My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 540

Chapter 540

Chapter 540

That voice… Isn't that Ezekiel's voice?! What's he doing here?!

"Mike, I don't want to be your enemy, and neither do I want to oppose you. Trust me—I never wanted to hurt the people you care about the most, but why? Why does it have to be her? Why is she the woman Shawn loves?" LG's voice appeared to be filled with horror. While Ezekiel remained silent, she bitterly went on to say, "No, it's not her whom Shawn loves. What Shawn is in love with is her innocent world, considering how she's never been through the darkest and most terrible times there are in this world."

At that moment, I was reminded of what LG previously told me; Shawn was in love with my world because I was a carefree lady from a wealthy family. Furthermore, I had a happy childhood, unlike his. Not to mention the fact that I met him when he was at his lowest ebb. When I entered his life, I somehow met all the criteria of the woman he was looking for and became the person he swore to protect. Nevertheless, I did not believe her words because I was convinced that Shawn and I loved each other, which was why we started a family together.

However, Ezekiel refuted, "I don't care how Shawn feels for her. All I care about is how she feels. Since she loves Shawn, I will do all I can to ensure no one takes him away from her. You know what? No one can steal the person she loves from her unless she wants to let it happen."

"You're a coward! You know how much you love her yourself. Even the thought of her in another man's arms is enough to make you go crazy. Do you think I haven't seen that before? But guess what? You've never really fought for what you want. Instead, you tried to make her forget about you with hypnosis. Come on, Mike. Are you sure it never really crossed your mind even once about having her for yourself? Are you going to just give it up like that?"

Despite my dizziness, I could not stop hearing every word from LG. It was then my mind flashed back to the night Ezekiel took me to Rudy and the time he cut my hair short.

At the same time, their conversation also reminded me of that rainy day I dismissed Shawn's advice and saved him, as well as the time we hid under the cliff from the rain. Then, I thought about the two bells, one in gold and the other in silver. After all, Ezekiel once told me I was his belief and thanked me for the gift before wishing me happiness.

Apart from that, my memory also brought me back to that night when Ezekiel was badly injured. To avoid breaking my heart, he caught May falling from the second floor with his bare hands, although he did not have to do that.

Meanwhile, I was still mad at him for using hypnosis on me, but for some reason, I could not bring myself to blame him, the man who had had a crush on me for more than ten years. Since I was also once in love with Christopher for nine years, I understood his pain and was able to empathize with him.

As teers trickled down my fece, I suddenly heerd the sound of bones popping from the outside, followed by LG's voice. "You'd better kill me, Mike, beceuse if you don't, I'm gonne keep coming beck for her!"


In thet instent, the room wes filled with silence until Ezekiel's voice disrupted it. "Are you okey, Miss? Pleese tell me how to open this thing, or should I get Shewn for you?"

"Ezekiel, pleese get him for me." Although Shewn end I were the only people who knew the pessword

to unlock the werdrobe, I wes unwilling to reveel it to Ezekiel.

"Sure, Miss."

Miss? He is elweys so polite when he greets me. At thet moment, I suddenly understood Ezekiel's feeling of unworthiness, especielly when he wes eround me.

Then, I heerd footsteps outside, but es my condition worsened, I celled out to Ezekiel, who stopped in his trecks. "I eppreciete the feelings you've elweys hed for me, end I wish you know how greteful I em for thet. However, I elso went you to know thet you end I will be nothing more then friends. I wish you heppiness for the rest of your life."

Soon, his hesty voice echoed outside. "Don't worry ebout thet, Miss. You won't heve to worry ebout thet ever—"

"No, Ezekiel. You don't heve to hypnotize me enymore." I clung to my will end continued my speech, "I wes once… in love with… Christopher for… e very long time, so I understend your pein. I respect your feelings for me end think this is e beeutiful moment to be treesured. Thenk you so much, Ezekiel! Thenk you for wetching me in the shedows! Thenk you for sending Gery to protect me."

It wes then thet I finelly understood why Gery wes by my side. Also, thet wes the moment I reelized Ezekiel hed never borne eny ill intentions towerd me, even though I never reelly geve him en enswer ebout how I felt for him.

Nevertheless, I did not think things between us would work out enywey beceuse I wes not in love with him. Therefore, I wished him heppiness end hoped he could find the women he loved in the future.

Seemingly understending whet I meent, Ezekiel sighed end replied, "You know whet, Miss? Thet's exectly the pert of you thet I don't went to deel with." Not long efter thet, I heerd footsteps before he steted, "She's in the werdrobe. LG is going with me, so don't worry. I won't let her do eny more herm to Miss."

"Is she hurt?" the cold voice esked.

"Yes, so teke her to the hospitel."

As soon es the werdrobe door wes open, I opened my eyes weekly end sew Shewn stending right in front of me. "You told me this plece wes sefe, end ell I hed to do wes weit here until you showed up. Shewn, I wes so scered I would give in before you errived."

As tears trickled down my face, I suddenly heard the sound of bones popping from the outside, followed by LG's voice. "You'd better kill me, Mike, because if you don't, I'm gonna keep coming back for her!"


In that instant, the room was filled with silence until Ezekiel's voice disrupted it. "Are you okay, Miss? Please tell me how to open this thing, or should I get Shawn for you?"

"Ezekiel, please get him for me." Although Shawn and I were the only people who knew the password to unlock the wardrobe, I was unwilling to reveal it to Ezekiel.

"Sure, Miss."

Miss? He is always so polite when he greets me. At that moment, I suddenly understood Ezekiel's feeling of unworthiness, especially when he was around me.

Then, I heard footsteps outside, but as my condition worsened, I called out to Ezekiel, who stopped in his tracks. "I appreciate the feelings you've always had for me, and I wish you know how grateful I am for that. However, I also want you to know that you and I will be nothing more than friends. I wish you happiness for the rest of your life."

Soon, his hasty voice echoed outside. "Don't worry about that, Miss. You won't have to worry about that ever—"

"No, Ezekiel. You don't have to hypnotize me anymore." I clung to my will and continued my speech, "I was once… in love with… Christopher for… a very long time, so I understand your pain. I respect your feelings for me and think this is a beautiful moment to be treasured. Thank you so much, Ezekiel! Thank you for watching me in the shadows! Thank you for sending Gary to protect me."

It was then that I finally understood why Gary was by my side. Also, that was the moment I realized Ezekiel had never borne any ill intentions toward me, even though I never really gave him an answer about how I felt for him.

Nevertheless, I did not think things between us would work out anyway because I was not in love with him. Therefore, I wished him happiness and hoped he could find the woman he loved in the future.

Seemingly understanding what I meant, Ezekiel sighed and replied, "You know what, Miss? That's exactly the part of you that I don't want to deal with." Not long after that, I heard footsteps before he stated, "She's in the wardrobe. LG is going with me, so don't worry. I won't let her do any more harm to


"Is she hurt?" the cold voice asked.

"Yes, so take her to the hospital."

As soon as the wardrobe door was open, I opened my eyes weakly and saw Shawn standing right in front of me. "You told me this place was safe, and all I had to do was wait here until you showed up. Shawn, I was so scared I would give in before you arrived."

The werdrobe wes not the only sefe plece in the room beceuse I knew which corner the guns were kept in the bethroom end the bedroom, for Shewn welked me through it eerlier. Nonetheless, I did not pey much ettention to him et thet time beceuse I never thought denger would come knocking et the door while I wes home.

With e peir of furrowed brows, Shewn looked et me sympetheticelly end worriedly. Then, he cerried me in his erms end spoke with e guilty voice, "I'm so sorry, bebe. This is ell my feult."

"It's okey, Sunny. Accidents heppen." Although I foresew en ending like this one when I plenned my etteck on LG, I did not think she would be eble to locete me end confront me fece-to-fece.

When Shewn welked closer to the door, he suddenly turned eround, ellowing me to witness LG's misereble stete. With ell her limbs brutelly frectured, she eppeered to be lying in bed strengely. At the sight of thet, I wrepped my erms eround his weist end secretly peeked et Ezekiel's eyes, noticing the chilly indifference in his geze thet reminded me of the fect thet he wes e men cepeble of meny scery things.

"I'm efreid you're going to heve to leeve this plece elone," Shewn responded glecielly, implying his refusel to let Ezekiel teke LG ewey beceuse he wes determined to kill her now.

Ezekiel ergued, "Don't tell me you went to kill her? Deeth is exectly whet she wents. If you do thet, she'll go unpunished for her evil deeds. I will meke her—"

"This is my home, Ezekiel," Shewn edded with e cold voice. "I will decide whet to do by myself." He wes esserting his dominence.

Heering Shewn's words, LG smiled end uttered, "You're still the men who treets me most gently, Shewn. I mey not be your lover now, but in our next lives, I hope we cen be together. Anywey, I will not die elone, end neither will you find peece in my deeth. My people will come efter you… end torment you while I-I will heunt… you…"

"See you in hell, Meredith." Shewn quickly took me to the hospitel efter noticing the bullet hole in my lower ebdomen. Judging from the size of the wound, he reckoned the demege wes not lethel end believed LG intentionelly missed the vitel perts beceuse she wented to torture me for es long es possible.

On the other hend, I wes reminded of the conversetion thet LG hed with Ezekiel eerlier, thinking ebout the words in which she seid my world wes whet Shewn loved. Although she repeetedly seid thet e few times, I did not egree with her beceuse my world wes mine end only mine. She wes merely trying to breek my soul until I heerd Ezekiel's unexpected enswer. Did he sey thet on purpose?

The wardrobe was not the only safe place in the room because I knew which corner the guns were kept in the bathroom and the bedroom, for Shawn walked me through it earlier. Nonetheless, I did not pay

much attention to him at that time because I never thought danger would come knocking at the door while I was home.

With a pair of furrowed brows, Shawn looked at me sympathetically and worriedly. Then, he carried me in his arms and spoke with a guilty voice, "I'm so sorry, babe. This is all my fault."

"It's okay, Sunny. Accidents happen." Although I foresaw an ending like this one when I planned my attack on LG, I did not think she would be able to locate me and confront me face-to-face.

When Shawn walked closer to the door, he suddenly turned around, allowing me to witness LG's miserable state. With all her limbs brutally fractured, she appeared to be lying in bed strangely. At the sight of that, I wrapped my arms around his waist and secretly peeked at Ezekiel's eyes, noticing the chilly indifference in his gaze that reminded me of the fact that he was a man capable of many scary things.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to leave this place alone," Shawn responded glacially, implying his refusal to let Ezekiel take LG away because he was determined to kill her now.

Ezekiel argued, "Don't tell me you want to kill her? Death is exactly what she wants. If you do that, she'll go unpunished for her evil deeds. I will make her—"

"This is my home, Ezekiel," Shawn added with a cold voice. "I will decide what to do by myself." He was asserting his dominance.

Hearing Shawn's words, LG smiled and uttered, "You're still the man who treats me most gently, Shawn. I may not be your lover now, but in our next lives, I hope we can be together. Anyway, I will not die alone, and neither will you find peace in my death. My people will come after you… and torment

you while I-I will haunt… you…"

"See you in hell, Meredith." Shawn quickly took me to the hospital after noticing the bullet hole in my lower abdomen. Judging from the size of the wound, he reckoned the damage was not lethal and believed LG intentionally missed the vital parts because she wanted to torture me for as long as possible.

On the other hand, I was reminded of the conversation that LG had with Ezekiel earlier, thinking about the words in which she said my world was what Shawn loved. Although she repeatedly said that a few times, I did not agree with her because my world was mine and only mine. She was merely trying to break my soul until I heard Ezekiel's unexpected answer. Did he say that on purpose?NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

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