One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 163

Chapter 163

Third Person

Fiona hummed softly to herself as she brushed her long platinum hair, admiring her reflection in the vanity mirror. Her baby blue ball gown, the rulle skirts bedecked with pearls and sparkles, hung on the back of her closet door. Her feet ached from dancing in high heels all night, but she didn't mind.

Her sixteenth birthday party had been a grand affair, just as she had always dreamed of. A ballroom decorated with glittering chandeliers and enormous balloons; her favorite band playing on the stage; all of her friends in attendance; a huge, mulu-tiered cake with a figurine of her in her blue gown sitting on top.

It had been quite the coming of age party. Although Fiona couldn't help but feel, somehow, deep in her bones, that the night

up. wasn't fully over. Maybe that was because the house was still bustling with activity as the staff cleaned

Suddenly, a soft knock on the door interrupted her reverie. "Come in," she called out, setting down her brush and turning. The door creaked open, revealing Martha, the kind nanny who had cared for Fiona since infancy. "Miss Fiona, do you have a moment?"

Fiona's brow furrowed slightly. It was unusual for Martha to seck her out this late. "Of course. Is everything alright?" Martha's face was uncharacteristically serious as she stepped into the room. Her blue eyes, crinkled by crow's feet at the corners, seemed full of worry. But as usual, her blonde hair was pulled back into a tidy bun at the nape of her neck.

Martha shut the door behind her.

And locked it.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Fiona, there's something important we need to discuss. Could you sit down, please?"

Curiosity piqued, Fiona perched on the edge of her bed. Martha joined her, producing a small packet apron pocket With trembling hands, she passed them to Fiona

of papers from her

"What's this?" Fiona asked, flipping through the pages. Her eyes widened as she realized what she was looking at. "A DNA test? I don't understand."

"I have one, too." Martha pulled another packet out of her pocket, one with her own name at the top instead of Fiona's. She held it up next to Fiona's packet, and Fiona could see that the results were the same. Fiona's eyebrows shot up, and she looked at her nanny for clarification.

Martha took a deep breath. “Fiona... I am your biological mother

Fiona stared at her for a moment, blinking dazedly. "My... mother?" she echoed before bursting into laughter. "Very funny. Martha. Did Mother put you up to this? That would be just like her."

But the nanny's expression remained solemn. Without a word, she stood and lifted the hem of her skirt, revealing a distinctive birthmark on her calf. Fiona's laughter died in her throat as she recognized the mark-an exact match to the one on her own leg.

Fiona's heart began to race. Her mouth worked uselessly, no words coming out. But her mind was whirling.

How is this possible..? I don't understand... I've always thought that I didn't look all that much like my mother, but this... Martha sat back down, taking Fiona's clammy hands in her own. Fiona, I know this is shocking, but please, let me explain." Over the next hour, Martha unraveled a tale that seemed too fantastical to be true. Fiona listened in stunned silence as her 08:36 Sat, Sep 21

Chapter 163

entire world turned upside down.

☐ 98%

Fiona had been born on the same night as Claudia's biological daughter. Martha, claiming that she did not want a child of her own, sent her baby away to live with family.

But that hadn't been Martha's child who she had sent away.

It had been Claudia's

Martha had switched the babies one night while Claudia was resting, they bore enough of a resemblance to one another, those same big blue eyes, that no one would notice. She had then taken Claudia's daughter and sent her to an orphanage.

And now, sixteen years later, here was Fiona... living a lie.

Fiona's face had gone ashen. "But why? Why would you do such a thing?"

Martha's eyes gleamed with a fervor Fiona had never seen before. "Because you are special, Fiona. You are the Silver Wolf, prophesied to lead Coldclaw to greatness." "Coldclaw?" Fiona echoed, confused. "You mean that barbaric rogue pack?"

She shuddered at the thought. Coldclaw bordered the pack that Fiona's parents led, Silverbite. No one ever went there. It was dangerous territory, full of rogues and criminals. When Fiona was little, she used to have nightmares about being stolen away by Coldclaw rogues and being thrown in front of a massive bonfire.

Martha nodded. "Yes. I am a member of Coldclaw, sent here to ensure the prophecy would be fulfilled. By rights, so are you.

Fiona's mind was reeling. "This is insane. I can't be... I'm not.."

"Think about it, Fiona, Martha urged. "Haven't you always felt different? Special? This is why."

As the shock began to wear off, Fiona found herself considering Martha's words. She had always felt set apart from her peers, destined for something greater. Could this be the reason? "What does this mean for me?" she asked quietly.

Martha's expression softened. "It means you have a great destiny ahead of you. You must unite Coldclaw with a powerful pack to fulfill the prophecy."


"Edwin Brooks," Martha said simply. "He has been in your life forever for a reason. When you are of age, you must marry him and combine his pack's power with Coldclaw's."

Fiona's mind flashed to Edwin-older, handsome, powerful. He was set to become the Alpha of Crescent pack, a very wealthy and powerful pack. She always knew that she would marry an Alpha, but the idea of marrying him in particular sent

thrill through her. "And then what?"

“Then,” Martha said, a smile spreading across her face, "you will lead us to greatness”

Over the next two years, Fiona's life changed dramatically. Under Martha's guidance, she began secret training in political seduction and combat. The once spoiled, carefree girl transformed into a cold, calculated young woman.

On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Fiona stood before a full-length mirror, hardly recognizing the person staring back at her. Gone was the softness of youth, replaced by sharp edges and icy determination "Are you ready?" Martha asked, appearing in the doorway.

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Chapter 163

Fiona nodded. "I was born ready."


They slipped out of the house under cover of darkness, just as they had many times, making their way deep into the woods where Coldclaw territory began. As they approached a clearing. Fiona could hear the low beat of drums and see the flicker of firelight.

Fiona's final test would be in that clearing.

Fiona's heart began to race as they entered the clearing. Dozens of Coldclaw members stood in a circle, their faces illuminated by the massive bonfire at the center. As Fiona approached, they parted, creating a path to the fire.

It was just like her nightmares as a child. Only this was not a nightmare; this was beautiful and perfect and everything she wanted

A man Fiona recognized as one of Coldclaw's leaders stepped forward. "Fiona, you have trained for this moment for two years. Tonight, you will prove your worth and claim your destiny as the Silver Wolf." Fiona stood tall, chin lifted. "I'm ready. What must I do?"

The leader's eyes glittered dangerously. "To prove your loyalty to Coldclaw and your commitment to the prophecy, you must make the ultimate sacrifice."

At his signal, two men led a figure into the circle. Fiona's breath caught in her throat as she recognized Martha.

"Your final test," the leader said, "is to kill the woman who bore you."

Fiona's eyes widened in shock. She looked at Martha, who was now kneeling before her. Martha's eyes burned with intensity

-not fear.

"Do it," Martha said, dropping to her knees beside the fire. "Fulfill your purpose, Fiona. I love you"

An ornate knife was pressed into Fiona's hand. She stared at it, feeling the weight of her destiny pressing down on her. This! was what she had been training for. This was her purpose. She didn't hesitate,

With a swift, decisive movement, Fiona plunged the knife into her mother's heart. She watched, detached, as the light faded from Martha's eyes. Blood dripped from her fingers as she rose, turning to face the Coldclaw rogues.

For a moment, there was silence. Then, as one, they began to chant:

"Silver Wolf! Silver Wolf! Silver Wolf!"


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