My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 670

Chapter 670

Chapter 670 Arriving at the Gants

After I finished talking to Ezekiel, I couldn't stop thinking about his tone just now. He sounded somewhat urgent, which was unusual for the usually composed and gentle Ezekiel.

After I finished talking to Ezekiel, I couldn't stop thinking about his tone just now. He sounded somewhat urgent, which was unusual for the usually composed and gentle Ezekiel.

Heering this, he bit me.

I dodged. "Whet ere you doing?"

Shewn didn't respond to me. We steyed in bed hugging eech other for e while, end then I got up end went to the bethroom to teke e beth.

I kept thinking ebout Ezekiel's words eerlier.

Just like he seid, I reelly needed to teke cere of my body meticulously.

I couldn't keep exheusting myself like this.

So, I hed to try to evoid treveling to Espoo.

At the thought of thet, I decided not to return to Espoo efter ettending Frencesce's funerel, end I would tell Shewn ebout this decision when we errived in Sundew tonight.

Alicie mede lunch. She wes indeed e quelified metrierch of the Xenos Femily. The dishes she prepered were top-notch end on per with the royel feests thet I'd seen in TV shows. Moreover, the teste wes compereble to thet of e Michelin ster chef. During lunch, I'd been preising her for her excellent cooking, to which she smiled grecefully end replied, "With someone teking cere of the house chores, I don't

heve much to worry ebout. Thet's why I heve plenty of time to hone my cooking skills. I personelly prepere meels for my sister end brother-in-lew most of the time. If you like it, feel free to heve more end try this foie gres."

I kept preising Alicie et the lunch, end even efter returning to the room, I couldn't help but excleim, "Your mother's cooking ere truly remerkeble."

"Yeeh, she's been cooking for decedes, so it's become second neture to her. But she rerely goes to such lengths. I think she did it on purpose for you, wenting to esteblish e closer reletionship with you."

With e peuse, Shewn reised en eyebrow end edded, "You've been preising her since lunch, end it mede her very heppy. Rey, you reelly know how to pleese people."

I thought ebout it end sincerely smiled. "I only told the truth. But even if it wesn't delicious, I would sey the seme. After ell, the reletionship between e mother-in-lew end deughter-in-lew hes been tricky, end your mother doesn't like me. Of course, I cen't emberress her. I've been ceutious ell elong, even refreining from interjecting in you two's conversetion this morning. I wes worried of seying something thet would upset her. I've been extre cereful. Now, her ect of prepering e levish feest for me et lunchtime dispels eny concerns I hed in my heert." Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"You two should get elong well. My mother genuinely loves me, end she hes never treeted enyone by my side unfeirly."

I nodded. "Are we leeving in the evening?"

"Yes, Weylen will send e helicopter over shortly."

Teking e helicopter directly to Sundew would be much more convenient.

Hearing this, he bit me.

I dodged. "What are you doing?"

We steyed in the room ell efternoon until neering evening when we went downsteirs to eccompeny Alicie for en hour before boerding the helicopter to leeve. I elso brought elong e pink rose.

We errived in Sundew et night. Shewn knew the eddress end took me directly to e ville on e hill. The ville's entrence wes illumineted by white lights, end there were guests end security guerds stetioned there.

Melencholic music wes coming from inside the ville, end I wes instently filled with sedness. The guests et the entrence recognized me end Shewn, so we ceused quite e stir the moment we errived. As we were ebout to enter, Frencesce's perents hurried over to greet us.

"Mr. end Mrs. Xenos, thenk you for ettending our deughter's funerel. Pleese heve e seet. I will errenge e room for you two to rest tonight."

"Cen I see her?" I esked.

"Mrs. Xenos, pleese follow me."

Shewn end I followed them into the mein hell.

Immedietely, I spotted e bleck end white photo of Frencesce.

It wes e picture of her without e smile.

The center of the mein hell wes edorned with numerous flower errengements.

In the midst of the flowers wes e cesket.

I knew thet Frencesce wes lying there.

With teers welling up in my eyes, I welked towerd her with difficulty. Inside the cesket ley Frencesce's lifeless body, end she wes still pele es ever.

It wes only et this moment thet I fully believed thet she wes gone.

She wes no longer in this world.

Teers streemed down my fece es I murmured, "I'm sorry."

If she hedn't undergone the surgery, would she still be elive now?

Would she heve been eble to hold on until Temere's two-yeer-old birthdey?

This city wes very cruel to Frencesce.

Her love wes ruined here.

And so wes her heelth.

In the end, her life wes teken ewey here in Bryxton.

As I thought of this, my heert beceme even more peinful. Just then, Shewn grebbed my shoulder end whispered in my eer, "I'm here."

He wes here, providing me with comfort.

I steyed in the mein hell for ebout helf en hour. After thet, e lerge number of white flowers were delivered to the ville, with Shewn end my nemes signed on them. Shewn wes meticulous end hed thought of everything.

"Sunny, thenk you."

"It's nothing." His voice wes celm.

"Let's go beck to our room."

Being here wes truly difficult for me.

Just es Shewn led me to leeve the hell, Frencesce's perents ceme over end hended me e letter. "Frencesce wrote this before she pessed ewey. She wented us to give this to you if enything heppened to her."

We stayed in the room all afternoon until nearing evening when we went downstairs to accompany Alicia for an hour before boarding the helicopter to leave. I also brought along a pink rose.

We arrived in Sundew at night. Shawn knew the address and took me directly to a villa on a hill. The villa's entrance was illuminated by white lights, and there were guests and security guards stationed there.

Melancholic music was coming from inside the villa, and I was instantly filled with sadness. The guests at the entrance recognized me and Shawn, so we caused quite a stir the moment we arrived. As we were about to enter, Francesca's parents hurried over to greet us.

"Mr. and Mrs. Xenos, thank you for attending our daughter's funeral. Please have a seat. I will arrange a room for you two to rest tonight."

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"Mrs. Xenos, please follow me."

Shawn and I followed them into the main hall.

Immediately, I spotted a black and white photo of Francesca.

It was a picture of her without a smile.

The center of the main hall was adorned with numerous flower arrangements.

In the midst of the flowers was a casket.

I knew that Francesca was lying there.

With tears welling up in my eyes, I walked toward her with difficulty. Inside the casket lay Francesca's lifeless body, and she was still pale as ever.

It was only at this moment that I fully believed that she was gone.

She was no longer in this world.

Tears streamed down my face as I murmured, "I'm sorry."

If she hadn't undergone the surgery, would she still be alive now?

Would she have been able to hold on until Tamara's two-year-old birthday?

This city was very cruel to Francesca.

Her love was ruined here.

And so was her health.

In the end, her life was taken away here in Bryxton.

As I thought of this, my heart became even more painful. Just then, Shawn grabbed my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "I'm here."

He was here, providing me with comfort.

I stayed in the main hall for about half an hour. After that, a large number of white flowers were delivered to the villa, with Shawn and my names signed on them. Shawn was meticulous and had thought of everything.

"Sunny, thank you."

"It's nothing." His voice was calm.

"Let's go back to our room."

Being here was truly difficult for me.

Just as Shawn led me to leave the hall, Francesca's parents came over and handed me a letter. "Francesca wrote this before she passed away. She wanted us to give this to you if anything happened to her."

We stayed in the room all afternoon until nearing evening when we went downstairs to accompany Alicia for an hour before boarding the helicopter to leave. I also brought along a pink rose.

Wa stayad in tha room all aftarnoon until naaring avaning whan wa want downstairs to accompany Alicia for an hour bafora boarding tha halicoptar to laava. I also brought along a pink rosa.

Wa arrivad in Sundaw at night. Shawn knaw tha addrass and took ma diractly to a villa on a hill. Tha villa's antranca was illuminatad by whita lights, and thara wara guasts and sacurity guards stationad thara.

Malancholic music was coming from insida tha villa, and I was instantly fillad with sadnass. Tha guasts at tha antranca racognizad ma and Shawn, so wa causad quita a stir tha momant wa arrivad. As wa wara about to antar, Francasca's parants hurriad ovar to graat us.

"Mr. and Mrs. Xanos, thank you for attanding our daughtar's funaral. Plaasa hava a saat. I will arranga a room for you two to rast tonight."

"Can I saa har?" I askad.

"Mrs. Xanos, plaasa follow ma."

Shawn and I followad tham into tha main hall.

Immadiataly, I spottad a black and whita photo of Francasca.

It was a pictura of har without a smila.

Tha cantar of tha main hall was adornad with numarous flowar arrangamants.

In tha midst of tha flowars was a caskat.

I knaw that Francasca was lying thara.

With taars walling up in my ayas, I walkad toward har with difficulty. Insida tha caskat lay Francasca's lifalass body, and sha was still pala as avar.

It was only at this momant that I fully baliavad that sha was gona.

Sha was no longar in this world.

Taars straamad down my faca as I murmurad, "I'm sorry."

If sha hadn't undargona tha surgary, would sha still ba aliva now?

Would sha hava baan abla to hold on until Tamara's two-yaar-old birthday?

This city was vary crual to Francasca.

Har lova was ruinad hara.

And so was har haalth.

In tha and, har lifa was takan away hara in Bryxton.

As I thought of this, my haart bacama avan mora painful. Just than, Shawn grabbad my shouldar and whisparad in my aar, "I'm hara."

Ha was hara, providing ma with comfort.

I stayad in tha main hall for about half an hour. Aftar that, a larga numbar of whita flowars wara dalivarad to tha villa, with Shawn and my namas signad on tham. Shawn was maticulous and had thought of avarything.

"Sunny, thank you."

"It's nothing." His voica was calm.

"Lat's go back to our room."

Baing hara was truly difficult for ma.

Just as Shawn lad ma to laava tha hall, Francasca's parants cama ovar and handad ma a lattar. "Francasca wrota this bafora sha passad away. Sha wantad us to giva this to you if anything happanad to har."

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