Not Just A Luna; I Am Alpha!

76- A test?


“What’s going on, C?” Sims asked. We are in my office in the Silver Moon Pack, and I don’t think I will be able to go back to the Red Moon Pack after what I confirmed last night. Silas was indeed my mate as well, and I never heard something like that before. Although I am not as shocked since I found out that I am a Lycan and the first in so many years, I already called and informed Xander about my absence, and he said it was fine. I didn’t want him to see me this anxious because of a vampire because I already knew his take on this matter.

“I need someone I can talk to and put some sense in me or my situation,” I replied.

“Who do you think will be able to give you that?” he asked, looking at me sincerely. I know he wanted to be that person, but I know too well that this is beyond him as well.

“I think Daddy Jay will have an answer.”

“Then talk to him,”

“But I’m afraid.”NôvelDrama.Org content.

“For his reaction or yours?” he asked,

“I don’t know either.” I answered, “I just don’t know what to do. I want to ask Dad about it, but I’m scared that he would think that I am different.”

“What is it really about, C?” he asked worriedly. “I never saw you this anxious before. Why don’t you talk to us? Are you uncomfortable telling me about what was bothering you as well?” he asked continuously.

“Anyone would be uncomfortable, Sims.”

“Why don’t you try me or us? We had been together for three years, and for me, that’s a lot. We already told you that we are here for you, and we will be here to protect you.” I had been hiding this truth from them. When I left after Sena went missing, I wanted to tell them about it, but I got scared that they would see me differently. I sighed heavily before I heard knocks on the door, and Daddy Jay and the others came in one by one.

I gave Sims a questioning look since it appeared to me that he mind-linked everyone to gather here. “I had no choice. I didn’t want to continue seeing you act like that,” he said. I want to get mad at him, but I do understand his concern. I would probably do the same if I was in his shoes.

“Tell us what it is, dear. What’s bothering you?” Daddy Jay asked, “You know that no matter what, we are here for you, right?” and there goes his guilt-tripping. He always asked me that way whenever he wanted me to confide.


“Come on, dear, you don’t have to be scared or anxious. We will try to discern whatever it is that bothers you.” He said, encouraging me to open up.

“Things have been hard lately. I just accepted the fact that Xander has a son and learned to accept the boy as well. Then Sena, his mother, died. Now–” I said but paused. I saw everyone looking at me, waiting.

“C,” said Allie, ever impatient. “If you’re not ready, it’s fine. If telling us is too difficult for you, don’t force yourself. We will respect that.” he added, so I smiled at him. Hearing those words coming from him was somewhat like a breath of fresh air.

“No.” I replied, “I consider you my family, so I am going to tell you.” I said. Then I started telling them about Silas, how I thought he was also my mate, and how I confirmed it. They were all speechless. Former beta and gamma, Simon and Rick, were looking at Daddy Jay, waiting for his words of wisdom.

“I have only one mate, and she’s a human and has died,” he said, and I saw Rick with his head down, still feeling guilty about what happened in the past. “Having two mates at the same time is not normal, but not impossible either. On the other hand, having a wolf and a vampire as mates at the same time is unheard of. I’m sure everyone will agree with me on this,” he said, and as expected, everyone nodded.

“I know that, Dad,” I replied,

“Don’t get me wrong, dear. I don’t blame you for having him as a mate as well. Maybe fate has more in store for you in this lifetime, and we can’t predict every single one of them. But a mate is a mate. I know you feel the same with Silas as when you first found out about Alpha Xander,” he said, and I nodded. It was exactly the same.

“We are not taking your bond with Silas against you.” Simon said, “You can’t do anything about it,” he added.

“But we are worried about you.” Rick chimed in. “We are worried that you won’t be able to handle things when Silas doesn’t acknowledge you, and you have to fight him for our cause.”

“It will be very painful for you, dear.” It was Daddy Jay.

“I know that. That’s why I am like this. I don’t know what I am going to do.” I admit.

“Why don’t we try to find out whether Silas acknowledges your bond or not?” Sims said afterward, so we all looked at him. “I mean, we won’t be able to know unless they face each other. Only when C is in danger will we be able to know whether he cares for her or not?”

“He has a point,” Allie said excitedly, so I glared at him. “Well, it’s the first time that I heard someone mated to our natural enemy. What if this bond becomes the reason for war not happening?”

“That is possible.” Daddy Jay replied, “But having a Lycan at this time only determines that something big is about to happen and we would be needing her.”

“That’s what I thought too,” Simon said, seconding the motion. “I believe that this will only change a few variables in the scenario-may be something that will change the course of the war a bit. But war is about to happen no matter what.”

“And that we need to be prepared for that.” Rick agreed.

My emotions toward Silas were as intricate and mysterious as the moonlit night. The mate bond that tied us together was a force that pulsed with a blend of curiosity, uncertainty, and an undeniable undercurrent of attraction. The very mention of his name stirred a whirlwind of conflicting sentiments within me as if my heart and mind were engaged in a dance with the phases of the moon.

Curiosity wove through the tapestry of my emotions. Silas is a vampire leader with an aura of ancient wisdom, and this was a puzzle I was determined to unravel. The mate bond, an ethereal connection that transcended the boundaries of our respective species, fueled my desire to understand the depths of his character. I yearned to peel back the layers that shrouded his history and to fathom the essence of the vampire with whom fate had bound me.

Uncertainty, too, played its part in the symphony of emotions that accompanied discussions about our mate bond. The merging of two worlds-werewolf and vampire-brought with it a sense of ambiguity. I grappled with the unknown facets of our connection, questioning how our differences might shape our shared destiny. Yet, amid the uncertainty, a glimmer of intrigue beckoned me forward, encouraging me to embrace the journey of discovery.

Undeniably, a magnetic pull of attraction tugged at the edges of my emotions. Silas, with his ancient allure and the grace that bespoke centuries of existence, held a magnetic charm that resonated with the primal aspects of my being. The mate bond, like an invisible thread, drew me closer to him, weaving an intricate dance that mirrored the ebb and flow of the moonlit tide.

The alpha in me recognized the significance of our mate bond, a union that held the potential to redefine the dynamics of our respective species. Yet the woman within me, with a heart that beat in sync with the phases of the moon, sought to explore the depths of the connection that bound me to him.

The moon above witnessed the celestial dance of our souls as we managed the delicate balance between duty and desire. Our souls were bound together by fate and the mysteries of our shared destiny.

“Then we have to test their bond as soon as possible to know whether Silas can be our friend.” Sims said that put me back in a trance.

“Or a foe.” Allie chimed in.

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