My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 47

47 Divorce

Archer POV

My mother is going to be keeping Gabby today while we head to court. I know Sabrina is still nervous about taking her back to daycare even though I moved Lisa back to the kitchen. I know she didn’t do it on purpose but she should never have allowed Veronica to take Gabby anywhere without our permission. She understood and was very apologetic. She was afraid I was going to banish her after she heard what Veronica had done. I’m in my office gathering some papers for today and placing them in my briefcase when my phone rings. I put the phone to my ear “Alpha Archer”, I say before I hear an unfamiliar male voice. “Alpha, you don’t know me but my name is River Brady.” “I may not know you but I appreciate what you did by telling Harris about Thomas’s plans.” There’s silence and I wonder if he is still there. “River are you still there?” “Yes Alpha, I am.” “I would like to meet with you about helping your pack against Thomas and the rogues.”

“I’m not trying to sound ungrateful but why would you want to help a pack that you were banished from?” “The only one I hold responsible for that is Thomas.” “I can’t in good conscious allow Lawrence and his rogues to harm innocent women and children.” “River, can I ask you question?” “I’m sure I know what the question is but go head.” “Why did my grandfather and father banish you from the pack?” “I will explain all that when we meet.” “Can I ask one thing of you?” “Of course,” I say. “Can you make sure that your mother isn’t in our meeting.” “It seems like an odd request but that is easy enough to accommodate.” I will be asking him what that is all about when we meet. “Yes, I can make sure she isn’t there but my mate will be.” “I would expect your Luna to be present.” “Can you come to the pack this evening around five?” “Yes, I will be bringing my second in command Jeremiah.” “We look forward to meeting with you both.”

As I hang up the phone, the office door opens and Sabrina, along with my mother and Gabby come in. I scoop Gabby up in my arms. “Are you going to have fun with grandma today little one?” “Yes daddy, we are going to the play room.” I kiss her forehead before I set her on her feet. My mom takes her hand to lead her out but I stop her. “Mom, I have a meeting with that wolf River Brady tonight.” She looks a bit shocked. “What time?” “Mom, he asked that you not be there.” “Why the hell is he upset with me, Thomas and his father banished him?” “I’m not sure mom but if he is willing to help us fight the rogues and Thomas, I ask that you not attend.” “That’s fine I will stay with Gabby later too.” “Thank you for understanding mom.” “Archer just be careful that this isn’t part of some plan to hurt you or the pack.” “I will” I say before I walk over and hug her.

Sabrina POV

I’m sure that Fern isn’t happy to hear that she can’t be present for the meeting, but she is amazing as usual for understanding. I wonder why this wolf would care if she was there. “Sabrina, are you ready to go?” “As ready as I’m going to be.” We head down to the SUV and drive to the courthouse. When we pull in this time, it’s just Archer and me, but I still have that feeling of dejavu. He opens my door and we walk toward the building. Thankfully, this time we don’t see Greg on our way in. When we get inside the courtroom, Megan is sitting in the back row. Archer leads me to our seats and we wait for the others to arrive. We are about fifteen minutes early.

Ten minutes later, the doors open and Greg walks in, followed by a man that I assume is his new lawyer. They take a seat and I don’t even look in Greg’s direction. Five minutes later, the judge, a middle-aged man, comes out and takes his seat behind the bench. “Ok ladies and gentlemen, my name is Judge Carlson and I expect everyone to be on their best behavior in my courtroom” he looks at Greg when he says the last part. I smile and thank the goddess he already knows what an a**hat Greg is. “I will hear testimony from both sides regarding the dissolution of the marriage between Gregory Piper and Sabrina Piper that has been filed by Sabrina Piper.” “Since I’m old fashioned we will be having ladies first.” “Attorney Lyons you can call your first witness.”

Archer POV

“Our first witness is Megan Trent.” I watch Megan take the stand and be sworn in. I approach her “Ms. Trent can you tell the court how you know Gregory Piper?” “I was in a se*ual relationship with him for six months while he was married.” “Did Gregory tell you that he was married when he started the relationship with you?” “No, he did not and when I found out, I wanted to break things off but Greg can be very charming.” “Can you tell the court how your relationship with Greg ended?” “Greg’s wife found a message that I had sent to Greg on his phone.” “He confronted me and told me that we needed to be more careful if I wanted to keep fooling around with him.” “She’s a goddamn liar” Greg yells. “This is the only warning you will get from me Mr. Piper.” “Any further outbursts and you will find yourself sitting in the cell again”, Judge Carlson says. His lawyer tells him to sit and he listens.

“Go ahead and continue, Ms. Trent.” “I was out at the club after everything happened with Sabrina confronting Greg.” “I saw Sabrina and I approached her at the club basically rubbing it in her face that I was sleeping with her husband.” “Not one of my finer moments.” “That’s when Greg broke things off with me because I made things worse for him with Sabrina.” “One last question Ms. Trent, how did you meet Mr. Piper.” “Greg was a police officer and I work the switch board at the police station.” “I have no further questions for this witness.” After Greg’s lawyer barely asks Megan any questions, she leaves the stand. “My next witness is Sabrina Piper.” Sabrina takes the stand and I wait for her to be sworn in. Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

Sabrina POV

I take the stand and this time I don’t look in Greg’s direction. I focus on Archer. “Ms. Piper can you tell the court why you are seeking a divorce from Gregory Piper.” “I have been married to Greg for around four years.” “I really believed we were happy until I found out that he had been cheating on me.” “I thought about staying for our daughter but I knew I would never be able to forget what he had done.” “Then it turned out that he has been cheating on me the whole time we were married.” “He also slept with one of my coworkers.” “I just want this sham of a marriage over so I can get on with mine and my

daughter’s life.” I hear the door open and a man walks in with Miranda. They take a seat in the back and I look back at Archer. “I have no further questions for this witness, your honor.”

Archer sits and Greg’s lawyer comes to stand in front of me. “Mrs. Piper, isn’t true that you are currently in a relationship with your attorney.” “Objection not relevant” Archer says. “Sustained, Ms. Piper’s love life now has no bearing on what happened while she was with your client.” “Fine, I will rephrase, did you have a se*ual relationship with your attorney while you were with Mr. Piper.” “I never cheated on my husband.” “I was faithful it was him that couldn’t keep himself under control.” “I have no further questions for this witness your honor.” Greg’s lawyer takes a seat and I step down from the stand. “Is there any other evidence that either of you would like to present to the court at this time” Judge Carlson asks. “I have statements from three women that worked with Mr. Piper at the police station about his extra marital relations with them.” “I also have the transcript from the petition case where Ms. Piper’s coworker admitted on the stand to having relations with Mr. Piper.” Archer gives copies to both the judge and Greg’s lawyer. “Ok ladies and gentleman, we will take a brief recess for me to review everything and I will return with a decision.”

Archer POV

Fifteen minutes later, Judge Carlson returns to the stand. “I have reviewed everything and I have made my decision.” “Based on all the evidence that was presented and the testimony provided I see no reason not to grant Ms. Piper’s request for divorce.” “The divorce will be finalized and you can submit a proposal regarding custody of the minor.” “Until custody is determined, the minor will remain in the custody of Sabrina Piper.” I want to howl but I of course don’t. “Copies of the final divorce decree will be sent to both lawyers so that you can provide it to your client. “The court is adjourned.” The judge leaves the bench and Sabrina jumps up to hug me. “Thank you, Archer.” “No thanks is necessary love.” Greg and his lawyer rush from the courtroom like his a** is on fire. Once I have everything picked up and in my briefcase, we head toward the courtroom door. “Miranda, it’s good to see you again.” “Good to see the two of you.” “Archer and Sabrina, this is Chris.” “He is the local police chief and Greg’s old boss.”

“He wanted to meet you and I wanted to make sure justice was served so we came to watch Greg get what he deserved.” I chuckle and stick out my hand to shake Chris’s.

He shakes Sabrina’s next. “I just wanted to meet you and, as Miranda said make sure that everything went through with the divorce.” “I’m sorry for what that pr*ck did to you.” “I appreciate that but honestly, I’m just glad it’s over.” “We all our love.” “I have to get back to my own cases so you guys have a great rest of your day” Miranda says. “I’ll walk out with you because I have to head back to the station anyway.” We head downstairs and out the front door. We say goodbye again to Chris and start toward the car. I hear Greg yell Sabrina’s name and we both stop. When we turn my blood runs cold. Greg is standing there with a gun pointed at my mate. “Did you really think I was just going to let you ride off into the sunset with this ba**ard you b**ch?” “Greg, you don’t want to do this, you will go to jail for a lot longer than three days.” “You shut the f**k up, you ruined everything.” “Maybe I should just kill you and then she can suffer the rest of her f**king life without you.” He moves the gun toward me and Sabrina screams “Greg please don’t do this.” I watch his eyes and I know he has no intention of stopping. I push Sabrina behind me and I hear the shot ring out.

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