My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 37

37 Day in Court

Thomas POV

I haven’t heard from that b**ch and I’ve called her twelve times since yesterday. She was supposed to bring me that f**king human and her pup yesterday afternoon. I’m going to kill her a** the first chance I get. She had one job. I should have known that an omega is only good for one thing. A few moments later, my phone rings and Belinda’s number lights up my phone. I put the phone to my ear “finally what the f**k is going on?” “Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, such a stupid man.” “You won’t be hearing from the wh*re because she is dead just like you will be soon.” “I have a feeling that you are about to get everything you deserve you a**hole” Fern says and hangs up. This can’t be happening. How the f**k did she get caught?

Judge Miranda POV

“I’ve had the opportunity to review the petition made by Mr. Gregory Piper regarding the custody of Gabrielle Piper.” “The petition indicates that Mr. Piper has witnesses that can speak to Mrs. Piper being unfit to maintain custody of the minor.” “I will hear from both sides before I make my ruling, but I want to say this before we proceed.” “This is a very serious petition, and I am aware that Mrs. Piper has filed for divorce from your client, Attorney Lane.” “I hope that this petition is not being filed out of spite or as a tactic because your client is not in agreement with the divorce.” “I’m sure you as an attorney are aware of how serious it is to file false claims.” Attorney Charles Lane stands to address me. “My client is purely concerned for his daughter’s well-being.” “It is true that my client does not want the divorce from Mrs. Piper, however, his main priority right now is his daughter.” I nod and Attorney Lane sits back down. “We will start with you Attorney Lane, call your first witness.” “Our first witness is Melissa Nolan.”

I watch as the witness takes the stand, and she is sworn in. She takes her seat and Attorney Lane approaches. “Ms. Nolan can you please tell us how you know Mrs. Piper.” “Sabrina and I worked together as nurses at the hospital for about a year.” “Can you tell me how you know Mr. Piper?” “I met Greg when he came to see Sabrina at the hospital.” I hear the door open to the courtroom and four women take a seat in the back. I look back to the witness and notice she looks nervous by their presence. “Ms. Nolan, can you tell me what you saw the day you went to speak to Mrs. Piper at Attorney Lyons property.” “I went to see her and the place she was staying was like a compound.” “There were guards at the gate and when I was taken inside there was people everywhere.” “I was taken to an office where her lawyer, Willow Lyons, and some other man were talking.” “They refused to let me see Sabrina and they made me reject the man I didn’t know.” “Can you explain what you mean Ms. Nolan.” “They were all acting weird and the man asked my full name.” “When I told him he said some stuff about rejecting me and Willow Lyons told me to repeat back the rejection or I would be in trouble” she says pointing at Attorney Lyons. “It was like a cult your honor.” Attorney Lane turns back toward me. “That’s all I have your honor for this witness.”

“Attorney Lyons you may cross examine the witness.” Archer comes off around the table and walks toward the witness. “Ms. Nolan so the only time you met Mr. Piper was at the hospital.” “Before you answer I will remind you that you are under oath, and I will be calling other witnesses about your relationship to Mr. Piper.” Now I’m intrigued and I wait for her to answer. “I did visit Mr. Piper at his home once after he seemed so distraught over Sabrina.” “What happened during that meeting?” “I don’t see how that question has anything to do with poor Gabby’s well-being.” “You will answer the question Ms. Nolan.” She takes a deep breath “Greg and I were intimate that one time.” “It was a mistake and we both regretted it after.”

Archer POV

“So, you slept with Gregory Piper and now you’re here testifying for him.” “Objection” Charles says and I say “withdrawn.” “The day you came to my property to see my client, what did you come for?” She

fidgets in her seat. “I just wanted to talk to Sabrina.” “Talk to Sabrina about what?” “I was upset, I had gotten fired and everyone hated me because of her.” “So, you were angry with my client after you slept with her husband and people were mad at you.” “Objection” Charles says again. “Sustained, answer the question Ms. Nolan.” “Yes, I was upset and I came to talk to her but that has nothing to do with why I’m here.” “So, when you were on the property did you see anything illegal happening or dangerous?” “You were all acting weird.” “That was not my question, did you see anything illegal or dangerous happening?” “Answer the question Ms. Nolan” the judge directs. “No, I did not.” “Did you even see Gabrielle Piper that day to know she was in any danger?” “No, I did not.” “I’m done with this witness your honor.”

I take my seat and wait for Sabrina’s mother to take the stand. I still can’t believe that she is going to do this to Sabrina. “Attorney Lane call your next witness.” “We call Lilth Ascot to the stand.” I notice that Melissa doesn’t sit back down but leaves the courtroom immediately passing Tracey, Willow, Liz, and another nurse they worked with. She keeps her head down. I turn and watch Lilth walk to the stand being sworn in and my heart breaks for my mate. What kind of mother does this to her own pup? I look at Sabrina out of the corner of my eye and I see the hurt on her face. If we were any place else, I would pull her into my arms but of course I can’t do that right now. She has stayed composed throughout this whole ordeal, she is really amazing.

Sabrina POV

I watch the woman that should be sitting on my side take the stand. Once she is sworn in, she looks in my direction, but I look away. She is no longer my mother. “Mrs. Ascot can you tell the court your relationship to both Sabrina and Gregory Piper” the attorney says. “Sabrina is my daughter and Greg is my son-in-law.” “Can you tell me why your here today?” “I want my granddaughter safe.” “Who do you think your granddaughter should be living with?” “Right now, my son-in-law Greg.” “Can you tell me why that is Mrs. Ascot?” “Sabrina is not thinking clearly about her daughter’s needs.” “She is only thinking about that man there” she says as she points at Archer. Now that just pisses me off. “Her attorney Mrs.

Ascott, is that who you are pointing at?” “Yes, he has led her away from her family and now he is putting my granddaughter in jeopardy.” “Thank you, Mrs. Ascott I have no further questions.”

I watch Archer approach my mother. I don’t know how he is staying calm because I want to punch her in the face. “Mrs. Ascot are you aware of Greg’s extra marital activities?” “Yes I am and people make mistakes that doesn’t give you the right to take my daughter away from her husband.” Mrs. Ascot stay to the questions the attorney is asking” the judge says.” “You don’t throw a marriage away over a mistake.” “This trial isn’t about your daughter’s marriage it’s about your granddaughter safety Mrs. Ascot.” I smile at how smart Archer is. “Exactly my granddaughter needs her parents together.” “Many people go through divorce, Mrs. Ascot it does not put a child in jeopardy as you have said.” “What safety concern do you have with Sabrina’s care of your granddaughter?” “She is staying with you and not her child’s father.” “Why would I pose a risk to your granddaughter?” “What are you basing that opinion on?” “You are not her father, this is ridiculous judge” my mother says turning to the judge. “I have no further questions for this witness your honor.” Archer comes and sits back down next to me. My mother looks like she could spit nails and I smile.

“Attorney Lane, do you have any other witnesses?” “No, your honor.” “Your client does not wish to speak to why he filed the petition against Mrs. Piper for custody.” “No, your honor” the attorney says. He is such a coward. “Attorney Lyons you can call your first witness.” “I call Sabrina Piper.” I walk to the stand. Once I’m sworn in, I have a seat. I look toward Greg and he smiles at me. I want to puke just seeing him. I turn and focus on Archer. When Archer finishes questioning me about all the things I do for my daughter and how happy she is in her new daycare, he takes a seat. Greg’s attorney walks toward me. “Mrs. Piper, can you tell me what your relationship is with Archer Lyons.” “Of course, he is my attorney.” “Mrs. Piper, I will remind you that you are under oath.” “Are you in a s****l relationship with Archer Lyons.” I smile “absolutely not.” “So, you haven’t had s*x with him?” “Attorney Lane she has answered the question, move on now.” “Can you tell the court why you are staying on Archer Lyons property if you have no relationship with him.” “Archer Lyons and Willow Lyons have taken me in after everything my husband has done to me.” “After my husband threatened me in our home when I tried to

get my belongings after he cheated multiple times Archer Lyons offered me a safe place for my daughter and I to stay.” “My father is actually staying there too and I’m sure he can speak to how happy and safe my daughter is” I point to my father. The attorney turns back and my father waves at him. “I have no further questions for this witness your honor.” After I step off the stand and walk toward my seat, I say one last prayer to the goddess that the judge sees what bullsh*t this whole situation is. My father takes the stand and he can’t praise me or Archer enough. “I have listened to the witnesses and I will take a five-minute recess to review the petition before I deliver my final ruling.” The judge gets up and leaves the courtroom and Archer turns to me. “Have faith love” he whispers in my ear. I can’t wait till we leave this place so he can wrap me in his arms. Five minutes later the judge returns and takes her seat behind the bench. I hold my breath waiting for her ruling.

Judge Miranda POV Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

“I have had an opportunity to review the petition that was made by Mr. Gregory Piper regarding his daughter Gabrielle Piper’s well being.” “The petition indicates that Mr. Gregory Piper has witness’s that will provide testimony that Mrs. Sabrina Piper is unfit to maintain her custody of Gabrielle Piper.” I look toward Gregory and his attorney Charles James. “Attorney James this is a very serious petition.

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