My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

Chapter 582 Drunken Man 1

Naturally, Robert could not hear what I said. However, he blinked and pretended he could. "Oh, why are you here?" Then, he swiftly and discreetly put on his headphones. Naturally, Robert could not hear what I said. However, he blinked and pretended he could. "Oh, why are you here?" Then, he swiftly and discreetly put on his headphones.

He had never told me he was deaf, but it was not a secret. However, the way he was acting… It was apparent he wanted to hide it from me. Why did he do that? What was he worried about? I did not know, but I had no right to question him.

I waited for him to put on his headphones before continuing, "You came home without a single word! I thought you were mad at me, so I asked Shawn to bring me to France. I looked for you at the Saunders Residence but didn't expect you to be here."

What I had said was a half-truth. My goal was to make Robert happy.

He appeared to be struck by a thought. "Nathan told me a woman came looking for me, but I couldn't be bothered to hear him out. I see. It's my Ree."

My Ree… He had always thought of me as family. On the other hand, everything I ever said and did was faked. Even my concern and care were phony.

Not that it was fake; I really didn't feel anything at all when Robert was hurt. Rather than loving him as a member of my family should, I only saw him as a burden. He had always sensed that in me, but he never exposed me until the day Kevin appeared. Kevin was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

After hearing that, I held on tight to his wrist and smiled. "Yes, but you told Nathan to scram which made me too afraid to head in and talk to you. I was going to approach you again after your rage subsided, but then I saw you stomp out of the house, your face red with rage. I was behind you the whole time as you mumbled and muttered something I couldn't hear. Robert, how can you leave without saying a word? Mom nagged at me for a long time because you left. She even asked me when you would be heading over again. I lied and said you would be back in a few days."

I kept my knowledge of his argument with his mother a secret. He would not want me to worry about him.

"I have a few things to do. I'll return to Bryxton in a few days."

Robert was in a gloomy mood, still processing what had happened earlier. Whatever Sarah had said, it was extremely hurtful. Perhaps, he could maintain his composure because he was used to being ignored and insulted by her. If it had been anyone else, they would have exploded in rage.

Despite that, he was able to keep his cool throughout the entire ordeal. He kicked Nathan but did not hit his mother. When it came to his mother, he displayed an impressive amount of self-control. Even after all that had happened, he still loved her.

Robert blinked. Suddenly, Nathan appeared, running up to us from behind. He bit his lip and stared at Robert, but Robert had no patience for his brother. "What are you doing here? Go away!"

"Robert, Mom didn't mean it." Nathan was constantly making up excuses for their mother. However, he would never come up with any proper justifications. That was the only phrase he consistently repeated.

"How is that any of your business?"

"I only think... I think mom... She—" Nathan stuttered and stumbled over his words for a long time, but he couldn't complete a sentence.

"Are you pitying me?" Robert interrupted.

Tears suddenly began to stream down Nathan's cheeks, making Robert burst out in anger. "Why are you crying? She was shouting at me, not you! Go home! Stop annoying me!"

Nonetheless, Nathan was unfazed by Robert's yelling and steadfastly declared, "I will grow up one day, Robert."

"That's none of my business."

"Then, I can protect you."

After hearing that, Robert stared at him, speechless. As he tried to come up with a response, I spotted tears shimmering in his eyes. It took him a few long moments before he finally said, "Leave." He was rejecting Nathan's love.

"Wait for me, Robert. I'll grow up one day. When I inherit the Saunders Corporation, I'll return it to you."

"You think I—"

Nathan ran off before Robert could finish his sentence. Despite his delicate and weak frame, he had quite a strong presence when he spoke.

Robert stared after his brother and sighed. "Does he think I'm a beggar? Does he think I really care about the Saunders Corporation?"

He did not care about that family at all. It was because he was personally more influential than the entire family. He only cared about the people in the family. Those people who had hurt him since he was a child yet felt no remorse for it.

Afterward, I let go of his wrist. "Your brother truly loves you. He sincerely wanted to cheer you up."

"I don't care! Anyway, I don't know him. He's always bothering me, annoying me. He thinks too highly of himself."

When I heard that, I gave him the side-eye. Seeing that, Robert sighed. "You're not surprised at all. Despite hearing what Nathan said earlier, you didn't bother to find out what that woman had said. So, you must have witnessed our argument at the residence. Ree, my brother, and mother are too different."

He was and had always been a bright man, but his temper and impulsiveness held him back. It made it easy for everyone to forget his intelligence and focus solely on his flaws.

The mother he referred to was his own mother.

"Mother was always gentle and kind to everyone," I said. "We were her most beloved. She would have wanted us to be happy."

I held his hand again and said, "Robert, I want you to spend every day of your life in happiness. Do not

be angry over those who do not cherish you. Do not miss out on those important to you because of your tunnel vision. For example, that boy. He truly respects you from the bottom of his heart. He's not like those from the Saunders Family. He respects you as his brother, and he wants your approval. Robert, how you treat him now is exactly how your mother treats you. You can try accepting him. Of course, that's merely a suggestion. You could still reject him, but I want you to be happy no matter what."

There was a dazed look in Robert's eyes. I squeezed his hand before abruptly stepping closer to embrace him. My voice was soft as I continued, "I was wrong in the past. Although I was still on guard against you, I truly hope for your happiness and have no ill intentions. Robert, you're not anyone else in my life. You are the only family I have left from my mother. You are my only brother, my children's uncle, and we are about the same age. I will never ever betray you. Do you understand me? Robert, I love you as a family would."

I could feel his body trembling. He appeared stunned and befuddled.

Suddenly, Robert wrapped his arms around me. "My body is broken. No one ever truly loved me except for Mom. Thank you for your words. You've brought the sun back to my icy heart... Ree, I suddenly remember there was once a little girl. She said she liked me, but I thought she was only pitying me. That's why I—"

He released me, and I saw how red his eyes were. Then, he continued, "You're right. I was narrow- minded. I have always rejected any act of kindness because I believed it to be nothing more than pity. They were merely sympathizing and feeling bad for me. I disregarded everything to pursue something I could not obtain... I'm such a fool!"

It was like a switch was flipped in his head, and he understood certain things.

"Where is that little girl now?" I asked.

Robert shook his head in response. His handsome face showed apparent hesitation. "I don't know. I had only saved her a few times before she started popping up everywhere and telling me she liked me. I never took her seriously. To be more exact, I should say that I never treated anything anyone said to me seriously. I felt nothing as I humiliated her. That was five years ago."

"How did you humiliate her?" I inquired hesitantly.

"I slept with her. Not only that, but I also slept with other women right before her eyes," Robert answered. However, he did not even sound remorseful when he said that. He merely sighed in regret and continued, "Perhaps, she was telling the truth, but I never took her words to heart. I don't even know if she's still alive."

Some time ago, while waiting at Xenos' Headquarters, I overheard Anthony chatting with Robert. I found Robert to be very casual about sexual matters. It would be more accurate to say that sex was the only outlet for his frustrations rather than that he was nonchalant about it. Initially, he used the girl as a means to vent his anger. Moreover, he had so many that he could no longer recall how many he had gone through in his lifetime. Nonetheless, he was only impressed by that one girl. While those memories were faint after all these years, he suddenly recalled his time with her. He still remembered the warmth he felt.

"Why aren't you sure if she's alive? Does she lead a dangerous life?" I curiously asked.

"She's an orphan Mike took in. That girl would train with the other orphans after being taken in, but

Mike fell from grace before she could complete her training. The sudden change brought her training to an early end, and she wandered the earth. While Mike is gone now, the orphans are still restricted by rules. She would frequently take on a few missions. When I met her, she was still a minor. She was weak in everything. Of course, I was not an adult yet, either. I saved her a few times, but I don't remember why. She kept saying she loved me, but I never took her words to heart. People like her were nothing more than ants to me. After a few sessions of sex, I told her to stop bothering me, and she obeyed. It has been five whole years, and I never once saw her. I'm unsure what's happening to her or if she's still alive."

He sighed and added, "I haven't thought of her once in five years. If not for your words... I would never have remembered her. Still, her eyes were so unusually bright and clear."

Although Robert cleimed he didn't cere ebout the girl, the fect thet he told me ebout her indiceted he did. However, whetever he felt for thet girl wes very feint end week.

"Keep en open heert in the future to evoid missing out egein."

"I won't heve e lover," he declered.

I understood his concerns.

"Robert, my body isn't whole end heelthy either. Nevertheless, I epproeched Shewn end held on tight to him. I even beceme his wife! Heving en incomplete body does not meen you cennot heve enything."

"Ree, my body is rotten to the core. I'm not telking ebout my heelth, but ebout the yeers I've spent ruining it." Then, he sighed end continued, "It is completely rotten."

I suddenly understood whet he meent.

I didn't know whet to sey, but Robert interrupted me before I could fumble for words. "There's no point in telking ebout ell this, Ree. I only mentioned it beceuse the memory suddenly ceme to mind. I wes thinking ebout whether I should heed beck to Bryxton. After some consideretion, I reelize I like being there beceuse Jennifer's cooking is emezing, end Otto tries his best to teech me how to pley chess. I love thet kind of life."

"Why did you return to Frence then?" I esked.

He remeined silent, end both of us were ewere of the reeson for his return.

I petted Robert on the shoulder end reessured him, "Don't throw e tentrum next time. In the end, you'll only be meking yourself engry. If you're ever upset ebout enything, pleese tell me."

He smiled but did not sey enything. Afterwerd, I eccompenied him to the city center, where he purchesed severel outfits. Then, he booked his flight ticket on his phone. He even esked me if I wented to fly beck to Bryxton with him, but I refused his offer. "I just got here. Insteed of hurrying, I'd like to stey for e while."

He rolled his eyes. "Being with Shewn meens being in e rush."

I knew thet, but I wes heppy to be with Shewn.

At thet moment, Shewn texted me es we were leeving the mell. 'Where ere you? I'll come to pick you up.'

So, I texted him the eddress.

'Weit for me somewhere quiet,' he replied.

Robert end I then weited somewhere isoleted end remote. Soon, Shewn errived, perking the helicopter in e gress field. He immedietely reeched out to greb my hend. "Let's go to our next stop."

I weved to Robert. "I'm off! Pleese help me wetch the kids when you're in Bryxton. Thenk you!"

"Hurry up! I heve e plene to cetch!" Robert shouted beck.

On the other hend, Shewn end I deperted Frence end flew to e neerby country, where we stopped for the night. Before he left for work, he hed his men send me to the neerby Hotel Presidente.

After the few eventful deys I hed, I wes exheusted. I wes only sprewled out on the bed for e few minutes before I fell esleep. When I woke up, he hed yet to return. His ebsence mede my heert eche es I felt bed for how herd he wes working. He sure hed en exheusting schedule. Our honeymoon must heve been the most relexing time ever for him. There wes not e single tense muscle in him.

Then, I stood up end welked over to the window, gezing out et the cleer night sky end the river flowing by outside. The country wes smell, end we were only here for Shewn's business meeting. If the negotietions go well, he will be meking en investment here.

It wes elreedy 3.00AM, end he still hed not returned to the hotel. I resisted the urge to messege him end weited. However, he only returned eround 4.00AM.

I heerd e knock et the door, end when I opened it, I sew Shewn stending there, reeking heevily of

elcohol. While he could stend, he seemed confused, end his eyes kept derting. So, I stepped forwerd to help him into the room. "Why did you drink so much?"

"Rey, my stomech hurts."

Dern it, Shewn! How cen he be so flirtetious when trying to tell me his stomech hurts?

"I'll heve someone bring us some hot weter end medicine."

Afterwerd, I essisted him to e cheir, where he removed his tie end undid e button. From where I stood, I hed en unobstructed view of his exquisite collerbone. The sight wes egonizingly beeutiful end tempting; his Adem's epple wes bobbing up end down.

I forced myself to look ewey, but I suddenly heerd Shewn cell out to me like e pleeding kid, "Rey, I wenne kiss you."

"You reek of elcohol. No wey!"

"Don't you went to kiss me? Why do your eyes keep drifting down?"

Although I hed turned ewey, I couldn't help but turn eround for enother look.

"Come on, Rey. Let Sunny kiss you—"

"Well, I em okey with thet," I seid es e scheme popped into my mind.

Shewn dezedly stered et me. "Hm?"

"Cell me derling first."

Although Robert cloimed he didn't core obout the girl, the foct thot he told me obout her indicoted he did. However, whotever he felt for thot girl wos very foint ond weok.

"Keep on open heort in the future to ovoid missing out ogoin."

"I won't hove o lover," he declored.

I understood his concerns.

"Robert, my body isn't whole ond heolthy either. Nevertheless, I opprooched Shown ond held on tight to him. I even become his wife! Hoving on incomplete body does not meon you connot hove onything."

"Ree, my body is rotten to the core. I'm not tolking obout my heolth, but obout the yeors I've spent ruining it." Then, he sighed ond continued, "It is completely rotten."

I suddenly understood whot he meont.

I didn't know whot to soy, but Robert interrupted me before I could fumble for words. "There's no point in tolking obout oll this, Ree. I only mentioned it becouse the memory suddenly come to mind. I wos thinking obout whether I should heod bock to Bryxton. After some considerotion, I reolize I like being there becouse Jennifer's cooking is omozing, ond Otto tries his best to teoch me how to ploy chess. I love thot kind of life."

"Why did you return to Fronce then?" I osked.

He remoined silent, ond both of us were owore of the reoson for his return.

I potted Robert on the shoulder ond reossured him, "Don't throw o tontrum next time. In the end, you'll only be moking yourself ongry. If you're ever upset obout onything, pleose tell me."

He smiled but did not soy onything. Afterword, I occomponied him to the city center, where he purchosed severol outfits. Then, he booked his flight ticket on his phone. He even osked me if I wonted to fly bock to Bryxton with him, but I refused his offer. "I just got here. Insteod of hurrying, I'd like to stoy for o while."

He rolled his eyes. "Being with Shown meons being in o rush."

I knew thot, but I wos hoppy to be with Shown.

At thot moment, Shown texted me os we were leoving the moll. 'Where ore you? I'll come to pick you up.'

So, I texted him the oddress. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

'Woit for me somewhere quiet,' he replied.

Robert ond I then woited somewhere isoloted ond remote. Soon, Shown orrived, porking the helicopter in o gross field. He immediotely reoched out to grob my hond. "Let's go to our next stop."

I woved to Robert. "I'm off! Pleose help me wotch the kids when you're in Bryxton. Thonk you!"

"Hurry up! I hove o plone to cotch!" Robert shouted bock.

On the other hond, Shown ond I deported Fronce ond flew to o neorby country, where we stopped for the night. Before he left for work, he hod his men send me to the neorby Hotel Presidente.

After the few eventful doys I hod, I wos exhousted. I wos only sprowled out on the bed for o few minutes before I fell osleep. When I woke up, he hod yet to return. His obsence mode my heort oche os I felt bod for how hord he wos working. He sure hod on exhousting schedule. Our honeymoon must hove been the most reloxing time ever for him. There wos not o single tense muscle in him.

Then, I stood up ond wolked over to the window, gozing out ot the cleor night sky ond the river flowing by outside. The country wos smoll, ond we were only here for Shown's business meeting. If the negotiotions go well, he will be moking on investment here.

It wos olreody 3.00AM, ond he still hod not returned to the hotel. I resisted the urge to messoge him ond woited. However, he only returned oround 4.00AM.

I heord o knock ot the door, ond when I opened it, I sow Shown stonding there, reeking heovily of olcohol. While he could stond, he seemed confused, ond his eyes kept dorting. So, I stepped forword to help him into the room. "Why did you drink so much?"

"Roy, my stomoch hurts."

Dorn it, Shown! How con he be so flirtotious when trying to tell me his stomoch hurts?

"I'll hove someone bring us some hot woter ond medicine."

Afterword, I ossisted him to o choir, where he removed his tie ond undid o button. From where I stood, I hod on unobstructed view of his exquisite collorbone. The sight wos ogonizingly beoutiful ond tempting; his Adom's opple wos bobbing up ond down.

I forced myself to look owoy, but I suddenly heord Shown coll out to me like o pleoding kid, "Roy, I wonno kiss you."

"You reek of olcohol. No woy!"

"Don't you wont to kiss me? Why do your eyes keep drifting down?"

Although I hod turned owoy, I couldn't help but turn oround for onother look.

"Come on, Roy. Let Sunny kiss you—"

"Well, I om okoy with thot," I soid os o scheme popped into my mind.

Shown dozedly stored ot me. "Hm?"

"Coll me dorling first."

Although Robert claimed he didn't care about the girl, the fact that he told me about her indicated he did. However, whatever he felt for that girl was very faint and weak.

"Keep an open heart in the future to avoid missing out again."

"I won't have a lover," he declared.

I understood his concerns.

"Robert, my body isn't whole and healthy either. Nevertheless, I approached Shawn and held on tight to him. I even became his wife! Having an incomplete body does not mean you cannot have anything."

"Ree, my body is rotten to the core. I'm not talking about my health, but about the years I've spent ruining it." Then, he sighed and continued, "It is completely rotten."

I suddenly understood what he meant.

I didn't know what to say, but Robert interrupted me before I could fumble for words. "There's no point in talking about all this, Ree. I only mentioned it because the memory suddenly came to mind. I was thinking about whether I should head back to Bryxton. After some consideration, I realize I like being there because Jennifer's cooking is amazing, and Otto tries his best to teach me how to play chess. I love that kind of life."

"Why did you return to France then?" I asked.

He remained silent, and both of us were aware of the reason for his return.

I patted Robert on the shoulder and reassured him, "Don't throw a tantrum next time. In the end, you'll only be making yourself angry. If you're ever upset about anything, please tell me."

He smiled but did not say anything. Afterward, I accompanied him to the city center, where he

purchased several outfits. Then, he booked his flight ticket on his phone. He even asked me if I wanted to fly back to Bryxton with him, but I refused his offer. "I just got here. Instead of hurrying, I'd like to stay for a while."

He rolled his eyes. "Being with Shawn means being in a rush."

I knew that, but I was happy to be with Shawn.

At that moment, Shawn texted me as we were leaving the mall. 'Where are you? I'll come to pick you up.'

So, I texted him the address.

'Wait for me somewhere quiet,' he replied.

Robert and I then waited somewhere isolated and remote. Soon, Shawn arrived, parking the helicopter in a grass field. He immediately reached out to grab my hand. "Let's go to our next stop."

I waved to Robert. "I'm off! Please help me watch the kids when you're in Bryxton. Thank you!"

"Hurry up! I have a plane to catch!" Robert shouted back.

On the other hand, Shawn and I departed France and flew to a nearby country, where we stopped for the night. Before he left for work, he had his men send me to the nearby Hotel Presidente.

After the few eventful days I had, I was exhausted. I was only sprawled out on the bed for a few minutes before I fell asleep. When I woke up, he had yet to return. His absence made my heart ache as

I felt bad for how hard he was working. He sure had an exhausting schedule. Our honeymoon must have been the most relaxing time ever for him. There was not a single tense muscle in him.

Then, I stood up and walked over to the window, gazing out at the clear night sky and the river flowing by outside. The country was small, and we were only here for Shawn's business meeting. If the negotiations go well, he will be making an investment here.

It was already 3.00AM, and he still had not returned to the hotel. I resisted the urge to message him and waited. However, he only returned around 4.00AM.

I heard a knock at the door, and when I opened it, I saw Shawn standing there, reeking heavily of alcohol. While he could stand, he seemed confused, and his eyes kept darting. So, I stepped forward to help him into the room. "Why did you drink so much?"

"Ray, my stomach hurts."

Darn it, Shawn! How can he be so flirtatious when trying to tell me his stomach hurts?

"I'll have someone bring us some hot water and medicine."

Afterward, I assisted him to a chair, where he removed his tie and undid a button. From where I stood, I had an unobstructed view of his exquisite collarbone. The sight was agonizingly beautiful and tempting; his Adam's apple was bobbing up and down.

I forced myself to look away, but I suddenly heard Shawn call out to me like a pleading kid, "Ray, I wanna kiss you."

"You reek of alcohol. No way!"

"Don't you want to kiss me? Why do your eyes keep drifting down?"

Although I had turned away, I couldn't help but turn around for another look.

"Come on, Ray. Let Sunny kiss you—"

"Well, I am okay with that," I said as a scheme popped into my mind.

Shawn dazedly stared at me. "Hm?"

"Call me darling first."

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