My Not Yet Mate

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Chapter 83


He pushed his food around on his plate. Today marked the 18th

8th day since he had seen Lily in person or in his dreams. She had shut him out again. He wanted to go to the Dragão Clan and snatch her up to bring her back to his castle to live in his closet. Everyday Sasha told him that she was happy and was smiling a lot.

It made him ecstatic that she was doing well, but it made him worry that she seemed to be doing well without him. It made him wonder if she had decided not to be with him. He looked at where their daughter sat in her high chair, putting as many eggs on the floor as she put in her mouth. He sighed and reached for their link. It remained firmly closed and he shoved his plate off of the table. The plate shattered and Casey jumped.

“Sorry, Casey,” he mumbled.

She eyed him. “Still nothing from Lily?”

“No. Has she contacted you?”

“Yes, actually. She invited me to the castle tomorrow. She wants me to spend time with her daughter.” She tilted her head curiously at him. “Nobody told her that you have Lucy?”

“Umm, no. I haven’t decided on how to tell her and now that she has pulled away again, I am really not sure how to tell her.”

“You should just tell her, Luka.”

“I will Soon, I promise.”

She stood up and hugged him. “Try to hurry, Luka. She deserves the truth.”

She walked off and Lukas was left wondering what he was going to do. He cursed and got up. He picked Lucy up and took her to his room. He bathed her, dressed her, packed her a bag to go and picked her back up. He bounced her lightly.

“Come on, my little princess, mommy awaits.”

He went down to the foyer where Slansky stood waiting, Lukas groaned. At least one of them was excited for the day. He got to enjoy his mates while Lukas got to have a meeting and would have to come back home to be alone. Slonsky opened a portal and Lukas stepped through, cradling Lucy’s face to his chest. His sister and their mates stood waiting on the other side, Kalani rushed over to take Lucy while Sasha rolled her eyes behind her back Gregory glared at her as she walked back.

“The answer is still no. We have to wait for our egg to hatch before we try again,” he growled.

Kalani tilted Lucy towards him. “But, Gory, look. Isn’t she so cute and little and perfect? Just look at that little button nose.”

A crash came from behind them and he spun in time to see Gregory Junior leap off the porch, chasing a snake into the bushes. Gregory ran over and managed to grab his foot, before the boy disappeared into the bushes completely. He carried him back to Kalani, holding him out by his ankle. Junior laughed and tried to escape. Gregory’s eyes narrowed.

“This is why no, Annie. I can’t take anymore. He’s gonna be the death of me.”

Lukas laughed and pointed to Lucy. “This is why you should stick with girls, brother.”

Gregory bared his teeth. “And have to kill her mate? How is that better?”

Kalani shifted Lucy in her arms to take Junior from his father. She gave him a stern look.

“Behave, Junior or I will spank you.”

His eyes widened in fear and he swallowed. “I’m sorry, Mama.” This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Apologize to your father.”

“Sorry, Daddy,” he said sheepishly.

Chapter 83

“Now, go find Auntie Ana and stop making your father’s hair grey.”

They all watched as he scampered off. Lukas eyed his sister.

“Do you really spank him?”

She giggled, shaking her head. “No, I’ve never had to, but Gory gets ignored. Come on, Aja, let’s go rescue the nanny and let the boys get to work.”

Lukas raised an eyebrow. “You know, you don’t have to justify the money you asked for. Aja would whoop your ass if you lied to me.”

Aiden rolled his eyes. “It’s still weird to be equal you. Anyways, the construction is not what I really wanted to talk to you about. Ash asked me to talk to you. Come on, this way.”

He turned around to walk towards the woods that surrounded their castle. Gregory followed him and Lukas trailed behind them slowly. He was not in the mood for bullshit today. They walked for half an hour, before Aiden stopped to sit on a boulder. Lukas leaned against a tree and Gregory started skipping rocks on the small river in front of them. Nobody spoke for a moment and Lukas finally growled.

“What is it?”

“Are you aware of what’s going on with Lily?”

He stiffened as Gideon immediately went on alert. “What’s going on with her?”

“She’s been such a hermit lately. She is very friendly and everything when she’s around, but she goes to school and comes straight home to sleep until she gets up for school the next day. How has she been in your dreams?”

“She hasn’t. I haven’t seen her since Sommer took over as alpha. Are you worried about something in particular?”

“Yes. I’m worried she’s sneaking out, but we haven’t been able to catch her. We don’t know when she leaves or why. Ash was wondering if you would want to stay around tonight and follow her if she leaves,” Aiden said.

Gideon started dancing happily in his head. ‘Please say yes, Lukas. We can see Lily.‘

He stuck his hands in his pockets. “Alright. What do you want me to do?”

“We need you to mask your scent and stay Invisible.”

Lukas grinned. “I can do that.”

He could with a little difficulty, but would do it if it meant he finally got to see his Lily again. He nodded to himself. Aiden looked up as a shadow passed over them. Lukas looked up and a shiver ran down his spine. Lily was home. He looked at his watch. Why was she home? It was only midday. Aiden and Gregory started heading back to the castle. Lukas closed his eyes for a moment to make himself weightless. He opened his eyes and knew he was Invisible.

‘Gideon, our scent.”

‘I got us. Go.”

He dashed back to the castle, catching up with his brothers as they exited the woods. Lily and Lucy were walking out of the door. Lukas froze as the vision of the two most important people in his life made him ache to hold them both. Lily smiled at Aiden and Gregory as she walked by. They nodded to her and she kept moving.

“You got her, Lukas?”

He followed her off the castle grounds and down to another house. Ilis jaw clenched as she knocked on the door. He hated not knowing whose house this was. A few minutes later, the door was opened and he relaxed when he recognized her friend, Deborah. Lily handed her Lucy, before hugging her and kissing Lucy’s forehead.

“Thanks, Deb. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Be safe, Lily.”

Chapter $3

“I will.”

He followed Lily down another street to another house. He was going to have to put a bodyguard here to watch Lucy when he couldn’t be around. He wasn’t sure if he trusted the girl with his daughter.

“If Lily trusts her, then we can, too. That’s the one Aja said has the playdates with Lucy,” Gideon growled.

girl. If anything happens to

“Shut up. We’re getting a bodyguard. We have no idea what Lily is doing, so until we do, we have no choice but to trust the girl Lucy, I will bum her house down.”

Gideon breathed fire out and smoke curled out of Lukas‘ nostril. “I hate when you do that ”

“I know,” Gideon responded smugly.

Lily glanced around her, before taking off into the woods, Lukas kept pace easily. She ran until she entered a field hidden by trees. Lukas bared his teeth when he saw a hoy waiting for her. He smiled at Lily who stopped in front of him, panting. She hugged him, before backing away. He raised his hand to her and she rolled her eyes, backing away a few more feet. She bounced on her feet for a minute, before stopping.

“You always expend so much more energy than you need to. Are you ready?”


She swung on him and he danced away, laughing, Lily pulled back to grin at him,

“I’m taking you down today.”

You can try.

Lukas watched in amusement as Lily kept swinging on the bay while he blocked and avoided each blow. He could see Sasha in her moves and he sent up a prayer of gratitude that someone had been working with her. She kicked out at him and he grabbed her leg to swing her around. She hit the ground and Lukas took a step forward as the need to protect her almost ruined his task. Gideon pulled him back. Lily jumped back to her feet.

“You know, Lily, you’re never going to win like this. You attack too hard and fast to last for long. You need to be more controlled when you fight.”

“We can’t all have gamma blood in us, Kenny. You’re supposed to be teaching me, not lecturing me.”

“I think we should call it quits today. Ethan will be mad if you don’t show up for training in the morning. Did you find someone to watch Lucy while you are at training? I could do it if you needed someone.”

She bared her teeth at him. “No. I don’t want you to meet her. Her.. my mate will be the only man around her. You know this.”

Lukas let out the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding.

“I hate to be the bearer of had news, but there are at least three men that are around her and I know for a fact that none of them are your mate.”

She glared at him. “Aiden, Gregory and Ethan are not men.”

Kenny blinked in surprise. “Are they really women?”

Lily dropped low to the ground, spinning on her left foot as she kicked out with her right, Kenny’s legs were kicked out from under him and she quickly stood back up to kick him in his ribs. He grunted and reached for her. She danced away laughing.

“Never let your opponent know when you are going to attack, right?” She fist pumped the air and began to jog away. She stopped at the tree to look back at him, still giggling. “Oh, and for your information, they are family. They don’t count as men. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Whatever,” he mumbled as he got up p off the ground. She started to sprint away. “AND DON’T BE LATE TO TRAINING AGAIN OR ETHAN WILL HAVE A


Lukas followed behind Lily again. She picked Lucy up and went back to the castle. He watched as she fed Lucy and ate herself. Lily entered her room and Lukas slipped past her, careful not to alert her to his presence. She got Lucy settled into her crib and climbed into bed. She reached through the bars to hold her hand. She sang softly to Lucy until she fell asleep. Lily stroked her hair.

“Just a small nap, Lucy. When we wake up, mommy will play with you.” Lily yawned. “I love you, my sweet girl.”

Chapter 83

She closed her eyes and a few moments later, she was asleep. Lukas settled on the couch to watch her. He ran his eyes over her and then looked at their daughter. She really did look like Lily and he couldn’t wait to see them together forever in their home. He was more confident in her wanting him again after seeing her interactions with that boy. The first chance he got, he was going to show her and make sure she knew that this was the only things that mattered to him. Her, their daughter and being a family. He inhaled deeply.

“Soon, Lily. Very soon,” he whispered out loud.

A smile lifted her lips and he knew that she had heard him in her sleep. He closed his eyes when she started pulling on him.


‘I got us. Go see our mate.”

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