One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 125

Chapter 125 Audrey

my handiwork. I slipped the last button into place and stepped back from the model to admire

The outfit was perfect, exactly what I had envisioned; every detail was a tiny tribute to my friends-the vibrant color reminiscent of Betty's love for vintage fashion, the red beadwork inspired by Tina's red hair, the sturdy stitching similar to Gavin's dependable nature, and of course, the silhouette inspired by Avis's signature tailoring style.

"Your model looks great, Audrey, one of the designers, Hanna, said as she approached, eyeing the piece up and down "We've still got fifteen minutes before it's showtime. Feel free to do whatever you'd like while you wait."

Nodding, I turned my attention away from the buzzing backstage area, needing a few moments of fresh air. My nerves were getting to me; tonight was the night. I had been working on this piece almost all summer, and now it would be walking the runway.

It wasn't just a school fashion show or a competition. It was Paris Fashion Week.

Needless to say, I was one big bundle of nerves.

Shipping out from the backstage area, I wandered through the fashion hall, breathing deeply. The attendees were all impeccably dressed themselves, all werewolves in the latest fashions; not a single human amongst them.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Well that was a lie. There were humans here, but.. They were all employees. None in actual attendance of the show.

I made my way to the buffet, grabbing a cup of iced tea and a large lemon cookie. I munched on the sweet treat as I looked around at the vibrant outfits and accessories milling about.

For the most part, I was invisible here due to my status. Little did they know that one of my pieces would be walking the


But I didn't mind being invisible; it gave me the opportunity to really, look, to people watch, to-

Maybe I wasn't people-watching hard enough, because I didn't see the tall werewolf man in an expensive suit storm up to me until he was already shoving his empty glass and a crumpled napkin into my free hand.

"Here, human. Take care of this," he grunted, already turning away.

My cheeks flushed with indignation. Without thinking, I shoved the trash back at him, some of the leftover liquid sloshing onto the front of his suit.

"I'm not a s**t,” I snapped, pointing at a nearby trash can. "Throw it away yourself."

The man's eyes widened in shock, then narrowed dangerously as he stared down at the damp spot on his suit. He leaned in close, his fangs flashing as he snarled, "This is an Armani suit! How dare you, you little-

His hand shot out, gripping my arm painfully. I winced, fear suddenly replacing my anger. What had I done?

But before things could escalate further, a familiar presence suddenly enveloped me. Strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind, and a deep voice rumbled, "Ah, there you are. I've been looking all over for you, my love."

The werewolf's eyes widened again, this time in recognition and fear. He quickly released my arm and scurried away without another word, disappearing into the crowd.

My heart pounding, I turned to face my rescuer. Even with the mask and hat obscuring most of his features, I would recognize Edwin anywhere. He stared down at me, those words echoing like a thousand voices in my mind.

13:03 Wed, Sep 18

Chapter 125

My love...

"Edwin." I breathed, my knees suddenly feeling weak. "1"

But before I could say anything more, a stageland's voice cut through my earpiece. "Audrey! It's time!"

I swallowed hard. "L. I have to go, was all I could manage.


Edwin's arms fell away from my waist, leaving me feeling oddly bereft. "Good luck," he murmured, already slipping back into the crowd. I watched him go, my skin still tingling like a thousand tiny fires where he had touched me..

I stood there for a moment, stunned. Had that really happened? Or had I imagined the whole thing!

My love... Those had been the first words I had heard him say it nearly two months. I knew he was only saying it to drive off the werewolf who had me by the wrist, but. "Audrey, where are you?" the stagehand's voice rang through my earpiece,

Shaking my head to clear my haze, I hurried backstage, where I was immediately thrust out of my thoughts and back into reality. Designers and models rushed about, making last-minute tweaks to hair and make

"Five minutes to showtime!" a voice called out, sending a fresh wave of butterflies through my stomach.

Before I knew it, the show was starting. I watched from the wings as model after model strutted down the runway. The audience murmured and gasped with each piece, cameras flashing constantly. And then, finally, it was time for my piece. As the model wearing my design stepped onto the runway, I held my breath.

The lights caught the beadwork, making it shimmer beautifully. The audience murmured appreciatively, and cameras flashed from every direction.

Pride swelled in my chest.

"They like it," Hanna said with a smile and a clap on my shoulder.

I swallowed hard. They really liked it.

After the final walk, all the designers were called to the runway for a bow. As I stepped out into the bright lights, I felt a moment of self-consciousness. I was the only human among a sea of werewolves, standing out starkly.

But then the applause washed over me, and I felt like a star. In that moment, it didn't matter that I was human. I was a designer, and I belonged here.

As we filed off the stage, the other designers were buzzing with excitement. They were already discussing going out for drinks, talking about staying up all night to enjoy the city and ride the high of the successful show.

But when they invited me to join them, I hesitated. Part of me wanted to go, to bask in the glow of our success. But another part of me needed some time alone to process everything that had happened. And maybe a smaller, more hopeful part of me.. wanted to leave my night open in case Edwin found me again.

So I told them that I would be doing my own thing tonight, and I slipped away, making my way through the thinning crowd of the fashion hall.

1 stopped by a small patisserie down the street, picking up a chocolate eclair and a bottle of wine. The city was still very much alive despite the late hour, the cobblestones bustling with people. People stayed out later here than where I was from, and I was glad for it. If anything, the noise and hubbub served as a pleasant backdrop to my thoughts.

I made my way to the river, finding a quiet spot where I could dangle my legs over the edge of a large stone wall. I shrugged



Wed, Sep 18

Chapter 123

my jacket off and tossed it ag the stones, using it as a makeshift plenic blanket, and let out a heavy, contented sigh as I perched there.

As I sipped the wine and nibbled on the eclair, I gazed out at the city lights reflected in the water. Paris was truly beautiful at night, living up to every romantic notion I had ever had about it The Eiffel Tower sparkled in the distance, a beacon in the


If only....

My mind drifted back to Edwin. The way he had appeared out of nowhere, wrapping his arms around me so protectively. The low rumble of his voice as he called me 'my love! It had felt so right, so perfect. But it was over now, all too quickly. For all I knew, Edwin was likely heading back home already. He had said, after all, that we couldn't be close anymore. Maybe that little snippet of him was all I would ever get. I sighed, taking another sip of wine. Pull it together, Audrey. Here I was, in Paris, having just shown my first design at Fashion Week. I should be on top of the world. Instead, I was sitting alone, pining over a man I couldn't have.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching broke through my reverie. I tensed, wondering if it was another werewolf looking to cause trouble.

But then I heard that familiar voice, sending my heart racing once again.

"Want some company?"



Wed, Sep 1

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