My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 70

Lake POV

“What the hell are you doing Lake” Razor asks me. “What are you talking about?” “Why are you k!ssing that snake?” “Razor, you don’t feel a pull to her at all?” “Hell no, I don’t.” “She is not our mate.” “She is a conniving b**ch that we can’t stand.” “What the hell is wrong with you?” “Do you feel any tingles where you just touched her?” “How about her scent?” “Does her scent invade your nostrils making you crazy.” The answer to all his questions is no. I’m so confused, I feel a pull to her but it’s not a mate pull. I’ve never felt the mate pull but I know I don’t have the feelings that Razor is asking me about. Before I can figure out what’s happening my father links me to get downstairs for my ceremony. I step back from her. “I need to get down to the ceremony, we can talk about this more later.” She smiles and goes to k!ss me again but I avoid her l!ps this time. “We need to talk later before anymore k!ssing happens.” The sadness on her face makes my heart hurt but I turn before I can say anymore. I start down the hallway everything that just happened replaying in my mind. “Razor are you sure you feel nothing toward her or her wolf.” “F**k no, something is definitely wrong with you.” “I don’t know what she did but do you remember how you felt about her yesterday?” I think back to yesterday and I know he is right but I don’t feel that way now. Now I feel like I need her and we belong together. I head down the stairs with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I say a prayer to the goddess to help me figure this out.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs my father is waiting. He looks annoyed as usual his earlier smile gone. “I thought you were going to get Belinda for the ceremony.” Now I know something isn’t right. He has been pushing us together and all of the sudden I’m drawn to her. I would love to say my father wouldn’t do that to me but I know him well enough to know he would. I’m not going to say anything right now until I figure out exactly what’s happening. “She is finishing getting ready and she’ll be down for the ceremony.” “It seems she was having a little argument with Jessica.” He has a look of concern flash across his face but it’s gone as quickly as it came. He nods and we head out to the garden where the

ceremony is taking place. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and hopefully settle the rock in my stomach. “You ready for this Alpha” I hear from my right side. I turn to see Jason smiling as he slaps me on my back. “Yes, I am and it’s your turn in a week.” He nods and takes his seat. My father rolls his eyes at our exchange and we head for the stage. Everything is set up for the ceremony and Elder Bradford shakes our hands when we reach him. “Are you ready to do this Lake” he asks. “Yes, Elder I am.” He smiles and pats my back before turning to address the pack members.

“Darkmoon pack we have gathered today for the momentous occasion of the changing of power of this pack.” “Your leader Alpha Raymond has been a wonderful Alpha to this pack for many years.” “The ultimate sign of a good leader is to recognize when it’s time for power to change hands.” “Despite losing his mate he has done a great job raising Lake Solace as the next Alpha to this pack.” “Without further delay let us make Lake the Alpha he was born to be.” My father steps forward taking the dagger and slices his hand. His blood dripping down into the chalice. His hand heals but I can see its still slow from the silver taking its toll on his system. He places his hand by his side and I step up to the elder. “Lake Solace make your vow to the pack” he says. I take the chalice in my hand. “I, Lake Connor Solace, vow to put the packs needs above my own.” “I vow to be a fair and kind Alpha to all my pack members.” “I vow to lead my pack with honor at all times and be the leader they deserve.” The elder waves his hand for me to take the blood and I drink from the chalice. I immediately feel the connection to my pack. It’s overwhelming at first but I’m able to block and gain control of my thoughts.

“Darkmoon it si with great pleasure I present your new leader, Alpha Lake Solace.” The entire pack bares their necks to me. Some shift and I can feel Razor’s pride as he gains the respect of the wolves. “Your Alpha, will now lead you in a pack run.” “All wolves of shifting age please join your new Alpha to show your support.” I step off the stage and once I’m undressed, I shift into Razor. The shift is smooth and painless now. We take off and the pack follows me as we run the territory border. It’s an amazing feeling as I know the faith these wolves have in me. I will do everything in my power to be the leader they deserve. After the run we head back and I throw my clothes back on. I notice that Jessica is standing next to my father and Belinda is standing near them. As soon as I’m dressed, she rushes over

trying to hug me. I don’t want to make a scene so I embrace her before I step back. Jason comes over and rescues me. He pulls me into a hug. “I see she hasn’t gotten the message yet.” “No but I’ll deal with it later” is all I say before I turn to the crowd. “Let’s all head inside for dinner and enjoy this celebration.” The pack breaks out into howls and we walk toward the pack house. Belinda attempts to take my hand but I put them in my pockets to avoid having to say anything. “Just tell her to fvck off already” Razor says. “I need to figure out what is going on first.” “If you’re even thinking about mating her it will never happen Lake.” “I will not mark that b**ch, she is not our mate.” I push him to the back of my mind. I can’t deal with this right now. I trust Razor completely but I can’t shake this feeling that I need her.

There is appetizers and drinks before dinner is served. Jason thankfully follows me around as I go to thank all the pack members. When we make it halfway around the room, I notice Atticus is walking about the dining room. “Lake I’ll be right back, I need to use the bathroom before dinner” Jason says. I nod and he leaves as I continue to watch Atticus. It isn’t odd as other warriors are doing the same. I just still can’t shake the thought of him talking to Jessica on the stairs. He is my father’s most trusted warrior and knows how the pack runs. If he is betraying my father, I will kill him myself. He bares his neck when he comes to stand next to me. “Congratulations Alpha, I look forward to serving you as I have your father.” “Thank you, Atticus.” “If you’ll excuse me, I have some duties to attend to.” I nod and he walks away. Jason rejoins me asking about what Atticus wanted. I told Jason about seeing Atticus with Jessica when we had the meeting in my office. “He was congratulating me and pledging to serve me as he has done my father.” “Do you still think he and Jessica are working together” Jason asks me. “I don’t know anything for sure yet but I have every intention to find out.”

We take our seats at the table and thankfully Jason sits next to me. I expect my father to sit on my other side but he pulls the chair out for Belinda to sit. I’ll be happy when this night is over and I can figure out exactly what’s happening. I watch as food is being brought out table by table. I know Jessica won’t be serving my dad today but what if someone is helping her. My father isn’t exactly loved by our pack members. I hate that I have to worry about this every time he eats or drinks something now. Our

table is next to be served. I insisted the pack be served first which my father wasn’t happy with but he stayed quiet about it. Generally, the Alpha table is served first. The omegas start to serve each of us. I watch as my father’s plate is set down in front of him. He must notice me staring in his direction. “Lake just eat, I had the warriors watching the kitchen staff today” he links me. “Was Atticus one of those warriors?” “I’m not sure if he was doing it himself or if he a.ssigned others, why?” “I saw him talking to Jessica the other day.” I see a flash of something on his face but I can’t tell exactly what it is before he links me again. “Enough Lake, I told you she has nothing to do with this.” “She has nothing to gain, I’m not even Alpha anymore.” He picks up his fork and starts to eat.

Honestly after everything with Belinda and the ceremony I’m not hungry but everyone is watching me to eat as the Alpha. I take a few bites and just begin talking with everyone at the table. Ten minutes into the conversation I start to feel really hot all over just like I did when I shifted the first time. I feel a little dizzy too. “Lake, are you alright” Jason asks. A scream gets my attention and I turn to see Jessica shaking my father. Before I can do anything, darkness takes me under. I can’t feel anything, not even Razor.

Unknown POV

We are in the pack hospital in a waiting area away from the crowd that followed us when Raymond and Lake went down in the dining room. “I think it worked this time.” “That ba**ard ate the whole plate and drank the entire drink” Jessica says. “You better hope it worked on both of them or you are going to have a bigger issue, Jessica.” “Lake hates you and I’m sure he is going to be all over your a** if he wakes up and Raymond is dead.” “Well then you better do your job and make sure he and his father are dead.” “If I get caught in this, I won’t be going down alone so you better do your job.” She may be a good lay but she is more of a pain in the a** then anything. When she approached me that she could make me Alpha if we got rid of these two ba**ards I jumped at the chance. I know I can’t trust her but she has just as much to lose as I do. Raymond has looked down at me all my life and Lake is useless. He has no idea what it means to be a warrior. He shouldn’t be Alpha. He has never trained like I haveNôvelDrama.Org content.

or had to work for anything in his privileged life. He is a pathetic wolf who isn’t worthy to be Alpha of the Darkmoon pack. “Just get your a** to his room now before they come looking for you.”

She leaves and I head to Lake’s room. When I walk in the nurse greets me. The doctors and nurses are working on him. The doctor turns to me “he was poisoned with silver just as the Alpha was.” I’m hoping the look of shock on my face is enough to make them think I’m concerned. “Who would do such a thing” I ask the doctor. “We have no idea but thankfully the amount Lake had isn’t enough to kill him.” “Thank goddess” I say but inside I want to scream. “He will be under for a while but your welcome to stay with him to stand guard.” “We will be in and out checking his vital signs.” “Thank you”, I say and they all leave the room.” I walk over and stand next to his bed. I stick my hand in my pocket feeling the vial of silver I still have. Before I can take it out and finish what we started I hear the door open. I turn back, son of a b**ch I say to myself. Of all the a**holes he has to be here checking on Lake.

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