Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 134

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 134

Chapter 134 Flames

Selene’s POV

The fire raged past dawn and throughout the early morning.

I got the call just after 4am, but Aiden and Donovan insisted I stay away because of the risk of smoke inhalation. They didn’t want to chance harming the baby, no matter how much my presence might have helped calm the pack. So Lila and I sat by and waited for the all clear to be announced, but it didn’t come for hours and hours. By that evening, the news was all over the city, and the damage was irreparable. All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

What used to be the most beautiful forest in all of Elysium now lies in ruin, a charred husk of the fertile lands where our ancestors built this city. The once lush land is buried beneath thick mounds of ash, and everywhere the eye can see is a charred black shell pulled straight from my worst nightmares.

It was pure luck that the firefighters were able to prevent the inferno from spreading beyond the edge of the forest, protecting the homes and apartment buildings at the edge of the forest. Well, lucky for shifters that is nature knew no such reprieve. It burned down to nothing, and nothing can repair the loss.

When Drake and Sophie come down to dinner, they’re carrying the evening news, which I’m almost too afraid to read. When the heavy black and white print is spread open in my lap, my stomach leaps into my throat.

Elysium Chronicle

Today, amidst a natural disaster the likes of which the Nova pack has never before seen, the Alpha is nowhere to be found. Though no one in the pack house or elder council has shared any details about

the Alpha’s whereabouts with our reporters, one thing is clear, Bastien is unavailable for the foreseeable future.

Of course many questions remain. Where has the Alpha gone? Has he forsaken us, or is he simply too far away to come to our aid? Why has he left so soon after returning from another extended trip?

Few can forget that his departure comes only weeks after spending more than a month in Asphodel without any explanation until his return with his mate long thought to be dead. Is it possible our Alpha is on another noble mission, or has he abandoned us in our time of need?

While it is widely known that the Alpha’s mate, Selene, is breeding and therefore unlikely to be found in such a dangerous environment for a pup, the question remains as to what possible cause could pull the Alpha away from his family at such a critical time? It is almost unheard of for a wolf to leave his mate unprotected when they are expecting, except in cases of warfare. Yet the Nova pack has been at peace for years, so how could our Alpha do such a thing?

There are far more questions than answers at this stage in the game, but there’s no denying we are currently a pack without a leader. Wherever Bastien is, his neglect will not be forgotten.

Hurtling from the table, I crash into the restroom, falling to my knees before the toilet as I empty my belly. Soft hands pull my hair from my face, and Sophie’s scent whirls through my senses. “I’m sorry.” I moan.

“Don’t be sorry.” The young she-wolf encourages, “it’s only natural. It means the baby is healthy.”

“It means the world is crumbling around me.” I groan. “How can they write such drivel? Bastien is doing everything he can to protect us. He would never forsake the pack in its time of need.”

“You know that and I know that, but this is the press.” Sophie reasons, “They pretend to print in black and white, but they never do. There’s always an angle.”

“It isn’t fair.” I breathe, “I just want things to go back to normal. I want Bastien home with me.”

“He will be.” Sophie assures me, rubbing my back, “Just give it time.”

“I’m so sick of everybody pretending like they know what’s going on.” I grumble.

“None of us know. Not really. Bastien might come back, but he might not. Empty promises won’t make it hurt any less if that time comes.”

“You’re right.” Sophie agrees. “I’m sorry. I think it’s harder for men sometimes. They want to have all the answers. They don’t want us to worry. So they lie they pretend they try to be strong.” She shakes her head, her rose gold hair glinting in the dim lights. “They don’t realize that simply admitting how powerless we all are can be the best course of action.”

“The terrible thing is that Bastien has never been powerless.” I share. “He’s not like other men. He’s always so strong. I can’t imagine a world where he no longer exists.”

“Listen, Sophe pleads, “You’re connected to him right? You can feel him, even far away as he is?”

“Of course.” I confirm.

“Then reach down.” She advises. “Tell me. Reach out as far as you can. Is he there?”

I do as she asks, employing every last ounce of my strength to feel through our mating bond. It doesn’t happen instantly, but after a moment a jolt of electricity travels towards me through our intangible connection. “Yes.” I breathe, “He’s there.”

‘Then he’s alive.” Sophie assures me. And if he’s alive it means he’s doing everything in his power to come home to you, yes?”

“Yes.” I agree, feeling suddenly calmer, “You’re right. Thank you.”

“No thanks necessary.” Sophie promises, “after all, without you I’d still be wasting my time pining for Drake.”

Eyeing the other woman, I ask, “Are you happy now, truly?”

Her beam is undeniable. “I’ve never known such joy. And it’s all thanks to you.”

For once, I accept the compliment. I’m glad my friend has finally settled, and I’m pleased that poor, mistreated Sophie has finally gotten a break. I can only pray that she’s right and Bastien is out there right now fighting to come home to Lila and me.

Bastien’s POV

It’s dark when I wake, and for the life of me, I can’t remember where I am or what day it is. I’m in an unfamiliar room, and from the strange smells surrounding me, I know I’m not in Elysium.

This doesn’t make any sense. I think, I was in Elysium last night, I was in the Pack house with Mom and Dad.

Something isn’t right. Axel replies, sounding tense. I feel off.

Every muscle in my body aches as I rise from the plush bed where I lay, and I gingerly stretch my sore limbs.

I’m in what appears to be a hotel room of some sort. There’s a bed, dresser and small desk, with an en suite bathroom and heavy curtains framed by a thin rectangle of light. Striding to the dark curtains, I rip them open, revealing a sunlight window overlooking a sprawling modern city. Sleek glass buildings dominate the horizon, with paved roads and skyscrapers extending as far as the eye can see.

Where the hell am I? I wonder helplessly.

Just then a knock sounds at my door, and a familiar scent finally reaches my nose. Arabella pushes inside a moment later, but she looks older than I remember. Yesterday she was a girl of eighteen, now she appears to be in her late twenties. “Arabella? What’s going on, where are we?”

“You don’t remember?” she asks, her brow furrowing in confusion. “You must have hit your head even harder than I thought. “Reaching up to my temples, I feel for an injury but find none. “What are you talking about?”

“We’re in Tartarus.” Arabella explains carefully. We barely made it into the city, we were attacked on the road.”

“Tartarus?” I repeat dumbly, the capital of the Calypso territory. “What do you mean, why are we here? Who attacked us?”

“We’re here because things have gotten bad in Elysium.” Arabella says, her voice thick with emotion. “I’m afraid your wife sent the rogues after us as punishment for leaving.”

“My wife?” That doesn’t make any sense. “What in the Goddess’s name are you talking about?” I demand. “I don’t have a wife.”

“Bastien.” Arabella purses her lips, true concern dominating her lovely features. “You’ve been married for years now. I think your concussion has affected your memory.”

“No.” I insist. “This isn’t right, I would know if I was married.”

“What’s the last thing you remember?” Arabella presses.

“Having dinner with Mom and Dad.” I share, rubbing the back of my neck and racking my brains for any hint of this other life she’s describing. “Today was supposed to be the solstice festival.”

“Oh Bastien.” My old friend has tears in her eyes now, and I know whatever she’s about to say will break my heart. “I’m so sorry. Your father is dead.”

“That’s impossible.” I insist, her words not truly clicking in my mind. “I was just with him.” “No Bastien, I’m afraid he’s been dead for more than three years now.” She murmurs tenderly. “He was killed by Selene.”

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