One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 129

Chapter 129 Audrey

The early autumn sun was still hanging low in the sky, a light mist blanketing the campus as I strode into the lecture hall, inhaling the crisp scent of new paper. This morning, I was attending my first class as a senior. It felt surreal, to know that within the span of less than a year, I would no longer be a student at Grayspring.

The classroom was already buzzing with chatter, students catching up after the summer break As I made my way to an empty seat, I noticed several students glancing my way and whispering. My heart sank. Were they already gossiping about me? Maybe Linda had spread some nasty rumors before she left.

Speaking of Linda... She wasn't here, thankfully. From what I understood, her parents had gotten word of her termination from Brooks Designs and had finally had enough. They had sent her to a strict boarding school-more like a boot camp, really-overseas, finally cutting her off from the family money until she learned her lesson.

Good. Grayspring felt lighter without her here, even if she had spread some rumors before her departure.

I dropped my bag on my desk and slid into my seat, trying to ignore the murmurs. Digging through my bag, I pulled out my notebook-a fresh, clean leather bound notebook to start off the new year. It was a gift from my friends as congratulations for the fashion show, who had pooled their money together to buy it.

But then I caught a snippet of conversation from the girl next to me.

That's her, isn't it? The one who had a piece at Paris Fashion Week?"

"Yeah, I saw it online. It was amazing!"

I felt my cheeks flush, a warmth spreading through my chest. So they weren't talking badly about me at all-they were... impressed by my work.

Noticing me staring, the girl next to me turned. "Hey, you're Audrey Thatcher, right? I loved your design from Paris Fashion Week."

"Oh, um, thanks," I stammered, still caught off guard by the praise. "I'm glad you liked it."

Even though thinking about Paris made my heart ache-memories of Edwin and his note still too fresh for comfort-I was glad I had participated in that fashion show. And hearing that my fellow students were rooting for me... well, it felt pretty great.

I returned my attention to my notebook, ready for class to start. But as the minutes passed, there professor.

"Where's Professor Jameson?" someone muttered behind me.

e was no sign of our

"Dunno. Maybe we'll get lucky and class will be canceled," another student joked.

Suddenly, the door banged open, making half the class jump. My heart nearly stopped as Edwin strode in, looking as handsome and imposing as ever in a crisp white shirt and dark slacks. His presence filled the room instantly, commanding


"Good morning, class," he said, and the sound of his voice after everything felt like a knife in my gut. "Professor Jameson is on unexpected leave. I'll be filling in for today's session."

I sank lower in my chair, my heart pounding so hard I was sure the students next to me could hear it. Of all the professors who could have substituted, it had to be him. His note had been seared into my mind, a grim reminder of our reality.


Wed, Sep 18

Chapter 129

"Thank you for the amazing night. -E"

B**rd. He hadn't even said goodbye..


As Edwin's eyes swept the room, they landed on me for a brief moment. I could have sworn they flashed yellow as they lingered on me, that inner wolf appearing for the smallest of seconds.

I bit my lip, squirming slightly in my seat. D**it.



Even though I was still angry with him, my body couldn't help but react to his presence. I almost felt as if I could smell that cologne

Zu where I sat Bae scent of it curling through my mind and

leaving me limp like a


Unbidden, memories of our passionate night together flooded my mind. I could practicall

hands on me again, his

claws burning hot paths of embers everywhere they touched. I had to force myself to snap my gaze down to my desk.

It was just cologne. And he was just a man who had left me with nothing more than a note.

So why did I want to run to him whenever I smelled him?

Throughout the class, I caught Edwin glancing my way several times. Each time, my breath caught in my throat, lodging there like shards of glass.

It was torture, being so close to him yet unable to say or do anything. His voice, as he lectured about the history of fashion design in East Europe, was both soothing and maddening. I couldn't decide if my urges to vault over the desks and go to him were so I could kiss him or throttle him. Maybe both:

When class finally ended, I had had enough. I wasn't the same girl I had been when we had met-I wasn't going to be cowed anymore by his presence. He had hurt me, and I would make sure he d**n well knew


So, I gathered my courage and approached his desk. My palms were sweaty, and I wiped them discreetly on my jeans.

Edwin glanced around nervously as I neared, his eyes darting to the last few students leaving the room. Only once we were alone did he speak.NôvelDrama.Org content.

"Audrey, we can't..." he started, his voice low and urgent.

"Why haven't you called or texted?" I blurted out, cutting him off. The words tumbled out before I could stop them, all the hurt and confusion of the past weeks spilling over. "Was that night just a bit of fun for you?"

Edwin blinked, surprise evident on his face. For a moment, he looked almost vulnerable. But then he said, "How can I call or text you when you still have me blocked?"

I felt my face heat up with embarrassment. Oh. Right. I had blocked him after the brunch debacle and had never gotten around to unblocking him.

"I... I forgot about that," I admitted sheepishly, suddenly feeling foolish. "But you still could have woken me up ditched me."

before you

Edwin's expression softened, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly. "I had to rush out that morning because there was an emergency," he explained, his voice gentler now. "You looked so peaceful sleeping in the sunlight, I couldn't bear to wake you. But I didn't have time to write a longer note. I'm sorry"

My heart fluttered at his words.

"So you didn't mean to abandon me?" I asked, hating how small my voice sounded. I had felt so confident just a few moments ago, but now...

"No. I would never."

13:05 Wed, Sep 18

Chapter 129


I could picture it now-Edwin's stormy gray eyes looking down at me, torn between staying and rushing off to whatever emergency had called him away. Maybe it hadn't been as easy for him as I had thought.


"That night was... amazing, Audrey," Edwin continued, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. His eyes darkened, and I felt a familiar heat pool in my stomach. "I cherish it.”

I felt my cheeks burn even hotter. "I do too," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Edwin's eyes darkened further, his body instinctively leaning closer, and for a moment, I thought he might kiss me right there in the classroom. I would have let him do it, too. I would have let him throw me over the podium and have me right there if he wanted.

And there was that scent again-I couldn't decide anymore whether it was his cologne or just the smell of his skin that I had become so addicted to.

But then he shook his head, as if clearing his thoughts.

"But Audrey, we can't get too... cozy in public," he said regretfully. "School has started up again and you're still a student, and there's still the issue with Fiona. I'm trying to handle it, but it's not so simple. There's a lot standing in our way right now. I hope you understand."

I nodded, trying to ignore the ache in my chest. "I know. You're right." The words tasted bitter in my mouth, but I knew they

were true.

As I turned to leave, my shoulders slumped with disappointment, Edwin called out softly, "Audrey, wait."

H***ed back, hope rising in my chest despite my best efforts to quash it. Edwin's eyes were intense, a soft yellow glow in their depths. A glow that only showed itself when he looked at me. And there was that scent again.

"We will see each other again soon," he whispered. "I promise."


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