Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 120

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 120

Chapter 120 Telling Selene

Bastien’s POV

Selene’s silken voice is floating out of Lila’s bedroom in a steady stream, weaving fairy tales from thin air to carry our pup off to sleep. It’s already dark out, the winds of autumn ushering in the night earlier and earlier as we near the equinox, and confusing my young daughter’s internal clock to no end.

Moving to lean in the doorway, I spy my mate stretched out on Lila’s twin bed, our pup snuggled beside her with heavy eyelids. Her little mouth stretches wide with frequent yawns and I know it won’t be long before she passes out completely.

Pure longing consumes me as I watch the beautiful pair: Selene’s gentle hands caressing Lila’s dark hair as she spins her fantasy, the sweet pup’s soft cooing sounds as she’s lulled into dreamland.

I could stand here gazing at them forever. I’m continually astonished at how my love for them continues to grow, even after I’m convinced it could not be any greater. These precious beings disprove that assumption over and over again, and I have no doubt the new baby will do the same.

As painful as the pangs evoked by the thought of leaving them are, this very sight is exactly what I need to send me off on my journey. I will carry this image with me through every day I’m gone as a reminder of what’s truly important, and why I must take this risk.

Sensing my observance, Selene’s head turns toward me, an incandescent smile stretching across her perfect features when she catches me spying. We share a long look before Selene turns back to check on Lila, finding her conked out in deep sleep. Leaning down to kiss my daughter goodnight, I help untangle my mate from the bed, and guide her out of the room.

No sooner has the door closed behind us that I pin Selene against the wall, claiming her full lips in a string of long, luxurious kisses that leave us both breathless. I only intended to steal a few moments of affection, but now that I’ve started I can’t seem to stop. Selene arches into my questing hands, moaning in contentment.

“I love you so much.” I profess fervently, staring deep into her eyes.

“I love you too.” She replies huskily, pressing closer and nibbling my ear. Groaning and growing hard as her small hands slide across my chest, I try to hang on to my sanity. I can’t let myself be distracted from the matter at hand, no matter how pleasant the distraction.

Capturing Selene’s face between my hands, I suggest, “Let’s go for a run.”

“What?” She blinks in surprise, clearly expecting us to engage in a very different activity. “Now?”

“Yes,” I confirm with a new sense of urgency. If we stay here I won’t be able to stop myself from making love to her, and she won’ t appreciate me breaking the news to her afterwards, “Right now.”

Frowning, Selene tries to put some distance between us, but I don’t let her. “Bastien, is everything all right?”

“Yes. I just want to go for a run with my gorgeous mate, is that so wrong?” I answer, tugging her towards the door. Looking unconvinced, Selene reluctantly follows, letting me lead her down the stairs and out of the house.

At the edge of the forest we strip off our clothes, shifting into our wolf forms and disappearing into the trees.

It’s almost pitch black in the dense woodland. A thick layer of charcoal clouds is blocking out the waning moon’s pearlescent glow, leaving not a single star in sight.

Nonetheless, our keen eyes guide us forward as we bound through the crisp air at high speed, fallen leaves crunching beneath our paws with every step. Playfully nipping at Selene’s heels, we pounce and play until finally arriving at the high cliffs overlooking the Elysian Valley.

Curling my furry body around my little mate’s, I breathe in the fresh air and Selene’s own unique fragrance – softened and sweetened by the presence of our growing pup. Sighing and pillowing my head on her snowy coat, I try to work up the strength to tell her what I must.

In the end I don’t need to muster the right words, because Selene can already sense something is wrong. What’s going on Bastien? She questions, her lyrical voice chiming in my head.

Nudging and licking her muzzle, as if affection might soften the blow of my departure, I explain, This baby changes things, Selene I know. She replies with apprehension, things already seem crazy now, but this is nothing compared to what it will be like with a newborn in the house.

That’s not what I meant. I correct gently. It was bad enough having you and Lila at risk, but now. I can’t put this off any longer. Put off what? My mate asks, her body tensing up.

I have to deal with Blaise, I announce firmly, hardening myself to her inevitable objections. I have to make you safe. Selene twists around so she can see my face, her blue and violet eyes wide. What are you talking about? Deal with him how?

I have to go East. I explain, I have to try whatever I can to make him give up his hunt for Volanas.

But we haven’t even figured out what’s happening in Elysium yet. She argues, agitated energy pulsing off her small form in waves.

I know. I admit with resignation. But we don’t have a choice.

You promised! Selene bursts out, pulling away from me and clambering to her feet, you said you’d be here with me for this pregnancy. You said we’d do it all together!

And we will, but I can’t let another pup be born in danger, Selene. I growl, more harshly than intended. When she flinches I try to soften my tone, standing and nuzzling her downy fur. If I go now, I can be back before you start showing.

You don’t know that! My mate correctly insists, You can’t know how long you’ll be away. Besides, how do you possibly plan to make Blaise give up? He’s a monster, a psychopath. You think you’re going to change his mind about obtaining immortality.

I have to try Selene. I grind out, I can’t just stand by and let the danger continue to grow.

Listen to me Bastien. Selene begs, he’ll die before he lets go of his ambition.

Are you prepared to challenge him? He’s the most powerful Alpha on the continent!

I know that. I counter gruffly, But you’re only making my point for me.

Blaise will never stop unless we stop him.

Then wait for me, She implores, wait until we can try to stop him together.

No! I snarl, my protective instincts flaring at the mere idea of her being anywhere near the Calypso Alpha. Selene reels back as if I’ve struck her, and I follow closely, I’m sorry baby, but no. I repeat.

We can’t risk you. If something happens to me, you’ll be all the pups have left. One of us has to stay safe for them, and they need you more than they need me.

But I need you too! Selene cries, tugging at my heartstrings. I’d never survive it if something happened to you.

Yes you would. I reply easily, you are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for, little wolf.

And we’ll be stronger together than apart, Selene advocates, My powers Selene, I’m begging you. I beseech, cutting her off before she can make her case. Please don’t make this harder than it is.

No, I’m going to make it as hard as I possibly can. She combats, emotion thick in her voice. I don’t want you to go.

Do you think I want to go? I demand hotly. Do you believe I want to miss a minute of this pregnancy, so you think I want to spend a single minute away from you? From Lila?

No, Selene exhales, sounding forlorn. I just She trails off, struggling to find the words to express her feelings and coming up empty. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

I know, baby. I assure her, feeling her pain so keenly through our bond I want to rip myself to shreds for making her feel this way. But I have to do this. I have to make you and our pups safe.

You don’t have to do anything. Selene sniffs. You’re choosing this. You’re choosing to leave us when we need you most.

Don’t you ever accuse me of not caring about this family’s needs or failing to take care of you! I rumble before I can stop myself. Her words stabbed straight into the sorest spot in my heart, and I can’t help but respond instinctively.

This is a sacrifice, Selene. I’m doing this for us! Besides, I’m not the one of us who walks out on my mate, you are.

I regret the words as soon as they leave my head, but it’s too late. The damage has already been done. Tears well in Selene’s luminous eyes, and she drops her head in shame. Before I can say another word, she turns on her heel and flees, sprinting away into the night.

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