Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2033

Chapter 2033

They got off the coll ofter thot. Cindy knew thot it wos Sophio who hod colled him, but she didn't hove her guord up ogoinst Sophio ot oll. In the post, Cindy hod been worried thot Ion might still miss Sophio. Thot often gove Cindy on uneosy feeling in her chest, but thot feeling wos no longer present now. Comporotively speoking, Yulio ond Volerie were much lorger threots to Cindy.

After Ion ended the coll, he told Cindy obout it. "It's Sophio. She just found out thot we're bock." Cindy nodded. "Will we get to see her little one when we hove dinner tonight?" Ion wosn't sure obout this—he didn't know if Sophio would bring her child with her. However, he smiled when he thought obout Sophio's foir ond chubby little boby. I guess children ore quite odoroble. For some reoson, I feel like hoving children might be o good ideo. Moybe it's my oge tolking—it's noturol to long for children ot this oge, right?

At thot thought, Ion held Cindy's hond ond lowered his voice to speok in o hushed tone. "When ore we hoving o kid of our own?"

Cindy shot him o glonce. Auroro wos right next to them, so Cindy wos too shy to speok ony louder. She mimicked Ion's volume ond responded, "First, you need to hove the right copobilities to hove o child." Cindy wosn't tolking obout finonciol copobilities, ond Ion understood thot.

He nodded. "I guess so. But it's up to us to creote the right environment, right?" He didn't soy much else ofter thot. Cindy didn't understond whot he wos getting ot. They got off the call after that. Cindy knew that it was Sophia who had called him, but she didn't have her guard up against Sophia at all. In the past, Cindy had been worried that Ian might still miss Sophia. That often gave Cindy an uneasy feeling in her chest, but that feeling was no longer present now. Comparatively speaking, Yulia and Valerie were much larger threats to Cindy.

After Ian ended the call, he told Cindy about it. "It's Sophia. She just found out that we're back." Cindy nodded. "Will we get to see her little one when we have dinner tonight?" Ian wasn't sure about this—he didn't know if Sophia would bring her child with her. However, he smiled when he thought about Sophia's fair and chubby little baby. I guess children are quite adorable. For some reason, I feel like having children might be a good idea. Maybe it's my age talking—it's natural to long for children at this age, right?

At that thought, Ian held Cindy's hand and lowered his voice to speak in a hushed tone. "When are we having a kid of our own?"

Cindy shot him a glance. Aurora was right next to them, so Cindy was too shy to speak any louder. She mimicked Ian's volume and responded, "First, you need to have the right capabilities to have a child." Cindy wasn't talking about financial capabilities, and Ian understood that. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

He nodded. "I guess so. But it's up to us to create the right environment, right?" He didn't say much else after that. Cindy didn't understand what he was getting at.

The three of them found a restaurant on the streets and sat down before ordering a few dishes. Cindy and Aurora hadn't gotten much rest, so they didn't have a large appetite. After eating a few bites of food here and there, they returned to the hotel.

This time, both Cindy and Aurora wanted to actually rest. Ian was perplexed by their behaviors. "What's up with the both of you? Didn't you guys sleep for a long while just now? Why do you guys still need more sleep?"

Aurora didn't answer his question and simply walked off to her room. "I'm still sleepy," Sonia muttered

to him. Ian blinked a few times before a cheeky thought surfaced in his head. "Still sleepy, huh? Could you be pregnant?" he asked while pulling her into his arms.

Cindy quickly pushed him away. "How could that be possible? If I do get pregnant, you'll be the one who has to panic. You'll have to think of how to deal with this," she replied.

"Deal with what? We'll just give birth to it," Ian answered firmly. Cindy wanted to remind him about the conversation they had earlier about their lack of capabilities. At the very least, we have to be prepared in all domains for us to have a child. If we go along with Ian's eagerness and end up with a child, it's definitely going to stir up a lot of rumors. Hannah would probably drop dead.

However, Cindy kept her mouth shut as she didn't want to discuss these issues—it felt like she'd be reminding Ian to come up with proper solutions to their current limitations. Instead, Cindy lay down on the bed and found a comfortable spot. "I'll nap now. Call me if you need anything."

"Okay." Ian couldn't sleep anymore, so he walked over to the hall outside. "You can sleep in there. I'll be out here."

Cindy was genuinely tired this time, so she fell asleep after a few minutes of lying on the bed. Ian, on the other hand, pulled his phone out and began texting Logan to ask about their engagement the next day. Logan gave Ian a report of all that he had done. Since Logan had some experience in this, he managed to consider all aspects that were necessary for a smooth event.

Ian knew that there was no need to even ask Logan. Although Logan seemed like a rather undependable man, he had the ability to deal with everything with a clear head when he needed to. After ending the call with Logan, Ian called Sean instead.

Sean wasn't too occupied, so the brothers had a slightly longer chat. They talked about Ian's engagement the next day and a little bit about Leah's situation.

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