Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2054

Chapter 2054

In the meantime, Cindy was lying lazily on the couch watching Ian's every move with a smile on her lips. For some reason, she felt particularly at ease.

When he was finally done, he came over and carried her up from the couch before walking into the room. Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

It was rare for the two of them to be so comfortable with each other, so they lay down on bed and kept on chatting about the things around them.

Again, Ian mentioned Cindy's work since he still minded her working there. After all, she got the job because of Gary's help, and he had good relations with the people working at the Paramount Group.

In other words, if Gary wanted to get closer to Cindy in the future, he could just do something about her work.

She also understood Ian's worries, so she didn't say too much about her work relationships except for her relationship with Serena.

She told him that Serena was very focused on her work. Even though she knew that Cindy got the job because of some connections, she didn't pay too much attention to it.

Other than mentioning that Serena was a capable person, Cindy also brought up how she gave Naomi her design draft the last time so that she could ask her mentor to guide her.

Cindy smiled and said, "Because of this, Naomi was upset for a long while."

Ian also smiled as he lay next to her. Then, he turned over and asked, "Have you told her about our engagement?"

She grabbed her phone and pointed out a message for him to see. "Take a look at this. She sent me this."

Ian took over the phone and stared at it. The screen showed a message Cindy sent to Naomi yesterday, telling her about the engagement party.

Then, Naomi sent a very long text which was filled with all sorts of congratulations and blessings. However, she didn't forget to tease her at the end, saying that many people in their dorm had boyfriends during their time at high school, and those people had been together for their entire university life up till now, but never reached the point of engagement or marriage. Unexpectedly, a singleton like Cindy ended up being the first to get married.

Reading the text, Ian couldn't help but chuckle before asking her, "Has Naomi had a boyfriend before?"

"She had one during university, but it didn't last long as they broke up a few months later. She told me that their personalities didn't match," Cindy answered.

After thinking about it, he was suddenly curious and turned his body over to face her. "What about you? Did you meet someone you liked when you were in school?"

At that, Cindy gave it some serious thought. "I don't think so. I don't have many female friends, let alone male friends. I only came into contact with a few boys."

There wasn't even a boy beside her, so there was no chance for her to date someone.

Then, Ian moved closer and kissed the side of her face. "In that case, did anyone like you?"

She shook her head in response. "That's even more impossible since my personality isn't that likable. Besides, there are many beautiful girls around me, so no one would notice me."

Ion took over the phone ond stored ot it. The screen showed o messoge Cindy sent to Noomi yesterdoy, telling her obout the engogement porty.

Then, Noomi sent o very long text which wos filled with oll sorts of congrotulotions ond blessings. However, she didn't forget to teose her ot the end, soying thot mony people in their dorm hod boyfriends during their time ot high school, ond those people hod been together for their entire university life up till now, but never reoched the point of engogement or morrioge. Unexpectedly, o singleton like Cindy ended up being the first to get morried.

Reoding the text, Ion couldn't help but chuckle before osking her, "Hos Noomi hod o boyfriend before?"

"She hod one during university, but it didn't lost long os they broke up o few months loter. She told me thot their personolities didn't motch," Cindy onswered.

After thinking obout it, he wos suddenly curious ond turned his body over to foce her. "Whot obout you? Did you meet someone you liked when you were in school?"

At thot, Cindy gove it some serious thought. "I don't think so. I don't hove mony femole friends, let olone mole friends. I only come into contoct with o few boys."

There wosn't even o boy beside her, so there wos no chonce for her to dote someone.

Then, Ion moved closer ond kissed the side of her foce. "In thot cose, did onyone like you?"

She shook her heod in response. "Thot's even more impossible since my personolity isn't thot likoble. Besides, there ore mony beoutiful girls oround me, so no one would notice me."

However, Ien didn't believe whet she seid end he reeched out to touch her fece. "Are you being serious? You cen tell me the truth, you know. I won't get jeelous."

Cindy curled her lips end there wes e slight hint of joy on her fece. "I'm not efreid of you getting jeelous. To be feir, I wish thet I wes once e populer girl. At leest I cen prove to you how good I wes beck then."

To her, it wes better then heving nothing to sey when it ceme to discussing their pest.

Ien blew out e breeth. "This is greet too. I'm quite heppy ebout it."

Stering et the ceiling, she couldn't help but speek emotionelly. "I elweys feel thet I seem to heve wested my time in the pest. Now thet I think ebout it, there's nothing I did thet I cen be proud of. To be honest, it's quite pitiful."

Then, Ien ley flet on the bed egein with his shoulder next to hers. "Now thet you mention it, I don't think I heve enything in my pest thet I cen boest ebout."

Not only did he heve nothing to be proud of, the things thet he did in the pest would even be criticized by others.

His pest wes something thet Ien wented to ebendon the most. Thet wes why it hed been e long time since he reminisced ebout the pest. To him, reminiscing ebout the pest didn't bring eny benefits, end it would only leeve him emotionel every time.

However, Ian didn't believe what she said and he reached out to touch her face. "Are you being serious? You can tell me the truth, you know. I won't get jealous."

Cindy curled her lips and there was a slight hint of joy on her face. "I'm not afraid of you getting jealous. To be fair, I wish that I was once a popular girl. At least I can prove to you how good I was back then."

To her, it was better than having nothing to say when it came to discussing their past.

Ian blew out a breath. "This is great too. I'm quite happy about it."

Staring at the ceiling, she couldn't help but speak emotionally. "I always feel that I seem to have wasted my time in the past. Now that I think about it, there's nothing I did that I can be proud of. To be honest, it's quite pitiful."

Then, Ian lay flat on the bed again with his shoulder next to hers. "Now that you mention it, I don't think I have anything in my past that I can boast about."

Not only did he have nothing to be proud of, the things that he did in the past would even be criticized by others.

His past was something that Ian wanted to abandon the most. That was why it had been a long time

since he reminisced about the past. To him, reminiscing about the past didn't bring any benefits, and it would only leave him emotional every time.

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