Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 126

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 126

Chapter 126 Get Out of the House

Bastien’s POV

The dial tone drags on and on, and my heart sinks deeper into my stomach with every moment that passes. Pick up, pick up, pick up !

Finally the line clicks open, only it isn’t Selene’s voice which answers. “Mommy’s phone!” Lila chirps happily.

“Lila?” My eyes fall shut as I revel in the sound of her sweet little voice. She’s safe. I tell myself firmly, if nothing else, I know my pup is safe.

“Daddy!” She squeals in excitement. “Is that you?”

“Hello angel.” I greet her warmly.

“Daddy, I miss you so much!” She exclaims.

“I miss you too, little one.” I reply earnestly, wishing I could see her lovely face, but knowing a video call is impossible when my own appearance is so disturbing at the moment. “I desperately want to talk to you, but I need to speak to Mommy first.” I explain,”Is she there?”

“She’s in da kitchen with Gamma.” Lila explains, sounding a bit disappointed not to have my full attention.

“Okay sweetheart can you put her on the phone?” I press, trying to keep my tone light even though Axel is going crazy with worry inside me.

“Daddy is something wrong?” She questions.

Before I can reply, I hear my mate’s voice in the background, and thank the Goddess for the beautiful sound, even distant as it is.

“Who are you talking to, Lila Bean?”

“It’s Daddy.” Lila peeps happily.

A few odd muffles travel through the line, but a moment later Selene’s voice sounds in my ear, strong and sure. “Bastien?”

Relief washes over me in a tidal wave. I know from her relaxed tone that all is well, but still I have to ask, “Baby, are you okay?”

“Of course, we’re just fine.” She answers, a flicker of unease entering her lyrical tone, “why, what’s wrong?

“You need to get out of the house, right now.” I advise her sternly, “All of you.”

A pregnant pause extends between us before my mate answers, and I hate the fear in her voice. “Bastien, you’re scaring me.” She murmurs.

“Good.” I reply gruffly, “This is serious, little wolf. You have to get to a safe location as soon as you can.”

“What’s going on?” Selene inquires, more demanding this time.

“Someone just tried to kill me.” I admit reluctantly. “I’m not even in the Calypso territory yet. It seems we were right about my uncle’s family being involved in all our troubles. My cousin Frederic sent a team of hired assassins after me.

He won’t know that I survived yet, but he knows all the secret tunnels into the house.”

“What?” Selene squeaks.

“He’s still family.” I explain grimly, “He knows the hidden passages. It’s how he killed my father. I can’t believe we didn’t see this before.”

“If that’s true,”Selene begins shakily. “How do we, where are we supposed to go, Bastien? Where will we be safe?”

*Aiden and Donovan have plans in place for this kind of emergency. Go tell them what’s going on get Lila and Mom out of the house, and then call me once you’re safe.” I instruct.

“Okay.” she agrees. “Are you okay, are you injured?”

“I’m fine.” I promise. And I will be as long as you and the pups are safe. Now go, baby. We’ll talk soon.”

“Okay.” Selene breathes, “I love you.”

“I love you too, Selene,” I profess, “And I love you, Lila!” I call into the receiver, loudly enough for the pint-sized pup to hear.

“I love you too Daddy!” She calls back, filling my heart with more joy and relief than I imagined possible five minutes ago.

They’re safe. I continue to manically repeat the same words in my head long after we’ve hung up. Thankful that I was in wolf form when the rogues attacked, I use a bottle of water and one of the towels I packed to wash the blood and gore from my body, before changing into clean clothes.

Retreating from the border, I drive high into the mountains to a secluded cliffside and wait for Selene to call me back.

I can’t keep my thoughts quiet, all the terrible possibilities of what might have happened are still racing through my mind, followed closely by the tragedies that could still befall us. Did my cousin threaten Selene to torment me, or because he truly wants her for himself? What are his plans for Lila? Does he hope to kill my mother too?

I was a fool for leaving, it was too soon. They’ll be okay. Axel insists. Blaise is still the bigger threat. We can deal with Frederic.

How? I demand, How are we supposed to deal with him from another territory?

Aiden and Donavon will keep the family safe, Drake can come sooner than we planned

and Selene can go back to practicing her powers.

What about the baby? I hiss.

The baby will be fine. My wolf says confidently.

How can you be sure? I counter.

I simply am. He replies unhelpfully.

Grumbling low in my chest, I decide that not all of my wolf’s advice is overconfident optimism. He did make a few good points. Following his train of thought. I dial Drake and hope Selene won’t call while I’m on the phone.

His familiar voice answers in a low growl, “You better have a damn good reason for calling this late.”

In the background I can hear the soft moans of a she-wolf in heat, and I have a good idea about why the other Alpha is greeting me with such hostility. “I’m sorry.” I say sincerely, “I truly hate to interrupt your evening, but this could wait.”

Sophie’s whimpers quiet, and Drake’s voice shifts from annoyed to concerned. “What happened.

Quickly recounting the night’s events, I pray the man will agree about the urgency of the situation. “The timing isn’t ideal, but I have to ask. Can you go to Elysium now?”

On the other end of the line, I hear distant footsteps, and I suspect the Eros leader is retreating from his mate. “Under the circumstances I won’t risk bringing Sophie with me, but yes, I can be there in two days time.”

“Thank you.” I breathe, wishing I could express the depth of my gratitude. “You’re a lifesaver. Truly, I can’t thank you enough.”

“You’ve got that right.” He drawls, “Do you have any idea what I’m walking away from?”

Recalling the image of my own mate in the delicious throws of her first heat, I adopt a sympathetic tone, “Better than anyone.” He laughs, and I suggest, * If I were you I’d make the most of tonight. Please give Sophie my apologies.” Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Will do.” Drake promises. “Be safe, Bastien.”

“You too.” I reply sincerely, feeling eternally blessed to know this man-whol once considered my enemy.

Within a quarter of an hour my phone is ringing again, and I whip it up to my ear, “Selene.”

“I’m here.” Her silken voice floats to me across hundreds of miles, “We’re safe. Aiden and Donavon got us out.”

*Thank the Goddess.” I exalt. “How are you coping?”

“Lila is confused and I got carsick the moment we started moving, but otherwise we’re holding it together.” Selene shares good naturedly.

“Poor baby.” I sympathize,”how is our new little bean?”

“If my morning sickness is any indication, he’s strong as a bear.” Selene moans.

“She,” I tease, unsure of how to process this information. On one hand I want to be glad the baby is growing strong, on the other, the thought of my mate being so ill when I’m not there to take care of her fills me with fear and guilt.

“Please don’t push yourself too hard, my love.” I implore.

“I won’t.” She agrees, “Do you want to talk to Lila?”

“Of course.” I purr, “I’d rather talk to you two than anyone else.”

“Hey!” I hear my mother call in the distance.

“You too, Mom!” I amend quickly.

After an extended conversation with my young daughter, explaining our dire situation in the gentlest terms I can, I ask to speak with my Betas, directing Aiden and Donovan to move out of hearing distance of the women.

“Listen,” I explain once they’ve assured me they’re alone. “Drake is coming within 48 hours to provide extra protection, but the danger is far from passed.”

“What did the assassins say to you exactly?” Donovan inquires.

Trepeat Frederic’s message as accurately as I can, cringing when I reach the part about Selene. “I don’t know what he plans for her, but I know it’s not good. You have to keep an extra close watch on her.” We’d already discussed this in terms of the baby. I remember how dehydrated and delirious she

became when she was so sick carrying Lila and thoroughly briefed my men on looking out for her. But this is different. This is far more serious.

“You have to watch the people around her like a hawk. I don’t know what Frederic plans to do with Lila, but it’s clear she’s not the one he wants. He wants Selene. You have to do whatever is in your power to keep her safe.”

“You have our word.” Donovan vows.

“We’ll die before Frederic gets his hands on Selene.” Aiden confirms.

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