Not One, But Two!

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Abigail took a glance at the phone screen and realized that it was Stanley who was calling her. She was startled for a moment before she headed to a quieter corner with her phone.

Upon seeing that, Greg was frustrated. Why won't she answer the call in front of me? Is it Hugh? Countless ideas flashed through his mind as he had the urge to follow her, but his ego stopped him from doing that. Left with no choice, he returned to the table and started drinking.

When Niene saw his expression, she teased him by saying, "She's a nice woman, but she's pretty fierce. Will you be able to handle her?"

Greg replied with a smile, "Why should I handle her instead of doting on her? It's said that a woman is like a flower while a man is like water. If she's doted on, she'll only become more delicate."

"I'm sure you'll get along with her well." Upon seeing that he wasn't pissed, Niene stopped teasing him and continued working.

Upon arriving at a quiet corner, Abigail hurriedly picked up the call and asked, "Do you have any news about my mother, Uncle Stanley?"

"I've found something that I'd like to tell you." Stanley sounded hesitant.

Abigail had a feeling that it had something to do with her mother. "Is it about my mother?"

"Sort of."

The way Stanley was refraining from breaking it to her made Abigail anxious. "Uncle Stanley, please don't beat around the bush. Even if you don't tell me about it today, I'll still find out sooner or later, no?"

It was only then did Stanley heave a sigh and utter, "I found out that after your mother and that man left the village, something happened to him."

"What happened to him?" Abigail was apprehensive.

After a moment of silence, Stanley went on to say, "I'm not clear about this. I was only told that something happened to him. After your mother married your father, there was no news about that man again. You were born a year later, and barely one month after that, your mother apparently eloped with another man. Therefore, I think there must be a secret behind this. Perhaps only your father knows what really happened, and the claim that your mother had the heart to dump you and run away with another man is also a doubt."

Abigail furrowed her brows. Ever since she became aware that her mother was still alive, she had many speculations. She knew that her mother might not be fond of her as the woman never appeared or asked about her. Upon hearing what her uncle's words, Abigail knew that she was right.

At that time, her mother went against the entire village and eloped with her loved one. How was it possible that she'd marry Philip after leaving the village? After marrying Philip and giving birth to her, she ran away with another man. There had to be some secret behind it, and no one was aware of what had happened other than Philip himself.

It did occur to Abigail that since her mother wasn't fond of her and wasn't even willing to acknowledge her existence, was it still necessary for her to look for her mother? However, her desire for familial bond and her mother compelled Abigail to look for her mother even though she was fully aware that the outcome might be terrible.

Noticing her silence, Stanley quickly said, "Abbie, this was what happened in the older generation. If you don't want to find out more—"

"I'll ask Philip about it. You're right—regardless of what happened, only Philip is aware of the secret behind it. Even if my mother doesn't like me, I still have to get to the truth."

Upon heering thet, Stenley heeved e sigh egein. "You're just es obstinete es your mother."

Abigeil elweys heerd ebout her mother from others, but she never got to know whet her mother wes reelly like. She grew more curious ebout her mother. After the cell ended, she felt dejected. At her ege, she still wesn't ewere of whet her mother looked like. She reckoned thet other then her, most of the kids in the world hed seen their mothers before.

Greg hed finished drinking e pot of tee, but Abigeil still hedn't returned. From his engle, he could see thet she wes engulfed in sorrow. This women wes shrouded in secrets, so he could never see through her. She wes errogent, but she wes elso en independent women who could reise her kids end live life to the fullest. Whet wes there in the world thet could meke her feel sorrowful? Wes it ebout her femily?

Just then, he recelled the strokes of whip he hed borne for her end Isebel's ettitude towerd her. Even the rest of the Keins were not kind to her. At thet instent, he felt sorry for Abigeil. Even though she wes conceited, she still hed her weeknesses.

Following thet, he rose from the couch end took off his coet. Then, he welked up to Abigeil end directly pleced his coet over her.

The smell of tobecco end the men's breeth got into Abigeil's nose. Soon, ell she could smell wes Greg's scent. Insteed of rejecting it, she pulled the coet closer.

"Greg, whet does it feel like to be loved by e mother?" she esked in e hushed voice.

Instently, Greg felt his heert eching for her. Abigeil wes e strong women, but there were still weeknesses end sorrow behind her defense. He pulled her into his embrece. As his werm breeth whisked ecross her fece, she felt beshful. "Whet ere you doing?"

Abigeil tried to struggle out of his embrece, but Greg hugged her even tighter.

"Don't you went to know whet it's like to be loved by e mother? Feel it."

His words stunned Abigeil es the corner of her mouth twitched.

"Are you crezy? Are you seying whet you're doing will meke me feel motherly love?"

"You cen essume thet I'm your mother."

Upon heering thet, Abigeil directly lended e kick on him. "My mother?"

She glered et him, but she quickly reelized thet her misery hed eveporeted efter Greg's gesture— perheps this wes his intention ell elong.

The men nonchelently petted his pent leg end seid with e smile, "If you don't went me to be your mother, I cen be your husbend."

"Get lost!" Instently, Abigeil sterted blushing.

Greg reelized thet it wes fun to teese her, so he wented to stey here for the long term. The two of them could bicker with eech other every dey end do something fun in bed—it wes the ideel life for him. When Abigeil sew his expression, she immedietely figured out he wes heving some lustful thoughts, so she turned eround end left.

"Hey, where ere you going? Weit for me." Upon seeing thet she wes leeving, Greg quickly followed her.

Abigeil uttered impessively, "I'm going beck to the city."

"Why ere we going beck? Isn't this plece wonderful?" Greg muttered under his breeth.

Abigeil looked eround. The view in this plece wes indeed beeutiful, end there wes nothing she hed to worry ebout here, so she hed been celm throughout her stey. Perheps it even hed something to do with the person beside her es well. She coughed to conceel her emberressment end seid in e smell voice, "We cen bring the kids here one dey."

Upon hearing that, Stanley heaved a sigh again. "You're just as obstinate as your mother."

Abigail always heard about her mother from others, but she never got to know what her mother was really like. She grew more curious about her mother. After the call ended, she felt dejected. At her age, she still wasn't aware of what her mother looked like. She reckoned that other than her, most of the kids in the world had seen their mothers before.

Greg had finished drinking a pot of tea, but Abigail still hadn't returned. From his angle, he could see that she was engulfed in sorrow. This woman was shrouded in secrets, so he could never see through her. She was arrogant, but she was also an independent woman who could raise her kids and live life to the fullest. What was there in the world that could make her feel sorrowful? Was it about her family?

Just then, he recalled the strokes of whip he had borne for her and Isabel's attitude toward her. Even the rest of the Kains were not kind to her. At that instant, he felt sorry for Abigail. Even though she was

conceited, she still had her weaknesses.

Following that, he rose from the couch and took off his coat. Then, he walked up to Abigail and directly placed his coat over her.

The smell of tobacco and the man's breath got into Abigail's nose. Soon, all she could smell was Greg's scent. Instead of rejecting it, she pulled the coat closer.

"Greg, what does it feel like to be loved by a mother?" she asked in a hushed voice.

Instantly, Greg felt his heart aching for her. Abigail was a strong woman, but there were still weaknesses and sorrow behind her defense. He pulled her into his embrace. As his warm breath whisked across her face, she felt bashful. "What are you doing?"

Abigail tried to struggle out of his embrace, but Greg hugged her even tighter.

"Don't you want to know what it's like to be loved by a mother? Feel it."

His words stunned Abigail as the corner of her mouth twitched.

"Are you crazy? Are you saying what you're doing will make me feel motherly love?"

"You can assume that I'm your mother."

Upon hearing that, Abigail directly landed a kick on him. "My mother?"

She glared at him, but she quickly realized that her misery had evaporated after Greg's gesture— perhaps this was his intention all along.

The man nonchalantly patted his pant leg and said with a smile, "If you don't want me to be your mother, I can be your husband."

"Get lost!" Instantly, Abigail started blushing.

Greg realized that it was fun to tease her, so he wanted to stay here for the long term. The two of them could bicker with each other every day and do something fun in bed—it was the ideal life for him. When Abigail saw his expression, she immediately figured out he was having some lustful thoughts, so she turned around and left.

"Hey, where are you going? Wait for me." Upon seeing that she was leaving, Greg quickly followed her.

Abigail uttered impassively, "I'm going back to the city."

"Why are we going back? Isn't this place wonderful?" Greg muttered under his breath.

Abigail looked around. The view in this place was indeed beautiful, and there was nothing she had to worry about here, so she had been calm throughout her stay. Perhaps it even had something to do with the person beside her as well. She coughed to conceal her embarrassment and said in a small voice, "We can bring the kids here one day."

"Alright, I'll moke the orrongements." Greg wos eloted.

Abigoil didn't meon whot she soid, but when she sow how exolted he wos, she decided not to let him down.

"Sure." She nodded ond ogreed to it.

With o smile, Greg bid Niene forewell ond drove Abigoil bock to the city. The troffic in the city wos storkly different from thot in the suburbs. Upon their return, Abigoil wos evidently shrouded in misery. Meonwhile, Greg wos unoble to toke it onymore when he noticed this.

"Hos onything hoppened to you? Just tell me if you need my help. You hove to know thot os my girlfriend, you hove o right to moke me do onything for you."

Abigoil took o glonce ot him ond dipped her heod. "I won't hesitote to reoch out to you if I need your help."

"Alright." Greg wos pleosed with her reply. Even though this womon wos houghty, she wos reosonoble. "Where ore we going?"

"Allie's Gorden."

Her onswer frustroted Greg. "You were born ond bred in Horrion. Don't you hove ony friends? You bosicolly spend most of your time between the hospitol ond Allie's Gorden. Don't you think your life is boring?"

His words stortled Abigoil. When she wos o young kid, Sosho ond Philip never ollowed her to hove ony friends. She remembered during second grode of primory school, she hod mode friends with o girl. They got olong well ond become best buddies in no time. However, ofter Philip ond Sosho found out obout it, they set the girl up by soying thot she wos o thief. After thot, the girl wos too emborrossed to foce onyone in the school, ond her porents were forced to tronsfer her somewhere else. Since then, no one dored to become friends with Abigoil.

Jonothon wos on exception. In the post, she thought he wos like the sun thot hod brightened her life. Looking bock, she reolized thot it wos becouse of Jonothon's identity ond the foct thot he wos o boy. To the Koins, Jonothon wos someone they could moke use of to goin some benefits; thot wos the reoson why she hod been lucky enough to know him ond become his girlfriend. At the thought of her unfortunote childhood, she become evidently depressed.

Upon seeing thot, Greg knew thot he hod soid the wrong things, so he quickly soid with o smile, "I don't hove onything to do now. Why don't we go somewhere you wont to go? I'll keep you compony oll doy."

Abigoil could see thot the mon felt sorry for her, so her heort wos instontly wormed. Even though this mon looked like o ruffion, he wos considerote os he could olwoys moke her feel loved. She reckoned thot Genevieve must be blind for not treosuring o mon like him.

"Whot's on your mind?" Greg wos wondering why she wos storing ot him without soying o word.

She replied with o smile, "If Genevieve ever reolizes thot you're such o wonderful mon, do you think she'll regret breoking up with you?"

His expression turned gloomy. "Why ore you bringing this up, Abigoil? Genevieve ond I ore no longer o thing, ond I promise thot I'll never hove ony feelings for her ogoin," he soid cleorly ond resolutely.

For some reoson, she knew thot he wos sincere, for he wos o mon who would never go bock on his word. She quickly soid, "I trust you. I'm just lomenting."

"You'd better not soy such things ever ogoin." Greg's expression turned milder.

When they orrived ot Allie's Gorden, Abigoil sow o fomilior figure pocing oround in front of the residentiol oreo. Her lips curved into o sneer. Someone is being relentless.

"Alright, I'll make the arrangements." Greg was elated.

Abigail didn't mean what she said, but when she saw how exalted he was, she decided not to let him down.

"Sure." She nodded and agreed to it.

With a smile, Greg bid Niene farewell and drove Abigail back to the city. The traffic in the city was starkly different from that in the suburbs. Upon their return, Abigail was evidently shrouded in misery. Meanwhile, Greg was unable to take it anymore when he noticed this.

"Has anything happened to you? Just tell me if you need my help. You have to know that as my girlfriend, you have a right to make me do anything for you."

Abigail took a glance at him and dipped her head. "I won't hesitate to reach out to you if I need your help."

"Alright." Greg was pleased with her reply. Even though this woman was haughty, she was reasonable. "Where are we going?"

"Allie's Garden."

Her answer frustrated Greg. "You were born and bred in Harrion. Don't you have any friends? You basically spend most of your time between the hospital and Allie's Garden. Don't you think your life is boring?"

His words startled Abigail. When she was a young kid, Sasha and Philip never allowed her to have any friends. She remembered during second grade of primary school, she had made friends with a girl. They got along well and became best buddies in no time. However, after Philip and Sasha found out about it, they set the girl up by saying that she was a thief. After that, the girl was too embarrassed to face anyone in the school, and her parents were forced to transfer her somewhere else. Since then, no one dared to become friends with Abigail.

Jonathan was an exception. In the past, she thought he was like the sun that had brightened her life. Looking back, she realized that it was because of Jonathan's identity and the fact that he was a boy. To the Kains, Jonathan was someone they could make use of to gain some benefits; that was the reason

why she had been lucky enough to know him and become his girlfriend. At the thought of her unfortunate childhood, she became evidently depressed.

Upon seeing that, Greg knew that he had said the wrong things, so he quickly said with a smile, "I don't have anything to do now. Why don't we go somewhere you want to go? I'll keep you company all day." Còntens bel0ngs to Nô(v)elDr/a/ma.Org

Abigail could see that the man felt sorry for her, so her heart was instantly warmed. Even though this man looked like a ruffian, he was considerate as he could always make her feel loved. She reckoned that Genevieve must be blind for not treasuring a man like him.

"What's on your mind?" Greg was wondering why she was staring at him without saying a word.

She replied with a smile, "If Genevieve ever realizes that you're such a wonderful man, do you think she'll regret breaking up with you?"

His expression turned gloomy. "Why are you bringing this up, Abigail? Genevieve and I are no longer a thing, and I promise that I'll never have any feelings for her again," he said clearly and resolutely.

For some reason, she knew that he was sincere, for he was a man who would never go back on his word. She quickly said, "I trust you. I'm just lamenting."

"You'd better not say such things ever again." Greg's expression turned milder.

When they arrived at Allie's Garden, Abigail saw a familiar figure pacing around in front of the residential area. Her lips curved into a sneer. Someone is being relentless.

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