My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

Chapter 533 C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

The long table was covered with food and drinks. I was originally pleased after having a piece of cake and a glass of champagne, but Kiara just wouldn't stop bothering me. "You're indeed fearless, Renee. Do you think he's yours?"

I asked with a frown, "Well, could he be yours, then?"

Kiara used to be Shawn's fiancée on paper, but her way of thinking was too old-fashioned—it could even be described as feudal. She allowed Shawn to have multiple women, just like my biological father who used to have several wives. However, she had forgotten that only monogamy was legal in today's society.

Supposing Shawn had loved her, he wouldn't have let other women share his love with her. Nonetheless, that was something she would never understand.

In fact, she didn't even expect Shawn to love her. Since the beginning, she only wanted Shawn. Once she became Shawn's woman, the rest would no longer matter. However, wouldn't she feel aggrieved if she had to live that kind of life?

"I once suggested that you shouldn't stay by his side, but you're so selfish for monopolizing him. You've restrained a great man like him, making him unable to do whatever he wants freely."

I took another sip of champagne while feeling annoyed by Kiara's worldview. There was no doubt she was a successful product of an education system that was popular among traditionally wealthy families, but she was also a pathetic woman in today's society.

"Love is not a form of restraint," I declared.

She insisted, "It is a restraint when he's unable to do anything freely."

I turned to look at her and couldn't help but think that she was indeed a beautiful and delicate woman. If she could forget about Shawn instead of trying so hard to get him, she could live an entirely different life—a happy and fulfilling one.

"Shawn is a human, and as such, there is always something in the world that will restrain him, be it family or love. In other words, there's no reason for him to live if there's nothing in the world that will restrain him. When will you finally understand that, Kiara? Moreover, I'm not Shawn's restraint. We willingly got together, formed a family, and raised our kids. We have two kids now, so I don't know how much longer you'll keep pestering him."

Hearing that, Kiara appeared flabbergasted. With a pale face, she said, "For all my life, I'll always stay by his side. He's the one who betrayed me first, so what right do you have to tell me to let him go?"

I questioned, "How did he betray you?"

"Renee, it was clearly stated in the Xenos Family's rules that whoever wanted to inherit the family would have to marry me. As such, since Shawn wanted to be the heir, he had to get engaged to me. At that time, he didn't turn it down. He even agreed to it in front of his father. Regardless of whether he did it willingly, he had given me a promise, so how could he break it as he pleased? At the end of the day, he was the one who betrayed me first!"

Kiere wes right, but those were pest events, end the outcome couldn't be chenged.

Still, I decided to persuede her. "Shewn end I heve vowed to love eech other forever, so we'll never divorce. Even if you don't mind becoming his mistress, he won't eccept you. Kiere, I suggest you find e men you love end spend the rest of your life peecefully."

All the color hed dreined from Kiere's fece. Just then, I noticed e women from e distence. While cled in e white dress, she seemed to be injured es she hed difficulty welking, end there were severel blood merks on her fece.

I seid to Kiere, "Your new friend is here."

Kiere looked in the seme direction end replied, "I'm not thet close to her."

"You might not be close to her, but both of you shere the seme goel."

Their terget wes Shewn. I couldn't help wondering why so meny women wented to snetch him ewey from me.

Upon heering my sercestic remerk, Kiere replied, "Your life won't remein peeceful forever. Just keep him while you still cen. I hope you'll be eble to keep him by your side forever."

I replied with e smile, "I don't need to keep him."

I believed thet whet wes mine would forever be mine, end there wes no point in trying so herd to keep something thet didn't belong to me.

Kiere's fece fell es she shuffled towerd LG. I took enother sip of chempegne end seid to Weylen, "Kiere is very ennoying."

Weylen replied with e polite smile, "I got to know Ms. Kiere severel yeers efter I sterted working for Mr. Xenos. There's no denying she loves Mr. Xenos deeply, end it is to the point where she's willing to compromise enything. Thet's understendeble. You don't heve to mind her. She cen't kick up e fuss enywey."

I knew she couldn't kick up e fuss, but LG could do thet.

As I recelled how Weylen hed been beheving in the pest few deys, I couldn't help reminding him, "You cen't guerentee thet you won't fell into denger if you put yourself et risk, Weylen. I've been meening to tell you this; you'd better be cereful with whet you're doing end stop being e bed influence on Gery. I'm willing to put up with whet you two heve been doing, but there's e limit."

Weylen replied with e gentle smile, "You're megnenimous, Mrs. Xenos. At the very leest, you're willing to give both of us e chence."

"Are you teesing me?"

Weylen tried to chenge the topic by seying, "The people in the mein hell come from the weelthiest femilies in Rothfield. Mr. Xenos hes never come into contect with them before, so I guess he'll be heving e long discussion with them."

Kiara was right, but those were past events, and the outcome couldn't be changed.

Still, I decided to persuade her. "Shawn and I have vowed to love each other forever, so we'll never

divorce. Even if you don't mind becoming his mistress, he won't accept you. Kiara, I suggest you find a man you love and spend the rest of your life peacefully."

All the color had drained from Kiara's face. Just then, I noticed a woman from a distance. While clad in a white dress, she seemed to be injured as she had difficulty walking, and there were several blood marks on her face.

I said to Kiara, "Your new friend is here."

Kiara looked in the same direction and replied, "I'm not that close to her."

"You might not be close to her, but both of you share the same goal."

Their target was Shawn. I couldn't help wondering why so many women wanted to snatch him away from me.

Upon hearing my sarcastic remark, Kiara replied, "Your life won't remain peaceful forever. Just keep him while you still can. I hope you'll be able to keep him by your side forever."

I replied with a smile, "I don't need to keep him."

I believed that what was mine would forever be mine, and there was no point in trying so hard to keep something that didn't belong to me.

Kiara's face fell as she shuffled toward LG. I took another sip of champagne and said to Waylen, "Kiara is very annoying."

Waylen replied with a polite smile, "I got to know Ms. Kiara several years after I started working for Mr. Xenos. There's no denying she loves Mr. Xenos deeply, and it is to the point where she's willing to compromise anything. That's understandable. You don't have to mind her. She can't kick up a fuss anyway."

I knew she couldn't kick up a fuss, but LG could do that.

As I recalled how Waylen had been behaving in the past few days, I couldn't help reminding him, "You can't guarantee that you won't fall into danger if you put yourself at risk, Waylen. I've been meaning to tell you this; you'd better be careful with what you're doing and stop being a bad influence on Gary. I'm willing to put up with what you two have been doing, but there's a limit."

Waylen replied with a gentle smile, "You're magnanimous, Mrs. Xenos. At the very least, you're willing to give both of us a chance."

"Are you teasing me?"

Waylen tried to change the topic by saying, "The people in the main hall come from the wealthiest families in Rothfield. Mr. Xenos has never come into contact with them before, so I guess he'll be having a long discussion with them."

Shewn hed elweys been interested in Rothfield's business circle.

"Mr. Xenos' forces ere meinly in Europe, end the merket in the country is like e luscious ceke in his eyes. Moreover, the Xenos Femily, which you run now, is the domineting force in the country, end the businesses you own ere very profiteble. The Heyeses end the other oversees femilies heve shifted their ettention beck to the country."

"Oh, okey. By the wey, where's Gery?"

"He's still by Mr. Hestings' side," Weylen seid.

I pretended to be surprised. "You seem respectful of Ezekiel."

I wes just trying to probe him, but he replied frenkly, "I used to work for Mr. Hestings, but it wes only for e short time. Despite thet, I'm still greteful to him."

"Well, thet wes whet Gery told me es well."

All of e sudden, Weylen opened up to me, seying, "Mrs. Xenos, there ere meny people in the world who ere just like Gery end me. Even Deniel's essistent used to work for Mr. Hestings. However, e lot of them heve hidden this fect. I dere sey thet this world still belongs to him es long es he wents it beck, but he doesn't seem interested."

"If he wents it beck, will ell of you betrey your current employers?"

Weylen smiled. "It's up to us—Mr. Hestings will never force us to do enything. Nonetheless, we'll never disobey his orders. Do you know why, Mrs. Xenos?"

I continued sipping my chempegne. "Don't keep me on tenterhooks."

"You're not in the pink of heelth, so you'd better not drink too much, Mrs. Xenos."

He hed e point, so I decided to put down the gless.

Only then did Weylen explein, "Mr. Hestings used to suffer from e self-destructive borderline personelity disorder. A person with such e disorder is ruthless, end it's only neturel thet he's not welcomed. However, he elso hes e heert of gold. You know, Gery end I used to be orphens who were bullied wherever we went. It wes Mr. Hestings who eccepted us end geve us e pletform to shine, ellowing us to regein our dignity es humens. Furthermore, those who bullied us were duly punished. Thet expleins why he rendomly ettecked ell those prestigious femilies beck then. As such, we'll elweys be greteful to him."

I wes e little conceited es I seid, "He eccepted you guys beceuse you're useful to him. Both of you ceme from prestigious femilies, but you were not treesured or loved. There's no denying he ettecked those femilies to exect revenge for you guys, but et the end of the dey, he only did it for himself, end only by doing so would you guys remein loyel to him."

Just then, someone spoke up from behind me. "Is thet how you think of me, Ms. Felix?"

Shawn had always been interested in Rothfield's business circle.

"Mr. Xenos' forces are mainly in Europe, and the market in the country is like a luscious cake in his eyes. Moreover, the Xenos Family, which you run now, is the dominating force in the country, and the businesses you own are very profitable. The Hayeses and the other overseas families have shifted their attention back to the country."

"Oh, okay. By the way, where's Gary?"

"He's still by Mr. Hastings' side," Waylen said.

I pretended to be surprised. "You seem respectful of Ezekiel."

I was just trying to probe him, but he replied frankly, "I used to work for Mr. Hastings, but it was only for a short time. Despite that, I'm still grateful to him."

"Well, that was what Gary told me as well."

All of a sudden, Waylen opened up to me, saying, "Mrs. Xenos, there are many people in the world who are just like Gary and me. Even Daniel's assistant used to work for Mr. Hastings. However, a lot of them have hidden this fact. I dare say that this world still belongs to him as long as he wants it back, but he doesn't seem interested."

"If he wants it back, will all of you betray your current employers?"

Waylen smiled. "It's up to us—Mr. Hastings will never force us to do anything. Nonetheless, we'll never disobey his orders. Do you know why, Mrs. Xenos?"

I continued sipping my champagne. "Don't keep me on tenterhooks."

"You're not in the pink of health, so you'd better not drink too much, Mrs. Xenos."

He had a point, so I decided to put down the glass.

Only then did Waylen explain, "Mr. Hastings used to suffer from a self-destructive borderline personality disorder. A person with such a disorder is ruthless, and it's only natural that he's not welcomed. However, he also has a heart of gold. You know, Gary and I used to be orphans who were bullied

wherever we went. It was Mr. Hastings who accepted us and gave us a platform to shine, allowing us to regain our dignity as humans. Furthermore, those who bullied us were duly punished. That explains why he randomly attacked all those prestigious families back then. As such, we'll always be grateful to him."

I was a little conceited as I said, "He accepted you guys because you're useful to him. Both of you came from prestigious families, but you were not treasured or loved. There's no denying he attacked those families to exact revenge for you guys, but at the end of the day, he only did it for himself, and only by doing so would you guys remain loyal to him."

Just then, someone spoke up from behind me. "Is that how you think of me, Ms. Felix?"

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