My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 103

Gabriella POV

When Lake pushes me behind him, I wait for whoever is in the trees to step out on his command. Monica scents the air before she looks at me like she just realized who it is. She steps around Atticus and, despite him yelling, she runs into the trees. We follow her and I’m horrified at the sight before us. I rush over to Monica holding a blood-covered Cynthia. Both our mates growl and begin to look around, smelling the air. “I can smell rogue on her” Monica says as she looks at me. I watch Lake link the warriors to search the pack territory for any sign of the rogues that did this. “We need to get her to the pack hospital now.” Atticus bends lifting her and we rush back toward the hospital. As soon as we’re inside, the doctor rushes her to the back. Lake wraps his arm around me as we take a seat. Atticus starts to walk toward the doors leading outside while Monica sits next to us. “Atticus, where are you going?” “I’m going to find the man who should know what happened to his mate.” He is gone without another word. I turn to Monica for an explanation.

“Last night, after everything happened with Tabby and Derrick, we were going to leave.” “We were going to take Derrick back to the Silver Moon until we were going to attack Kenneth.” “Derrick didn’t want to upset Tabby by being here.” “I had been speaking with Cynthia and she walked into the room with me where Atticus and Derrick were waiting.” “The minute we walked in they realized they were mates.” A million things go through my mind about how we could have gotten here. Monica brings me out of my thoughts. “When Derrick didn’t run to her, I think Cynthia thought he was like Conrad.” “She thought that he was going to reject her.” “She took off and we looked for her but I figured she just needed time to run.” “That she would come back and talk to him.” “She would realize that he was afraid and had no intention of rejecting her after they talked.” I can see the guilt written all over her face. “Monica” I say and she looks in my face. “I should have looked for her and made sure that she was alright.” “I thought she just needed to sleep on it.” “Don’t do that you had no way to know that she

would be attacked inside the territory.” I say a prayer to the goddess to help Cynthia as Monica and I sit in silence. Lake k!sses my temple as he holds me close.

A few minutes later, the door flies open. A very angry-looking Derrick, followed by Atticus, rushes in. He looks like he is ready to shift. I stand “Derrick calm down.” He looks in my eyes and I can tell his wolf is at the surface.” “Calm down” I give Alpha command and he takes a few deep breaths. “I’m sorry, Alpha, how is she.” “No apology is necessary but you are no good to her if you go feral.” He nods and we take a seat. “We haven’t heard anything from the doctor yet.” “Derrick, Monica told me about your first meeting with Cynthia.” He drops his head and my heart breaks for him. “I shouldn’t have been such a coward and we wouldn’t be sitting here right now.” “My mate would be safe” he says. I put my hand on his. “Have faith the goddess won’t take your second chance.” “Thank you for your kind words, Alpha.” “I just hope you’re right.” The door opens and the doctor comes out. Everyone stands and the doctor looks at all of us with sympathy on his face. “How is she?” “Alphas, may I speak to you both alone?” I hear a growl from behind me. “Doctor what’s going on?” “Cynthia is stable but there are things I need to discuss in private.” “She is my mate” Derrick says with anger in his voice.

The doctor looks past me at Derrick. “I’m sorry but she has no mark and I have to protect my patient.” I turn to Derrick “I know your upset and scared, but the doctor is right.” “You can talk to her when she is ready.” I can see he wants to argue but I’m sure he realizes that now is not the time. Lake and I follow the doctor into an empty room. “Where is Cynthia?” “Alpha, I don’t really want to speak in front of her.” “Her vital signs are stable but I have her in a medication induced coma so her wolf can heal her.” “I don’t want for her to hear what she already had to endure.” I feel a pit form in my stomach. My mind is running wild with different scenarios. Lake slides his hand into mine. “What happened” Lake says. “Besides the wounds that are significant on her body, it appears that she was violated by whoever did this. I squeeze his hand and I feel sick to my stomach. Lake growls and I can feel Razor. “How long will she need to be kept in the coma” I ask the doctor. “At least for the next twenty-four hours.” “Then we can see how she is healing to make the decision to wake her up or not.” “I’ll take you to her room now.”

We leave the room following the doctor and we are silent. I can’t believe this happened while she was in the pack lands. He leads us inside and she is hooked up to a lot of different machines. The steady beeping lets us know her heartbeat is strong, but I can only imagine what is happening in her mind. Lake pulls a chair over and I take a seat next to her bed. I take her hand in mine. “Cynthia, I don’t know if you will remember this or not but I’m going to say it anyway.” “I’m sorry I failed to protect you from this.” “It was my job as your Alpha to make sure you were safe and I didn’t.” “I will carry this with me for the rest of my life and I swear I will do everything in my power to make sure whoever did this to you wishes for death.” I can feel the tears falling on my arms as I tell her how sorry I am. Lake stays silent even though I can feel he wants to say something about what I just said. He puts his hands on my shoulders and we just stay there listening to the beeping. A few seconds later, the door flies open and a very upset looking Serina rushes inside.

Serina POV

I’m lying on the couch just trying to get some rest before we go after those ba**ards who did this to Tabby and Johnathon. I can’t manage to fall asleep with everything that happened playing on my mind. I can’t imagine how scared Tabby must be. She is so strong and I hate the fact that they are trying to break her. “We won’t let that happen Serina” Ruby says. I smile, I love my wolf. I close my eyes and an overwhelming feeling of dread rushes over me. I sit up and Tabby looks over at me. “What’s wrong” she says with concern written all over her face. She has enough going on and I don’t even know why I feel this way. “I’m fine I just need to go see Gabby for a minute.” “Will you be ok” I ask and shoots me a look like I’m crazy. I raise my hands in surrender. “I’ll be right back.” She lays her head back on Johnathon’s chest and I head out of the room.

I walk toward the lobby and Atticus, Monica, and Derrick are all waiting. I head right for them. “What is going on?” Monica looks up at me and I can see she has been crying. “Where is Gabby?” She stands and I feel like my heart is about to pound out of my chest. “It’s not Gabby.” “Cynthia was attacked by a rogue.” “Where is she?” “I don’t know what room she is in.” “Gabby and Lake are with her right now.” I

notice that Derrick looks unsettled. “He is her mate” Monica whispers to me. I turn back walking toward the nurse’s station because I can’t even process that right now. The nurse looks up at me “take me to Cynthia’s room now.” She doesn’t say a word but walks me down the hall. She points to the door and I rush inside. Gabby is sitting next to her bed with Lake standing behind her. I walk over and stand next to the opposite side of her bed. I take my hand, placing it on her chest, not even waiting for Ruby to tell me what to do. I close my eyes and I feel Ruby push forward. Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

The feeling of heat rushes through my body and passes through my hand. I open my eyes and put my hand back at my side. I watch as the wounds we can see start to close before our eyes. Even her heart rate seems to slow as the healing takes effect. “Thank you, Serina”, Gabby says to me but there is something about the way she looks that doesn’t sit right with me. “Gabby, what happened to her?” “She was attacked by a rogue in the pack lands.” “I know that, what else happened to her.” I can see she doesn’t want to tell me. “Gabby I’m not a little girl anymore and she is my pack member too.” Her face falls and I hate to see my sister so broken. “He violated her” she links me. I can feel Ruby’s anger and my own swirling inside me. It is almost overwhelming. Gabby rushes over and wraps me in a hug. “How could someone do this?” “I don’t know, but whoever did it is going to pay with their life.”

A few minutes later, the doctor comes in. He looks surprised to see me but he heads over to check on Cynthia. Lake steps outside while he checks her over. As he starts to check her wounds, he looks confused. “Serina and Ruby healed her.” He smiles “I’m going to start to back off the medicine and see how she does since most of her visible wounds are healed.” We nod and he heads over to the IV pump to make changes before he walks out of the room. We both take a seat at the side of her bed waiting for her to wake up.

Kenneth POV

A knock sounds on my office door “come in.” Maurice walks in with a huge smile on his face. “What are you so happy about?” “I found out where Derrick went.” I wait for him to finish. “You were right to worry

about him.” “He ran right to the Silver Moon pack.” I growl “that fvcking traitor.” “Well, it’s no matter our business is over here.” “Archer’s daughter is dead and he is suffering.” “Are you sure about that” Maurice says and his question pisses me off. I walk over and slam him against the wall. “I watched her die so yes I’m sure about that.” “Well, I have information that says she is still alive.” “You better spit it out before I snap your fvcking neck.” “I followed Derrick to the Scarlett Rose and hid just outside the border.” “A she-wolf came close to the border and I was able to capture her for questioning.” “After I found out all I could I gave her a message to give to Derrick.”

I grab him by his throat. “Did I order any of that.” “No, but I thought as your second in command I could make the decision myself.” “That was your first mistake, thinking.” “I never made you second in command and I sure as hell didn’t tell you to send those a**holes a message.” I start to squeeze. “I’m sorry Kenneth, I was just trying to let Derrick know he was dead for betraying us.” “It’s not like they are going to protect him, he’s a rogue.” I roll my eyes. “Now tell me what makes you think that human b**ch is alive.” “The she-wolf told me that Alpha Gabriella and Lake would kill me for what I had done.” “What exactly did you do to this she-wolf?” I wait for his answer. “I just roughed her up so I could get answers.” “That better be all you did to her.” “What kind of monster do you think I am Kenneth.” I drop him to the floor. “I guess our work here isn’t done.”

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