Not Just A Luna; I Am Alpha!

33- Together

Third Person

The training in the Red Moon Pack has been very intense each day. Chassy wasn’t able to attend the training and excused herself to give herself time to put her pack in order. She didn’t want to let her guard down, and she left Sims and Allie alone, unprepared, while she was doing her assistant commander duty.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

With the decision Chassy made after the vampire attack, she knew that Xander would be shocked once she told him about what she had decided to do. In her mind, it was only for the werewolf kind, but Thea insisted on telling her that it was also because she wanted their mate as well.

‘Just admit it,’ Thea told her.

‘I am not going to admit anything. I am only doing this for the packs and the werewolf kinds,’ she replied stubbornly.

“Whatever you say,’ her beast replied. ‘But at least you are going to accept him now, and we’re going to be marked and mated.’ She added it excitedly.

‘Oh, come on, stop it, Thea!’ Chassy exclaimed. She was on her way to the Red Moon Pack; she was already late and decided to stay there for the night since she had already taken care of everything that the pack needed while she was away. Although she was still worried about a vampire attack, she was certain that nothing was going to happen until they were ready.

Meanwhile, time passed, and the day went on with the usual pack duties and training. Xander remained focused on his responsibilities, ensuring everything was in order. He had always been dedicated to the well-being of his pack, and he wouldn’t let personal matters deter him from that.

As the sun began to set, signaling the end of the day, Xander decided to take a walk in the woods surrounding the pack territory. The serene ambiance of nature often brought him a sense of peace and clarity. He contemplated the recent events and the revelations about Chassy’s true nature.

He recalled the moments they had shared before she left-her authority, her strength, and the way they had connected. He likes everything about her, but his newfound understanding of her strength and the circumstances that led to her transformation weighs on him. He wanted to be the one who protected her, yet their fate had shifted beyond his control.

Deep in thought, he wandered deeper into the woods, the rustle of leaves and the gentle breeze soothing his troubled mind. He realized that he needed to have a sincere conversation with Chassy to understand her perspective and to express his feelings openly. He remembered the promise that Chassy made on the second day of their training, but until now, he had not seen her.

He was worried about the attack on their pack, but after Sims assured him that she was fine and everything was OK, he somewhat relaxed. But the worry was still there, though he tried his best not to go to her pack.

Lost in contemplation, he didn’t notice the figure approaching from the shadows. It was Chassy, her presence bringing a mix of surprise and warmth to the dimming woods.

“Xander,” she called out softly, and he turned to see her standing there, her eyes reflecting a blend of emotions.

“Chassy,” he greeted her, trying to read her expressions. “I didn’t expect you here.”

“I came to the pack, and Limuel told me that you’d be here,” she replied, her gaze fixed on the horizon.

“I didn’t know that you’d be here today. The training is done for the day,” Xander said, his tone gentle and respectful.

She nodded. “I am actually planning on staying for a night or two. I feel like I had to make up for all of my absences,” she replied. Xander nodded, and they continued walking. The silence between them was comforting, and their shared presence spoke volumes. Finally, Chassy broke the silence.

“I wanted to apologize for not coming earlier today. I just want to make sure that everything’s going to be OK before I leave,” she explained, her voice tinged with concern.

“I understand. The welfare of your pack is of utmost importance,” Xander replied, reassuring her.

As they walked, they shared thoughts, fears, and hopes. The vampires are threatening their pack and their kind. Xander was anxious and worried, but the thought of Chassy fighting alone lit the fire in him. He wanted to be by her side when the time came. He had endured not having her for years just to make sure that it would happen.

Xander opened up about his feelings of inadequacy, fearing he couldn’t protect her as he’d hoped. Chassy, in turn, shared her apprehensions about her own strength and her struggle to accept her newfound identity.

In that vulnerable exchange, a deeper understanding blossomed between them. They both realized that their love could only grow stronger through honesty and acceptance. It was a journey they needed to navigate together, supporting each other as equals.

As the night descended and the stars lit up the sky, they found themselves sitting by a tranquil stream. The soft gurgle of water seemed to echo their shared journey-sometimes calm, sometimes rushing, but always moving forward.

“I’m sorry,” Xander said emotionally. He looked at Chassy, who was now looking at him as well. “I told you I had a reason for neglecting you. I tried really hard not to get close to you so I wouldn’t do things that I might regret,” he added, and he started telling her about what the moon goddess had told him.

Then Chassy remembered the day when the former Alpha Jay, with his beta and gamma, found her by the stream. She then realized that they were exactly where they were. She remembered that her Daddy Jay had told him that the moon goddess had told him to go there.

“I love you, Chassy,” Xander finally said, the words carrying the weight of his feelings. Feeling anxious, worried, scared, and hesitant, she didn’t know what to say. She knew that she felt something towards him; she was not sure whether it was because of Thea and his wolf or what, but she liked the feeling when he told her that he loved her.

“I’m not sure if I really wanted this, but I’m sure that you are still my mate,” Chassy replied. “Thea wants you, and I know that your wolf wants her as well.”

“We want both of you,” Xander replied, stopping her from saying whatever she wanted to say. “I am willing to wait for you as long as you are here with me, no matter how long it will take.” Chassy nodded and smiled.

At that moment, they knew that they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The love that Chassy had started to feel for Xander and his love for her would be the anchor that steadied them amidst the storm. As they sat hand in hand, under the embrace of the moonlit night, they felt a sense of unity, a promise of a brighter future, and a love that would endure the test of time.

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