One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 93

Chapter 93 Audrey

I felt like a fish out of water the second I stepped into the upscale restaurant.

The glittering chandeliers and pristine white tablecloths were a far cry from the campus cafeteria where I usually ate my meals. The other patrons, all werewolves, dined in expensive designer outfits. Even the host eyed me up and down as I


"No humans allowed," the host said brusquely, already waving me away.

I squared my shoulders against the urge to tell him off. "I have an appointment," I said **lly, holding my chin up. "With Claudia Klein."

The host's eyes widened slightly, and he checked his list "Ah Right," he muttered, and I couldn't tell if he was just shellshocked or annoyed that I, a lowly human, had a right to be here today-Twas, after all, meeting one of the most prominent werewolves in our society. "Right this way."

As I followed the host through the crowded restaurant, I could feel eyes on me, and I fought the urge to hunch my shoulders. Had dressed well today, but I still felt out of place-and everyone could tell that I was a human

Finally, we reached a table where Claudia was already seated, looking impeccable in a tailored suit. To my surprise, she stood

and embraced me in a warm hug before I could even speak. I stiffened, shocked by the familiar gesture. We had only spoken in person once before. Although, her arms were strangely comforting.


"Audrey! So good to see you," Claudia said, pulling back with a smile. The host, fully pale by now, scurried away without a word.

"It's good to see you too, Ms. Klein," I managed, still a bit flustered from the unexpected hug

"Please, call me Claudia," she insisted as we sat down. "How are you finding the restaurant? It's one of my favorites."

I glanced around, taking in the opulent surroundings. For a moment, I debated mentioning how I technically wasn't allowed here as a human, but I stopped myself. "It's beautiful. I've never been anywhere quite like it'

A waiter appeared almost immediately to take our drink orders. Claudia ordered a glass of white wine, while I stuck with iced tea, not wanting to risk any alcohol-induced blunders

"So, tell me, how are your classes going?" Claudia asked, leaning forward with her elbows on the table. This close, I could smell her floral perfume and could hear the clinking of the bangles around her wrists as she moved.

1 launched into a brief overview of my coursework, relaxing a bit as we chatted. "Professor Brooks' class is challenging, but I'm learning so much," I said, then paused. "And I wanted to say, thank you for- "I know what you're going to say, and I'd rather you not say it, Claudia interrupted with a wave of her hand "That statement that I made was the least I could do, you didn't deserve the backhsh that you got over the fashion show."

I blushed, but fell silent, unsure of what to say. But thankfully, Claudia seemed to be a master at conversation, and soon we were chatting amiably. By the time our food arrived-a salmon dish for Claudia and a pasta primavera for me I was feeling

more al ease.

"Now," Claudia said as she twirled pasta onto her fork, "let's see those sketches you've been working on."

My heart rate picked up as I pulled out my sketchbook. I had been working on my preliminary designs for my project with Claudia for weeks now, but suddenly they seemed inadequate. With slightly trembling hands, I passed the book to Claudia

She flipped through the pages slowly, her expression unreadable As the silence stretched on, my anxiety grew. I found

10:43 Tue, Sep 17 BGD

Chapter 93

myself babbling to fill the quiet.

"I was thinking of using a light, breathable fabric for the summer line," I explained. "And the asymmetrical hemline is meant

Before I could finish, Claudia closed the book and handed it back to me. "Audrey," she began, and my heart sank at her tone. "These sketches... they're not your best work."


I felt my face flush with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I-"

Claudia held up a hand to stop me. "No need to apologize. But I can tell something is off. Have you been distracted lately?"

I bit my lip, debating how much to share. Finally, I decided that honesty was the best policy. And besides, even if I had lied, something told me that Claudia would be able to tell. "To be honest, I've been stressing a lot about my senior thesis. I want it to be perfect, but I haven't been able to find a mentor yet."

Claudia's eyebrows shot up. "You didn't think to ask me to be your mentor?"

Her words left me blinking, fully taken aback by the unexpected question. “L”

"I could be your mentor, Audrey," Claudia said almost matter-of-factly as she twirled some more pasta around her fork. “In fact, I might have to insist on it. Unless you don't want me."

My face paled. "No, I-I would be honored 1 stammered. "It's just... Well, we're already working together on this project, and I figured you would be too busy."

To my surprise, Claudia laughed-a light, tinkling sound that instantly set me at ease. "Audrey, you know how much I like, you, and I can see the potential in you. I want to see you succeed. In fact, why don't we make this project-she tapped my notebook-"part of your senior thesis? I would be happy to mentor you personally this fall."Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

My jaw practically dropped straight through the floor. "Really? You would do that?" I breathed.

"Of course," Claudia said with a warm smile. "You have talent, Audrey. I would be honored to help you develop it further."

I couldn't contain my excitement. "Thank you so much, Claudial This means the world to me."

We spent

the rest of the meal discussing ideas for my thesis. Claudia offered valuable input on my designs, pointing out areas where I could push the boundaries more. I scribbled notes furiously, already mulling over how to implement her advice into my next designs. I wanted our next meeting to truly wow her-not disappoint her.

Unfortunately, the meeting flew by all too quickly. As we finished our desserts, Claudia glanced at her watch with a sigh. "I'm afraid I have another appointment soon. Shall we?

We made our way out of the restaurant, still chatting about design ideas. The afternoon sun was warm on my face as we stepped onto the sidewalk, and I felt a little drunk even though I hadn't had a drop of alcohol

"I'll have my assistant send over some resources for you," Claudia said as we shook hands. "And don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions."

As we were saying our goodbyes, I noticed a familiar figure approaching. My heart s**ed a beat as I recognized that sharply tailored suit and those striking gray eyes: Edwin. Quickly, so as not to alert Claudia, I schooled my expression into one of indifference.

I hadn't seen Edwin since our date at the planetarium, even though it had been a few days. A part of me realized that we had done something dangerous that night, and it seemed that he had come to the same conclusion. So we hadn't spoken, even though it wrenched my heart.

To my surprise, Edwin seemed to blanch when he saw us. He hesitated at the end of the block, awkwardly turning this way and that for a moment as though debating whether to slip into an alley, before finally striding up to us....

Chapter 93


I resisted the urge to giggle in front of Claudia. I had never seen him look so uncomfortable.

"Professor Brooks," 1 greeted him, trying to keep my tone neutral

"Miss Thatcher," he replied, his eyes darting between Claudia and me. "Ms. Klein."

Claudia smirked. "Ms. Klein?" she teased. "I thought we knew each other better than that, Edwin."


Edwin opened his mouth, then shut it again. I blinked back and forth between the two of them-clearly, they had some kind of personal relationship that I wasn't privy to. Something deeper than colleagues. Friends?

My suspicions were confirmed, in fact, when Claudia touched Edwin's arm. "Edwin, I hope you're not in a rush to go. anywhere. I'd like to speak with you for a moment."

Edwin glanced at me, and there was that bashful look again-so uncharacteristic on his icy face. Something was going on here. I just didn't know what.

"I should be going," I said quickly. "Thank you again for everything, Claudia

"Of course, Audrey. We'll be in touch soon," Claudia replied.

I turned to leave, but not before I saw Claudia pull Edwin aside. As I walked away, I couldn't help but strain to hear their conversation. Just as I was about to turn the corner, I caught a snippet of what Claudia was saying

"...It's about Fiona..."


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