Mr. President’s

Mr. President’s 17

Chapter 17

“Mr Legend, I would like to have a word with you,” Mercedes said to Nathan, who was about to step out of his office. Nathan halted, wondering about what could make her want to speak with him.

“Miss Winters, are you still here?He asked. He thought Mercedes had already left.

Fortunately yes,” she forced a smile but Nathan could sense there was something amidst. She looked disturbed. He ambled close to her. Are you alright?He asked with genuine concern.

“I need a loan,” she said directly. Nathan was slightly troubled about how straightforward she was. He already knew about her brother’s condition but with $80,000 in two days, he wasn’t expecting this. He sat on the sofa and tapped the other side, “sit.”

She sat amenably. “How much and for what?” He asked cooly. He only hoped his suspicion wasn’t right and that Mercedes hadn’t woven her way into his life to her advantage as Lanre had said.

“I need a loan of $120,000 for my brother’s bone marrow transplant,” she said impatiently. He could see that she was trying to hold back tears. For a transplant, then that made sense. It means they’ve gotten a donor. That was good news because if her brother was fine, she would also have the peace of mind he wanted for her.

“And how do you intend to pay back?” Nathan draped his sympathy for her and asked. He knew the transplant would be more than that but guessed she was going to use the money she made to top up.

“In monthly instalments,” her tone was laced with confidence and honesty. Nathan had no intention of taking advantage of her in a situation like this but how else could he get what he wanted? His initial plan was a slow burner but this one made it all easy and faster for him.

“Come on, Mercedes, you having a sick brother means your monthly salary is already cut and not enough for your daily upkeep. You can’t probably pay me from there,” he retorted, then added. “In business, you have to cut out losses. There’s no guarantee that you can pay back that amount.” He was testing her and she fell for it. As they say, desperate situations require desperate measures. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’ll do anything. Clean your house, cook for you, wash your clothes, anything.” Before Nathan realized it, she was already kneeling before him with tear–filled eyes. She had another option. The sharks. They can even loan her the money within 24 hours but the interest was outrageous and they would never give a long term payment plan. Also, she was already bound to work for Nathan for the rest of her life so she indeed had a lifetime to pay him back, which made Nathan the best choice for her.

Nathan was honestly concerned for her. A young woman burdened with such great responsibilities at twenty–three was quite impeccable. He could have made a direct proposal but Mercedes had a sharp tongue and he had already had a taste of it which he wasn’t ready to savour anymore because he valued his self–respect. Therefore, this was his best shot. “You forgot one important detail,” Nathan smirked, making Mercedes uneasy.

“What is that?” Mercedes swallowed and asked.

“Sit down,” he ordered. He didn’t like her kneeling like that. She was priceless to him. She was the only woman who settled the confusion about his sexuality, that he wasn’t asexual. The only woman whose presence ignited the fire that no other woman has ever stirred in his life. Sadly, Mercedes had no idea of the effect she had on him. If she did, she could have just wrapped him around her fingers to get what she wanted. She lifted her knees from the floor and sat beside him. Nathan pointed to the bill on the wall.

“The $1 bill?” She asked, confusion clouding her.

“Yes,” bitterness laced his tone. Mercedes still couldn’t understand what he was inkling at.

“What about it?” She asked innocently. Nathan stood from the sofa and strolled across the office while he spoke. His glare remained on the bill on the wall. Mercedes might never realize how deep her words wounded him.

In a bitter tone, he recalled, “you graded my performance to be below average remember?” Mercedes shifted uncomfortably on the sofa, remorse washing her while Nathan continued, “give me the chance to redeem myself then,” he ended, while he strolled back and lowered himself beside her on the sofa, his gaze burning into hers.

Mercedes was realizing what her sharp tongue has caused her. Perhaps, Nathan wouldn’t have given any conditions if she hadn’t embarrassed him. “I was just joking,” she let out, her fingers intertwined nervously.

Nathan glared indifferently and said, “but I didn’t see it that way.”

Mercedes knew there was no turning back. Nathan was going to get revenge. “No option two?” She asked with a hopeful glint.

Nathan sighed and crossed his slender legs, his arms folded to his chest as he leaned his back on the sofa. “Let’s have it this way. I’ll take care of all

your family’s expenses. Secondly, I’ll buy you a three–bedroom house in a secured location, and buy you a brand new car in exchange for a week together,” he laid his cards on the table. Mercedes was tight–lipped. After a long pause, she asked,

“A week? What about work?


3:11 PM

Chapter 17

Nathan chuckled. “What if I told you it was a business trip and we get to travel the world together with the condition that you give me all of you?” He asked, he didn’t try to touch her or anything. Then he reinforced solemnly, “you will hold nothing back.” Ever since they began to work together, he has resisted the urge to touch her again, no matter how he yearned for her.

For a week?His words were sinking in and she needed to be certain that she heard him correctly.

For a week,” he confirmed, then he asked? “So what do you say? You want to think about it?” Mercedes didn’t have time. She needed the money asap. After all, they had done it before and besides, it was better with Nathan than the sharks. If her body will save her brother’s life, then why not?

No, I’ll do it.” She voiced eagerly. The corners of Nathan’s lips curled before she added, “the payment needs to be made fast.

Don’t worry about that. See you around Merce,” Nathan said and lifted himself from the sofa.

Mercedes realized he hadn’t taken any details about her brother from her. “Wait. You don’t have any information. The hospital,”

“Everything will be sorted out first thing in the morning,Nathan said before she finished her sentence. His words were powerful so she believed him.

Mercedes drove home, quite nervous about the arrangement she just made. She sold her body for one week. Not holding anything back meant he could do anything he wanted with her. Her first time was painful but now she knew Nathan and he was protective of her. Perhaps it won’t be as bad as the last time.

Griffin was pacing here and there when Mercedes entered the room. “The heck Merce, you got me worried,” he almost screamed.

“Why?” Mercedes wasn’t in a good mood and didn’t hide it this time.

“I kept calling but no answer,” he explained.

“I’m sorry. I turned the phone to silent mode when I wanted to discuss something with my boss,” she apologized casually.

Griffin was a bit relaxed, “Your mum called.”

“She called me too. Don’t worry about it,” Mercedes cut him off, and sank into the sofa. She wasn’t surprised that her mum called Griffin. Their friendship was known to both families and her mother had even joked before that the two were perfect for each other.

“Sorry to disappoint you but I’m worried. I already arranged to take a loan from the sharks,” he revealed Mercedes’s stun.

“Don’t. I already made arrangements,” she disclosed, sending Griffin’s mind into reverse. He wanted to do something for her for once. He wanted to take her worries and make them his but Mercedes didn’t give him a chance. She already took care of everything, just as she always did.

“Please Merce, let me help. At least for all the kindness, you’ve shown me,” he sat beside her and said.

“How will you pay them back?” Mercedes asked him.

“They are giving us six months. We will figure it out then. Besides, I have a second interview with the first company. I’m hopeful this time,” he assured her but Mercedes wasn’t going to rely on a mirage. She knew she wouldn’t be able to pay back the sharks within six months so she confessed, “look, I got the money for free so it’s fine.”

Griffin opened his mouth to speak, then clamped it shut, then opened it again. “There’s nothing like free money. There’s always a price to pay.”

“Well, it’s nothing I can’t pay for,” she casually said. She was getting comfortable with Nathan yet she knew it was wrong to do it with him again since he was her boss. Well, it’s just for a week, right? As soon as they return, things will be back to normal.

Griffin was even more disturbed. He only hoped it wasn’t what he was thinking. “Where did you get it?

From my boss,” she said truthfully. It wasn’t in her nature to lie to Griffin. They were too close for that but Griffin wasn’t taking the information calmly. He knew there was more to it.

“And what does he want in return?” He asked a bit too solemnly, it made Mercedes uneasy.

“A week together,” she let out and stood from the sofa. Griffin’s attitude tonight was making her uneasy. She knew he was going to explode. These were some of the things that made her think he loved her. Yes, he did, but it wasn’t in the way she wanted.

“Damn it, Mercedes,” he yelled. “I knew it. That son of bitch is gonna mess with you and I won’t allow it. I’m taking the money from the sharks and you are going nowhere.” His voice carried a possessiveness that got her confused but the matter was already resolved. Nathan was better than the sharks and who doesn’t want free money, even if it comes with a little price?

“Enough Griff, I’ve already made my decision.” She passed Griffin and was about to enter her room when he gripped her by the arm. His breath was heavy and his face so dark, Mercedes feared a little. “You sell your body like a prostitute?


3:11 PM

Chapter 17

He asked in a deep, calm tone but it pierced Mercedes like a knife. Griffin had always protected her. That was why she remained a virgin till that stupid dare. Now she was going to do the very thing he protected her from. The very reason why she developed thorns through her sharp tongue.

He couldn’t allow it.

I gave it for free the first time. At least I saved a life with it this time. Besides, he’s buying us a new house and a new car. You can use this one for all your interviews and we get to live in a safe location like we always wanted. It isn’t as bad as you think,” Mercedes calmly explained.

“He’s just using you,Griffin said directly.

“No, we are using each other. After all, I have nothing to lose,” Mercedes hurtled.

His grip on her loosened a little. “I’ve seen this before Mercedes, he’s gonna hurt you real bad,” his voice was pained. Then he said, “you’re gonna fall for him and your heart will be shattered” he let go of her arm.

Don’t worry about that. He isn’t my type. Good night, Griff,” she chuckled and went into her room. The one she loved was standing before her, begging her to not do it. If he loved her the way she did, she would have obeyed him but what did she have to lose?

“Good night Merce,” he said after her. Griffin couldn’t sleep. He cried through the night. For the first time, he rejected all Penelope’s calls. Mercedes was sacrificing too much and he had to do something too. He was too sure that Mercedes would get hurt and he had to save her.

However, going against a man like Nathan Legend wasn’t going to be easy. There was hardly anything about his personal life in the media. It wasn’t because he was clean but the media was just too afraid to report. Nathan was not the angel Mercedes thought he was but how could he prove it to her?

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