Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 269: Back To The Rainbow Pack

Chapter 269: Back To The Rainbow Pack

Anthony's POV:

When we got back to our room, Jennifer and I went to bed to go to sleep.

But even after lights out, I felt Jennifer tossing and turning beside me.

"What's wrong, babe? Is the bed uncomfortable?"

I turned on the bedside lamp to look at her with concern.

"No, I'm fine, Anthony.I'm just worried about Skylar.What if the elders of the Rainbow Pack make things difficult for her and Jerome tomorrow? I can't help but fear the worst." Jennifer sighed heavily.

"Don't worry.I'll be there."

I slipped my arms around her and cuddled her.

"I won't let anyone hurt Skylar."

"I know..."

Jennifer looked at me, softening her gaze.

"You're a kind and righteous prince.You'd never sit by and do nothing, but—"

"No buts, babe,"

I interrupted with a smile, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Don't worry too much.It's not good for you and the baby.God will always side with the good guys.Skylar's a good girl, so her kindness will be rewarded."

"You're right."

Jennifer finally smiled, burying her face in my arms.

"Since you can't fall asleep, tet me tell you a bedtime story,"

I suggested, my eyes twinkling playfully.

"Good idea."

Jennifer smiled.

"Why don't you let the baby listen, too?"

I switched off the bedside lamp and settled into bed next to her.

Then, I began to share my favorite fairy tale with her.

Minutes later, as I was telling the story, Jennifer nodded off to sleep.

When I felt that her breathing had stabilized, I kissed her on the forehead.

"Good night, my love," I whispered softly.

Early the next morning, Jennifer and I got out of bed to pack our things.

We met Jerome and Skylar in the hall.

After having a hearty breakfast, we set out together to the airport, where my private plane was waiting.

"I wish you didn't have to leave so soon."

Helen and Daniel had come to see us off.

Helen was looking at us tearfully, sad to see us go.

Elder Simon and Betty were here, too.

"Alpha Jerome, if it's alright with you, I'll stay in the Black Stone Pack with Helen for a few more days," Simon said to Jerome, who nodded.

"Travel safe, Mr.Jones."

Betty bowed to me with respect.

"I just want to thank you and Ms.Smith again for your help, on my deceased husband's behalf."

"No need to thank us, Luna Betty.We were just doing our job."

Jennifer smiled at Betty warmly, while I nodded as well in response.

"Take care, you two.Call us anytime."

Daniel shook hands with me firmly, and then he shook with Jerome.

"Take care, Jerome."

"It was nice to see you again.Goodbye, Helen and Daniel.I wish you two the best in your marriage," Jerome said with a smile.

"Daniel, take care of Helen, okay? Oh, and don't forget to prepare for the coronation ceremony," Jennifer said to Daniel, throwing her arms around him for one last hug.

Then, I took her hand and we headed to the plane.

After waving goodbye at our friends, we boarded the plane and left the Black Stone Pack.

It didn't take long before we landed at our destination.

After disembarking, we went straight to the Rainbow House.

Jennifer had informed the elders of the pack beforehand that we were arriving today.

When we pulled into the Rainbow House's gate, we found several elders were already there waiting for us.

"Welcome to the Rainbow Pack, Mr.Jones!"

Tony greeted us first with a big, toothy smile.

"We heard about what happened to Alpha Marlon.How are you? I hope everyone's okay."

"Thank you for your concern.Everything's fine."

I stole a glance at the other elders and noticed that they were avoiding my gaze.

My expression darkened.

They must've heard about what happened with Skylar.

"Let's go, Jennifer."

I took her hand, seeing that both she and Skylar were nervous.

"Mr.Jones, we had a hearty lunch prepared in honor of your return.This way, please."

Tony led us to the hall.

We all sat down at the dinner table as the food was laid out on the table.

Skylar sat next to Jerome.She kept her head down the whole time.

"By the way, Mr.Jones, we were wondering why you and Ms.Smith have come to the Rainbow Pack."

When everyone had taken their seat, Tony turned to me questioningly.

"Jennifer just wanted to visit her hometown," I replied lightheartedly.

"Mr.Jones, allow me to cut to the chase.We heard that Luna Skylar used some special power in the Black Stone Pack.Do you and Ms.Smith know about it?"

Another elder suddenly spoke up, glaring sharply at Skylar.

"The news has spread like wildfire.It's said that our pack's Luna is a vampire!"

Color drained from Skylar's face.

"We know about it.We were there.That is the true reason why Jennifer and I came here.Please calm down, everyone.Jerome will explain everything."

I stood up from my seat and spoke coldly.

Jerome's POV:

Before walking into the Rainbow House, I had hoped that the members of the Rainbow Pack didn't know about what had happened with Skylar.

But after seeing how the elders looked at us, I knew that it was foolish, wishful thinking.

They must have already known about it, but because Anthony was here, they had decided to keep calm.

I didn't expect them to bring it up as soon as we sat down for lunch.

"Elders, please listen to me."

After Anthony pacified the elders, I took a deep breath and stood up from my seat.

"It's true that Skylar has special power."

After I said that, the faces of the elders all twisted with rage and chaos instantly broke loose.

Skylar took my hand and held it tightly.

"What did you say? Alpha Jerome, explain yourself!"

"She's a vampire! She's really a vampire! The rumors were true!"

"We can't have a vampire for a Luna!"

"Everyone, be quiet!"

Anthony snapped impatiently.

"Let Jerome finish!"

Only then did the hall quiet down.

"We only found out recently that Skylar has special power.Rest assured, both the prince and Jennifer know about it.In fact, they're helping us investigate the matter, but so far, we haven't found anything conclusive."

As I spoke, I looked around the room, locking eyes with each elder firmly.No matter what they said, I would never change my mind.

Skylar and I didn't do anything wrong.

"In that case, we can't let Skylar be our Luna! If she has special power, she might be a vampire! We can't have a vampire as our Luna!"

Jacob pounded on the table angrily.

"Don't worry, everyone.I came back here to announce that I am giving up my position of Alpha.After I hand over the pack's affairs, I will leave the Rainbow Pack with Skylar."

I announced my plan loudly, making sure everyone heard me.

"Are you serious? Oh, my God!"

Jacob clutched his chest in shock.

"No, that can't be the answer."

Tony shook his head.

"You're not thinking clearly, Alpha Jerome! You make an excellent Alpha.Everyone here respects you!"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've made up my mind." I looked to him apologetically.

"You can't convince me otherwise."

"Tony's right, Alpha Jerome.Even if Skylar's a vampire, it has nothing to do with you.You can always break off the mate bond with her and choose another, more suitable Luna."

Jacob glared at Skylar murderously.

"Skylar, if you have any sense, you would give up your position of Luna yourself.Don't drag Alpha Jerome down with you!"

Hearing this, I looked at Skylar worriedly.I knew how fragile she had been as of late, so I was worried she wouldn't bear such a grave accusation.

"Take back what you said, Elder Jacob." I turned to look at him coldly.

"Skylar is my mate.Alpha and Luna are just empty titles.She's my love and I'm not letting her go!" NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Jacob refused to give in.

He stood up and pointed at me with a trembling finger.

"You're going to throw away your responsibilities as Alpha for a girl? Don't act so rashly!"

"Jerome is my mate! I love him! And he loves me too.We can't be separated!"

To my surprise, Skylar suddenly stood up and spoke out firmly.

Despite her flustered expression, her tone was resolute.

"Elder Jacob, you don't know us, so don't judge us so flippantly.I would sacrifice myself for Jerome, and he would do the same for me.Being Alpha is important, yes, but surely there is someone else who is qualified for the position.Jerome is a free man, and he can make his own choices.In fact, it's selfish of you to force Jerome to give up his mate.We've been through countless difficulties and we know we can't live without each other!" I looked at Skylar with awe and gave her hand a squeeze.

I was so touched that I almost burst into tears.

She was right.

We loved each other too much to separate.

Skylar was as determined to stay together as me.

Our love was so sacred that it would never be overcome by difficulties.

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