close to

Saïda for an unclean reason?? Thoughts flooded my mind at that moment and the anxiety increased.

What if Djafar took it the wrong way? What if he misunderstood the situation and called me a

betrayer?? What if it destroyed my relationship with him? What if it broke his trust?

I didn’t want that. I loved him way too much. It was then that I realised what Saïda felt. At that point,

none of us wanted to hurt Djafar. I was confused on what to do. There was almost nothing I could do.

“After tomorrow my dear!” he hugged his daughter. “Finally, all that I’ve worked for to happen, will.

You’re getting married, my Darling!”

Saïda forced a smile and Noure took advantage of it to hug her too. She then looked at him.

“Can we talk outside?” she asked him.

“Sure, my love.”

They excused themselves and left. Djafar happily turned to me.

“This is great, isn’t it Asahd?” he said with watery eyes and a smile. My heart almost broke.

“I’m just happy you’re happy, Djafar,” I stood and hugged him.

“Thank you, son,” he hugged me back.


Saïda’s POV:

“So this was your plan??” I said angrily to Noure once we were somewhere Private.

“You are supposed to be my wife Saïda. And you will be,” he smiled, reaching out to touch my cheek

but I pushed his hand away.

“Don’t touch me! You come here and use my father so I would be all up in my feelings and unable to

refuse or tell him the truth?! What is wrong with you?! Is this who you really are?!” I growled, getting

even more angry.

“Saïda, I’m doing this for your good and reputation.”

“Shut up! You’re doing this for yourself! If you really cared for me, you wouldn’t force me into marrying


He chuckled sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

“So you don’t wanna marry me, now?” he folded his arms.


“Why? Because of that idiotic Prince of yours? He’s a mistake you’ll soon realise you committed,

Saïda. We’ll get married and you’ll forget him.”

I couldn’t believe my ears.

“I won’t forget him! Because I love him!”

“Tsk!” he scoffed, taking me for granted. “You don’t know what you are saying, darling.”

“I don’t love you, okay?” I growled lowly and his smile faded.

“Don’t say that, Saïda.”

“I don’t love you anymore, Noure,” I mused now to shock him more. “Not even a tad bit. You’re the

mistake here. The moron.”

He frowned, angry now.

“Saïda, watch your mouth! You love me!”

“Are you deaf?? I don’t. I don’t love you anymore.”

He suddenly grabbed my arm real hard and roughly pulled me to him.

“Ow! You’re hurting me!” I squealed.

“You will marry me. And you will love me. Whether you like it or not.”

I almost laughed but instead, I simply smiled. In the most provocative manner ever, I looked him in


“Try and force me, Noure. I promise you, on my own head, that the day I marry you, is the day I will

hate your guts.”

He seemed shocked. I meant every single word.

“You’re losing your mind, Saïda.”

“Try me. The day, you make me marry you, is the day you draw the war line. I will show nothing but

disgust for you. I will never respect you or spend time with you. You will be lonely. So lonely that even

you might even decide to see other women, which isn’t a problem for me because I have my Asahd. I

will make you divorce, Noure. We won’t last a year. You’ll be miserable while I’ll live the happiest

moments whenever I come to this palace, every single morning of every single day of the week, to be

with Asahd. I’ll only return late at night as a completely satisfied, in love and happy woman. You’ll be

needing a maid to clean your house and cook for you because I won’t.”

“Saïda, shut up,” he growled lowly, very furious now as his grip on me tightened even more.

It hurt more but I didn’t flinch, staring him in the eyes.

“And don’t you ever,” I raised a finger at him. “Try to hit or force me. Else I would have Asahd throw you

in the dungeon because unlike you, he has authority. And don’t think you can tell my father about

what’s happening because he will believe me and not you. I will tell him that you’ve always maltreated

me and I’ll ask for a divorce. Marry me, Noure. You’ll see.”

He stared at me, shock in his expression.

“Saïda what has gotten into you?? Look at what he’s doing to you.”

“No, no,” I laughed. “Asahd brings out the best in me. You bring out the worst. You made me slap you

and now you’re making me threaten you. I will never behave this way with Asahd because he will never

give me reason to. I will forever be submissive to his fine ass, Noure. He has never forced me into

something I didn’t want to do. Not even when he was still somebody rude and egocentric, even before

we went to New York and when we still disliked each other. Never. And you want to force me?” I

laughed and got out of his grip.

“Saïda you will regret this,” he muttered and his voice seemed shaky. “I can’t believe you are doing this

to me. You’ve changed.”

“No you have, Noure. I thought you really cared for me, even as a friend. The way I do for you. But you

don’t. And so, you had one more chance to keep my favors and you are blowing it. The day we get

married, I will hate your guts. The bit of sympathy I have for you, will disappear. I promise.”

He stared silently at me.

“See you on our wedding day, Noure. Shots fired,” I ended and turned on my heel and left the room.


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