My Mommy Is A CEO

Chapter 56 The Walking Dead

This year, Juliana’s family also came to the Davies family for Christmas. With Juliana as the Tomboy, the Davies family was naturally more lively.

Three days later, Lucia’s cell phone is still off, and there is no response from the relationship entrusted to the search.

The Davies family took down their Christmas decorations to prepare for the new year, and Arthur took the time to visit his alma mater, visiting his former mentors and classmates as part of his purpose.

The most important thing is to inquire about Lucia’s whereabouts, Arthur used his mentor’s relationship to retrieve Lucia’s personal information from the administration, but regrettably, Lucia was living in school, leaving the only home contact address is only a rented apartment near the school, the trail is broken.

The only thing that made Arthur feel relieved was that he met Mike Federer, Lucia’s mentor. Mike Federer told Arthur that Lucia had brought Theodore along to visit him on Christmas Eve and that she was doing well and did not seem to be under anyone’s control, so Arthur was slightly relieved.

When the New Year came, it snowed heavily in New York. The snowflakes carried the hopes and aspirations of countless people for the new year and the future, but for Arthur, it was a day of worries.

Lucia, still out of touch.

During this time Arthur also personally contacted Eduard, after all, he is Lucia boss, but to Arthur’s surprise, even Eduard can not contact Lucia, worry, suspicion, suspicion, all kinds of complex emotions lurking in the face of Arthur’s family bland smile under, do not know when it will explode.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

Once the New Year’s revelry is over, the whole of New York is back to its usual busy and fast pace, with only the occasional small child unwilling to leave the holidays with a New Year’s cap, only to be reminded of the old year that has just passed.

The plan was to bring Lucia and Theodore home to introduce them to their parents and brothers and spend the first Christmas and New Year with them, but in the end, all Arthur’s hopes were dashed.

Juliana’s family also said goodbye at this time, Juliana although thick nerves, but these days also found Arthur’s wrong, helpless under the pursuit of fruitless, and finally had to follow the family to leave.

The Davies family mansion has returned to its usual quietness. As soon as the company starts to operate normally, Edwin also gets busy and the brothers start to plan their trip back home.

According to Arthur’s information, Lucia did not submit any separation report to Jibillion Inc, which means she will definitely go back to work after the holidays and she will be able to see her again!

When discussing the return trip, Sophie proposed to accompany Arthur back home again, back to Athegate, the future is unpredictable, she really do not worry about Arthur, of course, also can not let go of his lovely grandson, Edwin heart although reluctant, but also know that this is the best way, the Davies family brothers said goodbye to their father, each returned to their The Davies family brothers left their father and returned to their developing city.

Arthur because often have to travel between Ategate and USA, that more than ten hours of flight time for him has long been accustomed to, but this time, every minute he felt difficult to suffer, every moment in the hope that the plane quickly landed, quickly see Lucia, see Theodore.

Sophie sensed Arthur’s thoughts and could only sigh.

Finally, at the end of the night, the flight from New York to Athegate landed smoothly.

As soon as he left the airport, Arthur said to Jan, “Jan, you go back to rest with my mom, I’m going to go to Lucia’s house.”

Sophie said, “Arthur, Mom will go with you.”

If she gets to Lucia’s house and finds the lights are out, Sophie wonders if Arthur will have a breakdown.

“No, Mom, you’re tired from all the running, go back and rest, I want to go by myself.” Arthur said firmly.

Sophie looked at the light in Arthur’s eyes and finally compromised, only she knew that she couldn’t actually rest until her son got word of Lucia.

So outside the airport, Arthur and Sophie split up, and he sped off in his car all the way to Lucia’s house.

An hour or so later, Arthur’s car parked under Lucia’s house, sitting in the car, Arthur never felt so nervous, he was actually afraid, afraid that no one would respond after he knocked, afraid that he could only face the room full of darkness after he opened the door, but the thoughts of Lucia and Theodore overcame everything, he took a deep breath and got out of the car.

Looking up, with just one glance, the boulder hanging over Arthur’s heart fell to the ground, and the windows of Lucia’s house were shining with warm light.

She’s home!

How he rushed upstairs, Arthur does not remember, he only remembered his heartbeat like thunder on a drum when he knocked on Lucia’s door.

Arthur did not have to wait long, the door soon opened and Lucia’s quiet and beautiful face entered Arthur’s sight along with the warm light of the room.

“Lucia!” The body acted faster than the brain, once the door opened, Arthur had reached out to pull Lucia into his arms, a ‘Lucia’, represents not only miss, or he so long The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest and most important thing you can do.

The moment he held Lucia in his arms, Arthur felt alive again, indeed, this period of time without news of Lucia, it is not too much to say that he was living like the walking dead.

“There you are.” Lucia’s voice was clear and pleasant, but when it rang in Arthur’s ears, it was uncharacteristically calm.

The emotional Arthur did not notice this, he embraced Lucia and swirled into the room, which was as warm as his heart was warmed.

“Will you let go of me first?” Lucia’s voice remained faint, and with her words, her hands braced themselves on top of Arthur’s chest, pushing back slightly, silently pulling away the otherwise intimate distance between them.

This time, Arthur perceived.

The lines of sight met and Arthur’s heart clenched with some disbelief.

“Lucia, what’s wrong with you?” For a while, Arthur found his voice and stared at Lucia and asked carefully.

Lucia parted her head, turned toward the sofa and sat down, saying indifferently, “Sit down, I have something to say to you.”

Lucia’s words raised a sense of foreboding in Arthur, but he went over and wanted to sit directly beside her and hug her, but Lucia moved to the side as soon as she saw herself approaching, and the act of pulling away could not have been more obvious.

“What’s wrong!” The uneasiness in his heart annoyed Arthur, and he asked once more, his voice a few degrees colder and no longer as fiery as it was a moment ago.

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