My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 97

Kenneth POV

I can’t believe that b**ch thought I would let her stay here. She is poison and she served the only purpose I had for her. I walk into the cottage and Derrick is sitting at the table staring at the wall. He hasn’t been right since we took those two b.rats. “You want to tell me what your problem is.” “I appreciate that you took me in when my pack was killed by that fvcking coven, I really do.” He pauses I’m sure trying to sugar coat his next words. “Just spit it out Derrick.” “I made a huge mistake once rejecting my mate because of an Alpha who thought he knew better than the goddess.” “I will not make the mistake of following a leader who is willing to kill and kidnap innocent people for revenge.” I honestly thought you would come to your senses before it ever got this far.” “Your brother killed innocent wolves and was an evil bastard.” I growl and head toward him. I grab him by the throat, slamming him against the wall. “Well, it’s a little too late considering Gabriella Lyons is dead.” “You don’t speak about my brother or I will snap your fvcking neck.” His eyes meet mine “its never too late to do the right thing.” I release him and step back. “What does that mean Derrick?” “I would rather be alone then continue to stay a member of this collective and hurt people for your agenda.” “No one is keeping you here against your will but remember I have no problem ending you.”

He stands heading toward a bedroom he has been using. When he comes out, he has a bag and walks out the door without a word to me. I can’t believe that he would just leave. He has been with my collective for fifteen years. He was more of a brother to me than Lawrence was. It’s the only reason I just didn’t snap his neck for his words against Lawrence. I still need to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. I link Maurice to come to my cottage. He walks in “what’s up Kenneth?” “I want you to follow Derrick.” He looks at me with confusion written all over his face. Derrick is my second in command and I’ve never trusted anyone like I trust him. “Derrick has left the collective and I need to

know if he is planning on betraying us.” “I want you to follow him and report back to me anything suspicious.” “Of course,” he says and heads out of the cottage.

Serina POV

My parents had me come back to the pack after the ceremony last night with Uncle Levi and Aunt Tracey. I was exhausted after the ceremony and I didn’t argue. I feel like they didn’t tell me the real reason, but I trust my parents. I love spending time with my aunt and uncle anyway. We had training early today and I’m glad I didn’t miss it. I want to make sure that when I’m of age to take my Alpha role by Gabby’s side I’m ready. I have no intention of waiting for my mate to have my ceremony. Training isn’t as fun without Gabby by my side. Nicholas is too busy with his friends and the she-wolves who are paying him attention to hang out with me. We are just finishing up our run. I grab my bag and start to head for the pack house. My parents, Gabby, and Lake will be back soon.

As I walk across the field, I feel like someone is watching me. I turn to look around but the only person I see is Cynthia. “Hey little one, are you alright?” “Do you know that I’m almost as big as you?” She laughs “I know you are but you will always be little one.” I roll my eyes “I’m alright just missing my sister.” “She was just here yesterday morning” she chuckles at me. “I know, I just mean we were always together and now I have to share her with Lake.” “Don’t get me wrong, I love Lake and that’s she is happy.” “I just have to get used to things being different.” She places her arm around my back. “How about you hang out with me and some of the other girls until Gabby gets back?”

That might be a good idea. I’m going to need to get to know the pack better. This will give me a chance to let them know who I am too. I need to learn to do and enjoy things without having Gabby with me even if I hate it. “What are you planning on doing?” “We are just going to hang out near the lake.” “Alright, let me get cleaned up and I’ll meet you back here.” She smiles and nods at me. I run up to my room and once I’m showered, I throw on jeans and a t-shirt. I start down the hallway and when I reach the top of the stairs, I hear my aunt call me. “Where are you going”, my aunt asks. I turn and she smiles at me. “The girls invited me to go to the lake with them.” “That’s nice, your parents will be back in an

hour and I’m sure they will want to see you, so not too long, ok.” “Of course” I say and hug her before I had back to the pack yard. Cynthia is waiting and we head up the path. When we reach the lake, no one is waiting. I turn to Cynthia “where are the other girls? ” “I’m sure they are on their way, don’t worry.” “Don’t worry Serina, I’m here” a voice said from behind me and I immediately feel sick to my stomach.

Atticus POV

I’m in my office trying to get an idea of the finances of the pack. I still can’t believe all that has happened since yesterday. Our ceremony was amazing. I’m glad that Jessica was dealt with but my heart broke to hear what she and Raymond had truly done to Lake’s mother. I know Lake will get through this with Gabby by his side but it is still hard to know exactly how evil his father was. I knew they were both evil to the core, but I had no idea just how evil. Everyone left an hour ago to head back to Scarlett Rose and it still seems strange that we won’t be with them. The door opens, bringing me out of my thoughts and my beautiful mate walks in with a tray of food. “You need to take a break, Atticus” she says setting the tray on a table. I stand walking over and pull her into my arms. “I’m blessed to have found you and I will show you every day of our lives.” She turns in my arms and wraps her arms around my neck. I press my l!ps to hers and deepen the k!ss. I’m just about to lift her for something far better than food when I get a link from a patrol guard. I pull back from Monica but I don’t let her go. “Alpha, there is a rogue here that is insisting on seeing you.” I growl “what does he want?” “He wants to make things right.” “It is the only thing he has told us, Alpha.”

“Bring him to my office now.” I look back into Monica’s beautiful eyes. “Love, I have to meet with a rogue and I would prefer that you not be near him.” The fire I love flashes in her eyes. “No way, I am not an arm piece.” “I am your partner and Luna.” “I am also a warrior.” “Fine, I know your strong I just worry especially when it’s a wolf with no honor.” “Atticus just because they are rogues doesn’t always mean they don’t have honor.” “Your right, I just will never understand not wanting to be part of a pack.” “They are just not in the traditional pack dynamic.” I smile and peck her l!ps before we take our seatsAll rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

behind the desk. A knock sounds on the door and the guard leads the rogue in. He looks defeated, but until I know exactly what he supposedly wants to make right, I do not trust his intentions are pure. “Take a seat” I say motioning with my head. He walks over and sits while the guard leaves, closing the door. “What is your business here?” Monica shoots me a look. “Sir, what is your name?” “My name is Derrick Treble and I have come to make right what was done to the Scarlett Rose’s Alpha.”

Monica and I exchange a look. “He must be part of the rogues that were helping that b**ch.” I snap my head in his direction. “You helped that b**ch hurt my Alpha’s and kidnap children.” He drops his head and I’m ready to rip him apart. The door to the office opens, Brian, Leslie, and the girls walk in. Brian roars when he sees the man, but we are all in shock when the girls run to the rogue hugging him. “Derrick” they squeal and he hugs them back. Now I’m thoroughly confused. Leslie walks over and pulls the girls back. “Girls, isn’t this the man that helped take you from mommy and daddy”, Brian asks. “He was in the bad place but he protected us from the mean people.” “He was nice and promised that he would get us back to you no matter what” Molly says. Brian walks toward him and sticks out his hand. Derrick stands taking his hand. “Thank you for protecting my pups from those two evil ba**ards.” “You’re welcome, I’m just sorry I didn’t stop them to begin with.” “I knew they would kill me and then the girls would be alone with them.” “See I told you so” I hear Monica’s voice in my mind and I chuckle. “Yes, love you were right.”

After we let Derrick know that Gabby is in fact alive and well, I can see his face brighten. “Derrick, you said you came to make things right but it seems that the children are safe and Gabby wasn’t actually harmed.” “You have nothing left to atone for.” “I appreciate that but I have known Kenneth for fifteen years and when he realizes that the Alpha isn’t dead, he will not stop until Archer Lyons suffers.” “I would like to let the Alphas know where the collective is staying so Kenneth can be dealt with.” “Most of the collective is good wolves who have no idea the evil their leader is doing.” I turn to Brian “I think that you, Leslie, and the girls should stay here until we deal with Kenneth.” He nods “we appreciate that Atticus.” “Good, hopefully we can deal with him quickly.” “Monica and I are going to take Derrick to the

Scarlett Rose so he can speak with the Alphas and Archer.” We head out the SUV and head for the pack.

Gabriella POV

Lake has been pretty quiet since he learned what the b**ch and his father did to his mother. He held me all night. I don’t even know if he slept. He was quiet during the drive but never let go of my hand. The gate opens and both of our vehicles drive through. My parents park first and we all get out at the same time. As we head toward the pack house, I see Cynthia running in our direction. She falls down right in front of me. I bend down to help her up and she is sobbing. “Cynthia, what’s wrong, did someone hurt you?” She looks up into my eyes “no one hurt me.” “I’m so sorry Gabby, he took Serina.” “I didn’t know he was going to take her.” I stiffen at her words and my hand tightens on her arm. “Who took my sister?”

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