Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Levi and Philip were racing their parents into the woods. The two grown up men did not want to lose to the two little men ruming ahead, quickening their pace to catch up when the boys suddenly stopped.

“They stopped,” Charles said to Jaxon.

“Keep quiet. We get to overtake thent.” Jaxon said, running faster.

Charles smiled, agreeing that Jaxon’s idea was excellent since the boys were faster than them.

He did not want to believe that they were growing old but agreed that indeed, their energy could not match that of the boys.

When they got close, they were shocked to see that the two boys were running towards them instead of continuing into the


The two men exchanged glances and just as Charles was about to ask Jaxon for what reason the boys had to change direction, he saw something white rolling towards the park like a white gigantic cotton but due to the sound, one could tell that it was not a soft fabric

The trees began to move violently and the snow began to fall as soon as the sun disappeared. “Strange,” Jaxon said and began to run back to the park house.

“Your son was right Jax why are you so stubborn! We shouldn’t have come out. Everyone is still resting after the war, Charles complained through mind link.

‘Levi is not yet the Alpha and its just a little storm, Jaxon shot back, quickening his pace.

‘Little stormi’ Trees are even falling and I won’t be surprised if some bouses lose their roof tomorrow, Charles replied through mind link.

Jaxon looked ahead and saw the women relaxed from a distance.

“We should make it to the packhouse and not argue, he said to Charles through mind link before communicating with Rowena through the same mind link.

‘Run’ There is a snow storm coming.

Instead of running. Rowena was so shorked that she went stiff when she saw what was chasing the men

A force pulled her by the arm “Row, what are you waiting for?” Gracie screamed, trying her best to drag her along whilst trying to stabilize herself as well.

The wind was strong enough to knock her down.

Rowena’s legs were moving due to the force from the pull but she kept looking back to see if the children and the men were safe, breaking the hold she had with Gracie.

she was so shocked because she never saw a snow storm like this where it looked as if the wind had turned to saw, rolling like a ball following them.

The trees moved as if they were going to fall and all pack members seemed already indoors.

Rowena knew they should have hid Levi’s warning and not stepped out but Jaxson was so stubborn. They should not have come out like Levi said.

“Mom raul”

Levi’s already soft voice was swallowed by the sound of the storm so Jaxon echoed through mind link once again,

“Row, run faster, the storm is terrible!

Rowena quickened her pace but was soon over taken by Philip and Levi. The boys were just too fast.

Gracie had also gone ahead to open the gates of the packhouse bu before her lund reached the door to the house, a strong wind caused her to lose her balance.

She knocked into Rowena who was right behind her, they both slipped and fell. It was even more difficult to get up after the fall dur to how they kept falling from the strong wind the moment they tried to get up, thereby grabbing hold to whatever was in siglat.

Levi and Phillip tried to help their mothers up but the strong wind was now accompanied by the snow, making it harder for

them to do.

This was the strongest snow storm they ever experienced in the history of the pack.

Le made it to the door and held it but was finding in hand to turn the kn ob because of the wind.

The hgment the door opened, it slammed shut on its accord because their strength was not enough to hold it


Chapter 102

A strong land covered his little hand, as his one hand grabbed hold of his cousin Philip when Jaxon opened the door and held it for them to go inside.

Charles helped due to the force of the wind with one hand, urging Jaxon to leave the door and help the women,

The wind, having no barrier, blew into the living room of the pack house, sending the vases and lighter items crashing to the


Jaxon left the door for Charles and tried to carry Rowena from the floor when he slipped but Charles was quick enough to shield him whilst extending his had to Gracie upon realizing it would be unsuccessful to carry her from the floor.

It was already hard for them to maintain their balance so adding a load would only make it worse.

Sadly, the distance was too wide and he had to leave the door. He was about to when Jaxon said, “Don’t.”

Charles was confused but with the amount of snow pouring, he understood they might not be able to open it again, should they close it. The snow would freeze the door until the sun comes up again.

Jaxon instructed Rowena,

“Join one hand with Gracie and give me the other. Charles pulled him by the belt as soon as Rowena joined her hand to his, grabbing hold of Gracie with the other arm

With a strong pull, Jaxon screamed,


They jumped into the room before Charles entered and closed the door, panting.

Levi and Phillips were clearing the broken items from the floor and as soon as they were done, went to the kitchen. The old Alpha had already lighted the fire place to fill the pack house with warmth.

The fact that the were insusceptible to the cold did not mean they could not freeze from it.

“Jax, this is all your fault. You should have just followed Levi’s instruction,” Charles accused him in annoyance.

When Jaxon was away, be followed Levi’s instructions and everything was fine. Now Jaxon was back and seemed to be in some kind of silent war with his own sOIL Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Why should a six-year-old be controlling me?” Jaxon snarled

Turning around, he began to search of Levi and spotted him coming out of the kitchen with Phillip, both holding cups of hot chocolate, seeming unperturbed by the presence of their fathers.

“Levi, how did you know it was going to be a snow storm? I’ve never experienced this kind all my life,” Jason asked accusingly but Levi could not remember that part anymore.

“What are you saying dad? Grandma is preparing brunch. I think you are hungry.”

Jaxon was so furious at the six-year-old who was speaking like a mature adult. D amn, the guy’s height was just a little above his waist and he looked so innocent and adorable.

Jaxon felt like his son’s innocent looks was a scam. The boy had a lot under his sleeves which he wanted all out

“Levi, if you don’t answer my question, your next training will be very difficult,” he threatened the little man who sat elegantly at the dining table, sipping his chocolate calmly,

“The harder the better dad.”

Jaxon was mad, wondering what changed when they travelled for just a few weeks, almost a month.

It was as if the moon goddess took his innocent son and gave him this unrelenting young man.

Rowena looked at Gracie and they burst out laughing but jaxon was not amused, asking,

“Now what ly so funny?”

“It seems you are jealous of your son becoming more powerful than you. Just heed his advice and stay out of trouble.” Rowena dirugged but Jaxon was not ready to allow the linle boy to triumph over him.

“We were doing just fine before we traveled. I think the problems come from him he accused Levi, thinking of getting some of the old gananas to check if there was more to the little boy he left behind to embark on the journey to Canada.

“Dad, you caused mom and Auntie to fall so you have to clear the snow from the driveways tomorrow,” Levi said in a commanding tone, Jaxon was furious, wishing there wasn’t a storm so he could punisha hain to run in the woods for two hours noir-stop.

“Don’t you dare tell me what to do. I am still the Alpha of this pack,” he said sternly and Levi laughed,

“Alpha Jaxon, the pack will be in a piess tomorrow and there will be visitors too,” he said in a monitonous tone.

Instantly, Clarles knew that Levi was having premonition again and paid heed whilst Jaxon asked,

Chapter 102

“Which visitors are you talking about?”

“They bring news of a challenge but don’t let them stay in the pack,” Levi said in the same monotonous tone, Jaxon was


He has always been in control but now, his son was forcing him to do what he wanted, which he did not want to do.

“Now don’t tell me what to do. You are not the Alpha and you don’t have the right to take decisions yet, he cautioned Levi seriously, the boy did not seem offended but rather spoke continuously, maintaining that monotonous tone.

“Dad, I think you should get some candles, lanterns, lighters, rechargeable lamps or whatever. The storm would not stop any time soon and the power lines will be cut.”

As soon as he finished giving the instruction, Gracie was already looking around for more firewood for the fire place.

“Mom, do you have any candles,” Rowena called out to Alice in the kitchen. The sun was gone so the lights were all on if not, everywhere would be dark.

Alice did not hear Rowena from the kitchen due to the sound of the storm overshadowing her voice but Charles was already moving towards the storeroomL

“I will check to see if we have some reachable lights. We haven’t had power cuts in a long time,” he said whilst at it.

Jaxon could not believe what was happening right in front of him and yelled,

“Wait, are you all doing what this little guy is saying?” He pointed at Levi who seemed to have regained himself


son dad, are you hungry?” He lifted his half empty cup of claucolate as if inviting his father to join him.

Jaxon could not see a way around his son and gave up

“I lost my appetite. Im going upstairs.”

As soon as climbed the stairs, taking the first step and then the second one, they heard a loud noise and everything went dark. It was so pitch black that Jaxon could not see a thing.

Even the fire at the fire place was quenched with only red charcoal gleaming in the dark.

“What is going on?” Jaxon asked, confused. They haven’t had power cuts in years so this was very strange.

Whereas, since they never had such a strong snow storm before, he could only equate it to the da mn storm.

Levi switched on a torch light and continued to sip his hot chocolate calmly. No one knew that he got himself and his cousin courred.

The adults were capable of taking care of themselves.

“Levi, give me the touch light. I need to check the rooms to get some candles Jaxon said to Levi but to his surprise, the boy refused to give out his torch light.

“We need light here too dad, you should find one yourself, he said in his small calming innocent voice.

Jaxon swallowed tightly and demanded defiantly, moving to his direction at the dining table.

“Levi, give me the torch light.”

By the time Jaxon reached where Levi sat at the dining table, he moved to the sofa and switched off the torch light.

“Battery dead,” Levi announced.

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