Rejected Mate's Redemption (Freda and James)

Mates 141

Mates 141

Chapter 141 288 iVouchers Chapter 141 FREDA WHITLOCK The first thing that came to me was the sound of people’s voices filling my ears. They were echoing. It was followed by a massive headache that threatened to c**k my skull. The sound of the echoing voices made it worse. I groaned and tried to cover my ears, not entirely sure where I was, and scared to open my eyes because I knew I was worried the bright lights I could see from beneath my eyelids would worsen my headache. My attempt to cover my ears failed as I realized that they were being held apart on either side of me. I was not sure if it was by chains or by people. I had not fully recovered my consciousness. I could feel it slipping away and I struggled to keep myself awake. Where was I? What was going on? I groaned again and tried to move. A pinch in the side of my neck caused my brain to kickstart as memories started to flood into my head, right behind my eyes, Lyra had gotten a call from Georgina. My dad was dying. I had been at the hospital, and all of a sudden, he wasn’t dying. Safiya was there. She was furious and more scheming than ever. The look in her eyes had actually scared me. Lyra had been screaming. Francisco too. She had one of the guards inject me. Francisco. Francisco! 288 Vouchers I groaned with the effort it took me to open my eyes. I had been right. The blinding brightness of the overhead lights had sent a fiery pain to my head. I cried out and recoiled. Whatever she had had the guards inject me with was hurting my brain now and I could barely see past the excruciating pain. “She’s awake. She seems to be fully awake,” I heard a masculine voice say and I blinked back the tears that filled my eyes. I groaned and tried to gain access to my hands again but the person

holding my left hand yanked it hard, causing me to cry out again. Where was I and who the f*k was this person? I took deep breaths and slowly opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the brightness of the light before I could look around comfortably. “Bring her forward,” heard a feminine voice say. It took me a minute to recognize that it was Safiya’s. There was a huge fog in my head that I needed so desperately to fight through just so I could see, think, and hear better. Tears left my eyes as I was forced to my feet. I opened my eyes, which were stinging, and I was a hundred percent sure they were swollen. Whatever the hell she had injected me with, it was horrible. I stared straight ahead carefully, forcing my vision to focus so I would know what was going on around me. “Freda Whitlock,” someone called and my eyes went in his direction. I tried to reach out for my wolf to help me. I could feel her reaching out to me too, but I couldn’t get to her. The drug had caused a haze that clearly divided both of us from the help we could provide to each other. My heart dropped to the base of my stomach. The drug did not just contain a strong sedative. It contained wolfsbane too. My wolf was injured, and so was I. 288 Vouchers Goddess, Safiya had this planned. She wanted to kill me. Nów, I was in front of the werewolf council. This was not looking good for me at all. I was definitely going to die and I could not even see clearly. “You have been brought before the Council with a charge of attempted murder against the Luna and her baby. What can you say for yourself?” The male voice asked. It carried through the room powerfully and if I had been guilty of what he was accusing me of, I would have trembled and fallen. “She can’t even see straight. How do you expect her to speak for herself, you s**id f**k?!” I heard Lyra’s voice yell from somewhere in the room. It was followed by silence, the sound of a fist hitting flesh, and the thud of a body on the floor. I would have smiled at her words but she had been hurt. They were hitting her. “Safiya,” I called her name weakly. It was taking time but my vision seemed to be getting clearer. “You know I didn’t touch you. If anything, you touched me and I pulled away,” I said. “You verballyThis text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

abused me. You defamed me. Why am I the one that is standing in front of the council?” I asked, with pain in my voice and my chest. This was too much. This was just too much. “Where’s my son?” I asked, pressing my lips together and looking around my room. I blinked back the tears that filled my eyes and looked around carefully. He was nowhere in sight. Lyra was in the back corner to the left of where the Council was sitting with Safiya. Her eyes were fixed on me and when they locked, her eyes were filled with a mix of relief and fear. 288 Nouchers She nodded, indicating that she was fine. ‘Francisco?’ I asked with a look. She could read me very well. She knew me like the back of her palm and I knew her just the same way. So when she closed her eyes and shook her head, my heart dropped to the very base of my stomach. “No…” I whispered. I looked at Safiya. She was staring at me with a smirk on her face. “Where is Francisco?” I asked her, taking deep breaths and trying to calm the chaotic storm in my head and chest. She smiled wide. “Where’s my son?!” I screamed at her and she gestured something to the guard at my right side. He hit me in the side of my face and I sagged in his and the other guard’s grip, stunned by how hard he had hit me. “Luna, I believe that is unnecessary,” one of the Council members said with discomfort. “I believe you need to shut up,” Safiya responded.

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